Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Traditional and Orthodox Catholics of Toronto! Now's Your Chance! Give the Church Strength She Needs for Synod 2015

Hello Everyone,

While cruising the Archdiocese of Toronto's website looking at certain pages for information, I found an interesting link on its front page:


What! Unlike the Extraordinary Synod where the Office of the Archdiocese of Toronto decided that feedback was only to be obtained from clergy upon order from the CCCB, His Eminence has decided that we deserve to share in giving our utmost advice on issues for the 2015 Synod in Rome! Here's the full text from the website of the invitation:


Later this year, the Holy Father will be holding an Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on The vocation and the mission of the family in the Church and in the contemporary world. The synod will take place at the Vatican and will be attended by bishops from around the world. 

The Lineamenta is a document which outlines issues that need to be considered in order to help prepare the working document that will be used by the synod. In order to facilitate discussion, a list of questions has been provided with the Lineamenta. 

As part of this official consultative process, Catholics are invited to share their reflections on topics highlighted in the Lineamenta. As this is an extensive document that covers diverse subject matter, it is recommended that respondents consider selecting perhaps three areas or specific questions to provide informed commentary or insights. A concise response would be appreciated. A synthesis of responses will be sent to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops who will then forward the information gathered from across Canada to the Vatican in preparation for the Synod later this year.

All responses to the Lineamenta must be received no later than Monday, February 16, 2015. Responses can be sent either by e-mail to communications@archtoronto.org or by mail to the Office of Public Relations & Communications, 1155 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4T 1W2.

Thank you in advance for your feedback on these important topics. 

So basically, you pick some focus areas from the Lineamenta, or the questions from the CCCB summary that is part of the website and answer them (3 broader areas or a specific question) and send them to the e-mail to the Archdiocese's communications office. It's that simple! Here are the Lineamenta AND the CCCB summary links:

http://www.archtoronto.org/synod/questions_lineamenta.pdf (The so called "questions" seem to be the ones in this document)

A priest friend of mine has already alerted me to this as well. And I do appreciate it. See folks, a lot of the time, it's the active, loudmouthed liberals and "change people" that write to chanceries and to the Vatican with their groups in these kinds of things. When it comes to the Traditional side of things, it tends to be letters of shame, detraction, so and so did X wrong in the liturgy, excommunicate people like Michael Coren (just couldn't resist, ha ha ha!) ... and you wonder why no one in the hierarchy of the Church wants to listen to the Traditional Catholics. 

Well, let this be your chance to actually shine and show the Church what is needed with regards to this synod. Please follow the website's instructions and submit your feedback to the office, no later than Mon, Feb 16, 2015. You have almost a month. That should give you time to formulate an articulate, clever response that can benefit His Eminence when he must submit his information to the CCCB. 

Look, I get it that people in the know view the CCCB as some Liberal dark cloud blah blah blah usual Radicals Misrepresenting Traditionalist garbage. But look, if YOU and many other Traditional Orthodox Catholics do NOT write to His Eminence, it will be the liberals and those who are not sufficiently educated (or manipulated by the Culture in their weak formation of Faith) who will write to Him, and then what will he have to present to the CCCB? HE WANTS YOUR HELP!!! YOU KNOW HE'S MORE OF A ROLE MODEL VS OTHER BISHOPS AND CARDINALS TODAY!!!! YOU MUST put your feelings aside, and assist him! 

I am certainly one Glad Trad that will be assisting His Eminence and the whole of the Church by doing this in my spare time, and I implore you to do the same. "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing" was the expression, Well, how about good men and women do something for a change and actually assist the Church by showing them that even in Canada, we don't want radical pastoral change to make Church doctrine/dogma moot in areas of Family and Life! At its absolute worst ... at least you did your part and tried and fought for Her Holy Mother Church. 

Let's do this for His Eminence, for His Holiness, and for the Church! For the Family and Life!

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Exciting! New Latin Mass Initiative Occruring in Campbellford, Ontario at St. Mary's Church! Please Read Further!

Hello Everyone,

As promised, I am going to highlight a brand new Latin Mass initiative that has occurred in the province of Ontario! For those of you who haven't caught my last few posts, I am expanding some of my coverage (regular offerings and on the most important feast days) to include other (arch)dioceses of Ontario. What I will speak about is now a regular listing.

