Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Thursday, 8 November 2018

REPORT: Missa Cantata/Sung High Mass for Christ the King, October 28, 2018 1PM St. Mary's Polish Catholic Church Toronto

REPORT: Missa Cantata/Sung High Mass for Christ the King, October 28, 2018 1PM St. Mary's Polish Catholic Church Toronto

Hello everyone,

Once again, the St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir of Toronto (SPGC,) based out of St Patrick’s Catholic Parish, Toronto (Redemptorist,) organized their annual offering of the Latin Mass on the Feast of Christ the King in the Extraordinary Form/Latin Mass Calendar.

This Missa Cantata/Sung High Mass took place last Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 1 pm and was held at St. Mary’s Polish Catholic Church, 1996 Davenport Rd in the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Of note was three particular items for this offering of the Mass:
1) For SPGC this was the first occasion organizing a Higher level Latin Mass at this parish. St Mary’s has never been asked by the choir to be used as a Mass site, although other lay organizations, and even the parish itself, had held/holds Latin Masses respectfully.

2) A seminarian who has assisted with St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir in the last few offerings and is a regular member of the schola, completed his pre-seminary studies and was accepted into St Augustine’s this fall. This was his first EF Mass since being accepted into seminary, as well as his
first time in the liturgical role of Acolyte 2.

3) After 7 years of being loyal to SPGC and assisting in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and dealing with much over my time alongside the choir, this author, made his debut for the first time in the Master of Ceremonies (MC) role in the EF liturgy! 

Pre-Mass Details/preparations 

After a change in celebrant and location of the Mass times, it was eventually settled that St Mary’s, under the pastor-ship of Fr. Kazimierz, our celebrant, would be host to the TLM for this annual offering of SPGC Christ the King, 2018.

Thankfully, St Mary’s has been involved with the hosting of the EF in the last few years, including their own Saturday 9am Missa Lecta/Low Mass, as well as special high and solemn Masses on feast days and solemnities in past, in partnership with another lay organization. As such, the parish was well equipped for the celebration of the Latin Mass, with many of the liturgical items in stock, such as framed altar cards and their own 1962 Missal. Only Acolyte/processional candles were supplied by the SPGC.

As usual, the choir devoted their weekly Sat evening practices for the last few weekends, to rehearsing for this EF Mass, in addition to their weekly duties, for the Saturday Novus Ordo vigil Mass at 5pm at St Pat’s (a vernacular Mass with Latin and Gregorian Chants in the musical portions)

On the serving end, preparation for my role as MC was undertaken starting with the last offering of SPGC in June 2018, whereby I was permitted to shadow the prior MC, Mr. Giovanni at practice. In between offerings, while dealing with full-time work and parenting a young 7 month old son, private preparation was undertaken via a combination of written and video resources including: my personal copy of the Missale Romanum 1962, (see here,) the “Gold Standard” Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described, and YouTube video of other Latin High Masses, especially one of Christ the King Missa Cantata, to prepare for the role. Private serving practice for mastery of footwork/positioning went on alongside the Choir on the 20th October, and a full serving practice was held with the choirmaster, Surinder, present on the eve of October 23rd @ St Mary’s.

The Actual Mass

On Sunday October 28, 2018, the Mass took place at 1pm at St Mary’s. A modest showing of 30-40 people were present at the Mass, mostly residents from the Parish. Considering that promotion of this Mass on my blog and media various sources (e.g. the Archdiocese website, the Catholic Register) was delayed for a myriad of reasons including a postal strike (for the Register newspaper), this turnout was great for a smaller parish and less advance notice.

Overall, the liturgy was conducted decently, save minor mistakes with a side offering of high nervousness, and some off-timing on my part. Timing is quite different in real life versus recordings of the chants. Thankfully the serving contingent was made of experienced servers, some from the parish who have served the EF, others of my allies in the EF, including the seminarian who was a quick study for Acolyte 2. Fr Kazimierz was excellent as our celebrant, clearly knowing his role as celebrant, and also being a great assist to me as first time MC.

After much sweat (in our cassocks and clergy robes,) effort, and prayer, the liturgy was conducted as reverently as possible, despite my nervousness. Not one complaint was voiced to the choir by anyone in attendance. The choir, as usual, demonstrated their abilities and experience in their chanting, and lifted the souls of the faithful (alongside the sanctuary contingent) on High to our King.

The musical selections for the Mass, combined with the ordinary Liber chants for the Mass were:

Organ Prelude
Introductory hymn: Praise to the Lord the Almighty, by Lobe Den Herren
Introit: Dignus et Agnus (Liber)
Kyrie: XII (Pater Cuncta)
Gloria: XII
Graduale: Dominabitur (Liber)
Alleluia: Potestas Eius (Liber)
Credo: II
Offertory: Postula A Me (Liber)
Sanctus: XII
Agnus Dei: XII
Communion hymn: Panis Angelicus
Communion Antiphon: Sedebit Dominus (Liber)
Closing Hymn: Rejoice the Lord is King by Gospal

In addition, I present some of the points of Father’s short, but succinct and poignant homily for the feast of Christ the King:

