Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Latin Masses for Archdiocese of Toronto, Including Peripheries, and Surrounding Dioceses for Christmas/New Year's Day

Latin Masses for Archdiocese of Toronto, Including Peripheries, and Surrounding Other Dioceses for Christmas/New Year's Day

Hello everyone,

Due to being my first Christmas being married, I did not post a listing for Latin Masses in the Archdiocese and surrounding areas, for Nativity of our Lord & what is the the Octave Day of the Nativity. 

Allow me to do so this year, listing the offerings for Christmas Day, and New Year's Day (Obligations for Mass attendance in Canada) for the Latin Mass. Also, as in past, for the most highly attended times of the year (including Easter/Good Fri,) I make exception to focusing on the core of the Archdiocese, and expand to include peripheries, as well as neighbouring dioceses that one can travel to by car on their holiday time. 

Note that due to Christmas/New Year's Day falling on Mondays this year, parishes with the Latin Mass will be running their normal Sunday schedules for the Sundays of obligation, that being 4th Sunday of Advent and the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas. Obviously you MUST go on the Sundays (or Saturday Vigils in the Novus Ordo) to fulfill said Sunday obligations. 


CORE OF THE ARCHDIOCESE: Central Toronto, Mississauga, York Region, Scarborough, Etobicoke, North York ... essentially Greater Toronto Area

Toronto Central 
Oratorians - St. Vincent De Paul and Holy Family Parish
  • December 24th/25th - Nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ
    • HOLY FAMILY (1372 King St. West, Toronto) 
      • Eve of 24th/December 25th, 2017 @ Midnight/0000h - "First Mass at Midnight" 
        • Level of Mass: Solemn High Mass/Missa Solemnis
        • NOTE: Confessions available starting 1100pm, Music (Carols? Chants?) starting 1130pm
      • December 25th, 2017 @ 1100a.m./h - "Third Mass: During the Daytime" 
        • Level of Mass: As per normal for Sunday offerings @ this parish, Solemn level/Missa Solemnis.
    • ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (263 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto
      • December 25th, 2017 @ 0930am/h - "Third Mass: During the Daytime" 
        • Level of Mass: Low Mass/Missa Lecta
  • January 1 - Octave Day of Christmas
    • HOLY FAMILY (1372 King St. West, Toronto) 
      • January 1, 2018 @ 1100a.m/h
        • Level of Mass: As per normal for Sunday offerings @ this parish, Solemn level/Missa Solemnis.
    • ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (263 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto
      • January 1, 2018@ 0930am/h 
        • Level of Mass: Low Mass/Missa Lecta
    • ST LAWRENCE THE MARTYR (2210 Lawrence Ave. East). Besides the schedule below, one can also download/see a PDF copy of the schedule, here
      • December 25th @ 1pm - "Third Mass: During the Daytime" 
        • Level of Mass - Low Mass/Missa Lecta
      • January 1, 2018 @ 1pm - "Sunday in the Octave of Christmas" 
        • Level of Mass - Low Mass/Missa Lecta
    • CARMEL HEIGHTS SENIOR'S RESIDENCE, Cared for by Carmelite Sisters, and Chaplian to the Sisters is Veteran Latin Mass offering Priest, Fr. Russell Asch (1720 Sherwood Forrest Circle, Mississauga - Website HERE)
      • Eve of 24th/December 25th, 2017 @ MIDNIGHT - "First Mass at Midnight" 
        • Level of Mass: Missa Lecta or Missa Cantata (if a choirmaster is available for chant)

PERIPHERIES OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF TORONTO (e.g. Schomberg, farther cities/townships ...) 

  • ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, SCHOMBERG, ONTARIO (91 Church Street, Schomberg, ON - Website HERE
    • December 25th, 2017 @ 0900a.m./h - "Third Mass: During the Daytime" 
      • Level of Mass: Low Mass/Missa Lecta
    • January 1, 2018@ 0900am/h 
      • Level of Mass: Low Mass/Missa Lecta



  • ST. MARY'S CHURCH IN CAMPBELLFORD, ONTARIO (21 Centre Street, Campbellford, ON, CAN - Website and Map, HERE)
  • CHURCH OF THE PURIFICATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, (St. Mary's Church)(40 Russell St East, Lindsay, ON - Website, HERE)


Unfortunately, a nefarious character in that diocese, told me off in 2015 to not promote anything in that area. Since there is NO public promotion on the webpages of the parishes of those whom host the TLM, you will have to do your own research and contact parishes/groups in that area. 

This is truly a disgusting shame, and a violation of the spirit of this Christmas season, that some of us are self-centered and do not want to promote the TLM for the good of the Body of Christ in the Church. While I will respect this person's ill-fated wishes, I lament the inability to promote the TLM in this region, even contact info for groups/parishses. The best I can do is give the names of the parishes listed on the diocesan website that host the TLM. Please contact them to get any information. 


