NEW UPDATES!!!!!!Now Covering All of Ontario for Christmas and Jan 1 (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God).
See Here:
Pax, Julian.
Blog started by a Solemn Latin Mass altar server who does EF/TLMs in the Archdiocese of Toronto under lay- initiative organizations. Also, now apparently, a Catholic Apolgist to some.
Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!
- Sources of Information for Special Offerings Latin Mass Listings
- The Liguorian Reflection Series on Many Ascetical Works
- About
- Contact Information
- Servimus Unum Deum - Latin Mass Serving Group
- LONG TERM PROJECT: Vatican II Reading and Countering with the Actual Documents, AND YOU CAN HELP!!!
- Known Latin Mass Listings in the Archdiocese of Toronto and External Dioceses in Ontario
- Apologetics Pages/Postings here on Servimus
St. James Catholic Church 1st Saturday Vigil Latin Novus Ordo Masses Have Resumed!!!!!
St. James Catholic Church 1st Saturday Vigil Latin Novus Ordo Masses ..... ? (to be determined upon inquiry).
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Monday, 22 December 2014
Deep, Spiritual Food for Thought, Thanks to Abbey Roads Blog
Hello Everyone,
Just wow on this one, courtesy of the Abbey Roads blog of Terry Nelson, and further credit to pre-Vatican II French Theologian Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange. O.P. (Dominican):
Big mistake...
A big fat hat tip to you, Terry Nelson. Man I did not know you can get into some deep spiritual muck with all this. This is clearly one for all of us blogging online.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Just wow on this one, courtesy of the Abbey Roads blog of Terry Nelson, and further credit to pre-Vatican II French Theologian Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange. O.P. (Dominican):
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Problems in the blogosphere some spiritual persons miss ...
Big mistake...
Among the causes of tepidity in retarded souls, the tendency to derision should be particularly noted. St. Thomas speaks of the derider when he discusses the vices opposed to justice: insult, detraction, murmuring against the reputation of our neighbor. He points out that to deride or to ridicule someone, is to show that we do not esteem him; and derision, says the saint, may become a mortal sin if it affects persons or things that deserve high esteem. It is a grievous sin to ridicule the things of God, or our parents, or superiors, or good persons who lead a virtuous life. Derision may even become very grievous by reason of its consequences, for it may turn weak souls forever away from the practice of good. Job replied to his friends: "He that is mocked by his friends as I, shall call upon God; and He will hear him. For the simplicity of the just man is laughed to scorn." But it is also said of deriders: "He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them." The terrible irony of heaven will chastise that of earth.
The derider is himself a retarded soul, holding others back and becoming, often without being aware of it, the instrument of the spirit of evil. His cast of soul, which is the direct opposite of evangelical simplicity, is the one most opposed to supernatural contemplation. The derider, who wishes "to play the rogue," ridicules the just man who tends truly to perfection; he emphasizes the latter's defects and depreciates his good qualities. Why is this? Because he feels that he himself has little virtue, and he is unwilling to admit his inferiority. Then, out of spite, he lessens the real and fundamental value of his neighbor and the necessity of virtue itself. He may greatly harm weak souls which he intimidates, and, while working his own ruin, he may labor at their perdition. - Three Ages of the Interior Life; Part II, Ch 37
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Monday, 15 December 2014
Latin Masses for Christmas 2014 and January 1, 2015 in Ontario
UPDATE Dec 24, 2014
I have decided to expand my listings to the whole of Ontario for the Latin Mass. I was sent information about another listing in another diocese, and the Toronto Traditional Mass Society has released a more detailed list of offerings (credit to them), therefore this list is now expanded.
Pax, and a Blessed and Merry Christmas to you, and a Happy New Year.
Due to the fact that Christmas is one of the most well-attended liturgical days in the calendar, and an important MANDATORY ATTENDANCE/OBLIGATION DAY TO GO TO MASS!!!! I have also included Masses outside the GTA. Normally I focus on the core of the Archdiocese, but including the outskirts will give more available Mass choices for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Might I also add that January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, IS ALSO MANDATORY ATTENDANCE/OBLIGATION DAY TO GO TO MASS!!!!
The offerings are divided into 1) The ``Core`` offerings which consist of those in the Greater Toronto Area, or are part of Latin Mass churches that do not need a couple hours driving time to get to, and
2) Outskirt offerings, which require more driving time by car to get to, and are NOT part of the municipal boundaries that is the Greater Toronto Area, but are part of the Archdiocese of Toronto`s boundaries that are much different from municipal ones, and 3) Offerings in other parts of Ontario, NOT in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
December 24th:
December 31:
St. Vincent De Paul Parish, 263 Roncesvalle Ave, Toronto, ON
December 25th:
December 24th:
One more note. just because these parishes are not offering Christmas Day or New Years Day masses in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, or Masses not at the level you want them to, or in large quantities, that does not mean you skip them entirely on such days. I highly encourage you to go to these parishes that host the Latin Masses on Christmas or New Years and drop a big fat wad of cash in the collection plates. Why? Because while it won't be for the specific purposes, remember:
I have decided to expand my listings to the whole of Ontario for the Latin Mass. I was sent information about another listing in another diocese, and the Toronto Traditional Mass Society has released a more detailed list of offerings (credit to them), therefore this list is now expanded.
Pax, and a Blessed and Merry Christmas to you, and a Happy New Year.
Due to the fact that Christmas is one of the most well-attended liturgical days in the calendar, and an important MANDATORY ATTENDANCE/OBLIGATION DAY TO GO TO MASS!!!! I have also included Masses outside the GTA. Normally I focus on the core of the Archdiocese, but including the outskirts will give more available Mass choices for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Might I also add that January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, IS ALSO MANDATORY ATTENDANCE/OBLIGATION DAY TO GO TO MASS!!!!
The offerings are divided into 1) The ``Core`` offerings which consist of those in the Greater Toronto Area, or are part of Latin Mass churches that do not need a couple hours driving time to get to, and
2) Outskirt offerings, which require more driving time by car to get to, and are NOT part of the municipal boundaries that is the Greater Toronto Area, but are part of the Archdiocese of Toronto`s boundaries that are much different from municipal ones, and 3) Offerings in other parts of Ontario, NOT in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
"Core" of the Archdiocese of Toronto
Holy Fanily Church, 1372 King St. West, Toronto, ON
December 24th:
- Extra Confessions 7:00-8:00pm EST
- Solemn EF/Latin Mass for Nativity of Our Lord (First Mass at Midnight)- Midnight Mass
December 25th:
- Solemn EF/Latin Mass for Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass: During the Daytime) - 11:00am
December 31:
- Extra Confessions 4:00 - 5:00 pm
- Extra Confessions 10:00 - 11:00 pm
- Solemn EF/Latin Mass for Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
St. Vincent De Paul Parish, 263 Roncesvalle Ave, Toronto, ON
December 25th:
- EF/Latin Low Mass for Nativity of Our Lord - 9:30am
St. Lawrence the Martyr
2210 Lawrence Avenue East, Scarborough, ON (Near Lawrence Ave. E. & Kennedy Road)
December 25th:
December 25th:
- Missa Lecta/Low Mass WITH MUSIC for Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass: During the Day) - 1pm EST
January 1, 2015:
- Missa Lecta/Low Mass for Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - 1pm EST
St. Issac Jogues
1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering, ON
- No Christmas or New Year's offerings in the Extraordinary Form. If interested in any Novus Ordo offerings, please see here:
- However, there will be the regularly scheduled 11:00am High or Solemn Latin Mass for January 3, 2015.
Other offerings???
None known at this current time.
Outskirts of the Archdicoese of Toronto
Convent of Carmel in Zephyr, Ontario
Carmel of the Infant Jesus, 12519 Concession Road 2, Zephyr, Ontario- December 25th - 3pm, EF/Latin Low Mass for Nativity of our Lord (Third Mass: During the Day) (Celebrated by Fr. Russell Asch, Assistant priest of St. Joseph's Catholic Church (streetsville) Mississauga). This Mass is likely a Low Mass due to location and chapel size, without external assistance.
91 Church Street, Schomberg, Ontario
December 25th:
146 Park St North, Hamilton, ON
December 24th:
3619 Lobsinger Line, St. Clement's, Ontario (part of Waterloo region)
December 25th:
January 1st, 2015:
Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church
681 McEwan Ave., Windsor, ON
December 25th:
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
January 1st, 2015:
December 25th:
- 9am, Low Mass - Nativity of our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime) (Likely celebrated by Fr. Liam Gavigan).
- 9am, Low Mass - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Likely celebrated by Fr. Liam Gavigan).
Other Archdicoeses
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Mary's) (
21 Centre St., Campbellford, ON
December 25th:
- 8am, Low Mass with Chant - Nativity of our Lord (Likely 2nd Mass - At Dawn)
St. Mary of the Purification - Mount Forest146 Park St North, Hamilton, ON
December 24th:
- Midnight - EF/Latin Missa Cantata - Nativity of our Lord (First Mass - At Midnight)
January 1, 2015:
- 1130 Am - EF/Latin Missa Cantata??? - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
St. Anne's Catholic Church
December 25th:
- No Latin Mass. Offering has been deferred to St. Clement's Catholic Church. Please See Waterloo Below.
January 1, 2015
- 11:30am - EF/Latin (Missa Cantata?) (Assistance from FSSP Thorold???) - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
St. Clement's Catholic Church
3619 Lobsinger Line, St. Clement's, Ontario (part of Waterloo region)
December 25th:
- 1:00pm - EF/Latin Missa Cantata - Nativity of our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime)
St. Anne Catholic Church
20 Morrison Drive, St. Thomas (London) ON
December 25th:
- 11:00 am - EF/Latin Missa Cantata - Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime)
January 1st, 2015:
- ???????
Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church
681 McEwan Ave., Windsor, ON
December 25th:
- 2:00pm - EF Latin Missa Cantata - Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime)
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
January 1st, 2015:
- 2:00pm - EF Latin Missa Cantata - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
St. Catharines
St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church (Fraternal Society of St. Peter-
317 Morton St., Thorold, ON
December 24th:
- Midnight - Solemn EF/Latin for Nativity of Our Lord (First Mass at Midnight)
December 25th:
- 9am - Low Mass - Nativity of our Lord (Second Mass - At Dawn)
January 1st, 2015
- ???? To be determined.
St. Clement Catholic Church (At St. Anne's) (Fraternal Society of St. Peter -
528 Old St. Patrick`s Street, Ottawa, ONDecember 24th:
- Midnight - Solemn EF/Latin for Nativity of Our Lord (First Mass at Midnight)
December 25th:
- 8:30am - Low Mass - Nativity of our Lord (Second Mass - At Dawn)
- 10:30am - Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime)
- 8:30am - Low Mass/Missa Lecta
- 10:30am - High Mass/Missa Cantata
One more note. just because these parishes are not offering Christmas Day or New Years Day masses in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, or Masses not at the level you want them to, or in large quantities, that does not mean you skip them entirely on such days. I highly encourage you to go to these parishes that host the Latin Masses on Christmas or New Years and drop a big fat wad of cash in the collection plates. Why? Because while it won't be for the specific purposes, remember:
The Latin Mass does not just run on prayers and attendance. Your money goes toward keeping those parishes in the black, weekly upkeep including supplies (e.g. candle oil, hosts, INCENSE AND CHARCOAL FOR THE THURIBLE, etc.,) and possibly even buying new liturgical items for the Latin Masses.
When those parishes are financially struggling, they will not continue with a Latin Mass in the future, or drop it, cause they can receive more support financially, verbally, physically, and spiritually from the remainder of the parishioners. . You have to keep them open! In addition, if you so choose, you could write on the envelope "For Latin Mass purposes only". It's not a guarantee but it will send a message to the priest/money counters that there is a demand and it cannot be ignored. Photo your envelope if you want before Mass as proof in case you must provide it when protests of lies are being made by angry Lie-berals, selfish complainers, or Latin Mass-hating clergy who are drowning in liberal theology.
Bottom line, support these Latin Mass hosting parishes, or ones that hold Latin Novus Ordo Masses, why even REVERENT Novus Ordo Masses. Or they won't remain open to support your spiritual needs. Quid Pro Quo, people. Also, don't forget to support the parishes in other ways, such as when they need volunteers to setup/takedown events, charity drives, youth ministry, etc. Be the shining forces and light in their programs. Don't just be a 1-hour clock in, clock out person!
Pax, Julian.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Report: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Solemn Latin Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Toronto, 7pm Dec 8, 2014
Hello Everyone,
What an Advent season miracle that has just happened this past day! The Archdiocese of Toronto, under the holy and considerate leadership of His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, was graced to have had not just one, or two, but FIVE Latin Masses on this Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Two of these offerings were part of the daily Missa Lectae (Low Masses) offered by St. Lawrence the Martyr, Scarborough, and Holy Family under the Oratorians (11am and 1130am respectively).
But get this ... THE OTHER THREE WERE SOLEMN LATIN MASSES IN THE EVENING! THREE! We are talking three clergy, incense, acolytes with candles, perhaps even a boat bearer and torches at some of the offerings, and beautiful Gregorian Chant and hymns to celebrate this sacred mystery! One was the Oratorians at Holy Family for 6pm, and the other two at the same time, were: St. Joseph's in Mississauga, Ontario with the (likely direction) of the Toronto Traditional Mass Society, and the other, at St. Francis of Assisi for their centenary of the founding of the Parish with assistance from St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir! Both masses were 7pm!
This report will be detailing the efforts and what happened for the centenary Mass @ St. Francis of Assisi at 7pm, as I was involved in assisting the parish and St. Patrick's in the role of first acolyte for the Mass.
Primer: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Just what were all these Masses, including those in the Ordinary Form/Novus Ordo about today? Today in the liturgical calendars of both forms of the Roman Rite, was the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
When we talk about the Immaculate Conception, this is NOT the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is easy to see where the confusion lies, as Jesus was "Immaculate" in the sense of being born without sin, and we refer to the moment the human gametes (semen/sperm and ovum/egg) in biology contact each other to begin becoming a new human life (a fetus) as "Conception," or just plainly that a newborn was "conceived" by giving birth. This is NOT the case here.
The Immaculate Conception actually refers to MARY's birth, in that she was born WITHOUT ORIGINAL SIN. Yes she was essential in Christ's birth, but this feast day celebrates her as the spotless virgin, sin-less, able to be the Theotokos (God-bearer), the perfect vessel for Christ.
This fact is of the utmost importance, that Holy Mother Church wielded her Divine Authority, Infallibly through Pope Pius IX, to declare that her Immaculate Conception is a matter of dogma, thus every Catholic MUST believe in this teaching, else they separate themselves from the Church. This was declared in the Apostolic Constitution Ineffabilis Deus, which can be viewed here entirely: The declaration is as follows:
Now that you get what this solemnity in the Church is all about, allow me to report on the preparation and the actual Mass that took place
Preparation for the Mass
Within a month before the date of this mass, word was spread about this Mass via the parish bulletin, the Archdiocese website, the SPGC associated Facebook page, as well as this blog, and perhaps word of mouth. In promoting this mass, members from St. Lawrence the Martyr's Latin Mass program, St. Francis of Assisi's altar servers, and I as an independent not affiliated with a Latin Mass parish, volunteered to assist the Lord in service at the altar, as well as another young man who was our the subdeacon, having the appropriate qualifications under the guidelines that exist for the EF.
November 29th, both the choir, and the servers met at St. Francis on that cold Saturday evening to do training for the Mass, via a run through of all major serving roles, as well as training for the subdeacon role for the young man. This training was undertaken by our veteran Master of Ceremonies with the Choir, who also co-ordinates the serving portions of each Mass that SPGC organizes. I was assigned the role of first acolyte, while others were given the roles of 2nd acolyte and thurifer. The practice went smoothly, as all individuals involved have had some or great experience serving in the EF, and/or extensive experience in carrying out those roles or the equivalent of in the Novus Ordo, making the transition quicker and easier in learning the EF.
It was also found out that of all the Novus Ordo Churches (that do not have a Latin Mass or people who come in and do them that) I have been to in assisting the St. Patrick's Gregorian choir, St. Frances of Assisi has been the most heavily equipped with liturgical items appropriate for celebration in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite!
The parish was equipped with: a gorgeous gold, "Gothic" style thurible (you might have seen this in one of my earlier posts) as well as a simpler silver one, both the complex three chain variety; a set of golden and ornate NEW altar candles which are gracious gifts from parishioners of the parish for the 100th anniversary, a Gothic style, framed set of EF altar cards, a complete set of liturgical clothing in white/gold for Solemn Latin Masses in all roles made by nuns from the 1930s (again, you've seen this in an earlier post), lantern-style torches for processions, patens with handles ... I could go on but this blew my mind to know this parish takes its liturgy with respectful seriousness and solemnity.
Save perhaps the 1962 Missal itself, little to no additional items would be needed to be brought in for this liturgy. In addition, the parish had set about to create the booklets for the Order of the Mass, in both Latin-English, and Latin-Italian.
The Solemn Latin Mass of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
And thus came the day for the EF Mass for the parish's 100th anniversary this past Monday, December 8th, 2014. Present in the clergy roles were: Fr. Jean-Marie Pilon from the diocese of Peterborough (now headed by former auxillary bishop of Toronto, +McGrattan) as celebrant, Fr. Steven Szakaczki, Latin Mass chaplain for St. Lawrence the Martyr in the role of deacon (of whom was requested by the parish to assist for the fruition of this EF Mass), and Mr. Bradley Black in the role of subdeacon, having the appropriate qualifications under EF ``customs`` as it were, to be allowed to carry out the role.
Prior to the start of the Holy Mass, the Parish had been set up appropriately for the liturgy. The liturgical objects, both of cloth and metal, had been laid our accordingly. Interestingly enough, our clergy role members has quite a ``welcome`` as can be seen in the layout of their vestments with name cards. It is lovely to see a parish give such organization and attention to our conduct of this liturgy. These might be small details, but every little bit helps, and shows the respect given to our clergy:
In addition, the parish decided to provide ALL of the servers with Solemn Mass surplices, that had a diamond pattern woven in at the sleeves and hems. Further, a multitude of beautiful liturgical items lay awaiting to be used in the liturgy, reflecting the Gothic styled architecture and environment of St. Francis` tradition (albeit with some minor adjustments) as seen here in a couple of pictures:
Prior to the Mass, the parish pastor of St. Francis, dressed in his Franciscan habit with a lacy surplice over his robes, explained to the congregation the difference between the modern Mass and the Extraordinary Form, in both English and Italian (e.g. direction of the priest as ``Liturgical East``, receiving communion ...) Dressed and vested, we then proceeded to do the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite for the 100th anniversary celebration of the parish.
Since the tabernacle was off to the left side of the body of the Church (personally, not in favour of this), we had to make a slight modification, where we genuflected to the tabernacle once we got out of the sanctuary to the left of the body. Afterwards, it was business as usual. During the Mass, all clergy and servers performed their roles reverently and respectfully, showing experience and devotion to the Holy Mass.
