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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Requiem Mass Funeral at St. Lawrence the Martyr in the Archdiocese of Toronto This Friday Jan 25, 2013 1130AM

For your information, and as part of my goals for this blog, I am highlighting the following in our diocese at St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, ON.

  1. +amgD: ... the grandmother of Our organist for the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite Mass passed away yesterday 10 min before Mass--her funeral in the traditional Latin Requiem Mass will be this Friday at 1130 am at St. St. Lawrence The Martyr (R-C) Church — at St. Lawrence Martyr Church.

In due seriousness, may those who are associated with St. Lawrence the Martyr, or who want to offer up their prayers for the deceased through the Extraordinary Form Mass, attend this Requiem Mass.

Pax, Julian.

Some Postscript Notes
1) Already, a few EF Requiem Masses have taken place at SLTM since their serving program started a couple of years ago, and likely more will follow with the presence of the EF at SLTM ... and the calling of our Lord of many more members of the Boomer generation (to their eternal judgement and hopeful reuniting with our Lord ... lest they were in the state of sanctifying grace upon death).

EF Requiem Masses will increase as a regular occurrence in the life of the Church today, with the resurgence of the EF in dioceses be they lay organizations/choirs/parishes. This won't just be in the archdiocese of Toronto, but worldwide.

2) Provided I serve a few more Requiem Masses, I will add a post on serving such a Mass when the time comes, dedicated to the Requiem Low Mass.

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