Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Thank You. Over 3K hits.

Hello Everyone.

I just want to give everyone a hearty thank you for viewing my blog. I hope that is has given you a bit of positive glimpse into the Extraordinary Form, and serving the Latin Mass. Thanks to you, over the past week, I've amassed at least 50-100+ hits most days, and as of last night or the one before that, I surpassed over 3000 Hits!!!

Considering this blog has only been active for 4 full months, I am floored at this many hits in a short time, despite the niche that I have geared this blog towards, and that by no means I am a major player in the EF blogosphere, unlike Fr. Zuhlsdorf, Jimmy Akin (somewhat), etc.

So, simply, thank you. It's encouraging to me. And seeing as my main focus (the altar serving) is getting the most hits, I will do my best between my job and my social life/spiritual life to get more serving postings to you.

Sincerely, Julian Barkin. Pax Tibi Christi.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Latin Masses for Solemnities and Feast Days for Winter 2013 in the Archdiocese of Toronto

Hello Everyone.

Here will be listed the Latin Masses for Feast Days and Solemnities in the core of the Archdiocese of Toronto for Winter 2013, from this point onward, until Easter.

Feast of Candlemas, Saturday February 2

Oratorian Parishes (St. Vincent De Paul and Holy Family)

Holy Family Parish

St. Lawrence the Martyr
  • Where? 2210 Lawrence Aveune East, Scarborough, ON
  • When? 10:00 am
  • Level of Mass? Latin Low Mass
  • Contact: 416-759-9359 or stlawrence_martyr@rogers.com
  • Website: http://stlawrencemartyr.org/ (In Progress of updating)

Toronto Traditional Mass Society (a.k.a. "Una-Voce Toronto")

Ash Wednesday. Wednesday February 13, 2013

Oratorian Parishes

1) Holy Family Parish
2) St Vincent De Paul

St. Lawrence the Martyr
  • Where? 2210 Lawrence Aveune East, Scarborough, ON
  • When? 11:00 am
  • Level of Mass? Latin Low Mass
  • Contact: 416-759-9359 or stlawrence_martyr@rogers.com
  • Website: http://stlawrencemartyr.org/ (In Progress of updating)
No Solemn Masses are known to be occurring in the Diocese by any of the lay-organized Choirs.

Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Tuesday March 19

Oratorian Parishes

1) Holy Family Parish
St. Lawrence the Martyr
  • Where? 2210 Lawrence Aveune East, Scarborough, ON
  • When? 11:00 am
  • Level of Mass? Latin Low Mass
  • Contact: 416-759-9359 or stlawrence_martyr@rogers.com
  • Website: http://stlawrencemartyr.org/ (In Progress of updating)
St. Patrick`s Gregorian Choir

Latest Update: March 12, 2013

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Off the Beaten Path: CCCB statement of the Society of St. Pius X (Updated Jan 28 2013)

Hello everyone,

I Julian, sole author of Servimus Unum Deum, must take an urgent break from doing the serving portions of my blog to touch on an issue that has struck a nerve with me as a young EF-partaking Catholic. You young people should especially listen up.

If some of you have noticed, in certain places I have stressed here on Servimus Uunum Deum, that we should support the extraordinary form via VALID AND LICIT DIOCESAN Latin Masses. I say so because these masses and their clergy involved are those with true and proper faculties who are under the Magisterium and specifically, the diocesan ordinary, +Collins, as dictated by canon law. Canon Law is the acting divine and practical law, that is part of the Magisterial and binding authority of the Church. We the laity are even bound to it in certain parts (e.g. Mass obligation, sins that incur automatic excommunication).

Any priest, acting outside of the authority of their diocesan ordinary, has NO faculties (save maybe consecration and emergency confession in danger of death). This includes excommunicated, illicit, or invalid priests. 
The bishop is responsible for faculties of priests to validly and licitly carry our the Sacraments of Jesus Christ. This is stated in Canon Law. First off:

"Can. 838 §1. The direction of the sacred liturgy depends solely on the authority of the Church which resides in the Apostolic See and, according to the norm of law, the diocesan bishop."

This extends to all sacraments, as they are performed within the Liturgy (save emergency baptism in a period of crisis/imminent death). For example, lets use the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
"Can. 966 §1. The valid absolution of sins requires that the minister have, in addition to the power of orders, the faculty of exercising it for the faithful to whom he imparts absolution."

"Can. 969 §1. The local ordinary alone is competent to confer upon any presbyters whatsoever the faculty to hear the confessions of any of the faithful. Presbyters who are members of religious institutes, however, are not to use the faculty without at least the presumed permission of their superior."

Why Am I saying this? Because sadly, there are certain organizations that exist that do not operate within the authority of the Church and are canonically illegal. They may practice Catholicism and look like "true Catholicism" including using the rubrical books and liturgies of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, but are really acting in defiance of the Magisterium and our bishops and Holy Father.

The most well known and popular, especially with the resurgence of the Extraordinary form, is the Society if St Pius X. I do not want to delve into their history here as there are numerous books and blog posts flying around, (with some of them biased in their favour), except to say that since 1988 when pope JPII had to excommunicate its founder Archbishop Marcel Lefevbre and 5 other bishops (a co-consecrator and 4 newly consecrated bishops, of whom one, Fellay is the SSPX's current head), they have been obstinate in not reconciling with Rome, despite B16's heroic efforts.

Unfortunately, the organization operates in my diocese and many others around the world, and continues to attract people in the wake of our institutional (clergy, lay teachers, separate school teachers, parents ... etc. NOT the true Catholic) Church's failure to minister to its laity. Seeking solid catechesis that was never or poorly given to them, and what they feel is "true Catholicism unadulterated by the Smoke of Satan that is Vatican II," misinformed Catholics are sadly being sucked into what they provide. What really sickens me is that they offer the Latin Mass AND ``sacraments`` as well as ``theology`` and ``teaching`` but all their Masses are illicit (illegal) and while supposedly they can confect the Eucharist, ALL their other sacraments are EMPTY, NULL, and VOID facsimiles in Latin as they separate themselves from, and act without, the authority of their dioceses` bishops in rejection of their ``Novus Ordo Church``. They even have their own marriage tribunals outside of the Church! So already they deem themselves in action the "eyes of the Church" as that is who sees and does not see valid marriages.

Even the Holy Father, when he remitted the excommunications on the bishops of the Society, reaffirmed that the `ministers` in the Society have no faculties to administer anything sacramental in his 2009 letter, 3rd paragraph:

`` The fact that the Society of Saint Pius X does not possess a canonical status in the Church is not, in the end, based on disciplinary but on doctrinal reasons. As long as the Society does not have a canonical status in the Church, its ministers do not exercise legitimate ministries in the Church.``

(Updated here, Jan 28, 2013)
Also in this letter, despite the removal of the excommunications of the four bishops, the bishops AND the society are still not in communion with Rome. What is even more sorrowful is that while they may have paid, and still pay lip service to the Pope regarding his divine authority, The Society and their adherents/supporters denied that the excommunications ever took place under a case of "dire emergency" in the Church, and still hold onto that false truth. The Society and their adherents/supporters have also said they are not schismatic, in communion with Rome, and have good standing prior to and after the remission of excommunications including sacramental faculties, when clearly the Pope`s 2009 letter says otherwise. They are wrong. They do not have canonical status and they are in a schismatic position because they reject Vat.II etc. They do not have faculties.

Nice to know that Matthew 16:19 only applies selectively to the Society and not the whole of the Church or what is done onto them.
(End Update Jan 28, 2013)

I would also like to highlight something important for the Laity. While the Church has not issued a ban on attending their masses for Sunday Obligation in cases of dire necessity (e.g. Going and not receiving their ``communion`` vs. violating the obligation), going to their Masses can eventually lead to schism.

Schism is an automatic excommunication action, as it is ``latae sentetiae``

Can. 1314 Generally, a penalty is ferendae sententiae, so that it does not bind the guilty party until after it has been imposed; if the law or precept expressly establishes it, however, a penalty is latae sententiae, so that it is incurred ipso facto when the delict is committed.