It was clear in certain parts (e.g. the Offertory chants) that a sacredness and an ``energy`` or "spiritual uplifting," to use crude modern terms for description, was ever-present during the EF liturgy. For me personally, that was one moment. Another that hit me was in the exit procession, when we all sung the closing hymn ``Immaculate Mary``, whereby at the chorus, congregation and others sang in unison in joyous commemoration of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mother. It was purely beautiful and I felt a sense of joy and encouragement, ready to go out into the world post-Mass.
As per my usual reporting, what great tidbits of wisdom was I able to glean from the sermon, given by the celebrant, Fr. Pilon? I will recount what I could from the sermon, albeit I am paraphrasing and missing important linking ideas as well.
What an Advent season miracle that has just happened this past day! The Archdiocese of Toronto, under the holy and considerate leadership of His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, was graced to have had not just one, or two, but FIVE Latin Masses on this Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Two of these offerings were part of the daily Missa Lectae (Low Masses) offered by St. Lawrence the Martyr, Scarborough, and Holy Family under the Oratorians (11am and 1130am respectively).
But get this ... THE OTHER THREE WERE SOLEMN LATIN MASSES IN THE EVENING! THREE! We are talking three clergy, incense, acolytes with candles, perhaps even a boat bearer and torches at some of the offerings, and beautiful Gregorian Chant and hymns to celebrate this sacred mystery! One was the Oratorians at Holy Family for 6pm, and the other two at the same time, were: St. Joseph's in Mississauga, Ontario with the (likely direction) of the Toronto Traditional Mass Society, and the other, at St. Francis of Assisi for their centenary of the founding of the Parish with assistance from St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir! Both masses were 7pm!
This report will be detailing the efforts and what happened for the centenary Mass @ St. Francis of Assisi at 7pm, as I was involved in assisting the parish and St. Patrick's in the role of first acolyte for the Mass.
Primer: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Just what were all these Masses, including those in the Ordinary Form/Novus Ordo about today? Today in the liturgical calendars of both forms of the Roman Rite, was the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
When we talk about the Immaculate Conception, this is NOT the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is easy to see where the confusion lies, as Jesus was "Immaculate" in the sense of being born without sin, and we refer to the moment the human gametes (semen/sperm and ovum/egg) in biology contact each other to begin becoming a new human life (a fetus) as "Conception," or just plainly that a newborn was "conceived" by giving birth. This is NOT the case here.
The Immaculate Conception actually refers to MARY's birth, in that she was born WITHOUT ORIGINAL SIN. Yes she was essential in Christ's birth, but this feast day celebrates her as the spotless virgin, sin-less, able to be the Theotokos (God-bearer), the perfect vessel for Christ.
This fact is of the utmost importance, that Holy Mother Church wielded her Divine Authority, Infallibly through Pope Pius IX, to declare that her Immaculate Conception is a matter of dogma, thus every Catholic MUST believe in this teaching, else they separate themselves from the Church. This was declared in the Apostolic Constitution Ineffabilis Deus, which can be viewed here entirely: The declaration is as follows:
"... by the authority of Jesus Christ our Lord, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own: "We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful."[29]
Hence, if anyone shall dare -- which God forbid! -- to think otherwise than as has been defined by us, let him know and understand that he is condemned by his own judgment; that he has suffered shipwreck in the faith; that he has separated from the unity of the Church; and that, furthermore, by his own action he incurs the penalties established by law if he should are to express in words or writing or by any other outward means the errors he think in his heart.
Now that you get what this solemnity in the Church is all about, allow me to report on the preparation and the actual Mass that took place
Preparation for the Mass
Within a month before the date of this mass, word was spread about this Mass via the parish bulletin, the Archdiocese website, the SPGC associated Facebook page, as well as this blog, and perhaps word of mouth. In promoting this mass, members from St. Lawrence the Martyr's Latin Mass program, St. Francis of Assisi's altar servers, and I as an independent not affiliated with a Latin Mass parish, volunteered to assist the Lord in service at the altar, as well as another young man who was our the subdeacon, having the appropriate qualifications under the guidelines that exist for the EF.
November 29th, both the choir, and the servers met at St. Francis on that cold Saturday evening to do training for the Mass, via a run through of all major serving roles, as well as training for the subdeacon role for the young man. This training was undertaken by our veteran Master of Ceremonies with the Choir, who also co-ordinates the serving portions of each Mass that SPGC organizes. I was assigned the role of first acolyte, while others were given the roles of 2nd acolyte and thurifer. The practice went smoothly, as all individuals involved have had some or great experience serving in the EF, and/or extensive experience in carrying out those roles or the equivalent of in the Novus Ordo, making the transition quicker and easier in learning the EF.
It was also found out that of all the Novus Ordo Churches (that do not have a Latin Mass or people who come in and do them that) I have been to in assisting the St. Patrick's Gregorian choir, St. Frances of Assisi has been the most heavily equipped with liturgical items appropriate for celebration in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite!
The parish was equipped with: a gorgeous gold, "Gothic" style thurible (you might have seen this in one of my earlier posts) as well as a simpler silver one, both the complex three chain variety; a set of golden and ornate NEW altar candles which are gracious gifts from parishioners of the parish for the 100th anniversary, a Gothic style, framed set of EF altar cards, a complete set of liturgical clothing in white/gold for Solemn Latin Masses in all roles made by nuns from the 1930s (again, you've seen this in an earlier post), lantern-style torches for processions, patens with handles ... I could go on but this blew my mind to know this parish takes its liturgy with respectful seriousness and solemnity.
Save perhaps the 1962 Missal itself, little to no additional items would be needed to be brought in for this liturgy. In addition, the parish had set about to create the booklets for the Order of the Mass, in both Latin-English, and Latin-Italian.
The Solemn Latin Mass of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
And thus came the day for the EF Mass for the parish's 100th anniversary this past Monday, December 8th, 2014. Present in the clergy roles were: Fr. Jean-Marie Pilon from the diocese of Peterborough (now headed by former auxillary bishop of Toronto, +McGrattan) as celebrant, Fr. Steven Szakaczki, Latin Mass chaplain for St. Lawrence the Martyr in the role of deacon (of whom was requested by the parish to assist for the fruition of this EF Mass), and Mr. Bradley Black in the role of subdeacon, having the appropriate qualifications under EF ``customs`` as it were, to be allowed to carry out the role.
Prior to the start of the Holy Mass, the Parish had been set up appropriately for the liturgy. The liturgical objects, both of cloth and metal, had been laid our accordingly. Interestingly enough, our clergy role members has quite a ``welcome`` as can be seen in the layout of their vestments with name cards. It is lovely to see a parish give such organization and attention to our conduct of this liturgy. These might be small details, but every little bit helps, and shows the respect given to our clergy:
The Subdeacon's Vestments, for Mr. Bradley Black
The Deacon's Vestments, For Fr. Steven Szakaczki
The Celebrant's Vestments with vesting prayers and biretta, for Fr. Jean-Marie Pilon
Close up shot of Fr. Pilon's card.
In addition, the parish decided to provide ALL of the servers with Solemn Mass surplices, that had a diamond pattern woven in at the sleeves and hems. Further, a multitude of beautiful liturgical items lay awaiting to be used in the liturgy, reflecting the Gothic styled architecture and environment of St. Francis` tradition (albeit with some minor adjustments) as seen here in a couple of pictures:
There it is ... the Gothic style golden thurible. These are also the two tallish acolyte candles that I and the 2nd acolyte used in the Mass.
Prior to Mass, the Chalice is fully prepared, the ciboria, and the cruets from a distance.
Here's the cruets close up. Wow! Just look at that stunning detail! This must be brass or gold! They do not make cruets like this anymore!!! Interesting note: There are pegs that you put the cruets on to hold them steady. They have holes in their bottom for the pegs.
The credence table prior to Mass, with a veiled Chalice.
These beautiful framed Gothic altar cards adorned the altar. This is a full set! Only the center card is pictured here.
Does this scream majestic? Again I do not think they make altar Missals like this anymore. Even those you can purchase from FSSP/St. John Cantius are not as ornate as this missal. I think this one even has gold clasps on them.
The altar before Mass Begins. Notice the Marian blue "accented" antepedium. White, however is the bulk of the colour.
Prior to the Mass, the parish pastor of St. Francis, dressed in his Franciscan habit with a lacy surplice over his robes, explained to the congregation the difference between the modern Mass and the Extraordinary Form, in both English and Italian (e.g. direction of the priest as ``Liturgical East``, receiving communion ...) Dressed and vested, we then proceeded to do the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite for the 100th anniversary celebration of the parish.
Since the tabernacle was off to the left side of the body of the Church (personally, not in favour of this), we had to make a slight modification, where we genuflected to the tabernacle once we got out of the sanctuary to the left of the body. Afterwards, it was business as usual. During the Mass, all clergy and servers performed their roles reverently and respectfully, showing experience and devotion to the Holy Mass.
It was clear in certain parts (e.g. the Offertory chants) that a sacredness and an ``energy`` or "spiritual uplifting," to use crude modern terms for description, was ever-present during the EF liturgy. For me personally, that was one moment. Another that hit me was in the exit procession, when we all sung the closing hymn ``Immaculate Mary``, whereby at the chorus, congregation and others sang in unison in joyous commemoration of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mother. It was purely beautiful and I felt a sense of joy and encouragement, ready to go out into the world post-Mass.
As per my usual reporting, what great tidbits of wisdom was I able to glean from the sermon, given by the celebrant, Fr. Pilon? I will recount what I could from the sermon, albeit I am paraphrasing and missing important linking ideas as well.
- This EF liturgy has many things happening visually, though we might not understand everything.
- To accept or embrace what we are experiencing in the sacred liturgy, implies Faith.
