Hello Everyone,
This is "just too cool to miss." This was part of my Facebook feed:
Take a read! It's about how more priests are choosing the EF for their first Mass after ordination. You know that a newly ordained priest's first Mass is indulgenced right?
Anyways, it's a good article. Just shows you that there are fruits being yielded by Summorum Pontificum .... and it's looking somewhat better with each passing year.
Pax, Julian.
Blog started by a Solemn Latin Mass altar server who does EF/TLMs in the Archdiocese of Toronto under lay- initiative organizations. Also, now apparently, a Catholic Apolgist to some.
Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!
- Sources of Information for Special Offerings Latin Mass Listings
- The Liguorian Reflection Series on Many Ascetical Works
- About
- Contact Information
- Servimus Unum Deum - Latin Mass Serving Group
- LONG TERM PROJECT: Vatican II Reading and Countering with the Actual Documents, AND YOU CAN HELP!!!
- Known Latin Mass Listings in the Archdiocese of Toronto and External Dioceses in Ontario
- Apologetics Pages/Postings here on Servimus
St. James Catholic Church 1st Saturday Vigil Latin Novus Ordo Masses Have Resumed!!!!!
St. James Catholic Church 1st Saturday Vigil Latin Novus Ordo Masses ..... ? (to be determined upon inquiry).
Monday, 30 September 2013
Saturday, 28 September 2013
ANNUM PRIMUM, EST FINIS! Happy Blog-o-versary on Servimus Unum Deum + The Feast of St. Michael the Archangel (& Gabriel and Raphael in N.O)
Hello Everyone.
Well, I can't believe this, but this blog, this little labour of love for the Latin Mass from an altar server's perspective, is one year old. It was on Sept 29th last year that I decided to plunge ahead with this blog, to begin the journey of blogging on tips and run-throughs of altar serving in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, and give coverage to other Latin Mass efforts in the Archdiocese of Toronto that were not getting equal or additional coverage. Now, a number of serving posts exists, with others in progress, other areas of Traditional Catholicism, and even the Novus Ordo at times have been covered. Since inception, I`ve reached Over 25000K pageviews! I never thought this niche blog would get that in a year.
Tomorrow is also special besides this anniversary for another reason. This weekend, we arrive at a big feast day in the Church, which the Archdiocese of Toronto under His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, has ordered to be celebrated superseding the normal Sunday Ordoes. In the Novus Ordo and the EF in other areas of the world, this would be the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time or the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. This Sunday, he declared that the Feast of St. Michael and its associated readings be used as the Ordo for this Sunday. This is, to my understanding, for a number of reasons:
For now, as long as I continue to be involved with Latin Mass serving, the Servimus Unum Deum blog will continue onward in its 2nd year, and may under the patronage of St. Michael and through his intercession, that the Latin Mass may proliferate and grow in Catholic, positive, and Christ-centered means; may also the great commander of all the angels, continue to defend us from the spiritual assaults of the Evil One, whom he banished to Hell in the Great War in Heaven.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Well, I can't believe this, but this blog, this little labour of love for the Latin Mass from an altar server's perspective, is one year old. It was on Sept 29th last year that I decided to plunge ahead with this blog, to begin the journey of blogging on tips and run-throughs of altar serving in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, and give coverage to other Latin Mass efforts in the Archdiocese of Toronto that were not getting equal or additional coverage. Now, a number of serving posts exists, with others in progress, other areas of Traditional Catholicism, and even the Novus Ordo at times have been covered. Since inception, I`ve reached Over 25000K pageviews! I never thought this niche blog would get that in a year.
Tomorrow is also special besides this anniversary for another reason. This weekend, we arrive at a big feast day in the Church, which the Archdiocese of Toronto under His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, has ordered to be celebrated superseding the normal Sunday Ordoes. In the Novus Ordo and the EF in other areas of the world, this would be the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time or the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. This Sunday, he declared that the Feast of St. Michael and its associated readings be used as the Ordo for this Sunday. This is, to my understanding, for a number of reasons:
- To coincide with the ongoing implementation of the Pastoral Plan to enhance the Archdiocese of Toronto
- To coincide with the Year of Faith that has been promulgated by the Vatican
- Because St. Michael is the Patron saint of this Archdiocese, and is whom our Cathedral is named after
- Because we need his intercession in this time of our lives as Catholics.