- The Feast of Christ the King has a significance, of which it’s analogy of kingship may not seem as relevant to modern Man, as the Monarchy/active Kingdoms have been replaced with democratic governments and symbolic monarchies.
- However, the analogy does apply to us as a Catholic Church, even in today’s world.
- A King wields authority over his subjects and is responsible for their well being. His subjects, in turn, are to respect the authority of the King and his rulings and governance of the kingdom.
- Christ is NOT just an earthly “King” who appeared once in time, he is our Divine King in Heaven, who wields authority over Heaven and Earth, though now he resides in his True Kingdom of Heaven.
- Jesus ensured that his divine authority and care as our King, would persist in this earthly kingdom via his Bride, the Holy Catholic Church. Through it, He bestows through Apostolic Succession, his authority to Holy Mother Church. As His Holy Bride, it is through She where His authority over his subjects, us the Faithful [ed note: who consist of the “Communal” Body of Christ.]
- Because our King is so closely linked to the Church in His authority as its head, and on earth, The Pope as His Vicar, and his bishops as ordinary arbiters and judges of the Magisterium of His teaching authority, those who attack the Church Herself, the Magisterium and Her teachings, and/or Herself as a whole, attack Christ directly.
- This even applies more directly to us, the laity within the Church! When we attack Her Magisterium, and those who are it’s guardians up to the Holy Father itself, you attack Christ directly!
- In the end he asked us to pray to the The Lord that we may be His loyal subjects and to be obedient to His Will and Holy Mother Church.

Finally, I present to you numerous photos from the Mass, a combination of those submitted with thanks by a young man in attendance, as well as some of my own and the Choir:

  The choir preparing for the Liturgy

 Likely, the Collect. I, as MC am to the right of the Celebrant, Fr. Kaz(miriez), on the Epistle side, during the Mass of the Catechumens (Liturgy of the Word.) I point to the prayer in the Missal before he begins. 

Incensation of the altar before the offertory of water and wine

More incensation of the altar in the Mass of the Canons (Liturgy of Eucharist.) The crucifer has been employed to take the altar Missal off while the Celebrant incenses the altar. I, as MC on the right, and the Thurifer to Fr's left, assist him in incensation, by lifting his arms when he genuflects. 

Consecration of the wine into the Blood of Christ. I am just below the celebrant's right, Thurifer is incensing Fr. as he lifts up the chalice. 

Communion of the servers. Here we say the "Confiteor" a 2nd time in the liturgy, a common practice at higher Masses for the servers. 

Communion of the Choir post-Mass (they cannot descend for communion during the Mass)

More communion of the Choir. 

What took place was a beautiful and sacred offering of the Mass, and all parties present that day, assisted in that Sacrifice of the Mass, even the laity in the pews with their prayers to Christ. Hopefully you have enjoyed this report, and perhaps in future, you will join our Lord in the Latin Mass at one of these offerings or those of Toronto, or other parishes. It is not just sentiment why the EF/Latin Mass is nicknamed “The Mass of Ages” that lifts the soul to higher callings.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Special Latin Mass Offerings Nov 1-3 2018

Hello everyone,

I hope this posting is not too tardy of this weeks events. Considering some pivotal feast days are happening in our Church as well as another historical first in a diocese in Canada, I wanted to inform you of going’s on. 

For All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day There are some special offerings for Latin Masses in addition to the regularly scheduled offerings of the TLM/EF during weekdays. The offering for these feast days are: 

Feast of All Saints. Thursday Nov 1, 2018
- Oratory Holy Family (1372 King Street West, Toronto) 
  • 1130am Low Mass Missa Lecta
  • SPECIAL: 6pm Solemn High Mass/Missa Solemnis
Feast of All Souls
Oratory Holy Family (1372 King Street West, Toronto
  • 1130am Low Mass Missa Lecta 
  • SPECIAL: 8PM Solemn High Mass/Missa Solemnis
The oratory’s promotional image/jpeg is above for All Souls.

If you are able to come out Nov 2, not only will you be able to come out, but you will get to witness rare liturgical customs in the EF. The Mass will be a requiem, whose order of the Mass is altered in some ways. Also the clergy will be wearing BLACK coloured vestments, which was sadly discarded for today’s vernacular/ the Novus Ordo Mass funerals. Finally one of the most Solemn chants outside of the normal Mass settings will be sung, the Dies Irae.

Now, after Nov 1 and 2, another major historical AND liturgical event will be happening in Ontario Canada, albeit outside of the archdiocese of Toronto. However due to the noteworthiness of the event, I’ll take exception to promoting this on my blog (as this IS a toronto Archdiocese focused blog.) You might recall that with my good friends of St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir, for the first time in history since Vatican II, on October 30, 2016, a Solemn Latin Mass was held at St Michael’s Cathedral with His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins present and as guest homilist. This was a liturgical first in Ontario in the Church in Canada, one of the first Cathedrals in a major Canadian diocese to have a Latin Mass since Vatican II.

In the Archdiocese of Peterborough, this Saturday Nov 3, a major liturgical-histoical Mark will once again be made. In what is likely the second instance of a Latin Mass in a Canadian diocese’s cathedral since Vatican II, but for sure the first instance in Peterborough (after asking 

one of its celebrants on Facebook,) a Solemn Latin Mass is being held in honour of the Feast of St. Hubertus, patron saint of hunting. It will be on Sat Nov 3. At the cathedral of St Peter in Chains  (411 Reid Rd, #1) in Peterborough, ON. See the Facebook event page HERE. Furthermore, after the Mass there will be a blessing of hunters and hunting dogs at the cathedral rectory.

Despite my tardiness, I DO hope some of you will be able to attend. Considering some people from that diocese likely attended our Cathedral mass back in Oct 2016, it would be great to “pay it forward” and attend their diocese’s cathedral Mass. 

Regardless, may you embark on your faith journey and partake in these special aforementioned offerings of the TLM this week. 

Pax, Julian. 

P.S. Don’t forget the special indulgences for the Dead that one can earn for souls, November 1-8. See this bulletin from the Oratorians for the indulgence information.