- Last year, it was deemed by then Pope Benedict XVI, that the 2013-2014 liturgical year would be the "Year of Faith"
- Faith, allows us to believe in that which is a mystery or beyond full comprehension.
- ...... (some linking points I've forgotten )......
- In this Liturgy, we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We mistakenly might think it refers to the birth of Christ. It is actually the birth of Mary being conceived without sin.
- Sin, while there is temptation, or influence, or our weaknesses, present, always involves our will to make a choice to do sin.
- .... (some linking points) ...
- When we undertake studies in theology, one area of theology is that of "Speculative Theology." In this branch, we deal with items or concepts that are hard to prove with evidence, but we can use our existing knowledge of the faith or otherwise, to speculate on plausible parts of it.
- We can look at then, Mary`s parents, St. Anne and St. Joachim. As parents of Mary, having such devout faith to our Lord, they would have desired that their daughter would be without sin or temptations in her life, imploring on the Will of God (or perhaps, for his graces???)
- In the throes of love in conceiving the Blessed Virgin Mary, their love would have been pure at the moment of conceiving, susceptible to God's graces and His Will.
- As part of God's Will ... [here Fr. recounted a story of a sermon he gave to nuns in a crowd, habited traditional nuns ...] I uttered three latin words: potuit, voluit, fecit. When it came to Mary's Immaculate conception, He was able to, He wanted to, and He did it. This was referring to making Mary sinless as the Theotokos (God-bearer).
- God so knew the value of Christ suffering for us on the Cross as the Word Made Flesh. Thus, he wanted the sinless woman's flesh, to be a part of his own, via Christ's birth.
- .... (other linking points I forgot) ......
- We should follow, likewise in the obedience and devotion to our Lord, like that of our Blessed Mother, on this the Solemnity of her Immaculate Conception.
Once again, another beautiful Solemn Mass, alongside others held yesterday, was done in our Archdiocese of Toronto for this important Solemnity.
Generally, while the congregation did have a fair share of more senior people, it was a age mosaic! I saw a number of families come for this mass, moms and dads with daughters/sons in tow, some teen, some children, others adult children. I also saw a few young adult men in the crowd on glance, plus old friends! Furthermore, it seemed that many in attendance were not the usual regulars, but St. Francis parishioners! Visually, I'd say that we had over 200 to close to 300 in attendance, maybe a little more. While the bodies were spread out a bit in the pews in the body of the Church, they reached back to the rear of the body of the Church!
The congregation also had the added aids of Latin-English and Latin-Italian translational booklets of the whole ordo of the Mass to help assist them in their prayer and worship. There were also brief descriptors of what was happening on the altar at parts, and cues for standing, sitting, and reverences. Here are snapshots of the beautiful booklet created by St. Francis of Assisi:
The congregation also had the added aids of Latin-English and Latin-Italian translational booklets of the whole ordo of the Mass to help assist them in their prayer and worship. There were also brief descriptors of what was happening on the altar at parts, and cues for standing, sitting, and reverences. Here are snapshots of the beautiful booklet created by St. Francis of Assisi:
Afterwards, I got to speak to a few of those in attendance who were hanging around. They were joyful and happy, after coming away from what we experienced here this evening. One young couple with babe in tow, whose first EF this Mass was for them, described the event as "solemn," even saying it would be good to pass word of these Masses onto their Mother next time one happens! Hopefully they will scour the internet and find this blog, for future listings in our Archdiocese.
Once again, another Mass, with the aid of St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, was brought to fruition in the Archdiocese of Toronto. This ends their 2014 run of Masses. I was blessed and am thankful to have served in such a reverent liturgy, and look forward to the new year. I do hope we can return to St. Francis of Assisi. What a gem this parish is Little Italy (College St. Area)! Oh if only there was a parish with such beauty AND leadership in my area where I live.
As a final note, I give a huge thank you to St. Francis of Assisi, its current pastor-ship, administration, and all those who helped to make this liturgy possible. I will never forget this, and hopefully, neither will all those who were able to experience this on a winter night. What a liturgically appropriate way to dive into the season of Advent, into the celebration of the Nativity of our Lord on Christmas Day. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel .....
Hope you have enjoyed this report. Due to the amount of photos I took, I will follow up and post the rest when I have time with a separate photo post.
Pax Tibi Christi! Julian Barkin.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Upcoming Latin Rite (Both OF and EF) Events in the Archdiocese of Toronto This Weekend AND Dec 8. Serving Help Still Desired!!!
Hello Everyone,
This post is going to highlight a few "LATIN" events that are happening in the Archdiocese of Toronto, this coming weekend of the 2nd Sunday in Advent in both forms of the Rite, and for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
1. Latin Novus Ordo Mass at St. James Catholic Church, Saturday Vigil Mass.
Normally my promotion of Latin Masses is geared towards the Extraordinary Form/Tridentine Mass/1962. However, one should also consider equally beautiful opportunities in the Novus Ordo or Ordinary Form, or other rites that actually nourish the lay faithful properly.
While checking up on an offering for St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, Immaculate Conception Solemn Latin Mass, I found this interesting gem on our Archdiocese of Toronto News and Events page of the website, which is being hosted by St. James Catholic Church in Toronto, ON:
December 6, (2014)– 5 p.m.
St. James Church
728 Annette St., Toronto
Latin Mass Revisited
Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass).
Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at or call 416-767-6451.
_____ _____ _____ ______ _______ ______
This is incredible! I do not think this has happened since the Oratorians reconfigured their Mass schedule to add in a Missa Lecta, at the loss of their Sunday Latin Novus Ordo Mass.
Needless to say, I am in full support of the reform of the reform, as touted famously when Benedict XVI was Pope. This is clearly an example of the liturgy being molded to the original tenets of Vatican II.
I ask and implore you readers, to please attend for your weekly obligation (yes the vigil COUNTS in the Novus Ordo/post Vatican II), this Latin Novus Ordo taking place at St. James Catholic Church. If they garner great support, who knows, this might become a regular occurrence at the parish. They might even influence their brother priests and parishes to do something new to attract the youth of our Faith, and bring them (and others) closer to our Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
In addition, I will be adding this to my listing of "Special Offerings" where my EF masses usually go.
Please attend! Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
2. Other Latin Masses for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Monday December 8, 2014
Well! This is a pleasant surprise in the Archdiocese of Toronto. When the faithful in other (arch)dioceses worldwide are begging and praying for Latin Masses, we are truly blessed to have FIVE offerings in the Extraordinary Form this Monday for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. One can view this poster, created by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society, for the listings of the 5 Masses.
May I remind you of this upcoming Solemn Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form, I will be assisting in in the role of first Acolyte. The details are as follows below and will be updated in my Fall 2014 listings post:
Monday, December 8, 2014 - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir
When: Monday December 8, 2014
Location? St, Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Address? 72 Mansfield Ave. Toronto, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
Primary Contact/Inquiries for Choir: 416 731 4485.
Parish Website:
Parish Contact/Information: 416 536 8195.
Facebook event page:
Bulletin insert: [please see Nov 16, 23, OR 30 Bulletin for insert online.]
Also see the Archdiocese of Toronto website News and Events page under December 8, here:
While we have been able to fill all the major serving roles required for the Solemn Latin Mass (Master of Ceremonies, acolytes, thurifer), we desire if possible to fill the minor roles of crucifer, boat bearer (optional), and torch bearers. You would be trained for these roles prior to the start of the Mass, by our veteran serving instructor/MC. These roles are NOT difficult to carry out.
Should you be a Catholic adult male who practices their Catholic faith (a.k.a. attending Mass on Sunday/Saturday Vigil in a Rite of the Church,) or have young male children who would be interested, please message me IMMEDIATELY at, or call the organizer of St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, Surinder S. Mundra @ 416-731-4485. Please be advised that you would be responsible for transportation to and from the Church, and SHOULD be living in, or surrounding the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Finally, allow me to give you little liturgical .... snipits, or previews as it were, of some of the physical elements of this beautiful architectural treasure of a church (St. Francis of Assisi,) you will get to experience for this liturgy .... hope you mouth will be watering ....
PAX TIBI CHRISTI! Julian Barkin.
This post is going to highlight a few "LATIN" events that are happening in the Archdiocese of Toronto, this coming weekend of the 2nd Sunday in Advent in both forms of the Rite, and for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
1. Latin Novus Ordo Mass at St. James Catholic Church, Saturday Vigil Mass.
Normally my promotion of Latin Masses is geared towards the Extraordinary Form/Tridentine Mass/1962. However, one should also consider equally beautiful opportunities in the Novus Ordo or Ordinary Form, or other rites that actually nourish the lay faithful properly.
While checking up on an offering for St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, Immaculate Conception Solemn Latin Mass, I found this interesting gem on our Archdiocese of Toronto News and Events page of the website, which is being hosted by St. James Catholic Church in Toronto, ON:
December 6, (2014)– 5 p.m.
St. James Church
728 Annette St., Toronto
Latin Mass Revisited
Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass).
Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at or call 416-767-6451.
_____ _____ _____ ______ _______ ______
- Location: St. James Roman Catholic Church
- Address: 728 Annette St., Toronto, Ontario, CAN
This is incredible! I do not think this has happened since the Oratorians reconfigured their Mass schedule to add in a Missa Lecta, at the loss of their Sunday Latin Novus Ordo Mass.
Needless to say, I am in full support of the reform of the reform, as touted famously when Benedict XVI was Pope. This is clearly an example of the liturgy being molded to the original tenets of Vatican II.
I ask and implore you readers, to please attend for your weekly obligation (yes the vigil COUNTS in the Novus Ordo/post Vatican II), this Latin Novus Ordo taking place at St. James Catholic Church. If they garner great support, who knows, this might become a regular occurrence at the parish. They might even influence their brother priests and parishes to do something new to attract the youth of our Faith, and bring them (and others) closer to our Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
In addition, I will be adding this to my listing of "Special Offerings" where my EF masses usually go.