  • ST. HEDWIG'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, BARRY'S BAY, ONTARIO (35 Karol Wojtyla Square, Barry's Bay, ON) Note: This parish serves the spiritual needs of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy. 
    • December 25th, 2017 @ 1130 a.m./h - "Third Mass: During the Daytime" 
      • Level of Mass: Low Mass/Missa Lecta OR High Mass/Missa Cantata???
    • January 1, 2018


  • HOLY NAME OF MARY CATHOLIC PARISH ( Holy Name of Mary Church, 681 McEwan Ave., Windsor, ON) - Affiliate parish for the St. Benedict Tridentine Community of Windsor, ON. Website HERE.
    • December 25th, 2017 @ 2:00 p.m./1400h - "Third Mass: During the Daytime" 
      • Level of Mass: High Mass/Missa Cantata
    • January 1, 2018 @ 2:00 p.m./1400h - ``Octave Day of Christmas``
      • Level of Mass: High Mass/Missa Cantata

  • MATER DEI LATIN MASS COMMUNITY, SUDBURY, ONTARIO (Has Masses @ St. Michael’s Church - 48 William Avenue, Coniston, Ontario) - Website HERE.
    • Eve of 24th/December 25th, 2017 @ Midnight/0000h - "First Mass: At Midnight" 
      • Level of Mass: If treated like normal Sunday Masses, then Solemn High Mass. Otherwise expect Missa Lecta/Low Mass, maybe with some music at appropriate parts. 
    • December 25th, 2017 @ 0900 am/h - "Second Mass: At Dawn" 
      • Level of Mass: If treated like normal Sunday Masses, then Solemn High Mass. Otherwise expect Missa Lecta/Low Mass, maybe with some music at appropriate parts. 
    • December 25th, 2017 @ 1100 am/h - "Third Mass: During the Daytime"
      • Level of Mass: If treated like normal Sunday Masses, then Solemn High Mass. Otherwise expect Missa Lecta/Low Mass, maybe with some music at appropriate parts. 
    • January 1, 2017 @ 6 p.m./1800h - "Octave Day of Christmas" 
      • Level of Mass: If treated like normal Sunday Masses, then Solemn High Mass. Otherwise expect Missa Lecta/Low Mass, maybe with some music at appropriate parts. 

Should I find any more listings or be sent any more, I will add them on demand. 


Thursday, 7 December 2017

Upcoming Additional Missa Cantata/TLMs for December 2017 in Toronto Outside of Normal TLM Parishes

Hello Everyone,

Thanks to one of my closest of friends, a confidant I can trust in the TLM, I have been informed of some upcoming Missa Cantata offerings in the Latin Mass for the liturgical season of Advent.

After contacting the parish office during the week by email, as well as the pastor himself by phone (surprised calling the main line I got him! Now that's being "pastoral!") to verify the offerings, especially one in particular, I can confirm the following offerings for the TLM, which are ALL being hosted at St. Mary's Polish Catholic Church at 1996 Davenport Road, in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The following offerings have been confirmed:

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception - Friday Dec 8, 2017
  • St. Mary's Polish Catholic Church, 1996 Davenport Road. 7:00 PM E.S.T. Start Time
SPECIAL!!! RORATE CAELI - Saturday Dec 16, 2017
  • St. Mary's Polish Catholic Church, 1996 Davenport Road. 5:45 AM E.S.T. Start Time! 
    • NOTE: Why so early? From St. John the Bapitst FSSP parish in Arkansas, USA: " The Rorate Caeli Mass is a traditional Advent devotion wherein the Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Advent is offered just before dawn .... The Mass takes its title, Rorate Caeli, from the first words of the Introit, which are from Isaiah 45:8: “Rorate, caeli, desuper, et nubes pluant justum, aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem.” “Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the just: let the earth be opened and bud forth a Saviour.” The Rorate Mass is lit only by candlelight ...." 
Ember Saturday in the Season of Advent - Saturday Dec 23, 2017
  • St. Mary's Polish Catholic Church, 1996 Davenport Road. 9:00 AM E.S.T. Start Time
  • Note: St. Mary`s has a weekly Latin Low Mass at this time normally, that all can attend.  
For those looking for spiritual preparation in the anticipation and coming of our Lord, why not go the distance and give our Lord a special, spiritual gift to him in anticipation of Christmas Day. Come and see what the sacred and Holy TLM is all about.

Pax tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

P.S. I, nor those I assist in the TLM (e.g. St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir,) have any affiliation with this parish by ministry or as registered parishoners, nor have been asked by any party in these Masses for assistance with the EF liturgies. Despite my blog goals, because these offerings are being hosted by a parish in the Archdiocese of Toronto, with approval from the parish pastor (to the best of my knowledge,) and despite other online promotion of these offerings, I am promoting these offerings for those who simply want to attend some TLMs during, and in the spirit of, this beautiful season of Advent.