Furthermore, the priest in charge of this listing has been a great, faithful Holy Priest who has frequently assisted the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir in their offerings of the Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Toronto, travelling much a distance to aid the choir. Telling you about the initiative he leads is the least someone like myself involved in the Latin Mass can do for such an Alter Christi. 

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (a.k.a. St. Mary's), Campbellford, Ontario, CANADA

Taken from http://www.saintmaryschurch.info/

St. Mary's is a Catholic Church that is in the diocese of Peterborough, Ontario. The diocese covers the more northern regions of Ontario. 

As per its website, (http://www.saintmaryschurch.info/#!about/aboutPage): "It was founded in the late 1800's and the present building was erected in 1900 when the previous building underwent a fire during the night of Christmas Eve to Christmas Morning, in December 1899."

The parish is attached to the local school of same namesake, and has the basic ministries and organizations of most catholic parishes at the moment: e.g. Catholic Women's League, Knights of Columbus Chapter, Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Altar Serving, Lectoring ...

The parish contact information is here: 
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish 
21 Centre St. - P.O. Box 599
Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
Tel: 705-653-1093
Fax: 705-653-1093
Email: visitation@eastlink.ca

Pastor of the Parish, Fr. Jean-Pierre Pilon

Fr. Jean-Pierre Pilon, has been the pastor of St. Mary's since 2010. He is especially well suited for the implementation and celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite/Latin Mass, due to his extensive background. 

Fr. Pilon was ordained by well-known traditionalist bishop, Bp.Fabian Bruskewitz, formerly of the archdiocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, in 2002, after his seminary training at Our Lady of Guadalupe seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, although he is not currently a permanent member with the designate title, FSSP, of the fraternity. Instead he switched gears and became a Franciscan Friar. This was until his order dissolved and this resulted in his incardination into the diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA. Before coming to St. Mary's in 2010, he had also done some chaplaincy work in Europe in France and Ireland. 

Regardless of the twists and turns of his journey as a priest, Fr. Pilon's experience in the FSSP seminary in Nebraska gave him the capabilities to carry out the Latin Mass at its various levels. 

Establishment of the Latin Mass Initiative INCLUDING Sunday Obligation in the Diocese of Peterborough

While the Latin Mass had been said in private without permission, according to normal Church Laws, (e.g. Summorum Pontificum and Ecclesiae Unitatem) by Fr. Pilon, Toronto's former auxillary bishop, now Ordinary for the diocese of Peterborough, Bishop William McGrattan, formally gave permission to establish Sunday obligation Masses for the Extraordinary Form at St. Mary's. 

This permission was graciously given, as a number of parishioners in the archdiocese and neighboring townships (e.g. Keene) have expressed interested in the Latin Mass, wanting more than just random private offerings. 

The first regular Sunday Mass for the Extraordinary Form was December 14, 2014. This offering will be part of St. Mary's on the Second, Third, and in 5-week months, the 4th, Sundays of the Month, at 12:30pm. This offering complements an already existing offering at Our Lady of the Assumption (Mission - St. John the Evangelist) Catholic Church in Keene, Ontario, where they hold the Latin Mass at 12:30pm on the 1st and last Sundays of the month.  

Currently, the offerings for the Latin Mass at St. Mary's will be the Low Mass with Chant. Besides when the priest chants in the Mass, the organ and choir chant portions, such as propers, are being provided by a retired parishioner, a former music professor (Ph.D.) As for the serving portions, a couple of young men have willfully come forward to Fr. Pilon and have been sufficiently trained for serving the Mass. 

There are plans to develop both a schola and the serving program in the future, which could also lead to the ability to offer Masses of the higher levels in future. 

In addition to the already beautiful facade and interior of the church, there are plans underway to restore the parish bells to working condition. This project is not just a renewal of the physical aspects of the Church, but it also reflects the spiritual life of the parish and its parishioners. Should one want to find out more information about this project and donate by Internet via PayPal, then you can click on this link: http://www.saintmaryschurch.info/#!history/c8de

Therefore, I ask you, should your travels but out in Peterborough on a Sunday afternoon, may you consider and support this beautiful new offering in the Latin Mass at St. Mary's. This is an exciting new venture and there should be many more good things to come in future of it. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

Friday, 16 January 2015

Requiem Latin Mass Tomorrow (Saturday Jan 17) for Latin Mass Supporter. Please Attend.

The following is re-posted from the blog of the Toronto Traditional Mass Society. In repose of the deceased's soul, as well as to support Latin Mass efforts in the Archdiocese of Toronto, I highly implore you to attend.