Please attend! Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
2. Other Latin Masses for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Monday December 8, 2014
Well! This is a pleasant surprise in the Archdiocese of Toronto. When the faithful in other (arch)dioceses worldwide are begging and praying for Latin Masses, we are truly blessed to have FIVE offerings in the Extraordinary Form this Monday for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. One can view this poster, created by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society, for the listings of the 5 Masses.
Notes on the Masses:
- St. Lawrence the Martyr, and the Oratory`s 1130am Mass are part of their regular daily offerings on Monday. These masses are also, Low Masses (Missa Lecta).
- The 6:00pm Oratory offering is a special, Solemn (Missa Solemnis) level offering, done for this solemnity. This is NOT a normal/daily/weekly offering.
- The St. Francis of Assisi offering, is being held for the 100th anniversary of S.F.O.A.
- Assistance is being provided by the St. Patrick Gregorian Choir for the musical parts of the liturgy.
- The serving is being provided by a team of servers consisting of representatives from St. Francis of Assisi Parish, St. Lawrence the Martyr Scarborough, and other non-EF parish affiliated Latin Mass servers to the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir (e.g. me).
- This offering is located closer to the central part of the city of Toronto/Archdiocese of Toronto, in the "Little Italy" neighbourhood, near College St.
- Booklets of Latin to English, AND Latin to Italian translations of the order of the Mass and Propers, are being provided by the parish.
- The St. Joseph's offering is in the West end of the city of/Archdiocese of Toronto.
- While there is no written confirmation via the parish bulletin or on the Internet, it is possible that assistance is being provided for this liturgy by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society, both in the avenues of music for the liturgy and serving, as they annually (or more frequently in a given year), use St. Joseph's for their Latin Masses.
- Might it also be said that they were first to promote this offering, therefore also providing additional evidence that they might be assisting with this Mass. It would be appreciated if this could be confirmed (in a charitable manner).
May I remind you of this upcoming Solemn Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form, I will be assisting in in the role of first Acolyte. The details are as follows below and will be updated in my Fall 2014 listings post:
Monday, December 8, 2014 - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir
When: Monday December 8, 2014
Location? St, Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Address? 72 Mansfield Ave. Toronto, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
Primary Contact/Inquiries for Choir: 416 731 4485.
Parish Website:
Parish Contact/Information: 416 536 8195.
Facebook event page:
Front Page Nov 30, 2014
Nov 30, 2014. Advertisement is in upper right corner.
Also see the Archdiocese of Toronto website News and Events page under December 8, here:
Should you be a Catholic adult male who practices their Catholic faith (a.k.a. attending Mass on Sunday/Saturday Vigil in a Rite of the Church,) or have young male children who would be interested, please message me IMMEDIATELY at, or call the organizer of St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, Surinder S. Mundra @ 416-731-4485. Please be advised that you would be responsible for transportation to and from the Church, and SHOULD be living in, or surrounding the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Finally, allow me to give you little liturgical .... snipits, or previews as it were, of some of the physical elements of this beautiful architectural treasure of a church (St. Francis of Assisi,) you will get to experience for this liturgy .... hope you mouth will be watering ....
This is an ornate thurible and boat, one of the many liturgical items that thankfully the prior pastorship of St. Francis of Assisi chose not to remove or give away (or purchased at a lower price back then.) This likely will be what is used for the Liturgy next week. The thurible alone, H-76 in the DiCarlo catalogue, is $895 USD before tax were you to buy one new! The closest boat to the one here in the same catalogue, H-69, is $ 265! Thanks be to God they were retained at St. Francis.
These are a complete set of Solemn Latin Mass vestments (Celebrant, Deacon, and Subdeacon) in this drawer, with the Sub-deacon's tunicle shown here, easily identified by the one horizontal stripe on the back. These vestments were sown in the 1930's by nuns, and have remained at the parish since! Such vestment work is hard to find in today's modern Church.
A view of the parish from the front of the body. The choir loft above contains a massive organ. St. Patrick's choir members will be singing from there, and the organ will be used for Mass.
Yes, that's right, lovely wooden confessional stalls that don't look lie living rooms. Traditional style, with the priest's area being the center partition, and pentinents enter and kneel down in the left and right sides.
More Info on that Sung Low Mass Stuff
Hello Everyone,
When I did my report for St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir's recent Christ the King Low Mass with proper liturgical music within the Liturgy, I had mentioned the amount of servers used in our Mass. I had put a note in about a certain phrase here, knowing that some Pharisees would have the equivalent of a liturgical brain hemmorhage at the sight of this:
* I have done this before, at St. Lawrence the Martyr for either a Requiem Mass or Christmas 2012. While excessive amounts of servers are not appropriate, I do not know of any rubric or outdated liturgical law that says 3 servers at a Low Mass is unacceptable, or violates the licitness or validity of the Holy Mass. Do your research before you contest this fact and have a Fr. Z speckled-filled nutty and the combox filter is on with my blog rules intact.
This note was intentional, because, there are sick and sour people, a sizable minority (NOT the majority) who are part of the Roman Rite attending these Latin Masses, worldwide, including in my Archdiocese. This sizable minority, having obsessive-compulsive tendencies about the liturgical rules and regulations of the Latin Mass and their Faith and general, get angry and go about complaining and slandering people when something isn't done exactly as it is on page CXXIII of ' the Latin Mass Ultimate Rubrical Guide for All Time by Fr. Fancy Pants Lace-Lover in 1955. This is not a real book, but I hope you got a chuckle out of it, and my point.
On a positive note, this tends less to be those of my generation (Gen Y-ers and Millenials) and younger. The youth do not bear these grudges as much, or not at all.
While yes, some Pharisees did have a liturgical brain hemorrhage on that, the main factor of the hemorrhage was NOT necessarily having 3 servers at a Low Mass. The main cause was that the SPGC Mass was a "Sung Low Mass".
Last week, a blogger who is a self-appointed (read, non-official in terms of Church/Archdiocesan authority and/or NOT a part of the Magisterium,) leader of a Latin Mass community in the Archdiocese of Toronto, decided to chime up on the question of whether a Low Mass can be "sung." In loathing on his personal blog he claims in his years of experience, there is NO existence of a sung low Mass, and chose on the blog of his Latin Mass community to "educate" (read: gloat about to) wayward readers and members of his society, a more detailed explanation using part of what was a post not archived anywhere (read: publicly viewable under the blog archives with the date of December 1, 2013). Not to mention an insult was directed to myself and my serving allies about "educating" us on things dealing with the EF. Thanks, O exalted one. (and no, I am NOT referring to YOU as a Christ figure in a positive manner.)
However, in communication with other trusted allies in the Latin Mass circles I run with over this turn of events, one of them yielded to me an interesting piece of electronically-recorded literature in the form of a pdf. file. Upon searching where this came from, I found out this is actually a part of an old issue of a journal that was once kept by the Church Music Association of America. One may view their site, as well as archived issues of their journals here:
I think that the Chant Cafe forums online AND Fr. Zuhlsdorf have mentioned this association. Regardless, when it comes to liturgical music, this site is no promoter of John Michael Talbot and other Praise and Worship artists! This is a good, balanced, orthodox musicians' association who strives to promote liturgical music in TRUE accordance with Vatican II, while respecting that of our liturgical tradition in the Roman Rite.
The PDF file is a Question and Answer section of an issue of the "Caecilia" from September 1937, which is WAY before any changes in the 20th century for the Latin Mass. One may read the article here:
on pages 363-364. The page was headed by a "Very Reverend Gregory Hugle, O.S.B" (The Order of St. Benedict). I invite you to read it in full for yourself, but I will summarize the notes of the article in point form:
When I did my report for St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir's recent Christ the King Low Mass with proper liturgical music within the Liturgy, I had mentioned the amount of servers used in our Mass. I had put a note in about a certain phrase here, knowing that some Pharisees would have the equivalent of a liturgical brain hemmorhage at the sight of this:
* I have done this before, at St. Lawrence the Martyr for either a Requiem Mass or Christmas 2012. While excessive amounts of servers are not appropriate, I do not know of any rubric or outdated liturgical law that says 3 servers at a Low Mass is unacceptable, or violates the licitness or validity of the Holy Mass. Do your research before you contest this fact and have a Fr. Z speckled-filled nutty and the combox filter is on with my blog rules intact.
This note was intentional, because, there are sick and sour people, a sizable minority (NOT the majority) who are part of the Roman Rite attending these Latin Masses, worldwide, including in my Archdiocese. This sizable minority, having obsessive-compulsive tendencies about the liturgical rules and regulations of the Latin Mass and their Faith and general, get angry and go about complaining and slandering people when something isn't done exactly as it is on page CXXIII of ' the Latin Mass Ultimate Rubrical Guide for All Time by Fr. Fancy Pants Lace-Lover in 1955. This is not a real book, but I hope you got a chuckle out of it, and my point.
On a positive note, this tends less to be those of my generation (Gen Y-ers and Millenials) and younger. The youth do not bear these grudges as much, or not at all.
While yes, some Pharisees did have a liturgical brain hemorrhage on that, the main factor of the hemorrhage was NOT necessarily having 3 servers at a Low Mass. The main cause was that the SPGC Mass was a "Sung Low Mass".
