Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy Solemnity of Mary Mother of God (OF) or Octave Day of the Nativity (EF)! A Few Small Things to Start Things Off ...

Happy New Year and Solemnity/Octave of the Nativity!

Hope your holidays and Holy sojourns were well in this TRUE time of  the season of Christmas! Mine was pretty decent, and in spending good time with my fiancee and family, needless to say blogging wasn't my priority in the last few days. Sorry about not wishing anyone a Merry Christmas.

Well, I'll make up for that a little, with a few random tidbits, though I ask kindly you pay attention to the first tidbit, as it is in support of a holy and beautiful initiative in the Archdiocese of Toronto:

1) Latin Novus Ordo Mass in the Archdiocese of Toronto, St. James Catholic Church on Annette St. 

Some of you might have caught a prior offering as part of my "special" Latin Mass offerings page, or the ones last month in combination of promoting the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir Immaculate Conception Mass.

Under the gracious leadership of Fr. Ignacio Pinedo, St. James Catholic Church is embarking on what is now confirmed to be a series of offerings in the Novus Ordo, but in Latin! While there has not been the usual amount of web and Catholic Register coverage for the next offering, this is what they offered last month, and will be doing so again this coming Saturday, January 3, at 5pm:

Saturday, January 3, 2015: 
5 p.m Vigil. (OF-Feast of the Epiphany)
St. James Church
728 Annette St., Toronto

From Last Month`s Archdiocese of Toronto Website advertisement:
``Latin Mass Revisited
Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass).
Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451.``

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These offerings are going to be held usually every first Saturday Vigil of the month, or Second Saturday Vigil in the case of inability for whatever reason to use the first Saturday. The time will be 5pm. I personally plan to promote these offerings on Servimus Unum Deum, and will add them as well to my ``special`` offerings postings that cover a 4 month span, despite not being an EF/1962 Mass. Both forms of the rite are important, and when initiatives like this happen, they will not be ignored for the sake of "being trad."

So please everyone, I encourage you to re-consider your Mass plans this weekend, for one weekend this month, and come out and support St. James. And please, give them a generous monetary donation for their Latin Novus Ordo! This will send a clear message that the laity of Toronto want this to occur there, and even in more parishes! Money talks! More importantly, this IS the New Evangelization at play, and it is great to see a pastor, and a parish, seriously taking to heart what our recent popes (including Francis) are trying to inspire in the faithful ..... the real Vatican II

Not to mention .... if you happen to know of anyone, on both the choir end of things familiar with latin hymns/Gregorian Chant, OR experience serving solemn level Novus Ordo Masses, please immediately contact me. This initiative will welcome the additional experience/help. 

2) The Archdiocese of Toronto's ARCAT (Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto) blog .... making this liturgical young man filled with glee this Christmas ....

Gotta say, some blogs are really cool. Not to mention if you can`t tell I take pride in being under the spiritual leadership of ++Collins, and to me, I`ve just found one more reason to love him and the Archdiocese of Toronto .... THE ARCAT BLOG!!!

ARCAT, is short for the Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto, which ``... collects, preserves and makes available for research the official records of the Archdiocese of Toronto and those ancillary records which reflect the work of the Church within the Archdiocese.`` Besides that, they have started a really cool initiative called the Sacred Objects exchange, which will allow for restoration of old objects to better or new condition, and can even lend out objects for liturgical/sacred functions. While the exchange is still in need of more items, it is great to see this as part of the Archdiocese of Toronto. (Nota Bene .... Priests! Lay People! If you have liturgical items or vestments, including Latin Mass (Roman Fiddleback) stuff, give them to ARCAT's exchange! Build up the inventory!!!) 

Now here's the kicker. They have a blog! It's called "The Archivist's Pencil." While I do not know who the archivist blogging is by name, they write a weekly blog post or so, where they highlight one of their items in the archives, anything from notes or letters written by past priests, to some of the cool items they have in store down there. 

This Christmas, and I mean Christmas proper, from the Nativity of our Lord to the Feast of the Epiphany proper (which is truthfully Jan 6, but in the Novus Ordo they move it to be on Sunday,) they are highlighting an item each day. What items have they highlighted??? One example is Cardinal Collins' 2013 conclave folder and his seemingly regular stationary pen. Nope they didn't use a 24K golden one. 

However, I am in such glee recently, as ..... they have been highlighting some interesting items dealing with the Latin Mass!!! Two of them dealing with the Pontifical (Bishop's) level of Latin Mass! Here's all the Latin Mass related entries:

6th day: My fave so far .... BUSKINS!!! Liturgical Stockings for bishops! - http://www.archives-archtoronto.blogspot.ca/2014/12/on-sixth-day-of-christmas-arcat-stored.html

So what can I say ... ARCAT's blog has made this Latin Mass participant/server a very happy guy! Check out their other days of Christmas. I encourage you STRONGLY to sign up for their blog on their blogger feed and follow along. Support the archivists!

3) Personal Stuff, and some things on my to do list in the next while ...

Today, for the Octave of the Nativity in the Extraordinary form, I decided to catch up with one of my best friends in the Catholic faith, and a fellow Latin Mass server. He goes now only to the Latin Mass/EF, and I felt it would be a great day to pay a visit to Holy Family Church (Parkdale) with him for the EF Solemn Mass at 11am. It's been a while for both him and the EF (outside of the SPGC masses I assist with), so it was great to make today a reverent and holy day in good company. Of course, EF Mass is always a treasure to go to, with a decent amount more youth there than the average Mass. 

Not to mention I got to catch a glimpse of the almighty ... okay, I am gloating but still ... Most Reverend, Father Jonathan Robinson of the Oratory. He wasn't a part of the clergy party in today's Mass, but it's still a sight to see such a holy and reverend father still at work with the Oratory. He's well known for his modern day writings and spiritual works in the Church, of which includes writing for the Catholic Register for a period of time in the 80's and 90's. There is a book sold at the oratory which features his best work for our unofficial Archdiocesan newspaper at the church of Holy Family, for your information.  

As for what's to come in the next bit for Servimus Unum Deum, my game plan is to get out of the way a few posts I've been dying to write, through my first one will be an extra special one, highlighting a new Latin Mass start up in Ontario. Also, I have started a bit on the acolyte posting and I am dying to do that as well as the low mass for one server. I also just remembered I wanted to make a post on the summer course I did in 2014 for the New Evangelization from SINE, but man time flew and between wedding plans, my tiring work life and such, it slipped my mind. Not to mention a photo post from December's Immaculate Conception Mass, and perhaps new items as they come up. 

Plus, there's always room for defending the Catholic blogosphere from the slander, calumny, and detraction from those dark denizens, who give the Latin Mass and Traditional Catholicism a bad name. To them, and to my detractors, I'll keep fighting for the Lord and to see that this movement comes to positive fruition with the Joy of the Gospel, not the Despair of the Judgement. BRING IT ON!!!! I'm like that classic, uppity, hero type, protagonist in Japanese anime ... I'm in the battle for good now and I will continue to go forward with my allies. Onward ho!

Pax, Julian. 

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