Schism is latae sententitae as indicated here:
``Can. 1364 §1. Without prejudice to the prescript of  can. 194, §1, n. 2, an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication; in addition, a cleric can be punished with the penalties mentioned in  can. 1336, §1, nn. 1, 2, and 3.``

This fact of schism by attending their ìllicit (a.k.a. illegal) Masses which comes about with frequency of attendance has been made clear by the Pontifical Commission of Ecclesia Dei in Rome, in a published correspondence to a layperson who blogs, Brian Mershon, back in 2008. The correspondence is here and I highlight the relevant paragraph:

"While it is true that participation in the Mass at chapels of the Society of St. Pius X does not of itself constitute "formal adherence to the schism" (cf. Ecclesia Dei 5, c), such adherence can come about over a period of time as one slowly imbibes a schismatic mentality which separates itself from the teaching of the Supreme Pontiff and the entire Catholic Church.``

Further, their head, Fellay, who isn't a true bishop of the Church, came at the end of December to administer the "sacrament" of Confirmation. Even though the sacraments were performed according to the EF rites of 1962, and everything materially and literally was likely done correctly, NO SACRAMENT took place as the bishop is an invalid minister not under +Collins or even the Church in Rome under B16, the "Bishop of all bishops". See the clarification letter from 2009 above.

In addition, Fellay even administered one or more "conditional Confirmations" to those who have already received their sacraments in the "Novus Ordo church" and worse, the confirmandi believe their prior Confirmations are defective and therefore they receive a "Conditional confirmation" as if it was to fix the broken sacrament or give what was not there, which is diabolical and theologically wrong!!!! It is a misinterpretation of this Canon Law:

Can. 845 ß1 Because they imprint a character, the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and order cannot be repeated. ß2 If after diligent enquiry a prudent doubt remains as to whether the sacraments mentioned in ß1 have been conferred at all, or conferred validly, they are to be conferred conditionally. "

"Can. 841 Since the sacraments are the same throughout the universal Church, and belong to the divine deposit of faith, only the supreme authority in the Church can approve or define what is needed for their validity. It belongs to the same authority, or to another competent authority in accordance with can. 838 ß3 and 4, to determine what is required for their lawful celebration, administration and reception and for
the order to be observed in their celebration."

So the SSPX and Fellay lie to their adherents who join them from the main body of the TRUE Catholic Church, when they make them believe that the Novus Ordo Mass and sacraments done under its liturgies are defective and/or invalid. Once a Catholic gets the sacrament at a Confirmation,
- Where the proper form of the rite according to the liturgical books promulgated by the Catholic Church, without abborhent and intentional deviation
- Proper Matter was used in carrying out all aspects of the sacrament according to liturgical law,
- The intent by the Bishop is proper
- The sacrament was performed, by a VALID AND LICITLY ordained bishop by the Holy Father himself, then that Novus Ordo Sacrament is un-doable and unrepeatable.

And I dare you to show me evidence of a Novus Ordo Consecration with grave liturgical violation that made it invalid, like ad-libbing by the bishop, improper words used, etc. Gather hymnal music and a lack of questions from the bishop, or a lukewarm sermon doesn't cut it!

So those Catholics who flocked over to receive confirmation from him got a raw deal, having already had the sacrament. The indelible mark of your ``N.O Comfirmation is signed, sealed, and delivered.`` No take backs.

In addition, while Fellay was here, he went to the provincial SSPX school located in New Hamburg, where he gave a 1.5 hour long diatribe that is now on the Internet on YouTube. With everything above as  background prior to this, I now turn to the main focus of my article, the statement in response to the speech he did in December and the necessary response to the diatribe from the CCCB.

Recently, the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops had to make a statement on the matter contained in his 1.5 hour long speech. The speech was for the most part, a diatribe whereby Fellay recounted and commented on the maneuvers between his society and Rome, in the efforts of the Church to reconcile with the SSPX and bring them back to full canonization. I will link to the speech here. Make sure you have a beverage of choice and some popcorn, cause this is a long one and you definitely need spare time to soak it all in. Here.

Unfortunately, in his speech, he made a lot of negative commentary on the negotiations against Rome and in favour of the SSPX being the good side of the conflict, and in particular, some remarks stand out, as highlighted by the Catholic Register in this article:


However, the worst statement made in the speech, which has been pinpointed by Catholic media was this:
``Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior general of the society, said those most opposed to the church granting canonical recognition to the traditionalist society have been "the enemies of the church: the Jews, the Masons, the modernists."`The remarks were made during a nearly two-hour talk Dec. 28 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy in New Hamburg, Ontario.``

While the SSPX has offerered their clarification on the matter, anti-Semitism has always been around the SSPX, particularly in the form of the now kicked out ``bishop`` Williamson. Anybody with a working mind will know they did it to ``save face`` with the society.

Seeing this anti-Semitic statement, the CCCB took charge and released a media statement on it. Here is the full statement, taken from the CCCB site at this location:

CCCB comment on reported remarks by Bishop Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X 

Friday, January 18 2013 

Questions and concerns have been raised following recent media reports about a statement that had been made in Canada by the Superior of the Society of Saint Pius X that “the Jews” are the "enemies of the Church". The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops notes that such remarks are not in accordance with the teaching of the Catholic Church. As the spokesperson for the Holy See, Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., has said when commenting on the statement, “It is absolutely unacceptable, impossible, to define the Jews as enemies of the Church.”

The Second Vatican Council taught in Nostra Aetate, its Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (no. 4): “God holds the Jews most dear for the sake of their Fathers; he does not repent of the gifts he makes or of the calls he issues – such is the witness of the Apostle [Paul].... [T]he Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone." This teaching has been reiterated time and time again by Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops denounces all forms of anti-Semitism, and rejects assertions such as those reported to have been made by the Superior of the Society of Saint Pius X, which is a schismatic group not in communion with the Catholic Church.

January 17, 2013
 Last Updated on Friday, January 18 2013 

Now, here is where I will divert from the other Catholic bloggers on the internet with involvement in the Extraordinary Form. As a new generation EF Catholic, a revert, an ``evangelical Catholic`` under the governance of + Cardinal Collins, as he encouraged us to be in 2011 at the Ontario Catholic Youth Weekend, and most importantly an EF partaking young man who attempts in many ways to REJECT the Pharicism and liturgical-over-rigidity sadly expressed by SOME people in the EF and charged by other Catholics in the Church, and demonstrates the positive and true side of it to his contemporaries and young peers, and all those interested and seeking out the EF in the  Church, I MUST SPEAK ABOUT THIS IN A WAY THAT WILL BE DIFFERENT ON THIS MATTER.

I will say the following on this:
1) It is indeed true, that the Bishops` Conferences cannot make definitive statements of Magisterial and competent authority, especially usurping that which is in the Catechism, in our Canon Law, and especially what has been said in matters of faith and morals by our Holy Father(s) (via the doctrine of infallibility of the Popes). This has been outlined in a Vatican II apostolic letter from John Paul II called Apostolos Suos here, especially in the addenums in the end of the document.

2) However, I applaud and say it was rightly just for the CCCB to condemn the statements made by Fellay when he was here, continuing to defy our Church and the Holy Father, with his illicit ``sacramental`` actions and his speech. They deserve credit for the following reasons, regardless of their status of authority:

  • The SSPX give an overall negative and hateful expression of what traditional Catholicism is in the Church, and give our liberal enemies credence to fling further insults at the EF and trads, and for priests to continue lambasting anything with regard to the Latin Mass. 
  • As stated before, confused Catholics with valid and licit sacramental marks upon their souls, may in their ignorance wander over to their church and eventually become schismatic, as was warned by the PCED in the personal communication above to Brian Mershon, and partake in the ``fake sacraments`` offered by the SSPX.
  • Because Anti-Semitism flies in the face of Nostra Aetate, and in addition, is NOT in line with Catholic teaching of us to treat all those with human dignity and respect. Further, even Christ did not hate the Jews as a race. Even He said upon the cross about everyone in his crucifixion for his Father to forgive everyone as they don`t know what they are doing. When he got angry or challenged any Jews, it was the Jewish authorities who were hypocrites in their faith and paid too much attention to laws and rules, while not practically adhering to their faith with their fellow man. I will say that one of the bloggers has rightfully criticized the SSPX for such imprudence and promotion of hatred, regardless of their explanation.
  • Because the SSPX, already was associated with anti-Semitism, before it kicked Williamson out of the group
  • Because MOST IMPORTANTLY, it is the bishops` jobs, collectively and individually (especially individually), to safeguard and guide the flock of the faithful in the church as its sheperds and guardians of the Faith, as the active ``officers`` of the Magisterium. The Bishops MUST protect the flock spiritually, both from offensive liberal offences, as well as those of the ultra-Pharisical sides of the faith that threaten the livelihood and eternal salvation of the Church. 
3) I disagree with other bloggers of the EF community on their stance with regard to the CCCB. While I personally feel more can be done to address liturgical abuses and other concerns in the institutional Church in Canada, the recent posts have an air of "bishop bashing," a crime that is often committed by those who are more extreme on the conservative Catholic spectrum, particularly who have an internet presence on whatever scale intended,  be it local, state/province wide, or international/the whole Body of the Church. 