I do apologize for not posting this earlier. It should have been, no excuses.

Pax, Julian.

"Dear Friends,

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing into eternity of our long-time friend and member Mrs. Carmelle Emma Harrison. Our sister [editorial note: of Christ, not religious sister] passed away on Monday, January 12, 2015 in the presence of her sister and nephew. 

Carmelle is resting at the Marshall Funeral Home 10366 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Visitation is on Friday, January 16 from 2:00 - 4:00 in the afternoon and from 7:00 - 9:00 in the evening.

The Sung Requiem Mass in the traditional Rite in which Carmelle loved will be celebrated on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 11:00 A.M. at the Church of St. Mary Immaculate at 10295 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill with internment to follow at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto"

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Finally Some True Catholic & Professional Journalism on Mary Wagner

Hello Everyone,

For those of you viewing traditional Catholic blogs (read: including those from Radicals Misrepresenting Traditionalists, my replacement term for TBBs, as one of them is using TBB as a badge of honour. BTW, RMT is my term, and it's a badge of disgrace,) there's been smattering of posts about pro-life advocate Mary Wagner. She got arrested in the Advent season for protesting inside an abortion clinic in Toronto.

I haven't been covering this because, in this blogger's opinion, the coverage has been mainly one-sided from LifeSiteNews, but more so, two bloggers who are RMTs and quite close allies with each other, and not from true journalists (including Catholic ones,) or bloggers who speak with authority, true respect, and thought on matters with the Mind of the Church in Toronto and/or Ontario (e.g. Fr. Raymond de Souza.) The coverage has become incessant in quantity, not of critical thinking, and bears a sensationalist "make un-harmonious noise" quality, vs. inspiring towards action. Also, this blog is more of a liturgical blog. However, I will address the RMT elements in the coverage of this issue.

The coverage of Mary's arrest until the article at the bottom of this post, gave more credence to the Holy Father's words last year in the America journal about micro-focusing on Abortion and other such causes. I will be a Glad Trad and give Francis the benefit of the doubt in what he said. He wasn't insulting those who do such work. He is not stupid about this moral evil and Traditional Catholic causes (unlike the sentiments of the Radicals and the RMTs,) and likely gets that a lot of Catholic youth are pro-life. He was likely tacking abortion in this interview from the perspective of making something else a sacred cow or going to extremes for something, over the whole totality of practicing the Catholic Faith. In fact, he has spoken out harshly against it, even accusing Europe of being a `grandmother` of sorts, likely thinking of contraception and abortion in mind with that `grandmother` speech. One can even think along the lines of extreme ``Martha-ism`` like his speech to clergy this past Advent.

If you want more depth to understanding that spiritually crippling mentality, I recommend the work of Benedictine Tertiary oblate, Mrs. Elizabeth Scalia, the "Anchoress" online. She`s even wrote a book about it called ``Strange Gods.`` for sale on her site.

However, with regards to the coverage of Mary's case, perhaps the Pope's words do apply here in those bloggers` cases. Christ seems to be shoved aside here for the sake of being inordinately angry at her imprisonment, bearing anti-law enforcement sentiments, and even using Mary's situation for the sake of launching another RMT assault at the 'corrupt, post-Vatican II Church and its bishops,`including out Eminence of Toronto, Thomas Cardinal Collins.

Not to mention, one of the two bloggers` coverage has gone far from the limits of being journalistic or highlighting the injustice of Mary Wagner, with the reigniting of personal feuds with a liberal, heretical priest by mentioning him by name, and local Catholic journalist/media personality Michael Coren, who has stated in his latest Cathoilc Register article of how Mary`s supporters are attacking him personally. These two bloggers are part of that cabal. At least the true supporters of Mary, the Polish people in the motherland of Poland, are going about things properly and showing support that one can clearly define as Catholic, and not laced with vitriol. Such personal vendettas are detracting from the importance of the main issue.

On the issue of bishops, even a commentator in one of the main blogger's postings has stated the following, which rings true for this current scenario (albeit seems to have been used for Toronto pro-life's past in the 60's-80's):

"Working WITH bishops always works better than denouncing them in print." [Or in this case, online text on your blogs.]

The anger inherent in the coverage of the issues combined with the quantity of posts and its clear, bias .... is quite above what is necessary to cover this situation. Further, the accusations launched by these two bloggers, again one more than the other, is quite exaggerated with an obvious bias.