For now, as long as I continue to be involved with Latin Mass serving, the Servimus Unum Deum blog will continue onward in its 2nd year, and may under the patronage of St. Michael and through his intercession, that the Latin Mass may proliferate and grow in Catholic, positive, and Christ-centered means; may also the great commander of all the angels, continue to defend us from the spiritual assaults of the Evil One, whom he banished to Hell in the Great War in Heaven.
(Source Unknown)
Sancte Michael Archangele, Ora Pro Nobis!
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Friday, 27 September 2013
REMINDER: Servimus Unum Deum Serving Practice Tomorrow, Sat Sept 28, 2013 630pm
Hello Everyone.
Just a reminder ....
The next practice for the Servimus Unum Deum Latin Mass serving group will take place next Saturday, September 28, 2013 @ 630pm, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church.
More details here: http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2013/09/annoncement-next-servimus-unum-deum.html
One important detail: While the St. Pat's Choir and I will be inside the Church, the doors will be locked after 630pm. If you arrive late, please call my cell number so I can let you in the Church: 416-894-1725.
Pax. Tibi Christ, Julian Barkin.
Just a reminder ....
The next practice for the Servimus Unum Deum Latin Mass serving group will take place next Saturday, September 28, 2013 @ 630pm, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church.
More details here: http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2013/09/annoncement-next-servimus-unum-deum.html
One important detail: While the St. Pat's Choir and I will be inside the Church, the doors will be locked after 630pm. If you arrive late, please call my cell number so I can let you in the Church: 416-894-1725.
Pax. Tibi Christ, Julian Barkin.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
A Brief Interlude .... "Vatican II" Saint Celebrates the Latin Mass .... PADRE PIO!!!
Hello Everyone.
Just a brief interlude, and coolness for me. Through a couple of blogs I read, I found out that the beloved St. Padre Pio celebrated the Latin Mass!!! And we've got video proof thanks to YouTube! It was his feast day in the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar in the Church, yesterday.
First this short clip in colour of the Last Mass that Padre Celebrated, which was a Solemn Tridentine/ Latin Mass or Missa Solemnis.
And second, my favourite clip, rare footage of the Saint while going about his daily duties and such in the Monastery. I like this clip because it shows him being himself, a holy monk, but human, expressing, joy, laughter, and other things with his fellow friars, and even a little joking around with the cameraman. We often hold saints like they are demi-gods, forgetting there can be none other than God himself, and his three persons with one Divine Nature in the Trinity. Seeing a film like this grounds you reality, but also puts a smile on your face, and even makes you realize, hey, perhaps it is possible to be human, and holy, like a saint ... this saint ... Padre Pio.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Just a brief interlude, and coolness for me. Through a couple of blogs I read, I found out that the beloved St. Padre Pio celebrated the Latin Mass!!! And we've got video proof thanks to YouTube! It was his feast day in the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar in the Church, yesterday.
First this short clip in colour of the Last Mass that Padre Celebrated, which was a Solemn Tridentine/ Latin Mass or Missa Solemnis.
And second, my favourite clip, rare footage of the Saint while going about his daily duties and such in the Monastery. I like this clip because it shows him being himself, a holy monk, but human, expressing, joy, laughter, and other things with his fellow friars, and even a little joking around with the cameraman. We often hold saints like they are demi-gods, forgetting there can be none other than God himself, and his three persons with one Divine Nature in the Trinity. Seeing a film like this grounds you reality, but also puts a smile on your face, and even makes you realize, hey, perhaps it is possible to be human, and holy, like a saint ... this saint ... Padre Pio.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Friday, 20 September 2013
ANNONCEMENT: Next Servimus Unum Deum Serving Group Practice - Saturday Sept 28 @ 630 PM St. Pat`s Toronto
Hello everyone.
