Here is the current listing of non-regularly scheduled Latin Masses to occur in the Archdiocese of Toronto that are known to me via friends and/or social media. This is for September to December 2014.
No offerings occurred in this time period, save perhaps those affiliated with the Oratorians.
Tuesday, October 7 - Feast of our Lady of the Rosary & Commemoration of the Battle of Lepanto
Toronto Traditional Mass Society
- When? Tuesday, October 7, 2014
- What time? Rosary at 6:30pm EST, Mass at 7pm EST
- Where: St. Cecilia's Cathoic Church
- Location: 161 Annette St. Toronto, ON
- Level of Mass: Solemn (Missa Solemnis)
- Parish Website:
- Parish Contact Info: (416)769-8163
- TTMS contact info:
- Facebook for TTMS:
- Bulletin insert: Coming soon?
- Poster:

Sunday, October 26, 2014 - Feast of Christ the King
St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir (CONFIRMED as of the eve of Oct 22, 2014)
- When: Sunday October 26, 2014
- Location? St, Pius X Catholic Church
- Address? 2305 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON
- Start time? 330pm
- Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
- Primary Contact/Inquiries: 416 731 4485.
- Parish Websites:
- Facebook event page: Not Applicable
November 2014
Saturday November 1, 2014 - Solemnity of All Saints
Toronto Traditional Mass Society
- When? Saturday November 1, 2014
- What time? 11:00 AM EST,
- Where: St. Issac Jogues Catholic Church
- Location: 1166 Finch Ave, Pickering, ON
- Level of Mass: High Mass (Missa Cantata)
- Parish Website:
- Parish Contact Info: 905-839-1844
- TTMS contact info:
- Facebook for TTMS:
- Bulletin insert:
- Poster:
*** Monday, November 3, 2014 - Solemnity of All Souls
Toronto Traditional Mass Society
- When? Monday, November 3, 2014
- What time? 7pm EST
- Where: St. Pius X Catholic Church (Archdiocesan)
- Location: 2305 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON
- Level of Mass: Sung Requiem Mass (A high mass with one priest, at the level of a Missa Cantata, though a requiem Mass)
- Parish Websites:
- Parish Contact Info: 416.767.1859
- TTMS contact info:
- Facebook for TTMS:
- Bulletin insert: Not available online. However paper copies are inserted into the bulletin at the Church advertising the Mass.
- Poster:
*** Due to November 2 occurring on a Sunday, and being a lower class solemnity, the liturgy for All Souls becomes abrogated to the following day (Monday) after the Sunday. Also the black vestments required for this liturgy are not to be worn on Sundays anyways.
December 2014

Front Page Nov 30, 2014
Nov 30, 2014. Advertisement is in upper right corner.
Saturday December 6, 2014 (NOVUS ORDO) - Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO,
- Location: St. James Roman Catholic Church
- Address: 728 Annette St., Toronto, Ontario, CANGoogle Maps:
- Time: 5:00 p.m. EST
- Contact info: 416 767 6451 or
- Bulletin Advertisment/Online (Archdiocese of Toronto News and Events):
" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at or call 416-767-6451."
Monday, December 8, 2014 - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Toronto, ON, with the Assistance of St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir
When: Monday December 8, 2014
Location? St, Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Address? 72 Mansfield Ave. Toronto, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
Primary Contact/Inquiries for Choir: 416 731 4485.
Parish Website:
Parish Contact/Information: 416 536 8195.
Facebook event page:
Bulletin insert: [please see Nov 16, 23, OR 30 Bulletin for insert online.]

Front Page Nov 30, 2014
Nov 30, 2014. Advertisement is in upper right corner.
Also see the Archdiocese of Toronto website News and Events page under December 8, here:
2. St. Joseph's Streetsville, Mississauga, ON, Possibly with the Toronto Traditional Mass Society???
When: Monday December 8, 2014
Location? St, Joseph's Catholic Church
Address? 5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer???: Toronto Traditional Mass Society???Primary Contact/Inquiries for TTMS:
Parish Website:
Parish Contact/Information: 905 826 2766 or
Facebook event page: N/A
Bulletin Announcement: (Select any of the ones for mid-end of November, 2014)
3. Oratorians of St. Phillip Neri, Toronto, ON
When: Monday December 8, 2014
Location? Holy Family Catholic Church,
Address? 1372 King Street West, Toronto, ON
Start time? 6:00 pm
Parish Website: Contact/Information: 416 532 2879
Facebook event page: N/A
Poster: N/A
Bulletin Annoucements: (See Nov 30, 2014.)
Updated: December 03, 2014