Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Winter 2015 Special Offerings for Latin Masses and/or Solmenities (Jan - April 2015)

Hello Everyone,

Here is the current listing of non-regularly scheduled Latin Masses to occur in the Archdiocese of Toronto that are known to me via friends and/or social media. This is for January to April 2015.

In addition, because here at S.U.D., I acknowledge that the two forms of the Roman Rite must co-exist and be mutually enriching with one another, as per the wishes of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, I will now list special offerings of the Novus Ordo (e.g. Solemn Masses at the Cathedral with ++Collins,) including in Latin as well in these 4-month postings.

Should someone from an outside (arch)diocese make a special request, it will be posted and designated as such.

January 2015
Saturday January 3, 2015  (NOVUS ORDO)Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for Epiphany Sunday in the Novus Ordo Calendar. 

St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - Feast of Epiphany (Extraordinary Form)

St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Mississauga, ON

When: Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Location? St, Joseph's Catholic Church
Address?  5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society
Primary Contact/Inquiries for TTMS: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
Parish Website: http://stjosephchurchstreetsville.blogspot.ca/
Parish Contact/Information: 905 826 2766 or office@stjosephstreetsville.com
Facebook event page:  N/A

Bulletin Announcement: On website, but not accessible due to error with Google drive. Front page slides have announcement on main page.

February 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015 - Feast of the Purification/"Candlemas"

1. Oratorians of St. Phillip Neri,Holy Family, 1372 King St. West, Toronto, ON (NOVUS ORDO)

There will be a SUNG, ENGLISH Mass in the Novus Ordo at the Church of the Holy Family in Parkdale area at 5:30pm. This is NOT in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, and the blessing of any Candles would be from the Novus Ordo Rite Book of Blessings. 

For those who are so inclined to attend Mass in the EF/Latin, and get their candles blessed in the Extraordinary Form rubrics, either attend their normal 1130am offering, or see below...

2. St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Mississauga, ON

When: Monday February 2, 2015
Location? St, Joseph's Catholic Church
Address?  5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society
Primary Contact/Inquiries for TTMS: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
Parish Website: http://stjosephchurchstreetsville.blogspot.ca/
Parish Contact/Information: 905 826 2766 or office@stjosephstreetsville.com
Facebook event page:  N/A

Bulletin: Please see http://stjosephchurchstreetsville.blogspot.ca/p/bulletins-2012.html and click on the Feb 1 bulletin link.

Saturday February 14, 2015 (NOVUS ORDO) Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time in the Novus Ordo calendar.

St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."

Other Offerings?

No offerings are known as of current. More information will be available in future. 

March 2015
Saturday March 7, 2015 (NOVUS ORDO) Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for 3rd Sunday of Lent

St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."

No offerings are known as of current. Most of the Latin Mass parishes/organizations usually do an offering in this month. More information will be available in future.

April 2015

Saturday April 11, 2015 (NOVUS ORDO)Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for 2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday in the Novus Ordo Calendar. 

St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."

No offerings are known as of current. However, according to my current knowledge, Please check back here closer to the date with more information. 

In addition, a separate posting for Holy Week/Easter offerings for all of Ontario will be made closer to the time of Holy Week. 

Post Updated: March 4, 2015


  1. Hi Julian. Has anyone or will anyone be recording (video) the Latin Ordinary Form Masses?

    If so, please post/link.

    I'll check back here for a response.

    1. Hello W. Unfortunately there aren't any recordings that I know of, for these Masses. However, that does sound like a good idea! I will send word of that to the priest in charge.

    2. Thanks Julian!
