Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Personal Note and Reminders

Hello Everyone.

Just some reminders and a personal note from today's adventures in EF land:

1) Requiem Mass reminder from my prior post:

Robin L. M. Cheung

+amgD: ... the grandmother of Our organist for the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite Mass passed away yesterday 10 min before Mass--her funeral in the traditional Latin Requiem Mass will be this Friday at 1130 am at St. St. Lawrence The Martyr (R-C) Church — at St. Lawrence Martyr Church.

That would be St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, Ontario, this Friday January 25th at 1130am. The Church is at 2210 Lawrence Avenue East in Scarborough.

For this Mass, having spoke to veteran server Robin, there will be us and 2 other servers, for a total of 4 servers. It is unknown whether this Mass will be a Requiem Low mass with additional servers and minimal accompaniment of music as permitted rubically for Low Masses, or a Requiem Missa Cantata. 

2) Monthly Toronto TLM Serving Group Meeting/Practice

Just a reminder: 

The next practice for the serving group will be held This Friday, January 25th, 8pm. The Church is at 2210 Lawrence Avenue East, closest to Lawrence Ave. East and Kennedy Rd. 

For both items in 1) and 2), SLTM is accessible using TTC by taking transit to Kennedy Station and then a 43/43B bus to Lawrence Ave. E. and walking west for a short time to get to the Church.

3) Personal Stuff 

I got to do my 2nd Low Mass in a 2 server Mass today alongside Robin Cheung, SLTM veteran server at SLTM! 

The celebrant was Fr. Gavigan, so interestingly enough, there was a slight change or two, from the prayers in the sacristy (additional ones before "Procedamus in Pace"), and instead of offering the burse post-communion for the corporal and the chalice veil goes on top, you present the chalice veil by the corners to him, and the burse is stacked on top (or something else but it's not the usual order ...). Unless you got a solid reference from a liturgical book/Canon Law/Vatican, don't be a piss-pot! I'll make sure you never post here again!

Despite not having formal 1-on-1 training sessions for the Low Mass, and I was using other YouTube serving videos and some book guides so I didn't look awful up there, I managed to get through. I was OK, but I need a few more Low Masses under my belt. I'll probably be Acolyte 2/"Book" one more time, and then I'll progress to Acolyte 1/"Bell" and maybe .... alone. 

Pax, Julian. 

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