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Sunday, 18 November 2012

Small update on Information on the Catafalque as Discussed in Latin Mass Week Follow Up

Hello Everyone.

If you recall in my St. Patrick's posting, if anyone, be they the Toronto Traditional Latin Mass - Una Voce Toronto (herein, TTMS-UVT) chapter themselves, or anyone who attended their All Saints and All Souls Masses, were to write a report, as well as any information on the catafalque in the All Souls Requiem Mass liturgy, I would link to that information.

While there no report yet on the actual Masses that took place, nor have I received anything in my e-mail, some of the full request has been accomplished, regarding the catafalque. President and choirmaster of TTMS-UVT, David Anthony Domet, on the TTMS - UVT official blog, has posted some information on the catafalque, including the candles that go around the catafalque. Turns out another online blogger, by the profile name Bear-I-Tone, has craftsman`s skills and was commissioned to make the candles for their All Souls Mass. It was a ``cool`` read to see the step-by-step process on the candle making (including the mind of the craftsman, in his personal reflection), as well as the information on the catafalque and candles from David.

Have a read for yourself at http://unavocetoronto.blogspot.ca/2012/11/catafalque-candles-for-requiem-mass.html and learn something new about the liturgical aspects of the Latin Mass.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

P.S. Have a blessed and happy 25th Sunday after Pentecost, which by the way, requires you to hear the readings from the 6th Sunday after Epiphany for the liturgy.

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