Some of the writings allude to things such as `they made a statement as if they were the Magisterium` or `they usurp the authority of the Holy Father.` with their ``schismatic`` statement. While the pope has not made an official motu proprio banning the SSPX and their adherents from the church, and the CCCB should only be reiterating what the Magisterium via the Holy Father or Canon Law/Catechism dictates, it is quite obvious the SSPX through their actions, and what they teach as theology and doctrine, (e.g. refusal to accept Vatican II, condemnation of the Novus Ordo) are schismatic in action. This is even more certain with their refusal to sign and agree to those conditions in the doctrinal preamble, especially after the recent hard line transformation of Fellay, post 2012 General Chapter meeting, evidenced in the statement of the Novus Ordo as ``bad`` or ``evil`` in that same New Hamburg speech. 

I also disagree with these bloggers due to what can be seen as obvious bias in favour of the SSPX and against our bishops. It is not too much of a stretch to say that some of those who go to the EF DO have associations with those who attend or actively operate with the SSPX, or even share the SSPX views on one or more issues in the Church, and therefore exhibit such bias in their commentary. This is more than just saying that they hope for reconciliation. 

In addition, I have been around such people in the past and have had past friends on Facebook who have attended their chapels/illicit Masses more than once, or who espouse/believe in their teachings (e.g. reject the Novus Ordo Mass, contrary to Canon Law both the 1913 and the 1983 codes you are under pang of Mortal Sin to abstain from meat on Fridays ...). On a sadder note, some of them are around my age and are with the SSPX, having fallen for the aesthetics of traditionalism, regardless of what I have mentioned earlier. For those who remain in the diocesan parishes but highly support the SSPX and/or espouse their beliefs, were it not for the penalty of excommunication for schism, these people would likely be flocking over to their chapels, and are waiting hopefully for the reconciliation to do so. 

AS WELL, THOSE PEOPLE CAN EXHIBIT THE VERY THINGS THAT LIBERALS CRITICISE TRADITIONAL CATHOLICS/EF ATTENDEES FOR! Unfortunately, those people tend to be the ones, no different from liberals be it in government or in the Church, who take upon themselves to be the mouthpieces of their communities or the institutional church and engage in practices such as "bishop bashing." Sadly, this commentary only further negates the growth and the attitude of those interested in the EF, especially young people. It also shows the very same disrespect of authority that the SSPX demonstrates. Really? Do you think the bishops want to change their ways and listen to you when you do that with a spirit of un-charity? There are more prudent ways to vocalize valid, necessary concerns.  

We youth DO NOT want an atmosphere filled with negativity and disrespect. We come to Mass to partake in the rememberance of that Passion, Death, and Resurrection, and it is suppose to nourish us in numerous ways, not be a source of evil and sin that turns us away or leads us to darker paths that separate us from the Body of Christ and reject the EF.  Also, we aren't stupid. We young people, both of Gen X, and especially the ever growing and more faithful Millenial Generation (a.k.a. the Wired generation), are reading our documents and our solid/orthodox Catholic media. We easily know "if it smells like a duck, and waddles like a duck ... it is a duck." We see schismatic actions, and (most of us) are not going to fall for a pseudo-church. We know it, and so does the CCCB. 

There, I have said what I needed to say on this matter. And now back to your regularly scheduled S.U.D. programming. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

I make this clear, I have blog rules in my first post, and if you decide you want to comment on here, you'd better adhere to them. Further, In addition I am highly monitoring the blog, and on this matter I am highly less likely to give you a warning, should your post be despicable and uncharitable, and I will permanently BAN you from posting on here again. Be VERY cautious if you want to reply here and pray before you post. Also, don't even try to harass me by e-mail or phone if you have any of my prior contact information outside of Servimus, as well as my friends or other associations. Else the next step will be to contact my lawyer/the cops. If you want to have a speckled-filled nutty, as Fr. Z puts it, you can always make your own blog and share your thoughts to the world or do it on your own Internet turf. No one's stopping you.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Some brief notes about today and the funeral Mass I served

Hello Everyone,

Briefly, just a reminder that despite the weather, tonight's 8pm practice for the Monthly TLM server practice at St. Lawrence the Martyr, Scarborough is still happening.

As a brief note, the Mass had 3 of us together (the 4th server was a family member who had to change roles and be a pall bearer). The mass was a Requiem Low Mass with some Organ accompaniment, with two acolytes and a crossbearer/boatbearer/support server (aligned with acolyte 1, the "bell").  The Requiem Mass was said by Fr. Liam Gavigan.

At this time I will not be posting on serving requiem masses, until some more experience is acquired, as I do not have enough experience/support via my reference material to create a worthy posting.

More importantly, I just wanted to add a post-script from today's funeral Mass. I discovered that the deceased, is in fact the cantor/organist that we were fortunate to have for last month's Christmas Mass I served at St. Lawrence the Martyr, the aforementioned Margaret G. Her full name is Margaret Lucilla de Ga. 

Her obituary was posted in the Star, here: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/thestar/obituary.aspx?n=margaret-lucilla-de-ga-oss&pid=162586446#fbLoggedOut

Margaret Lucilla de Ga, Requiescat in pace. Please keep her in your prayers for those souls in purgatory you pray for. 

Pax, Julian.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Personal Note and Reminders

Hello Everyone.

Just some reminders and a personal note from today's adventures in EF land:

1) Requiem Mass reminder from my prior post:

Robin L. M. Cheung

+amgD: ... the grandmother of Our organist for the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite Mass passed away yesterday 10 min before Mass--her funeral in the traditional Latin Requiem Mass will be this Friday at 1130 am at St. St. Lawrence The Martyr (R-C) Church — at St. Lawrence Martyr Church.

That would be St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, Ontario, this Friday January 25th at 1130am. The Church is at 2210 Lawrence Avenue East in Scarborough.

For this Mass, having spoke to veteran server Robin, there will be us and 2 other servers, for a total of 4 servers. It is unknown whether this Mass will be a Requiem Low mass with additional servers and minimal accompaniment of music as permitted rubically for Low Masses, or a Requiem Missa Cantata. 

2) Monthly Toronto TLM Serving Group Meeting/Practice

Just a reminder: 

The next practice for the serving group will be held This Friday, January 25th, 8pm. The Church is at 2210 Lawrence Avenue East, closest to Lawrence Ave. East and Kennedy Rd. 

For both items in 1) and 2), SLTM is accessible using TTC by taking transit to Kennedy Station and then a 43/43B bus to Lawrence Ave. E. and walking west for a short time to get to the Church.

3) Personal Stuff 

I got to do my 2nd Low Mass in a 2 server Mass today alongside Robin Cheung, SLTM veteran server at SLTM! 

The celebrant was Fr. Gavigan, so interestingly enough, there was a slight change or two, from the prayers in the sacristy (additional ones before "Procedamus in Pace"), and instead of offering the burse post-communion for the corporal and the chalice veil goes on top, you present the chalice veil by the corners to him, and the burse is stacked on top (or something else but it's not the usual order ...). Unless you got a solid reference from a liturgical book/Canon Law/Vatican, don't be a piss-pot! I'll make sure you never post here again!

Despite not having formal 1-on-1 training sessions for the Low Mass, and I was using other YouTube serving videos and some book guides so I didn't look awful up there, I managed to get through. I was OK, but I need a few more Low Masses under my belt. I'll probably be Acolyte 2/"Book" one more time, and then I'll progress to Acolyte 1/"Bell" and maybe .... alone. 

Pax, Julian. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Requiem Mass Funeral at St. Lawrence the Martyr in the Archdiocese of Toronto This Friday Jan 25, 2013 1130AM

For your information, and as part of my goals for this blog, I am highlighting the following in our diocese at St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, ON.

  1. +amgD: ... the grandmother of Our organist for the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite Mass passed away yesterday 10 min before Mass--her funeral in the traditional Latin Requiem Mass will be this Friday at 1130 am at St. St. Lawrence The Martyr (R-C) Church — at St. Lawrence Martyr Church.

In due seriousness, may those who are associated with St. Lawrence the Martyr, or who want to offer up their prayers for the deceased through the Extraordinary Form Mass, attend this Requiem Mass.

Pax, Julian.

Some Postscript Notes
1) Already, a few EF Requiem Masses have taken place at SLTM since their serving program started a couple of years ago, and likely more will follow with the presence of the EF at SLTM ... and the calling of our Lord of many more members of the Boomer generation (to their eternal judgement and hopeful reuniting with our Lord ... lest they were in the state of sanctifying grace upon death).