So, reader, you or one of my major detractors/slanderers will likely say something with the mentality of, `Well I am not being silent! I will scream it to the hills until she is free! You are a Spawn of Satan Julian!`` If you want to do that, fine, go do it on your blogs, but do realize it actually might not be helping her cause. That won`t make even the more ``devout`` Catholic want to contribute to the pro-life cause, and also is embarrassing Traditional Catholics, as if we are these crazy pro-life zealots who scream obscenities in print and verbally (vulgar, and non-vulgar) like those pro-death counterparts. If anything it damages the Traditional Catholic movement as well as the abortion movement too, out of pure sensationalism.

However, do not assume I am implying some sort of spiritual defect in Mary Wagner's soul and mind. I am not. If she chooses freely with her own free will and her Catholic Faith to march into abortion clinics, that`s her free will to do that and let Christ be her judge upon death if it was not in accordance to His teachings. If her supporters and other pro-lifers admire her so much to do the same in solidarity and copy her actions straight in to jail, then I will not condemn that if it is their free will.

Personally, I wouldn't go so far as to do what Mary Wagner did, walking into an abortion clinic knowing of the laws and that it will end up in arrest. Such action should be a LAST resort, when all other civil and diplomatic means have been executed. Civil disobedience, even though there is a portion in our Catechism, is NOT the first strategy to employ against a moral situation or offence. Has one ever heard of prudence and temperance, of which prudence is the highest of the Cardinal virtues governing temperance, fortitude, and justice?

I must also state there are numerous other organizations and even religious orders that are doing pro-life work in the Church that are tackling the problem head on. Examples are Campaign Life Coalition (with its youth wing), the Aid to Women organization in Toronto, National Campus Life Network (NCLN), and the holy Sisters of Life. I even have acquaintances that are active officers in these organizations and have had the pleasure to have traveled to Ottawa for the March for Life with the Sisters alongside my companions at Newman Centre @ U of T.

To me, these organizations/groups are better local options or means to take part in the battle against abortion. If I wanted to be gung ho as a Catholic, I'd join with one of my colleagues and devote myself with as much fervor as they do. Oh, there are also areas NEAR the abortion clinics you can pray and speak to patients and hand out literature to, you know. Just ask some of those organizations how to do it. To me, these organizations and the March for Life, are making a greater impact and presence on the Pro-Life Movement, flush with young vibrant people, than these kinds of efforts. In fact, if you glance at the blogosphere, the naked truth is that every year, the amount of people at March for Life Ottawa increases!!!

So, allow me to end this little episode in Blogger-land by showing you what an example of high quality, proper Catholic journalism with the mind and heart of the Church on the issue is. Deborah Gyapong of the Catholic Register and other journalistic publications in Canada, has reported on Mary Wagner's imprisonment and done proper research and evaluation, including interviewing an eye-witness the day of her imprisonment. Her work has finally been released by a notable (read: balanced to conservative) catholic, mainstream media source called the "B.C. Catholic."

THE ARTICLE MAY BE FOUND HERE:  http://bccatholic.ca/component/content/article/1-latest-news/4646-mary-wagners-opposition-to-abortion-lands-her-in-prison-again.

It has been finally picked up by a major Catholic media source in Canada. One could say that the blogosphere's major gripes of "It's not getting press!" has been addressed. I would only hope that the coverage at this point forward becomes less of a griping and pushy nature, and more of modest updates on the situation. I, here as S.U.D., will not be covering such an issue in future. Abortion isn't one of my major focuses of this blog, though something of my friends who are involved in pro-life work might cross over (e.g. from Campaign Life Coalition) and I will happily promote my Glad Trad friends' work or efforts if need be on here.

Finally, I reiterate: It is a major embarrassment and shame that these bloggers, who are self-appointed leaders in the Latin Mass circles in the Archdiocese of Toronto and surrounding it, even actual leaders with positions in the Latin Mass, have once again chosen to waste their positions of "authority," time, and energy, into turning something true and valiant, into something personal and feeding some sort of beast, a beast that isn`t Catholic. By feeding these beasts, I am in disbelief that these people are representing "Traditional Catholicism." News flash, they are not, and do not, represent what Traditional Catholicism is truly about, and even young Catholic adults in the movement do not want to identify with this behaviour, not just myself. Then again, the expression is ``the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.`` Something good is easily turned into something evil when twisted with prideful vice.  I think Michael Cored in his article above for CR says it well:

``Could there be something personal, even needy, about all this? 

