Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Saturday, 18 August 2018

High Mass/Missa Cantata in Archdiocese of Toronto Saturday, August 25th 1230pm EST

(Source: https://achristianpilgrim.files.wordpress.com/)

Hello everyone,

I would like to announce another special offering of the Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, herein the "EF") in our Archdiocese of Toronto, happening before Summer’s end. While I will not be involved liturgically (full serving compliment!,) others whom I have served with will be assisting at the altar of our Lord for this Mass.

The offering of this Latin Mass will be at the level of Missa Cantata/High (Sung) Mass, with Fr Russell Asch, Chaplain of the EF in the Archdiocese of Toronto as Celebrant.

The date and time of this offering is Saturday, August 25 at 12:30 PM. This will be held at the chapel for the Carmel Heights Seniors' facility located in Mississauga at 1720 Sherwood Forest Circle. Follow the link for a map.

As an interesting footnote the liturgical acolytes a.k.a. altar servers as well as the liturgical music of sacred Gregorian Chant, will not be organized/provided by the usual lay organizations or choirs, who normally hold offerings of the Latin mass at the higher levels in the Archdiocese of Toronto.

The servers will be composed of young men who already serve their home parish and/or extra-parish offerings of the EF, and a choir of young adults in our Archdiocese. This is an extraordinarily positive sign! This shows that young people in our Archdiocese are willing to go the distance, with some additional help when needed, to bring full, liturgical worship that people are craving, to the faithful in our local and universal Church.

This also shows that the EF alive and well in the Archdiocese of Toronto, and has expanded beyond its normal groups and parishes in our Archdiocese, and in the overall life of the Church. Who knew this would happen back in the mid 2000’s when the EF first re-emerged in Toronto’s faith life, outside of the one 1988 "indult Mass" at St Vincent De Paul.

As an important note: NO, this does not fulfill your SUNDAY obligation. You must still attend a Saturday Vigil Mass in a Valid and LICIT rite of the Church, OR Sunday Mass including either form of the Roman Rite.

Regardless, if you are looking for that beautiful endnote to the Summer in your faith life, or are genuinely curious, come one and all to this sacred offering of the Latin Mass.
Come experience real mercy and reverence in the Latin Mass, and see that Hagan Lio Pope Francis keeps telling youth to do!

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

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