Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Extra! Extra! More Low Latin Masses for St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, ON During Advent/Octave of Christmas! This Week Only!!!

Hello everyone.

Newsflash! One of my fellow altar servers, Robin Cheung, Veteran server of St. Lawrence the Martyr, just sent me this message asking me to serve other Masses this week:

Julian Barkin: Fr. [Steven Szakaczki] said that this week he'd have 7am AND 11am Masses (11am Masses to be said by Fr. Gavigan)-- ..."   
While I cannot serve due to work commitments and other commitments on Thursday, this is still EXCELLENT NEWS! The extra 7am/11am masses will be on Christmas Eve Monday, Boxing Day Wednesday, and Thursday in the Octave of Xmas. So now here is the updated Latin Mass Schedule for this week up to Holy Family Sunday for St. Lawrence the Martyr, Scarborough:

Monday December 24, 2012: 7am Low Latin Mass (Fr. Szakaczki) and 11:00am Low Latin Mass (Fr. Liam Gavigan) : "Vigil  of the Nativity" - 1st class feast.
Tuesday December 25, 2012: 1pm Christmas Obligation Mass/Feast of the Nativity. 
Wednesday December 26, 2012: 7am Low Latin Mass (Fr. S) and 11:00am Low Latin Mass (Fr. G)
Thursday December 27, 2012: 7am Low Latin Mass (Fr. S) and 11:00 am Low Latin Mass (Fr. G)
Friday December 28, 2012: 7pm Low Latin Mass (Fr. G as usual)
Saturday December 29, 2012: 10am Low Latin mass (Fr. G. as usual)
Sunday December 30: Feast of the Holy Family: 1pm Sunday Obligation Mass. 

PLEASE ATTEND THESE EXTRA highlighted LITURGIES IF YOU CAN! You can also consume the Eucharist 2x in a 24 hour period under Canon Law and the more Latin Masses the merrier. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

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