Last week, a blogger who is a self-appointed (read, non-official in terms of Church/Archdiocesan authority and/or NOT a part of the Magisterium,) leader of a Latin Mass community in the Archdiocese of Toronto, decided to chime up on the question of whether a Low Mass can be "sung." In loathing on his personal blog he claims in his years of experience, there is NO existence of a sung low Mass, and chose on the blog of his Latin Mass community to "educate" (read: gloat about to) wayward readers and members of his society, a more detailed explanation using part of what was a post not archived anywhere (read: publicly viewable under the blog archives with the date of December 1, 2013). Not to mention an insult was directed to myself and my serving allies about "educating" us on things dealing with the EF. Thanks, O exalted one. (and no, I am NOT referring to YOU as a Christ figure in a positive manner.)
However, in communication with other trusted allies in the Latin Mass circles I run with over this turn of events, one of them yielded to me an interesting piece of electronically-recorded literature in the form of a pdf. file. Upon searching where this came from, I found out this is actually a part of an old issue of a journal that was once kept by the Church Music Association of America. One may view their site, as well as archived issues of their journals here:
I think that the Chant Cafe forums online AND Fr. Zuhlsdorf have mentioned this association. Regardless, when it comes to liturgical music, this site is no promoter of John Michael Talbot and other Praise and Worship artists! This is a good, balanced, orthodox musicians' association who strives to promote liturgical music in TRUE accordance with Vatican II, while respecting that of our liturgical tradition in the Roman Rite.
The PDF file is a Question and Answer section of an issue of the "Caecilia" from September 1937, which is WAY before any changes in the 20th century for the Latin Mass. One may read the article here:
on pages 363-364. The page was headed by a "Very Reverend Gregory Hugle, O.S.B" (The Order of St. Benedict). I invite you to read it in full for yourself, but I will summarize the notes of the article in point form:
- At a Low Mass, parts mentioned in Latin CAN BE SUNG, though the Gloria intonation should be sung by the choir.
- In the Latin Mass/EF, the parts in Latin (e.g. prayers, Priest parts, not necessarily the hymns/chants in the traditional "4 part sandwich" areas) are NOT to be sung in the vernacular.
- Any parts of the Propers (e.g. Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, Communion) CAN be sung in Latin
- In General, at the Low Mass in the EF,
- The people or Choir CAN sing (w/the Bishop's permission) prayers (general hymns of adoration, Faith, Love, etc.) or hymns composed in the vernacular in honor of the Saint or Mystery celebrated on that day.
- Hymns that are in the Latin (e.g. the Te Deum, Tantum Ergo) are NOT to be sung in the vernacular
- A solemn entrance procession can be done during the Introit, by means of Vatican Graduale provision, With that procession, one CAN sing the antiphonal part of the Introit (part with repeats), after the Psalm verse, after the Gloria Patri, and after the Sicut erat.
- For sacred hymns (not "pilgrim songs'), multiple stanzas can be sung to completion of the hymn, with a basis in reasoning being docrtinal, that a hymn sets forth the Catholic doctrine, appeals to the human heart and colcludes with appropriate petitions. It's a prayer that should be sung in it's entirety.
So needless to say, just one person's viewpoint, particularly without consultation of any other documents outside of major rubric books, nor that of any current priest with sound knowledge of the liturgy (of which, we are just beginning to rediscover its rules, its practice, and even back then, appears to have guideline rules with acceptable, legal deviations or allowance for local customs, from the written text on the page,) fully answers the questions posed. Taking such an attitude in writing and in person, makes assumptions of the answer when it possibly, might only be partial, or wrong.
People can have false notions of how things should (not absolutely HAVE TO) be done regarding the Extraordinary Form liturgy. If anything, reading this article has taught me that contrary to one blogger's take on the liturgical question, the Low Mass DOES NOT have to be "quiet."
Might I also add it a shame that some laity, leaders, organizers, etc. who take part in the EF have a rigid understanding or preference of the EF liturgy, including what should happen at each level of the Mass. Such an attitude detracts from the mystical experience of the Mass of All Time, and does not enhance the spiritual richness of such an experience. If anything, such attitudes betray the Mind of the Church, leads one to a cold perspective of their own religion (and projects it to others in contact with them), and might be just the tip of the iceberg, a slippery slope that leads to further hardening of their "hearts," maybe even further damaging things to their soul. This of course, is if attitudes also cross over to their doctrinal/theological stance on items in the Church.
As my final note, while this posting mainly pertains to the choir aspects of the EF liturgy, this can also stretch in a similar approach as it can relate to serving the Latin Mass. Not everything is "set in stone" on the page as it were, that each server does only X, Y, and Z at each Mass level, and cannot deviate from the rubrics, lest it be a spiritual crime to our Lord.
In the end, will Jesus judge us at the time our deaths in an unfavourable light, because some rubric on a page wasn`t followed to exact proportions? Or because one extra server was added to a Latin Low Mass, or the server had to so something outside their role in necessity or to assist another server (e.g. the MC?) Does this make the Mass INVALID and thus Christ is not Consecrated in the Sacred Species??? I am sure you can answer these questions, fair readers. Hope this was a bit of food for thought for you.
Pax, Julian.
Saturday, 29 November 2014
We Should Support ALL Latin Mass Initiatives in the Archdiocese of Toronto, Not Limit Ourselves to One!
Hello Everyone,
As a Latin Mass server in some capacity in the Archdiocese of Toronto, pastored under the wise and gracious leadership of His Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins, I ask for a moment of your time in reading this post. I ask you to listen, especially if you attend or assist in the Latin Masses in some capacity, but also, even if you do not attend or go occasionally, or are just passing by here reading something interesting. Also allow me to speak firmly on something that has been occuring in person in our communities and online in the Catholic Blogosphere.
First and foremost, we should be grateful for the spiritual treasures that we have here in the Archdiocese of Toronto, of which some are:
However, of all the ``treasures`` our archdiocese boasts under ++Collins` leadership, we have many thanks and blessings to offer our Lord, that in the "core"/major part of this diocese, (including Pickering,) we have 5 ongoing parishes, programs, and/or organizations that are offering or organizing Masses in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, a.k.a. the Tridentine Mass, the 1962 Mass, the Mass of St. John XXIII. These groups/parishes who have offerings are as follows:
* Counted as one parish. The Oratorians run both parishes in Toronto.
Brifely, what does this sacred treasure in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite offer to all involved:
Here in Toronto we are blessed to have this many offerings when worldwide in the Church, other dioceses' clergy, laity, and others spit upon and prevent even one Latin Mass to happen since Vatican II. Some prelates have even BANNED illegally all Latin Mass activities, despite Summorum Pontificum and Ecclesiae Unitatem.
When we have so many programs, it is honestly disgusting to see such division with regard to some of the activities surrounding the Latin Mass. Considering the focus of the current pontificate of Pope Francis, (read: Not Liturgy!) why then are we all giving credence to such puerile behaviour?
What behaviours do I mean?
As a Latin Mass server in some capacity in the Archdiocese of Toronto, pastored under the wise and gracious leadership of His Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins, I ask for a moment of your time in reading this post. I ask you to listen, especially if you attend or assist in the Latin Masses in some capacity, but also, even if you do not attend or go occasionally, or are just passing by here reading something interesting. Also allow me to speak firmly on something that has been occuring in person in our communities and online in the Catholic Blogosphere.
First and foremost, we should be grateful for the spiritual treasures that we have here in the Archdiocese of Toronto, of which some are:
- Churches that still retain some or most of their pre-Vatican II architecture, visual signs that point towards our way to Heaven.
- For world standards today, in Catholic seminaries, we have a firm and solid seminary in St. Augustine`s, who besides schooling future priests, also extend such quality of theological and pastoral instruction to lay persons seeking post-secondary degrees in theology, divinity, philosophy, etc.You will get the most solid and orthodox Catholic teaching there compared to other theology schools in Toronto.
However, of all the ``treasures`` our archdiocese boasts under ++Collins` leadership, we have many thanks and blessings to offer our Lord, that in the "core"/major part of this diocese, (including Pickering,) we have 5 ongoing parishes, programs, and/or organizations that are offering or organizing Masses in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, a.k.a. the Tridentine Mass, the 1962 Mass, the Mass of St. John XXIII. These groups/parishes who have offerings are as follows:
- St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir (Since 2006)
- Toronto Traditional Mass Society (Some minor activity pre-2010, really increased in 2011 onward)
- St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church (Since the 1988 Ecclesia Dei indult, *Oratorian Parish)
- Holy Family Church Parkdale, Toronto (*Oratorian Parish)
- St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, ON (Daily since 2011)
- St. Issac Jogues Catholic Church, Pickering, ON (Monthly since 2010's ???)
* Counted as one parish. The Oratorians run both parishes in Toronto.
Brifely, what does this sacred treasure in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite offer to all involved:
- The "direction" of the Mass in it's entirety, as it were, could be stated to be "vertical", that is God centered.
- Major tenets and principles of our Faith, are expressed in a firm and direct fashion, and not hid behind confusing words.
- Respects of Tradition and patrimony of the Church that all Catholics deserve to be given by Holy Mother Church.
- Of EF Mass saying priests: They are almost always holy and pious men in the Mass, and outside of it, and take their roles seriously. They take this praxis into the Ordinary Form (vernacular/Mass of Paul VI) when they say these Masses.
- The homiletics are clear, firm, and to the point! NO theatrics, or dumbing down" of the meaning of Scripture passages or Feast/Solemnity and NO "Jesus Love Everyone" garbage.
- A liturgy that is synchronized, orderly, and attuned to assist the lay faithful in the pews to orient themselves in deep prayer and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Sacrifice of the mass.
- When the choir's Gregorian Chants and music, the incense, and other physical signs are present, it plays a part in creating an air of transcendence, symbolism, mystery, etc. that the people are actually seeking when they want to be "fed" by their Catholic liturgies. Just ask Bill Murray, the famous actor. HE AGREES!
