Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Special Latin Mass Offerings Nov 1-3 2018

Hello everyone,

I hope this posting is not too tardy of this weeks events. Considering some pivotal feast days are happening in our Church as well as another historical first in a diocese in Canada, I wanted to inform you of going’s on. 

For All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day There are some special offerings for Latin Masses in addition to the regularly scheduled offerings of the TLM/EF during weekdays. The offering for these feast days are: 

Feast of All Saints. Thursday Nov 1, 2018
- Oratory Holy Family (1372 King Street West, Toronto) 
  • 1130am Low Mass Missa Lecta
  • SPECIAL: 6pm Solemn High Mass/Missa Solemnis
Feast of All Souls
Oratory Holy Family (1372 King Street West, Toronto
  • 1130am Low Mass Missa Lecta 
  • SPECIAL: 8PM Solemn High Mass/Missa Solemnis
The oratory’s promotional image/jpeg is above for All Souls.

If you are able to come out Nov 2, not only will you be able to come out, but you will get to witness rare liturgical customs in the EF. The Mass will be a requiem, whose order of the Mass is altered in some ways. Also the clergy will be wearing BLACK coloured vestments, which was sadly discarded for today’s vernacular/ the Novus Ordo Mass funerals. Finally one of the most Solemn chants outside of the normal Mass settings will be sung, the Dies Irae.

Now, after Nov 1 and 2, another major historical AND liturgical event will be happening in Ontario Canada, albeit outside of the archdiocese of Toronto. However due to the noteworthiness of the event, I’ll take exception to promoting this on my blog (as this IS a toronto Archdiocese focused blog.) You might recall that with my good friends of St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir, for the first time in history since Vatican II, on October 30, 2016, a Solemn Latin Mass was held at St Michael’s Cathedral with His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins present and as guest homilist. This was a liturgical first in Ontario in the Church in Canada, one of the first Cathedrals in a major Canadian diocese to have a Latin Mass since Vatican II.

In the Archdiocese of Peterborough, this Saturday Nov 3, a major liturgical-histoical Mark will once again be made. In what is likely the second instance of a Latin Mass in a Canadian diocese’s cathedral since Vatican II, but for sure the first instance in Peterborough (after asking 

one of its celebrants on Facebook,) a Solemn Latin Mass is being held in honour of the Feast of St. Hubertus, patron saint of hunting. It will be on Sat Nov 3. At the cathedral of St Peter in Chains  (411 Reid Rd, #1) in Peterborough, ON. See the Facebook event page HERE. Furthermore, after the Mass there will be a blessing of hunters and hunting dogs at the cathedral rectory.

Despite my tardiness, I DO hope some of you will be able to attend. Considering some people from that diocese likely attended our Cathedral mass back in Oct 2016, it would be great to “pay it forward” and attend their diocese’s cathedral Mass. 

Regardless, may you embark on your faith journey and partake in these special aforementioned offerings of the TLM this week. 

Pax, Julian. 

P.S. Don’t forget the special indulgences for the Dead that one can earn for souls, November 1-8. See this bulletin from the Oratorians for the indulgence information. 

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