The next practice for the Servimus Unum Deum Latin Mass serving group will take place next Saturday, September 28, 2013 @ 630pm, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church.
The church is located at 131 McCaul Street, Toronto, near Dundas St. W. and University Avenue, downtown. The closest subway station is St. Patrick's station. You get off at St. Patrick's, West side, go west on Dundas St. W 3 blocks towards the "Village by the Grange" and past a police station, and then turn right onto McCaul St.
The focus of the practice is the Solemn Latin Mass, as there will be upcoming Masses in the Archdiocese that will be of the Solemn/Missa Solemnis level. Please confirm your attendance, and should the church be locked at or after 630pm, please call my cell number provided on the attached poster for this practice.
Please attend this practice, especially if you are interested in serving for the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir Solemn Latin Mass to take place on the last Sunday of October, for their annual Christ the King Mass.
In addition, if there is a young man, or another practicing Catholic gentleman in your life, whom you think would be interested, please pass along this information and the poster to them, or your parish, and have them contact me through my e-mail and/or my number provided in the poster.
Thank you, and Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
The next practice for the Servimus Unum Deum Latin Mass serving group will take place next Saturday, September 28, 2013 @ 630pm, at St. Patrick's Catholic Church.
The church is located at 131 McCaul Street, Toronto, near Dundas St. W. and University Avenue, downtown. The closest subway station is St. Patrick's station. You get off at St. Patrick's, West side, go west on Dundas St. W 3 blocks towards the "Village by the Grange" and past a police station, and then turn right onto McCaul St.
The focus of the practice is the Solemn Latin Mass, as there will be upcoming Masses in the Archdiocese that will be of the Solemn/Missa Solemnis level. Please confirm your attendance, and should the church be locked at or after 630pm, please call my cell number provided on the attached poster for this practice.
Please attend this practice, especially if you are interested in serving for the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir Solemn Latin Mass to take place on the last Sunday of October, for their annual Christ the King Mass.
In addition, if there is a young man, or another practicing Catholic gentleman in your life, whom you think would be interested, please pass along this information and the poster to them, or your parish, and have them contact me through my e-mail and/or my number provided in the poster.
Thank you, and Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
2013 Fall Latin Masses for Solemnities and Feast Days in the Archdiocese of Toronto
Hello Everyone.
Here is a listing of all the Latin Masses known to me for the following Solemnities and Feast Days this fall in the Archdiocese of Toronto. This page will be updated constantly as more Masses are offered, closer to their feast/solemnity dates.
Regular offering Masses
Please see the page with the regular listings for times and locations. These churches will have either Low, High, or Solemn Masses offered during the day, and possibly in the evening on special feast days/solemnities.
Special Offering Masses
Monday October 7, 2013 - Feast of our Lady of the Rosary
UPDATED! Sunday October 27, 2013 - Feast of Christ the King
CRITICAL NOTE: This Mass occurs on the Sunday and WILL fulfill Your Sunday Obligation to Attend A Valid and Licit Catholic Mass (Liturgy). You do NOT NEED to attend another Catholic Mass that day if you attend the Latin Mass.
Sunday December 8, 2013 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Peterborough Diocese - NOTE: While this is outside of the core of the Archdiocese of Toronto, and is in another diocese, I make exception to this offering, as it is being assisted by the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, in co-operation with a priest from the diocese who has assisted at the Masses organized by SPGC.
???? - Special Offering
Monday, December 9, 2013
St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Missassauga
Where (address) - 5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
Start Time: Solemn Mass at 7pm
Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society under David Anthony Domet
Contact: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
Facebook event page created by Una Voce Toronto: Coming soon ?
Poster: Coming Soon
Here is a listing of all the Latin Masses known to me for the following Solemnities and Feast Days this fall in the Archdiocese of Toronto. This page will be updated constantly as more Masses are offered, closer to their feast/solemnity dates.
Regular offering Masses
Please see the page with the regular listings for times and locations. These churches will have either Low, High, or Solemn Masses offered during the day, and possibly in the evening on special feast days/solemnities.