Here in Toronto we are blessed to have this many offerings when worldwide in the Church, other dioceses' clergy, laity, and others spit upon and prevent even one Latin Mass to happen since Vatican II. Some prelates have even BANNED illegally all Latin Mass activities, despite Summorum Pontificum and Ecclesiae Unitatem.
When we have so many programs, it is honestly disgusting to see such division with regard to some of the activities surrounding the Latin Mass. Considering the focus of the current pontificate of Pope Francis, (read: Not Liturgy!) why then are we all giving credence to such puerile behaviour?
What behaviours do I mean?
- Certain groups establishing superiority over another, and making grandiose claims without acknowledging those of the others.
- Reports by said groups of "violations" of the liturgy and protocol in carrying out the EF Mass.
- I include in this also attendees/adherents of specific parishes and groups who parrot the disparaging remarks of their parish's or group's leadership, and only "root for the home team" because they are superior or "do the liurgy better," etc.
- Now, granted I do highlight other groups and parishes more than some, but at least I put all the special offerings in one page every 4 months. Those parishes/groups also do not have the web coverage that others do, with multiple bloggers and "Trad" allies helping them out.
- The above also refers to the parishes too, including the laity in those parishes with regular offerings. When you choose to close yourself off to your own little community, you uphold the stereotypes our Holy Father is throwing out as of late: "pickled-face pepper" people, "Neo-pelagians", etc.
- You also insult the other people that your parish priest works with, or whom have supported your parish in past, be it by Mass attendance, donations, altar serving, or putting on Masses for you.
- Preferring only one level of the Mass, such as the Missa Lecta/The "Quiet Mass" and shunning others.
- Insulting other Catholics who don't "fit the Traddie Profile"
- e.g. Lashing out at young women who wear pants. The FSSP do NOT enforce skirts on their women, so neither does SPGC. This old canard needs to stay dead.
- e.g. Insulting women with Theology/divinity degrees, accusing them of stealing church jobs from men!
- Online blogging of a venomous sort. E.g. Last Advent, a man of a supporting blog for a particular Latin Mass group, visited St. Casimir parish in Toronto. The witness (likely a male,) recounted their experience, by calling a little female altar server a "cross dresser", This has a psychologically vile connotation attached to it. Calumny!
- Slandering and Calumniating other priests and Latin Mass parishes/organizations who do not follow every single rubric and rule for the EF that exists!
What if the other group's Latin Mass, is their starting point, and they come to you cause they found out your Mass too? Then they start to go to all of them! You then have introduced a new person, in your charity, to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, that will send them on a life changing journey.
To all of you, the Latin Mass can only continue in our Archdiocese, and elsewhere in the world, IF YOU STOP THESE UN-CATHOLIC AND VICE-RIDDEN BEHAVIOURS. You only strengthen the Devil's grip on the world, and further prove the false stereotypes of all Latin Mass Catholics.
Any non-Latin Massers reading this, be bold and courageous in your lives! Do not be afraid to charitably, fraternally or sororally correct your wayward siblings in Christ exhibiting this behaviour. Should they not be pliable to such words of wisdom, do not be afraid to bring this up with their pastor, their other friends, even if needed, the Archdiocese of Toronto. There is no room for this behaviour. None.
Do not forget, that we are in the midst of the the mission of the New Evangelization? The Latin Mass IS part of that! It is part of the whole package to re-catechize the faithful via the liturgy! Lex orandi, Lex Credendi!
We all should be attending each other's masses! Fill those pews up! Put as much money into those collections when we visit a parish or use it for the Latin Mass! Just imagine the financial impact it would have on that parish, and even, the Office of the Archdiocese of Toronto!
In fact, let me be the first to initiate this trend that I hope will become a "pay it forward." I invite all of you, past association, present, and even those who view me as your enemy, to attend an upcoming Latin Mass! Invite a friend and/or family member. Why even invite someone you normally don't associate with in Latin Mass circles! Here are the regular listings:
As for special listings, you can visit this page which is until December 31, 2014: If you cannot make the Novus Ordo Latin Mass listed on December 6, then you are all free and welcome to join myself and the St. Pat's Gregorian Choir on the evening of December 8 in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Help St. Francis celebrate their 100th anniversary! See the 2nd link above for details. Hopefully Toronto Traditional Mass Society will have one more Mass too before year's end that we all can go to.
So everyone, show some cheer towards one another, support, not isolate one's self and others in the Latin Mass, and start showing one another and others, how the Traditional Catholic Faith gets put into action.
It does not spread with name-calling, ostracism, isolation and/or ignorance, and liturgical policing. It happens with respect, fortitude, temperance, and practical acts combined with the liturgical, for as in James 2, "faith without works is dead." Advent season is definitely a good time to start.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Not to mention, our Archdiocesan superior, +Collins, is not fond of the above behaviours, especially the `cliquing,` and has taught us that this is a barrier to true discipleship wouth the Church and Christ.
- (13:00 - 14:40): "... There's no kind of cookie cutter [mold] for discipleship ... The Catholic Church is a bunch of people, it is not a bunch of the pure. The trouble in the Church has been called by the "pure Catholics" who sort of find themselves a little to high for the rest of them and go off and form a sect or their own little special thing. No No! ... We're not a sect, we are the Universal Church...."
To all of you, the Latin Mass can only continue in our Archdiocese, and elsewhere in the world, IF YOU STOP THESE UN-CATHOLIC AND VICE-RIDDEN BEHAVIOURS. You only strengthen the Devil's grip on the world, and further prove the false stereotypes of all Latin Mass Catholics.
Any non-Latin Massers reading this, be bold and courageous in your lives! Do not be afraid to charitably, fraternally or sororally correct your wayward siblings in Christ exhibiting this behaviour. Should they not be pliable to such words of wisdom, do not be afraid to bring this up with their pastor, their other friends, even if needed, the Archdiocese of Toronto. There is no room for this behaviour. None.
We all should be attending each other's masses! Fill those pews up! Put as much money into those collections when we visit a parish or use it for the Latin Mass! Just imagine the financial impact it would have on that parish, and even, the Office of the Archdiocese of Toronto!
In fact, let me be the first to initiate this trend that I hope will become a "pay it forward." I invite all of you, past association, present, and even those who view me as your enemy, to attend an upcoming Latin Mass! Invite a friend and/or family member. Why even invite someone you normally don't associate with in Latin Mass circles! Here are the regular listings:
As for special listings, you can visit this page which is until December 31, 2014: If you cannot make the Novus Ordo Latin Mass listed on December 6, then you are all free and welcome to join myself and the St. Pat's Gregorian Choir on the evening of December 8 in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Help St. Francis celebrate their 100th anniversary! See the 2nd link above for details. Hopefully Toronto Traditional Mass Society will have one more Mass too before year's end that we all can go to.
So everyone, show some cheer towards one another, support, not isolate one's self and others in the Latin Mass, and start showing one another and others, how the Traditional Catholic Faith gets put into action.
It does not spread with name-calling, ostracism, isolation and/or ignorance, and liturgical policing. It happens with respect, fortitude, temperance, and practical acts combined with the liturgical, for as in James 2, "faith without works is dead." Advent season is definitely a good time to start.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Some Aesop's Fables for Whited Sepulchres
Some Aesop's Fables from a friend of mine. Pax, Julian.
The Eagle, the Jackdaw and the Shepherd
An eagle, dropping suddenly from a high rock, carried off a lamb. A jackdaw saw this, was smitten by a sense of rivalry and determined to do the same. So, with a great deal of noise, he pounced upon a ram. But his claws merely got caught in the thick ringlets of the lamb’s fleece, and no matter how frantically he flapped his wings, he was unable to get free and take flight.
Finally, the shepherd bestirred himself, hurried up to the jackdaw and got hold of him. He clipped the end of his wings and, when evening fell, he carried him back for his children. The children wanted to know what sort of bird this was.
So the shepherd replied, “As far as I can see, it’s a jackdaw, but it would like to think it’s an eagle!”
The Vain Crow
A crow, as vain and conceited as only a crow can be, picked up the feathers that some peacocks had shed and stuck them among his own. Then he scoffed at his old companions and joined a flock of beautiful peacocks. After introducing himself with great self-confidence, the crow was immediately recognized for the pretender he was, and the peacocks stripped him of the borrowed plumes. Moreover, they battered him with their beaks and sent him about his business.
The unlucky crow, sorely punished and deeply regretful, rejoined his former companions and wanted to mix with them again as if nothing had happened. But they recalled the airs he had assumed and drove him from their flock.
At the same time, one of the crows whom he had recently snubbed gave him a short lecture: “Had you been satisfied with your own feathers, you would have escaped the punishment of your betters and also the contempt of your equals.”
The Eagle, the Jackdaw and the Shepherd
An eagle, dropping suddenly from a high rock, carried off a lamb. A jackdaw saw this, was smitten by a sense of rivalry and determined to do the same. So, with a great deal of noise, he pounced upon a ram. But his claws merely got caught in the thick ringlets of the lamb’s fleece, and no matter how frantically he flapped his wings, he was unable to get free and take flight.
Finally, the shepherd bestirred himself, hurried up to the jackdaw and got hold of him. He clipped the end of his wings and, when evening fell, he carried him back for his children. The children wanted to know what sort of bird this was.
So the shepherd replied, “As far as I can see, it’s a jackdaw, but it would like to think it’s an eagle!”
The Vain Crow
A crow, as vain and conceited as only a crow can be, picked up the feathers that some peacocks had shed and stuck them among his own. Then he scoffed at his old companions and joined a flock of beautiful peacocks. After introducing himself with great self-confidence, the crow was immediately recognized for the pretender he was, and the peacocks stripped him of the borrowed plumes. Moreover, they battered him with their beaks and sent him about his business.