EF Requiem Masses will increase as a regular occurrence in the life of the Church today, with the resurgence of the EF in dioceses be they lay organizations/choirs/parishes. This won't just be in the archdiocese of Toronto, but worldwide.

2) Provided I serve a few more Requiem Masses, I will add a post on serving such a Mass when the time comes, dedicated to the Requiem Low Mass.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

The Call to Arms is Being Heard for Newman Center and an Appeal to "Allan"

Hello Everyone.

If you recall some days, ago, I released a posting to help my Catholic colleagues and friends who are associated with, or are actively involved in the Toronto Newman Centre, associated with St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, which is located in the heart of the down town St. George campus at University of Toronto.

They are under spiritual and secular attack from authorities within the University in addition to former parishioners who became Judases and abandoned the parish/Newman Centre on the fact that they have a Courage ministry for homosexuals who seek to live a life less/uncontrolled by their sexual identity and urges every waking minute of their life. I created this posting here:


Please view the posting and carry out the requests for my allies I have asked of those who read it.

It turns out this crisis is hitting the Catholic blogosphere in shock waves and is being picked up by local and popular bloggers alike, e.g. Deacon Greg Kandra of "the Deacon's Bench", David Domet president of Toronto Traditional Mass society on his personal blog Vox Cantoris, yours truly ....

And now to add to that, some people who are associated or have/do attend Mass at the Newman Centre's St. Thomas Aquinas on the traditional Catholic Forum Fisheaters, particularly a poster with the forum name "Allan", have highlighted this crisis and is getting his forum allies to help us! Excellent work to all of you for the letters of support and respectful criticism to those who need to hear it. View the war effort here: http://catholicforum.fisheaters.com/index.php/topic,3456460.0.html

I tried to join the forum, but unfortunately they have ``disabled`` registration on it. I hope this is a computer glitch and NOT something intentional. Regardless I caught this from "Allan" on the 2nd page of the forum:

``I attended Mass there today, and this priest was the celebrent. I handed him my letter, copied to the Archbishop, offering support. Father explained the recent incoming letters and emails of support and how overwhelmed he was. He also mentioned support he was getting from the Bishops (?!) which gave him relief. The priest is quite young and new, and from Malta so he has a clear moral compass and will stand his ground although it was shakey at first.

That's the point folks...priests are men. Without phone calls and emails and letters they might just give up and pack it in. Never let them be alone.

His Church by the way is beautiful, and done in the Westminister style. A TLM would certainly be possible there. Perhaps we could broach the subject after this quiets down...?"

Allan, if you are able to come across this blog, or your fellow forum persons/friends can relay this message to you, I would like you to know that:

1) A Low Mass was held there in the past in 2009 when the FSSP was carrying out a mission apostolate in the diocese. Media coverage by the Catholic Register announcing the event in 2009 is here: http://www.catholicregister.org/component/content/article/18-torontogta/2823-newman-centre-offers-education-session-on-latin-mass

2) "Allan", I currently work with one of the Latin Mass choirs in the Toronto Archdiocese as well as occasionally assist St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church. I also have attended Newman events in past and know people who have been associated with the Centre or who are actively involved in the Centre. I would be more than happy to be in touch with you, should you want to make this a reality, and I would gladly approach the centre with you and those I associate with doing the Latin Mass to see if they would allow another Latin Mass to occur, perhaps even higher than a Low Mass, there. Please view my contact page to get in touch by Gmail.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Announcement: Monthly Toronto TLM Serving Group Practice is on Again Fri Jan 25 2013

Hello everyone.

The monthly TLM serving group I am part of that practices at St. Lawrence the Martyr, Scarborough, ON is recommencing its monthly practices that happens on the last Friday of every month, after the 7pm Latin Low Mass.

The next practice for the serving group will be held next week on Friday, January 25th, 8pm. The Church is at 2210 Lawrence Avenue East, closest to Lawrence Ave. East and Kennedy Rd. 

It is accessible using TTC by taking transit to Kennedy Station and then a 43/43B bus to Lawrence Ave. E. and walking west for a short time to get to the Church.

If desired, you can also attend the Latin Low Mass which occurs on Fridays at 7pm. It would be good experience for you to at least observe the Low Mass, as well as learn the responses for the Ordo of the EF Mass. For any of you that are part of SLTM, or perhaps would like to practice some of your serving skills, please see if they are in need of serving assistance in the sacristy, providing they do not have their requisite 2 servers, or speak to Robin Cheung, veteran server of SLTM.

If in all seriousness, you would like more information on the group, or would like to attend the next practice, contact me at torontotlmservers@gmail.com. If I cannot answer your questions directly, I will put you in contact with someone who will, either our Master of Ceremonies that aids us in training, or the Latin Mass chaplain of SLTM, who can answer some of your more dicey questions regarding the EF Mass or aspects of it.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Hello Everyone.

I must bring to your attention a matter of urgency within our diocese. One of our Cardinal`s parishes is under attack! As well as the young men and women there and the corresponding Catholic Newman Center to the parish! The matter was first brought to my attention here:


And sadly, the original news bulletin/controversy covered here:

The local liberal Anti-Catholic rag of radically biased reporting, the Toronto Star, has more and an even bigger count of lost parishioners:


Having known some of the individuals who work at and with the Newman Centre in Toronto, and been involved in occasional retreats and Compass meetings with friends of mine (that is, when the Centre was not hosting priests who lie about other priests' statuses and promote heresy in their interviews, or priests who teach Lonergan theology that corrupts the minds and hearts of lay Catholics everywhere from a different theological college in the area ...), I can say that the young individuals there and their current chaplain, provide solid efforts and ministry to those students on campus. Here is where you will find those young role models, and Evangelical Catholics who actually practice what they preach in their faith on the U of T campus, and the future lay leaders of our Church! In fact some of them are already exhibiting positions of leadership in our society. E.g. Christina Alaimo, Student Campus Minister at U of T N.C. is part of the executive of the youth wing of Campaign Life Coalition, and is a co-ordinator of the Toronto 40 Days for Life.

They might be doing "Novus Ordo" stuff, but they are filled with vitality, carry out the urgings of the Holy Spirit or the will of Christ, and are faithful to the Magisterium. You likely won't see any of those Newman people who are directly involved in the centre saying "I'm pro-choice" or "I deny the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist" and violating central teachings of the Catholic faith!

In addition, right after Summorum Pontificum, in 2009, they graciously hosted a Latin Mass for the sake of students who were curious about the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, with a brief seminar to teach about the EF, courtesy of the once present FSSP apostolate from Fr. Howard Venette, sadly not with us any more (cause Toronto was made inhospitable to the FSSP through burecratic means ["ghettoizing" the apostolate to a hostile Shrine church in Scarborough, giving into the Jesuits at the Martyrs' shrine who baulked when Collins wanted the FSSP there]). See here: http://www.catholicregister.org/news/toronto-gta/item/8993-newman-centre-offers-education-session-on-latin-mass

Compared to the "c"atholic college St. Mikes on U of T (Seriously, a "cowboys and schoolgirls party" for students annually? Sounds like near-porn to me. Sadly it's true: http://vimeo.com/36161995) and a post-grad school that teaches graduate level theology (including THAT Lonergan theology), the Newman Centre is actually ministering to Catholic students on campus and provides a number of good to excellent programs for students and initiatives such as:

  • Generally speaking, a safe, harassment free place where Catholic students can feel welcomed, loved, and receive the Gospel of our Lord. As summarized in the NP article, it is: " ... the spiritual home for Catholic students on the University of Toronto’s down town campus” – but is not under the university’s control, and is funded by the local Catholic diocese." 
    • Try and find that on most campuses, even with a "catholic group" or a ministry on campus, cause most or all of them are either under the jurisdiction of the university college or the student government in charge of clubs. Just look at pro-life groups which are being denied status by campuses in Canada, who are having to fight them in court just to remain there!
  • Catechism studies
  • COMPASS Liturgy of the Word preparation program, which allows students to prepare for that part of the liturgy and obtain more out of it, with reflection and discussion (which also cites heavily as references the Catechism)
  • Reconciliation via their priest and the Parish
  • Two retreats each year (Fall and Winter) which are open to non-U of T students as well (though the mainline speakers vary. I went to both in 2011, but declined both in 2012 due to the speakers. See above when I haven't "been involved" as to why)
  • Recently this year, a 101-Catholicism class for atheists/"spiritual but non-religious"  program as one of the student campus ministers, Greg Garda, was a convert/revert from atheism (very relevant in today's  spiritual but non-practising culture!) and empathizes with what those people go through. More young Catholic leadership here! 
  • Fun, moderated, and appropriate parties for Catholic young adults (e.g. Saints dress up Hallows'eve party, St. Patrick's party) vs. the non-Catholic and sinful ones hosted by SMC-U of T (see the Cowboys and Schoolgirls party in the link above) and elsewhere on campus. 
  • Annual/twice annual Catholic singles dating events in collaboration with the Sisters of St. Joseph, where the whole context of the night is given a "Catholic framework" instead of the usual "meat market" approach promoted by secular speed-dating nights. 
  • Sending a group of students every year to the March for Life and adjoining dinners/conferences which I participated in with them, during May 2011. 
  • and yes, the heart of what is causing the controversy, the Courage program for those with same-sex attraction aiming to practice a life not governed by their sexual tendencies every waking hour, introduced this year in Octoeber 2012 at a request from the community. 

