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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Christmas Day Latin Masses in the Archdiocese of Toronto (including outskirts)

Hello Everyone.

I didn't even know this was being circulated, but perhaps this is also a self-created document. Regardless, credit is due to the Toronto Traditional Mass Society for these listings:

However, one must inquire about the church of the Infant Jesus, Zephyr Mass. This mass is in the evening at 8pm. If the actual liturgy used for the 24th is the "Vigil of the Nativity" as outlined in the EF/1962 missal, then this would not suffice for the Christmas Mass as the Xmas liturgy is not being used. The proper liturgy must be used for the solemnity/feast day for that Mass to be for said solemnity or feast. However, if any of the "Nativity of our Lord" liturgies are used and the Mass is simply titled a "Vigil", then this would satisfy the Obligational requirement under Canon Law 1248-1.

"Can. 1248 §1. A person who assists at a Mass celebrated anywhere in a Catholic rite either on the feast day itself or in the evening of the preceding day satisfies the obligation of participating in the Mass.

If one is absolutely screwed for the obligation on Christmas Day for valid reasons, then to avoid all controversy or quell your anxiety, one should go to a Novus Ordo Christmas Eve Vigil Mass which will satisfy the obligation. DO NOT ARGUE with me on this one. I WILL NOT TOLERATE LITURGICAL PHARISEE-ISM from Extraordinary Form aficionados! If you want to rant about it, take it elsewhere. 

However in a worst case scenario, should you be in an essential service job (e.g. medicine, paramedic) and you ABSOLUTELY got screwed this holiday by your boss, and cannot trade or give away the shifts on both days as well as New Year`s Day (Solemnity of the BVM), then ask your priest/bishop for a dispensation from the obligation under necessity and your essential profession (cause someone will be ill or have a heart attack over the holidays, not to mention illness generally increases due to the excessive wining and dining, and even stress! They need you!)

Under the Novus Ordo, they use the `Christmas: The Nativity of the Lord: Vigil Mass.`` Liturgy, which is the first of the three liturgies in the N.O. The OF has the three liturgy set-up, taken directly from how the EF has the Mass at Midnight, the Mass at Dawn, and the Mass during the Day. Thankfully this did NOT change post Vatican-II. This Liturgy IS a XMAS liturgy, not an XMAS EVE/Dec 24 Liturgy so it is the proper liturgy to use. 

I also have in addition to this a full schedule from St. Lawrence the Martyr for their Masses in Holy Week, including New Years Day. These Masses will be either Low Masses with music, or possibly Missa Cantata depending on if a cantor can be found, and the number of servers. 

Pax, Julian. 

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