The unlucky crow, sorely punished and deeply regretful, rejoined his former companions and wanted to mix with them again as if nothing had happened. But they recalled the airs he had assumed and drove him from their flock.
At the same time, one of the crows whom he had recently snubbed gave him a short lecture: “Had you been satisfied with your own feathers, you would have escaped the punishment of your betters and also the contempt of your equals.”

Monday, 24 November 2014
Puffed up with Pride and Slanderous Over Wee Little Nuts ....
Yep .... The Radical Catholic Reactionaries are at it again, ruining the Latin Mass as usual and kicking out and insulting the impure ones ....
Hello Everyone,
It has come to my attention that a certain aficionado, who should know better in their position as a leader in the Latin Mass, and as a member of a popular Catholic charitable organization I am also a member of, has decided once again to be passive-aggressive and insult the good work of myself and others who hold the Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
While I won`t give a name here, this person, and their allies, should know who they are, though anyone else reading can feel free to investigate this for their own. Personally, this time, I will not stand for it. Should that person want to make themselves known, go ahead.
First, thanks to this individual for ``educating`` those who care about the Latin Mass (ummmm .... the majority of everyday Catholics do not go to the EF and go to the Novus Ordo ....) and get involved in it anywhere in this Archdiocese. However this self-made liturgist`s ``lesson`` is not merely educational, but a slanderous, smack in the face to myself and those who organize, serve the Holy Mass in the Latin Rite in this Archdiocese. Where has he attacked myself and my allies who serve the TLM?
1) The blogger has stated that the rubrics for the EF are narrower, and that it is a solemn duty to stick to them. What is implied here is the first slanderous attack. Because we did not stick to the rubrics to a "T", the priest, the servers, and the choir, are assumed to have caused what would be equivalent to a mockery of Christ and perhaps, going to far as to imply (not literally write) us of causing a mortal sin in the statement. I find it quite odd that when there are Christian brethen getting slaughtered by a religion the blogger considers of Satan, that he would equate the addition of one more server outside of the rubrics to be equivalent to a spiritual crime. There are bigger "demons" attacking the Church to slay here, and no I do not mean the Muslims.
Was Christ still validly and licitly present in that Mass, and consecrated into the Body and Blood of Christ? YES! Was a sacrilege against Christ committed in having the 3rd server? NO! Does anyone else care but the picked-faced people that Pope Francis refers to? Not at all. There are clearly greater moral and vicious matters at hand in our Catholic world to get "righteously" angry about vs. something as petty as this. Thanks for reinforcing the stereotype of the "Angry trad" who cares only for specific things and showing the world what Latin Mass people are about. Converts to the Latin Mass after the posting on a Latin Mass society's blog maintained by the blogger ... (drum roll please) ... 0!
2) The very fact that this wonderful post had to appear on the Latin Mass organization`s blog, shows again a lack of servant leadership and direction, rather instead it is one of the cruelty and harshness of the Pharisees` of Jesus time. In other words, the lack of practice of the example and mission of our Lord, Jesus Christ. By smearing such disgust with what we do, you are airing ``dirty laundry`` publicly on the web and embarrassing your organization.
For those of you who are part of the society, are you not ashamed at the "leadership" of your executive and its presidency? Are you not embarrassed at how the stereotypes of people who are Traditional Catholics/Latin Mass goers keeps being repeated here? Will you stand by idly and say nothing while those who represent your spiritual interests throw it away on actions NOT of Christ's doing? Perhaps before the end of this year, you should seriously pray and ponder over the questions I have asked. Is there something you can do to make things more charitable and profitable for the sake of the Latin Mass in general, and in the Archdiocese of Toronto?
Regardless, this is uncouth behaviour, not fitting of Catholic gentlemen or ladies, of any age, especially those who attend and assist in the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite. A Catholic of good moral fiber and practicing virtue, would have restrained from such practice by applying the virtues of Prudence and Temperance. Might I also add that this does NOT look good on that Latin Mass society, and will only serve as negative public relations? What priest or parish in their right mind wants to hire a Latin Mass choir who loves to insult their own kind on a daily basis?
This was clearly NOT an issue of grave morality or offense to Holy Mother Church, nor an attack of Satanic nature to wound Christ, nor something that would cause the loss of faith in those who are part of the Church Militant. If it was absolutely necessary to discuss this issue, it could have be taken up privately, with those who organize the Latin Masses in our Archdiocese including the priests involved (and perhaps even our wonderful ++Collins too, who`s quite enjoyable to socialize with,) perhaps over a round of beers and cigars and fine food. And lest such leaders refuse to consult with you do to past offenses, how hard would it be to just leave it alone, and simply continue with one`s own way? We are just small bit players in the Grand Divine scheme of things, with me just being a mere 31 year old altar server with a blog that gets few hits and readers. Why worry?
When one smears dirty laundry like this publically, all someone has done is give more fuel to the fire for those elements of the Church, even those who are pro-Latin Mass, to have (misguided or purposely abusive) credence, to banish the Latin Mass under the Franciscan pontificate. Archdiocese offices do get word about such our activities online, you know, even direct emails from the lay faithful. And (arch)bishops and Cardinals DO read them.
3) To throw these rubics in the face of us, is not only insulting to us, but also is slanderous against the Holy alter christi, who celebrate the EF Masses. You are directly insulting the EF priests!!!
A good friend of mine in our circles, informed me that in the past when the FSSP had sent Fr. Venette to the archdiocese of Toronto to do the FSSP mission, he DID use more than two servers for what was a sung Mass in the EF. They were NOT always at the level of the traditional "Missa Cantata." The chastising individual WAS around at the time of that priest's tenure here and even attended Fr. Venette's Masses. If this is a violation of the rubrics, why then, did they NOT (to my knowledge) approach Fr. Venette and "educate" him on the rubrics of the EF, something an FSSP priest should have been thoroughly educated and trained in? Was it maybe because that individual was not in a position of self-important power, and wasn't at the level he is now in terms of involvement in the Latin Mass? Could it be that the person's allies view us as competition and a threat? hmmmm ....
Furthermore, when the Latin Masses, particularly at special feast days are held at St. Lawrence the Martyr without requested assistance (that is, they do not ask any of the lay choirs for help, including serving help directly) they have done a quasi-sung Mass, or a Low Mass with sung chant, with more than two servers. We did this only with a cantor for Christmas Day Mass in 2012. Please see here as a reminder of my report. Perhaps this legalistic individual would be so inclined as to "politely" address Fr. Steven Szakaczki, (ho has assisted with ALL Latin Mass groups in our archdiocese) or even, pay him a personal visit to "educate" him that to have more than two servers for a Low Mass with sung music is a violation of his solemn duty to administer Mass as a Priest of Jesus Christ. This is what the individual is implying without realizing.
4) This shaming post includes additional information dated December 1, 2013, yet the posting cannot be found on the blogger`s society website, nor the blogger`s personal blog, in archives. This shows they took down the post at some point. This is not the first occasion of covering one`s detracting and/or slanderous evidence on both blogs.
Considering that in the Novus Ordo (that other wonderful form which isn't your cup of tea), the Feast of Christ the King was celebrated, and in Year A it's Matthew 25, the parable about the sheep and the goats, wouldn't it be more fitting as a role model of our faith, to balance your faith with works (cf. James 2), and tend to Christ's brothers and sisters, including fellow Latin Mass Catholics, instead of wasting your breath on tongue-in-cheek insults?
And finally, if the blogger has no authority, nor their society as it were, to be the authority on the Latin Mass, then, what right do you even have to post something like that in the first place when your intention was to slander and detract those who do not serve your self-standards of the Latin Mass or what is ``proper?" Have you ever heard the expression, perhaps that one's mother would teach them, "If you can't say anything nice, it is better not to say anything at all." If you have no authority on liturgical or faith matters, unlike the Magisterium of the Church, how can we regard anything you say as "authoritative" to begin with? Why should one listen then to what is said?
To the readers, at this point, I ask you, do you think that, publically on the web or in person, it is appropriate to speak to an individual or group of individuals in such a manner, particularly priests, about such minutia in the scope of things? Hopefully you see my point.
.... or have revolted at the sharp, nasty point of his.
I think that the best way to end this is with the Words of the Holy Father himself, from earlier this month on November the 10th. In his daily fervorino, he talks about scandal in the faith, along with commitment to the Catholic faith and obligation to go to Mass. The final paragraph of the summary on Radio Vaticana, is quite telling about the spiritually sick situation that has been unleashed on the web this past evening, the 23rd of November, 2014. Perhaps, this individual, should listen to our Holy Father, particularly in this direct English translation of his Homily`s end:
"Without faith you cannot live without scandal and always forgiving. Only the light of faith, the faith that we have received: the faith of a merciful Father, a Son who gave His life for us, a Spirit that is within us and helps us grow, faith in the Church, faith in the people of God, baptized and holy. And this is a gift, faith is a gift. No one with books, going to conferences, can have faith. Faith is a gift of God that comes to you and this why the Apostles asked Jesus, 'Increase our faith!' ".
All readers, please pray for these people, who take on the false mantle of Pharicism in their ``leadership```, that they may realize that their behaviour wounds their brother and sister in Christ, and will only serve to aid the Devil in his bloodthirsty quest to dissolve the Church on Earth, via the loss of individuals to mortal sins and obstinacy in sin. They drive away not the money lenders from the temple but the observant and faithful.
May God grant us even more, an increase in our Faith, and that we might, particularly with this upcoming liturgical season of Advent, EF (and OF), forgive our brethren for what they do in their quest for the practice of the One True Faith, and as Christ desired, hope that someday, we may all be united as one.
Pax Tibi Christ, Julian.
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