Special Offering Masses
Monday October 7, 2013 - Feast of our Lady of the Rosary
- St. Cecelia's Catholic Church - Toronto, ON
- Where (address) - 161 Annette St. Toronto, ON
- Start Time: 630pm Rosary with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, then Solemn Mass at 7pm
- Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society (a.k.a. Una Voce Toronto) under David Anthony Domet
- Contact: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
- Facebook event page created by Una Voce Toronto: Coming soon ?
- Poster:

UPDATED! Sunday October 27, 2013 - Feast of Christ the King
CRITICAL NOTE: This Mass occurs on the Sunday and WILL fulfill Your Sunday Obligation to Attend A Valid and Licit Catholic Mass (Liturgy). You do NOT NEED to attend another Catholic Mass that day if you attend the Latin Mass.
- St. Thomas Aquinas Parish at the Newman Centre at University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
- Location: 89 St. George Street (St. George and Hoskin Ave.). The church is behind the Newman Centre.
- Start time: 3:15pm
- Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
- Primary Contact/Inquiries: 416 731 4485
- Parish Websites:
- St. Thomas Aquinas Parish: http://www.newmantoronto.com/
- Newman Center Student Chaplaincy (Please support!): http://chaplaincy.newmantoronto.com/
- Newman Centre/Parish Contact: 416-979-2468
- Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/241532279336001/
Friday, November 1, 2013 - All Saints Day
St Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church
Where (address) - 2210 Lawrence Ave East, Scarborough, ON
Start Time: Solemn Mass at 7pm
Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society under David Anthony Domet
Contact: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
Facebook event page created by Una Voce Toronto: Coming soon ?
St Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church
Saturday November 2, 2013 - All Souls Day
St. Issac Jogues Catholic Church, Pickering, ON
Where (address) - 2210 Lawrence Ave East, Scarborough, ON
Start Time: Solemn Mass at 11am
Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society under David Anthony Domet
Contact: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
Facebook event page created by Una Voce Toronto: Coming soon ?
Poster: Coming Soon
St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Missassauga
Where (address) - 5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
Start Time: Solemn Mass at 11am
Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society under David Anthony Domet
Contact: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
Facebook event page created by Una Voce Toronto: Coming soon ?
Poster: Coming Soon
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Special Offering - Rorate Mass
St. Issac Jogues Catholic Church, Pickering, ON
St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Missassauga
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Special Offering - Rorate Mass
- St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Missassauga
- Where (address) - 5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
- Start Time: Solemn Mass at 6am (Really Early!!!)
- Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society under David Anthony Domet
- Contact: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
- Facebook event page created by Una Voce Toronto: Coming soon ?
- Poster: Coming Soon
Sunday December 8, 2013 - Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Peterborough Diocese - NOTE: While this is outside of the core of the Archdiocese of Toronto, and is in another diocese, I make exception to this offering, as it is being assisted by the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, in co-operation with a priest from the diocese who has assisted at the Masses organized by SPGC.
???? - Special Offering
- Where: To be determined
- Start time - 3pm or 4pm in the afternoon
- Organizer: Fr. ???? at ????? with assistance from St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra (including altar servers who serve with the choir)
- Contact: 416 731 4485
- Parish Contact: To be added at a later date
Monday, December 9, 2013
St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Missassauga
UPDATED: October 11, 2013
Friday, 13 September 2013
Don't worry, I'm Still Here
Hello Everyone,
Just checking in. I just haven't had time to get into some serious blogging work, between work and my other activities.
I do want to continue and finish the thurifer post in future. Also, I will be working on getting the September practice set up for the SUD Latin Mass serving group, though I will have to move it to another date to work commitments I cannot switch a shift for.
So don't worry, I haven't left the building yet. Just got a lot on my plate. Pax, Julian.
Just checking in. I just haven't had time to get into some serious blogging work, between work and my other activities.
I do want to continue and finish the thurifer post in future. Also, I will be working on getting the September practice set up for the SUD Latin Mass serving group, though I will have to move it to another date to work commitments I cannot switch a shift for.
So don't worry, I haven't left the building yet. Just got a lot on my plate. Pax, Julian.
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