Unfortunately, many people, be they "c"atholics or the secular institution of U of T, do not want to be associated with Newman in light of the Courage group because well, homosexuality is part of the "acceptable norm" of society, which is to say "go be self-indulgent and do whatever you want, but don't tell me what to do and screw the consequences!" Further, and sadly so, many priests and lay catechecists in the institutional Church stray from this clear teaching of the Church because of fear of losing support by parishioners leaving their parishes and not donating money, who don't even give two hoots about the faith to begin with and only are cafeteria/C&E Catholics at heart.

So why am I asking for your help? If you haven't noticed by now, the secular government and their institutions are infringing on the rights of Catholics everywhere to practice their faith in public, and yet hypocritically allows all other denominations, including non-Catholic Christians, to be scott-free. This is worldwide, and Canada is not immune just because our Prime Minister is "conservative" and Obama is "Liberal."

Most importantly, the sad consequence of when our priests actually preach the true Gospel and not the "Jesus Loves everyone" garbage has occurred to the Newman Center: As stated in the National Post article, "The Courage program is an official “pastoral partner” of Toronto’s archdiocese, meaning it has the church’s explicit support. But it has caused a rift at the Newman Centre, which at least a dozen parishioners [conservatively speaking] have stopped attending because they oppose the program and its principles, while the U of T has urged the centre’s leaders to discontinue it." According to the Toronto Star's lie-beral estimate, now up to 50 people have left the smaller Catholic parish.

DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS???? Besides those ex-parishioners showing their true colours as Judases` and false `c`atholics, this means a loss of revenue AND parishioners to the parish and centre, which means less programming and TRUE Catholic campus ministry to Catholic students on campus. I have listed only a sample of programs above. Because it's a smaller church, has fewer masses, and it is where it is in the diocese with a select missionary approach, it does not gain as much support financially as say, a large parish with many families in an area that is well established. Should this continue, somehow, some-way, these liars or the institution that is U of T WILL find a way to close the centre down, and Catholicism will truly be dead on that campus, save the new Opus Dei hosted all-women's residence. Why should the Catholic body of students at U of T, Fr. Cauchi, and all the vivacious students at the Center suffer because of a few piss-pott false "c"atholics?

Here is what I ask: I am asking all of you who read this blog to do one or more of the following:

  • #1: Please donate to the Newman Centre at University of Toronto. You may either do so by going into the Church at day hours and taking one of their envelopes and bringing it to the Newman Center, or send them donations in the mail at their address, or inquire in person with their head student chaplain/one of the student chaplain ministers:
Newman Centre 
Catholic Chaplaincy
and Parish

89 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2E8 

Phone: 416-979-2468

#2 Show them a measure of solidarity and support by writing to them, BUT ALSO AND YOU MUST, write the same letter or one of different tone IN DEFENSE of the Newman Center at U of T to the following people. When you do, CC the letter to everyone else you write to in the text of the letter and send them copies:
    • Fr. Chris Cauchi and Mr. Josh Canning, respectively Chaplain and head of Student Chaplaincy services at the Newman Centre Toronto. Use the address above. 
    • Vice-president of human resources and equity, Angela Hildyard at the University of Toronto, who was referred to in the National Post Article: 
Dr. Angela Hildyard
Room 112, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle,
University of Toronto, 
Toronto, ON, 
M5S 1A1
EMAIL: vp.hr@utoronto.ca
    • Bill Steinburg, communications manager for the Archdiocese of Toronto, here:
Catholic Pastoral Centre
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario, M4T 1W2
Telephone: (416) 934-0606
Fax: (416) 934-3421
Email: communications@archtoronto.org
    • His Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins:
Catholic Pastoral Centre
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario, M4T 1W2
Telephone: (416) 934-0606, ext. 609
Fax: (416) 934-3452
Email: archbishop@archtoronto.org
    • The Papal Nuncio of Canada, Most Rev. Pedro López Quintana: 
Apostolic Nunciature
724 Manor Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1M 0E3
Phone: 613.746.4914
Fax: 613.746.4786
Email: apostolic.nunciature@rogers.com

  • #3: While perhaps unlikely to be achieved, or you might be too "trad" to want to do this, you should consider asking people, if you have friends or family attending U of T right now, to go and attend their Masses, regardless if they are "novus ordo" and contain that "praise and worship" stuff. Right now, it's not about correcting their liturgy, its about supporting them in this time of crisis. Put the preference and liturgical-sticklerness (save grave liturgical violations that disobey the Holy Father and the GIRM) behind you for a greater cause. 

It all boils down to this: Why the heck should one or two or a few people have the right to VIOLATE our consciences, security, and right to practice and live in society and GAIN PRIVILEDGE because they don't like our values and like to self-indulge? Stand up and fight for your Catholic brethren with your pocketbooks and your support! Let's save what is the true "Catholic Bastion" that is so vital to the young adult age group of Catholics in our archdiocese at U of T!!!!  

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian. 

Monday, 14 January 2013

Small Update: Bells added to Starter Points II 1/3 posting

Hello Everyone.

I made a small update to the first of the three "Starter Points" posts here under my Latin Mass serving posts page:

Part I - General Actions Servers will do: http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2012/12/starter-points-ii-general-actions.html

The update was the addition of things concerning using the bells. In addition, my serving ally Robin just recently did some refresher training with their EF chaplain at St. Lawrence the Martyr, and created a demonstration video on EF bell ringing with the standard 4-bell cross type that is seen in most parishes. The video is found in the posting.

Pax, Julian.

Starter Points II - General Altar Knowledge that Servers Will Need (2/3) including setting up the Altar for Mass

Starter Points II (2/3)- General Altar Knowledge that Servers Will Need including setting up the Altar for Mass

Hello everyone. In this 3rd post to the Starter Points series, we will be going over "altar things" using some diagrams in order to understand, what is what. This will be important because you will, in your specific roles as servers or even as the solo low mass server, be told to get X, or go to Y. You got to know the objects and what they are for and where to go to perform your role properly. Further, I will talk generally about setting up the altar for Mass using the resources I have as well as what I can add from limited experience setting up (I've done more solemn masses than others), but also I have a couple of nice videos to add thanks to Robin L.M. Cheung, "de facto" senior server of the Latin Masses of St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough. 


Altar Things 1: The Sanctuary

Figure 1: Traditional Main Parts of the EF Altar/Sanctuary (119, Learning to Serve A Guide for Altar Boys)

Altar Cross/Crucifix - Enough said. In cases where there is no major altar cross in front of the altar, one could take a standing crucifix and place it between the six altar candles. Think of it like the Benedictine arrangement used by our Holy Father. Preferably there should be a crucifix in plain sight for the laity, though this might not always be the case, despite the wishes of some obstinate altar servers/liturgists/laity, etc.

Sanctuary Lamp - This is to be on all the time when our Lord's Body/the Eucharist is present in the tabernacle. It might be attached to a wall or hung like a chandelier by chains, or a lamp stand (though that isn't common).

Altar Canopy or Baldachin - Covers the central altar. 

Candlesticks - There should be 6 of equal height together for the Latin Masses. When a Low Mass is said, only the corner/farthest ones from the centre are lit. A TRUE LATIN MASS CANDLE, will be made of beeswax, with a minimum 51% content of beeswax (as often other chemicals or ingredients are put in to make the candle burn longer or preserve its integrity). Unfortunately, most Churches now use plastic/fibreglass candles that use oil-canisters with wicks, and you place the canisters in them. Ideally if you are a Latin Mass Parish or organization  try to purchase some altar candle bases that take the Beeswax candles and use them wherever you have the Mass. 
  • Fun Fact: Why beeswax with a wick? ".... The pure wax made by bees from flowers symbolizes the pure flesh of Christ received from his Virgin Mother. The wick signifies the soul of Christ and the flame represents His divinity. The lights on the altar at Mass represent, likewise, the hearts of the faithful, which, illuminated by the light of Christ and inflamed by the fire of His love, are ever consumed for the Honour of God ...." (56, The Latin Mass Explained). 
Dorsal Curtain or if Wood, Reredos: This is what is considered the "backing" of the altar.

