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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

A Very Good Homily on Traditionalism and our Passions

Hello Everyone,

As I was viewing my blog roll for my profile, I came across a posting, whereby the author has transcribed an excellent homily from an FSSP priest on traditionalism called "Dealing with Despair Over the State of the Church." It is found here on a blog from the USA called Philothea on Phire.

This is an excellent homily that covers many of the difficulties that traditional Catholics face in the practice of their Faith, especially when viewing the Church as a whole from a traditional Catholic perspective.Considering many traditional Catholics generally attend the Latin Mass or support it, I felt it was worthwhile to post on my Latin Mass serving blog as one of those occasional "other related matter" postings.

Do read this homily when you have a good 15-20 spare minutes in your day.

Pax, Julian Barkin.

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