Michael may not be right on everything in the Catholic Faith, but in this case, his arguments are actually being bolstered due to the bloggers` behaviour online. He`s asking the strong questions and even nailing some things on the head. The quote above, is one of his proper questions he is asking, and is right-on in doing so. His question, is a great summation of my sentiments and commentary, in one sentence.

Now, that`s my twoonie in all this, and that`s all I`ve got to spend. I've got better ways to use my time as one involved (but never sickened in obsession) in participation in Traditional Catholicism, such as making posts on ... oh! Altar serving and the Latin Mass! There's still that Low Mass for one server and Acolyte post calling my name ....

Pax Tibi Christi. Julian Barkin.

P.S. Comments are off. I expect some blow back on the blog-o-sphere of the detracting and slanderous kind from my enemies. I await and expect your cannon fire. Don`t try anything with my e-mail either or my allies and friends.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

It is time for a Good Old Glad Trad Laugh, Courtesy of Michael Coren

Hello Everyone,

Once again it is a new year. For certain vile bloggers on the Catholic Blog-o-sphere, it's back to normal business post holidays. Now, I could rant and rave and get angry, but instead, how about some good morrow and cheer, courtesy of that "heretic" Michael Coren!

I found this on one of my strolls down Internet Lane, and couldn't resist! It gave me many episodes of Lol! (for those of you living in 1962, in 2015, that means, "laughing out loud")

Nice to show your true colours Coren! We knew you were a flaming-pink liberal! 

Ha Ha Ha! Hope you Glad Trads enjoyed that one. Keep on smiling!

Pax, Julian. 

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Winter 2015 Special Offerings for Latin Masses and/or Solmenities (Jan - April 2015)

Hello Everyone,

Here is the current listing of non-regularly scheduled Latin Masses to occur in the Archdiocese of Toronto that are known to me via friends and/or social media. This is for January to April 2015.

In addition, because here at S.U.D., I acknowledge that the two forms of the Roman Rite must co-exist and be mutually enriching with one another, as per the wishes of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, I will now list special offerings of the Novus Ordo (e.g. Solemn Masses at the Cathedral with ++Collins,) including in Latin as well in these 4-month postings.

Should someone from an outside (arch)diocese make a special request, it will be posted and designated as such.

January 2015
Saturday January 3, 2015  (NOVUS ORDO)Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for Epiphany Sunday in the Novus Ordo Calendar. 

St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."

Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - Feast of Epiphany (Extraordinary Form)

St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Mississauga, ON

When: Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Location? St, Joseph's Catholic Church
Address?  5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society
Primary Contact/Inquiries for TTMS: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
Parish Website: http://stjosephchurchstreetsville.blogspot.ca/
Parish Contact/Information: 905 826 2766 or office@stjosephstreetsville.com
Facebook event page:  N/A

Bulletin Announcement: On website, but not accessible due to error with Google drive. Front page slides have announcement on main page.

February 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015 - Feast of the Purification/"Candlemas"

1. Oratorians of St. Phillip Neri,Holy Family, 1372 King St. West, Toronto, ON (NOVUS ORDO)

There will be a SUNG, ENGLISH Mass in the Novus Ordo at the Church of the Holy Family in Parkdale area at 5:30pm. This is NOT in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, and the blessing of any Candles would be from the Novus Ordo Rite Book of Blessings. 

For those who are so inclined to attend Mass in the EF/Latin, and get their candles blessed in the Extraordinary Form rubrics, either attend their normal 1130am offering, or see below...

2. St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Mississauga, ON

When: Monday February 2, 2015
Location? St, Joseph's Catholic Church
Address?  5440 Durie Road, Mississauga, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer: Toronto Traditional Mass Society
Primary Contact/Inquiries for TTMS: unavocetoronto@gmail.com
Parish Website: http://stjosephchurchstreetsville.blogspot.ca/
Parish Contact/Information: 905 826 2766 or office@stjosephstreetsville.com
Facebook event page:  N/A

Bulletin: Please see http://stjosephchurchstreetsville.blogspot.ca/p/bulletins-2012.html and click on the Feb 1 bulletin link.

Saturday February 14, 2015 (NOVUS ORDO) Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time in the Novus Ordo calendar.