Tabernacle (with Veil) - The sacred vesicle that houses our Lord in the Eucharist, and other consecrated hosts. I hope you at least learnt about this in elementary school. 

Candleabras - You will see these in more ornate Churches, though these might be used for a Forty Days devotion or a Benediction. 

Antepedium - The front of what is the high altar in a Church with both an Ordinary and Extraordinary Form altar. You could call the front of the converted OF one as well. 

Predella - These are the steps leading up to the high altar. These can also be the steps leading up to a converted OF altar as well. The predella is important to a few of the serving roles (e.g. "Book" or left acolyte in a 2-server Low Mass, the acolytes in all levels of Mass, the Thurifer and boat bearer in High/Solemn Masses) because the servers must know when to approach the predella, when to go up and down, and also what step to be on and when. 

Credence Table - Where the water and wine cruets, the lavabo dish and ablution towels, the boat (if there is no censer pole with a spot for the boat), the paten, and any necessary items for the liturgy are placed. 

Sedilia - Latin for "seat" or "chair." This denotes the center-most/largest chair of the three which the priest/Celebrant sits on during appropriate times in the liturgy, even if all three chairs are equal in height. The priest will often be sitting down in this especially in High/Solemn Masses waiting for the choir to be mostly finished singing the appropriate prayers in the Mass

Pulpit/Lectern - You likely know this as the Ambo in the Ordinary Form liturgy. In the Extraordinary form, the Priest will give his sermon from this area. He will NOT say the Gospel here. The priest says the Gospel at the left side of the altar in a Low Mass/High Mass or Missa Cantata, or the deacon will say the Gospel on the left side of the Church below the sanctuary area. 

Altar Things 2: Liturgical Items
                                   Figure 2: Actual Objects in the Liturgy  (122, Learning to Serve ...)

Altar Bread - Also known as an unconsecrated host. This bread according to Church law MUST be made of wheat flour with at least a detectable/known portion of wheat gluten (usually 0.1% for gluten-reduced hosts). No other flour must be used. It is because at the Last Supper "Jesus took bread ..." and without any other qualifier, in Scripture this signifies wheaten bread. When eating the Passover, the Jews used only wheaten bread. Further, the bread MUST be unleavened out of the fact that the Passover was celebrated 'on the first day of the azymes.' (65, The Latin Mass Explained) [Not to mention even in modern day Passover Seders, the unleavened bread known as Matzoh is always used for the major portions of the Seder, as per tradition and Jewish laws.]

Paten - The dish that holds the altar bread as part of the chalice is also a paten, but this one is for the altar bread to be consecrated. Like the chalice, due to coming into contact with one of the consecrated portions of Our Lord, it too must be blessed with special prayers and unctions, and holy oil by a bishop, and be made of precious metals before usage. (60, The Latin Mass Explained).

Chalice - Holds the water and wine to become the Blood of Christ. " ... It reminds us of the cup which our
Blessed Saviour used at the Last Supper when He instituted the Holy Eucharist ...." (59, The Latin Mass Explained). The Chalice, regardless of the form of the Mass, MUST be made of precious metals, not other materials like porcelain or wood, and must be blessed with holy oil by a bishop before use. If this isn't happening, it's a grave violation of the GIRM and should be reported immediately.

Cruets - These hold the water and wine to be poured into the chalice and for ablutions/washing hands.

Lavabo dish - If your cruets do not come with a holder, then they go on the lavabo dish. The dish will then be used for the washing of the hands. Otherwise a bowl is normally substituted for this dish as the cruets have their own holder.

Pall - The flat, square which is placed over the chalice. It may consist of two pieces of linen between which a piece of cardboard is inserted for the sake of stiffening it. It's used to prevent anything from falling into the chalice. This must be blessed before usage at mass (64, The Latin Mass Explained).

Purificator - A cloth which is draped over the chalice, under the pall.This cloth is used by the priest to wipe the chalice after consumation of the fluid within, as well as his fingers at the ablutions after communion (not the finger towel at the lavabo!). (64, The Latin Mass Explained).

Corporal - A nine-square cloth which goes underneath the chalice during the 2nd part of the Mass. This cloth does play a role at certain points in the priest's actions, aside from catching particles of the Eucharist. This is recognizable from the other clots as it contains a red cross near the edge. The corporal is carried to and from the altar in the burse.

Chalice Veil - Covers the chalice.

Burse - A larger square cover which contains the altar bread initially pre-consecration. This will contain the corporal when not in use on the altar. It is placed near the right side of the altar standing up when not in use.

Altar Cards - The Last Gospel from the Book of John, the Large one, and the right one.The Gospel of John is placed on the Gospel (left) side of the altar. The one on the Epistle side (right) has the prayers for the blessing of the water cruet, and the psalm for the lavabo. The large centre card has multiple prayers for the Mass. There is a regular set for normal masses, and a special 3-card set for requiem Masses (for the dead/Solemnity of All Souls).

Finger Towel - Used during the lavabo.

Ablution Towel - Used after communion for the 2nd hand washing. Sometimes the finger towel also fills this role.

Ciborium - Another vessel holding hosts to be consecrated alongside the chalice.

Boat - This holds the incense used for the thurible and should have a small spoon in it. When you hand this to a priest, you kiss the SPOON, not the boat itself.

Sprinkler/Aspergilium - Sprinkles holy water in the Asperges and also in other certain occasions (e.g. blessing of the Palms on Palm Sunday in both forms of the Roman Rite). It is placed in a .....

Holy Water Container/Aspensorum - container holding holy water. The thurifer usually carries this when a sprinkling is called for.

Monstrance (Ostensorium)- An ornate type of construct that holds our Lord's Body in the form of the Eucharist during Eucharistic adoration and benediction. Designs vary from beautiful to ugly depending on the parish, but it still serves the same funciton. Most common designs have spikes of varying widths radiating from the center, looking like a "Sun," though a Gothic one might look like a mini-cathedral, and there are modern ones that look, well, not-traditional, e.g. I once was part of an adoration + benediction where the monstrance looked like the Star-Trek insignia. When a priest is placing the Eucharist from the tabernacle into the monstrance, it is placed in a little case of gold or silver called a luna/lunula to be put in the centre of the mostrance. This is done with a humeral veil over the priest's hands as he cannot touch the Body of our Lord with naked hands (regardless if they are "consecrated" hands via ordination).

Censer/Thurible - What looks like a lamp attached to chains, is the actual liturgical instrument used to incense the altar and other objects in the liturgy. Designs and ornate-ness will vary from parish to parish. In addition some are single chain only with one needing to open the censer by pulling the top part of the bowl structure (safely of course!), while the more ornate ones have a central pull chain with three support chains on the sides connecting the top to the bottom portion. If one has an ornate one, sometimes what is ordered innocently is an Eastern-rite one containing bells on the chains, and they will have to be de-belled for the Latin Rite. Pulling the centre chain is what will open the censer on the fancy ones. An altar server will need to become accustomed to the parish's thurible(s), to determine how far to extend the chains, where to hold it, weight of the thurible, etc.

Altar Things 3: Clerical Vestments
Figure 3: Parts of the Vestments of the Clergy  (123, Learning to Serve ...)
While you, the server, don't need to wear anything more than your surplice and cassock, you should know each vestment of the priest in order to know what to get, and what to put out for what Mass. After washing his hands, the priest will place on the following vestments in this order, with the majority of information thanks to Msgr George Noonan's The Latin Mass Explained (70-73):

1) Amice - This is a linen cloth placed around the neck and tied with a drawstring, with folds falling upon the shoulders. Amice comes from the Latin amicare "to wrap around." This hides the bare throat and protects the other vestments from being soiled by perspiration  This is also symbolic for the blindfold around Our Lord while he was struck many a time. The priest prays before placing this on "Place upon my head, O Lord, the helmet of salvation to resist the assaults of the enemy."

2) Alb - This might be familiar to you as a number of post-Vatican II/non-traditional parishes use these for their altar servers (the plain white robe). It is a white linen garment with close fitting sleeves  reaching nearly to the ground and secured on the waist by the cincture. This comes from the Latin albus meaning "white." This symbolizes the purity/chastity befitting a priest, but symbolically reminds us of the white robe which Herod arrayed Our Lord in, in a spirit of mockery. The priest recites: "Purify me, O Lord, from all stain and cleanse my heart, that washed in the blood and cleanse my heart."

3) Cincture - This may also be familiar as altar servers use this to tie their albs (hopefully, else the open alb looks sloppy). This is the "rope" that is used like a belt, tied around the waist of the priest after donning the alb. This will form the "S" in the traditional IHS set up for the priest's garments before Mass. It comes from the Latin cingere meaning "to gird." It reminds one of the cords used to tie up our Lord, but also denotes the mortification of the flesh and its vices. The priest prays before this garment, "Gird me, O lord, with the cincture of purity and extinguish in my loins the heat of concupiscence, that the virtue of continence and chastity may abide in me."

4) Maniple - This is an ornamental silk band, which is worn on the left arm in a manner it falls to equal length on both sides of the arm. It is worn only during the Mass. It might not be placed on the priest's arm prior to mass and may be laid out on the chair(s) and sedilia, depending on the events in the liturgy. Also only those of the sub-deacon or higher can wear the maniple, and this maniple denotes the sub-deacon's rank. It comes from the word manipulus meaning a "small bundle" or "handful." This should remind us of the chains which which Our Lord was bound during His Passion, but for the priest that we must not appear empty-handed in the presence of God, but to bear fruits of virtue and good works. The priest prays prior to wearing it: "May I deserve, O Lord, to bear the maniple of weeping and sorrow, that with exultation I may receive the reqard of my labour."

5) Stole - This is a liturgical item common to both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms. It is the long silk, "scarf-like" garment worn around the priest's neck which comes down vertically, as two strands of cloths covering his chest. As an additional note of interest, a priest should always hear a confession with a stole around him (save a dire emergency or risk of death for the pertinent). This comes from the word stola which was a garment that was worn by nobility during Christ's time. The stole signifies the yoke of the Lord, consisting of the burdens of the sacred ministry. The priest will say as a vesting prayer: "Restore to me, O Lord, the stole of immortality which I lost through the transgression of my first parents, and though I approach unworthily to celebrate Thy Sacred Mystery, may I merit nevertheless eternal joy.

6a) Chausible - This you are likely the most familiar with, as regardless of the form of the Roman Rite, this is what the priest is wearing that is most visible to the laity. It is the outermost garment worn by the priest, the "robe" as it were with usually gold trimming or a design of a sort (e.g. a lamb, something Marian, IHS, the Eucharist, grapes, etc.) on the back. It is basically a sleeveless robe which is square or circular in nature, with a hole for the head to fit through. Its word origin is that it's derived from the Latin word casula which menas "little house." The chausible reminds us of the purple garment worn by our Lord at His judgement by Pontius Pilate and the cross embroidered on it reminds us of the crucifix he was placed on. The priest will say as a prayer: "O Lord, who has said: My yoke is sweet and my burden light, grant that I may so carry it as to merit Thy grace."

6b) Dalmatic (not pictured) and/or Tunicle - This is the outermost garment worn by the Deacon and Subdeacon during the Solemn Mass. Its shape is similar to that of the Chausible. To tell them apart, the back design of the subdeacon's Dalmatic will usually have one horizontal bar connecting the vertical ones (like an H), and the sub-deacon's Tunicle will have two horizontal bars connecting the vertical ones. The tunicle will also be longer and have narrower sleeves and less ornamentation vs. the dalmatic. This is what takes place of the chausible for the sub-deacon and deacon in the Solemn Mass.

7) Biretta - A fancy looking hat in black with a "pom-pom" attached to the top. The biretta's top also has three folds that come out at certain points. This hat will be worn by those of the clerical class before they enter the sanctuary and leave the Sanctuary, by the priest during the homily, and at certain points when the clergy sit during the High/Solemn Mass while prayers are being sung. Usually the Master of Ceremonies or the more "prominent" server (e.g. "Bell" or epistle side acolyte in a 2-server public Low Mass)

8) Humeral Veil (not pictured) - This is necessary to handle the Blessed Sacrament be it in transferring it to/from the monstrance, and also to hold the monstrace when it is shown to the laity in benediction/adoration. This will be observed regardless of EF or NO adoration/benediction. It's a silk cloth that can cover the shoulders, upper back, and hands. It may also be worn when other objects are being held in a clergy member's hands in certain instances e.g. by the sub-deacon at the offertory in Solemn Mass. This is used in both forms of the Roman Rite.


General Set-up before the EF Holy Mass

In order to set up the altar for Mass, here's a list of main items you will need to know where they are stored and/or where to place them on the Altar:
  • 1962 Missale Romanum (Roman Missal)
  • Three Altar Cards: Main, the Last Gospel, and the third Smaller Card with their stands (if not framed)
  • Cruets filled with water and wine
  • Cruet Holder
  • Bowl for handwashing/Lavabo
  • Ablution (finger) towel for Lavabo
  • Paten for Communion
  • Bells (on step OR on the credence table/credence table "shelf")
  • Altar Cards for server and priest's responses/replies
  • Matches/lighter for all candles
Additionally, you may need the following additional items in order to set up the altar for Mass and events surrounding the liturgy, depending on what feast day it is, the level of the EF Mass being said, or if they are not already out on the altar/in the sanctuary in a visible and ready-to-use location:

  • Stands or benches to prop up Candles in an EF formation on the Novus Ordo Altar (if your parish doesn't have a high altar with gradines/altar shelves or areas to place the candles) 
  • Censer/thurible and FILLED boat with incense with corresponding stand
  • Torches, placed in the sacristy or the nave for the Solemn/Pontifical level EF Mass
  • Additional garments for the priest such as: maniples, chausubles or dalmatics, cope, etc. 
  • Additional tables if there is a special blessing (e.g. Feast of Candlemas)
  • Umbrellino/Umbraculim and Baldacchino for Eucharistic processions
  • Monstrace for Eucharistic Adoration/Benediction
  • Any extra ciboria with unconsecrated hosts if needed
  • The Missale Defunctorum in the place of the 1962 Missale Romanum, and appropriate requiem Mass altar cards if the Mass is a requiem Mass
  • A vesting table should an Asperges rite be performed on a Sunday 
GENERAL SET-UP (With Some Pictures) - Where to go and What to do?

It goes without saying that one should arrive at least a half hour before the start of the Low Mass to set up the altar, and even earlier for a higher level Mass. This should be especially important to you if you are in the rank of senior server/Master of Ceremonies as the other servers (and priests/deacons too) will be looking to you for guidance and organization. If it is your first few masses, you should probably arrive even earlier to go over things with your higher-ranking servers/clergy and also to observe the set up of the altar. 

As for the specific order of what to do when, this will depend on who is training you, and what is needed on the altar for the level of the Mass. Some priests/MCs will want things done a specific way at parish X or with organization X. Other organizations and parishes may give you more latitude in your order. However, as with all things, be efficient in your setting up of the Altar as you will still need time to put on your surplice and cassock and say the corresponding vesting prayers, get the processional prayer from the priest in the sacristy, etc. What I will provide here is generalities for doing things, and specific rules when absolutely needed (e.g. Candle lighting). 

Also remember ... when you exit/enter the sacristy, to get to/from the altar, and are setting things up and crossing the altar at the centre ... DO A SINGLE GENUFLECTION. Also don't do it in a rush or lazily. Be reverent, but be prompt and at a good solid pace in walking and setting things up. Some early arrivals WILL be watching you ....

To set up the actual altar for any EF Mass, you'll need these items:
  • The altar cards
  • Stands for the altar cards if your parish/group has them and they aren't framed
  • The altar candles
  • Possibly, benches or things to prop up the candles onto the Novus Ordo altar to make it suitable for an EF Mass if the altar has no suitable gradines/altar shelves.
  • Lighting materials for the candles
  • Altar Cloth (if it isn't out on the altar already. Hopefully it is). 
  • The 1962 Missal
  • Any extra ciboria with unconsecrated hosts if needed
- Propping up the candles and creating the "gradine" should be your first priority after placing the altar cloth on the table if needed. The standard arrangement for the candles should be three, equally spaced candles on each side with a gap in the center where either (a) your tabernacle is, and/or (b) a crucifix is present. The candles will also be needed too for propping up the altar cards if the cards have no stands

- The altar cards go in specific areas: 
  • The large altar card is placed in the centre of the altar, but close to the edge of the altar away from the priest. This might be held up freely in a stand, or in a picture frame. Otherwise one will need something to hold up the card. As seen in the picture below, the Crucifix at SLTM is quite suitable for holding up the central altar card. 
  • The Last Gospel from the Book of John goes on the left side of the altar, near the upper left corner (away from the priest). It might be held up with the farthest most candle if not in a stand or in its own frame.
  • The final prayer card is placed in the upper right corner of the altar (away from the priest). Same thing with standing it up, as with the Last Gospel Card. 
  • NOTE: There is a special set of all three cards for the requiem Mass. They will have some different prayers or text, and might be of different colours. Do not place the regular sets you use out during a requiem Mass. 