St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."

Other Offerings?

No offerings are known as of current. More information will be available in future. 

March 2015
Saturday March 7, 2015 (NOVUS ORDO) Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for 3rd Sunday of Lent

St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."

No offerings are known as of current. Most of the Latin Mass parishes/organizations usually do an offering in this month. More information will be available in future.

April 2015

Saturday April 11, 2015 (NOVUS ORDO)Saturday Vigil, Liturgy for 2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday in the Novus Ordo Calendar. 

St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

" Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."

No offerings are known as of current. However, according to my current knowledge, Please check back here closer to the date with more information. 

In addition, a separate posting for Holy Week/Easter offerings for all of Ontario will be made closer to the time of Holy Week. 

Post Updated: March 4, 2015

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy Solemnity of Mary Mother of God (OF) or Octave Day of the Nativity (EF)! A Few Small Things to Start Things Off ...

Happy New Year and Solemnity/Octave of the Nativity!

Hope your holidays and Holy sojourns were well in this TRUE time of  the season of Christmas! Mine was pretty decent, and in spending good time with my fiancee and family, needless to say blogging wasn't my priority in the last few days. Sorry about not wishing anyone a Merry Christmas.

Well, I'll make up for that a little, with a few random tidbits, though I ask kindly you pay attention to the first tidbit, as it is in support of a holy and beautiful initiative in the Archdiocese of Toronto:

1) Latin Novus Ordo Mass in the Archdiocese of Toronto, St. James Catholic Church on Annette St. 

Some of you might have caught a prior offering as part of my "special" Latin Mass offerings page, or the ones last month in combination of promoting the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir Immaculate Conception Mass.

Under the gracious leadership of Fr. Ignacio Pinedo, St. James Catholic Church is embarking on what is now confirmed to be a series of offerings in the Novus Ordo, but in Latin! While there has not been the usual amount of web and Catholic Register coverage for the next offering, this is what they offered last month, and will be doing so again this coming Saturday, January 3, at 5pm:

Saturday, January 3, 2015: 
5 p.m Vigil. (OF-Feast of the Epiphany)
St. James Church
728 Annette St., Toronto

From Last Month`s Archdiocese of Toronto Website advertisement:
``Latin Mass Revisited
Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass).
Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451.``

_____     _____     _____     ______     _______    ______

These offerings are going to be held usually every first Saturday Vigil of the month, or Second Saturday Vigil in the case of inability for whatever reason to use the first Saturday. The time will be 5pm. I personally plan to promote these offerings on Servimus Unum Deum, and will add them as well to my ``special`` offerings postings that cover a 4 month span, despite not being an EF/1962 Mass. Both forms of the rite are important, and when initiatives like this happen, they will not be ignored for the sake of "being trad."

So please everyone, I encourage you to re-consider your Mass plans this weekend, for one weekend this month, and come out and support St. James. And please, give them a generous monetary donation for their Latin Novus Ordo! This will send a clear message that the laity of Toronto want this to occur there, and even in more parishes! Money talks! More importantly, this IS the New Evangelization at play, and it is great to see a pastor, and a parish, seriously taking to heart what our recent popes (including Francis) are trying to inspire in the faithful ..... the real Vatican II

Not to mention .... if you happen to know of anyone, on both the choir end of things familiar with latin hymns/Gregorian Chant, OR experience serving solemn level Novus Ordo Masses, please immediately contact me. This initiative will welcome the additional experience/help. 

2) The Archdiocese of Toronto's ARCAT (Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto) blog .... making this liturgical young man filled with glee this Christmas ....

Gotta say, some blogs are really cool. Not to mention if you can`t tell I take pride in being under the spiritual leadership of ++Collins, and to me, I`ve just found one more reason to love him and the Archdiocese of Toronto .... THE ARCAT BLOG!!!

ARCAT, is short for the Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto, which ``... collects, preserves and makes available for research the official records of the Archdiocese of Toronto and those ancillary records which reflect the work of the Church within the Archdiocese.`` Besides that, they have started a really cool initiative called the Sacred Objects exchange, which will allow for restoration of old objects to better or new condition, and can even lend out objects for liturgical/sacred functions. While the exchange is still in need of more items, it is great to see this as part of the Archdiocese of Toronto. (Nota Bene .... Priests! Lay People! If you have liturgical items or vestments, including Latin Mass (Roman Fiddleback) stuff, give them to ARCAT's exchange! Build up the inventory!!!) 