- The 1962 Missal, in its own book stand, will be placed on the right side of the altar if not being carried up by an altar server in procession. It is to be placed horizontally and in the centre of the altar, in front of the right altar card. Ensure that the priest has set it to the right prayers and such for today's Mass.

- LIGHTING CANDLES is a specific rule-bound practice in the EF of the Roman Rite. All candles must be done in a specific order. Here is a picture to demonstrate the order, with 1 being your first lit candle:

Figure 4: The Order of Lighting Candles in the EF. (12, How to Serve ...)

As one can see here, the first candles lit are on the Epistle side of the altar (right side). You light the biggest one's first going away from the tabernacle (Jesus is the Centre and source of our Eternal light and life!) and then lighting the smaller candelabras if present (you won't likely see these unless a benediction/adoration or a 40 hours devotion is done). You then do the same for the Gospel side candles and the little candelabra.

There are also a set number of candles to light depending on the Mass Level. You light the two large, corner candles for a Low Mass, and all 6 large candles for a Missa Cantata or higher.

When all is said and done, one should have an altar that looks likes these examples from the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir Masses from Oct/Nov 2012:

Set up from Holy Rosary Church Solemn TLM: Feast of Christ the King 2012

Set up from St Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church Solemn Requiem TLM: All Souls 2012. The Missal is not on the altar yet. 

Here is an example of a true EF altar that is NOT Novus Ordo and reconstructed (notice the N.O. one in the front.) This is a true EF high altar with a reredos (wood backing) and an actual gradine for the altar candles, though this was taken mid-mass so you cannot see the whole altar. 

Picture: True EF high altar with reredos (wood backing) and gradines (ascending steps) for the altar candles. Taken of the altar at Holy Innocents in Manhattan, NY, USA, where popular blogger-priest Fr. John Zuhlsdorf of What Does the Prayer Really Say is known to say the EF Mass. From http://www.servialtarischristi.org/ 

In most cases, this will be prepared by the priest or another cleric. However, at times this duty might fall to you as a sacristan or senior server (per chance you priest prefers servers/sacristans perform that duty, or is late). If you must set up the chalice before mass, you set it up in the following order as per William O'Brien's A Handbook for the Sacristan (34):

1) Ensure your chalice is free from dust and particles. If so, place the purificator over the chalice (usually there are two folds and three sections already part of the cloth, have the centre part horizontally over the chalice.
2) Place the communion paten on top of the purificator with a large size altar bread in the centre of the paten.
3) Place the square pall on top of the paten that has the altar bread.
4) Cover the chalice with the chalice veil.
5) Place the corporal cloth folded into the burse.
6) Place the square burse on top of the chalice.

Here`s some pictures for visual reference (with edited arrows place to show you the steps):

Figure 5: Order of steps to compile the chalice in case you are asked. (35, A Handbook for the Sacristan). 

There are three main items that should be contained on the credence table:
1) The water and wine cruets, filled to a specific capacity. They can be on a lavabo dish or in a specific container.
2) The lavabo bowl (if a dish isn't in use to hold the cruets) and a finger towel.
3) The communion paten (in optional protective sleeve).

There are additional items for the Solemn Mass/Missa Solemnis:
4) The chalice which is veiled
5) The Evangelarium/Book of epistles and Gospels

Optional for Low Mass: A prayer card containing the Leonine prayers to be said after the Mass (e.g. St. Michael, Hail Holy Queen ...)

A standard credence table should look similar to this:

Figure 6: Credence table set for Low Mass with Paten (and its dust cover), Filled cruets in carrier, Lavabo bowl, and finger towel. This table is on the Epistle side, as should be in the Latin Mass. 

Special Task: Setting up the priestly Vestments:

This is not the easiest task to do unless you get good at it. It will take time to get the whole thing down. What I have here is a video demonstration by senior EF server Robin Cheung of St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, Ontario, CAN, setting up a traditional "IHS" style arrangement for the priest's vestments before a Latin Mass (specifically this was before a Low Mass I helped serve with Robin). 
PART 1: The Priest's Vestments Before Mass

PART II: The S for the Vestments with the Cincture (belt rope)

Now, depending on which Mass level you do, you will need to spread out the parts of the vestments and possibly place some of them on the altar and others in the sacristy. Here's where they go:

Low Mass - All vestments are simply left in the Sacristy for the priest. 

High Mass/Missa Cantata - If there is to be an Asperges rite, the stole, cincture, alb and cope are placed on the vesting table/area. The chausible and maniple are placed upon the sedilia. Otherwise the vestments are all together as per Low Mass. (39, A Handbook for the Sacristan)

Solemn Mass/Missa Solemnis - Without an Asperges rite, the following will be prepared in the sacristy:
Subdeacon (left of priest's vestments): Dalmatic, maniple, cincture, alb and amice. 
Deacon (right of priest's vestments): Dalmatic, stole, maniple, cincture, alb, and amice
CELEBRANT (center): Chausable, stole, maniple, cincture, alb, amice

Should there be an Asperges rite, the changes made are: The chausible of the priest and maniples of all three clergy are placed on the sedilia. 

Since I've mentioned both the vestments, the Chalice (specifically the veil and the burse), and also an altar cloth, one must cover or prepare such items in the appropriate liturgical colour. Here is a short, summary guide with details from A Handbook for the Sacristan pages 10-11, though most of the colours and their appropriate liturgical seasons have remained steady into the Novus Ordo:

White - On the feasts of Our Lord (e.g. the Nativity, Transfiguration) except on the Feast of the Precious Blood; On feasts of the Blessed Virgin [NOTE: Marian Vestments can be used as long as the main colour is white with blue TRIM. Pure Blue Marian Vestments are a No-No. Pure blue Marian Vestments in the Novus Ordo should not also be allowed, and is not a valid liturgical colour.]; the angels and all the saints who are not martyrs (e.g. Solemnity of All Saints)

Red - On the feasts of Martyrs; feasts of the Precious Blood, On Whitsunday (during Pentecost) and throughout the Octave of Pentecost.

Green - On Sundays and Ferial Days from the end of the Octave of the Epiphany to Septuagesima; and on Sundays and Ferial Days in the season after Pentecost. 

Violet/Purple - On Sundays and Ferial Days during Advent and Lent. However Rose can be used for Gaudete (3rd) Sunday during Advent and Laetare (4th) Sunday of Lent. During the last days of Holy Week; on certain Vigils; on Ember Days except those in Whitsun week; at certain votive Masses and at many blessings.

Black - For requiem Masses, both for funerals here on earth, and the requiem Mass for the Solemnity of All Souls. This is also used for Good Friday, and other Masses for the Dead (when black is permissable). 

Rose (Roseaca) - As mentioned in the Violet/Purple, can substitute for the 3rd/Gaudete sunday in Advent and the 4th/Laetare Sunday in Lent. NO OTHER TIMES!

Gold/Silver - Can substitute any of the days where white, red, or green is required in the liturgical calendar. CANNOT substitute purple or black. 

So basically you set up the altar for Mass with the following:
- Candles and makeshift gradines if necessary, with the correct altar covering. 
- Items needed for the altar like the Mass cards and the 1962 Missal 
- Set up the credence table with the necessary items for your mass, and anything optional as required
- light candles on the altar in the specific order necessary
- place bells, altar server response cards, and any other extras wherever necessary on the altar
- set up the clergy members' vestments in the Sacristy

NEXT: STARTER POINTS II (3/3) - Altar Server Responses and Prayers for the Mass including vesting prayers and before procession. 

Works Cited

Britt, Dom. Matthew. How to Serve in Simple, Solemn, and Pontifical Functions. 3rd ed. Tan Books and Publishers: U.S.A. 2008.

Carmody, Fr. Charles J. Learning to Serve A Guide for Altar Boys. Roman Catholic Books: Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A. 1961.

O'Brien, William. A Handbook for the Sacristan. Catholic Research Institute: Verdale, WA, USA. 1932.