Now here's the kicker. They have a blog! It's called "The Archivist's Pencil." While I do not know who the archivist blogging is by name, they write a weekly blog post or so, where they highlight one of their items in the archives, anything from notes or letters written by past priests, to some of the cool items they have in store down there. 

This Christmas, and I mean Christmas proper, from the Nativity of our Lord to the Feast of the Epiphany proper (which is truthfully Jan 6, but in the Novus Ordo they move it to be on Sunday,) they are highlighting an item each day. What items have they highlighted??? One example is Cardinal Collins' 2013 conclave folder and his seemingly regular stationary pen. Nope they didn't use a 24K golden one. 

However, I am in such glee recently, as ..... they have been highlighting some interesting items dealing with the Latin Mass!!! Two of them dealing with the Pontifical (Bishop's) level of Latin Mass! Here's all the Latin Mass related entries:

6th day: My fave so far .... BUSKINS!!! Liturgical Stockings for bishops! - http://www.archives-archtoronto.blogspot.ca/2014/12/on-sixth-day-of-christmas-arcat-stored.html

So what can I say ... ARCAT's blog has made this Latin Mass participant/server a very happy guy! Check out their other days of Christmas. I encourage you STRONGLY to sign up for their blog on their blogger feed and follow along. Support the archivists!

3) Personal Stuff, and some things on my to do list in the next while ...

Today, for the Octave of the Nativity in the Extraordinary form, I decided to catch up with one of my best friends in the Catholic faith, and a fellow Latin Mass server. He goes now only to the Latin Mass/EF, and I felt it would be a great day to pay a visit to Holy Family Church (Parkdale) with him for the EF Solemn Mass at 11am. It's been a while for both him and the EF (outside of the SPGC masses I assist with), so it was great to make today a reverent and holy day in good company. Of course, EF Mass is always a treasure to go to, with a decent amount more youth there than the average Mass. 

Not to mention I got to catch a glimpse of the almighty ... okay, I am gloating but still ... Most Reverend, Father Jonathan Robinson of the Oratory. He wasn't a part of the clergy party in today's Mass, but it's still a sight to see such a holy and reverend father still at work with the Oratory. He's well known for his modern day writings and spiritual works in the Church, of which includes writing for the Catholic Register for a period of time in the 80's and 90's. There is a book sold at the oratory which features his best work for our unofficial Archdiocesan newspaper at the church of Holy Family, for your information.  

As for what's to come in the next bit for Servimus Unum Deum, my game plan is to get out of the way a few posts I've been dying to write, through my first one will be an extra special one, highlighting a new Latin Mass start up in Ontario. Also, I have started a bit on the acolyte posting and I am dying to do that as well as the low mass for one server. I also just remembered I wanted to make a post on the summer course I did in 2014 for the New Evangelization from SINE, but man time flew and between wedding plans, my tiring work life and such, it slipped my mind. Not to mention a photo post from December's Immaculate Conception Mass, and perhaps new items as they come up. 

Plus, there's always room for defending the Catholic blogosphere from the slander, calumny, and detraction from those dark denizens, who give the Latin Mass and Traditional Catholicism a bad name. To them, and to my detractors, I'll keep fighting for the Lord and to see that this movement comes to positive fruition with the Joy of the Gospel, not the Despair of the Judgement. BRING IT ON!!!! I'm like that classic, uppity, hero type, protagonist in Japanese anime ... I'm in the battle for good now and I will continue to go forward with my allies. Onward ho!

Pax, Julian. 

Note of Change: Expansion of Coverage for Latin Mass Listings to Include All of Ontario

Hello Everyone,

I have decided to make a decision to expand my regular listings (e.g. weekly, daily) as well as listings for the most important feast days of the Liturgical year (e.g. Christmas, Holy Week, Octave of Christmas/Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God) to include ALL of Ontario. Listings will be added and updated to my regular listings page upon some form of confirmation (e.g. bulletin, online, e-mail) for the listing.

As for my special offerings pages, (the ones I do for 4 month periods) I will continue to focus solely on those offerings in the Archdiocese of Toronto. However, upon written request to my e-mail account associated with this blog, I will post any desired listings should someone from an outside (arch)diocese ask for an addition. It will be titled, "Special Request - XXXXX, (Arch)Diocese of XXXXXX" to indicate such.

Thank you. Pax, Julian.