Sunday, 3 December 2017

OPINION: The Pope and His Audiences on the Mass Re: Pictures At Mass.

Hello Everyone.

Forgive the tardiness, but married life with full time work including 1/5 hrs travel to and fro on the weekdays each way, plus domestic duties and whatnot, gives me such limited time for blogging these days. Still, I wanted to release this regardless as a not-as-once-youngish, but still "Church young" at 34 years old, Latin Mass server and male in the Church.

Back some weeks ago, as part of his new series of Wednesday General Audiences on the Eucharist, Pope Francis has done it again, striking hard at something (finally!) that affects everything at all spheres of the Church, with tie-ins to secular culture: Photos at Mass/social media.

His first general audience in November as part of the series, dealt with the Holy Mass, connected to catechesis on the Eucharist. The link from the Vatican's website is here for the first audience:


The Pope's Message

In the audience, the Holy Father states: ".... He does not say: “Lift up your cell phones to take a photo!” No, that’s bad! I tell you, it makes me sad when I am celebrating here in Saint Peter’s Square or in the Basilica to see many cell phones lifted up, not only by the faithful but also by some priests and even bishops! But please! Mass is not a spectacle: it is going to encounter the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord. This is why the priest says: “Lift up our hearts”. What does this mean? Remember: no cell phones."

In terms, of the Pope's take on this, I truly think that he is applying this to the WHOLE CHURCH.  I must start by saying this audience is NOT HYPOCRISY NOR HATE OF THE TLM. Yes, he has given numerous statements in the past in audiences/fervorinos that do not favour those in the Latin Mass/Traditional Catholicism (e.g. the "breeding like rabits" statement, the "rigid" youth in the TLM comment in an interview that was without clarification or a general broad statement that most aren't crazy,) but I do not think that in this instance, our holy father is specifically targeting blogs, such as New Liturgical Movement, or even the Radical Misrepresenting Traditionalist (RMT) blog, Rorate Caeli, with regard to these pictures at Mass.

Because of society being "wired" and the majority of youth and young adults in the world, including older tech-savvy adults , this is a common problem for people in all forms of liturgy in the world, to be attached to their cell phones w/cameras. Furthermore, most developed nations, sadly, share a sense of the notion of "celebrity," which is not limited to music pop-idols and movie actors. Dare I say it, even in Catholic media circles, even some priests and laymen indulge in this notion with the invention of the Internet, on both sides of the spectrum, (Radical) Trad and Liberal. It has even spreads to the Holy Father indirectly and directly, such as the Holy Father doing selfies. Sorry Papa, but selfie taking isn't exactly strengthening the power of your message to the audience of the hostile, anti-Catholic world ... but at least you do not command it AT MASS.

What is clear as day in this Papal audience, is he is trying to convey that main message: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not an entertainment spectacle or a concert, it IS the highest form of prayer in the world, the re-presentation of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection, with which He freed us from the binding of Adam's Original sin that prevented us the opportunity (not de-facto admittance) to be in paradise with God in Heaven. (You have my full permission to copy/paste this quote, just acknowledge my blog.)  Sadly, phone photos take away from this reverence and make the events more like a concert. The Pope is saying, the Mass is not such a venue.

My Opinion (My Two Canadian Dollars)

Now, while I agree with the Pope's main message in full, I am disagreeing with his outright ban of cell phones/pictures in the Mass for a specific purpose: The promotion of the Sacred Liturgy, especially the Latin Mass in the current theological-political climate of the Church, is VITAL, particularly online and in social media platforms (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat) where the young adult generations and younger are gravitating to as part of their lives.

Most, if they were part of the Church, only received a non-reverent, "watered down" Novus Ordo, with variance in quality in terms of homiletics (most being "Jesus loves everyone"/human sentimental garbage, mercy ad nauseam, extreme focus on social justice excluding the rest of the faith) as well as Praise and Worship/childish music that despite the ideas and egos of clergy and music ministers, is NOT the be-all and end all of worship. While I am not partial to a certain Mass being set aside for that and even praise and worship in Eucharistic Adoration (unlike other Radicals Misrepresenting Traditionalism, who hate on their Novus Ordo berthen and desire complete decimation of the Novus Ordo in their minds and hearts, and its "music" and even "Novus Ordo" ministries in the everyday Church,) most youth aren't thinking of heaven and angels and the afterlife when they hear that "Rainbow" song for the hundreth time on Sunday.

Further, might I also add that while it has been 10 years since Summorum Pontificum, and worldwide the number of new holding of the TLM, and priests/seminarians, and even permanent deacons are picking up this noble form, as a whole, there is still a need for HIGHER NUMBERS of Masses, and competent clergy/laymen to instruct even more clergy/lay people in how to carry out the solemn and sacred Latin Mass (though women could assist in areas of expertise such as choir, altar preparation and textiles/vestment creation, and administrative roles in the case of lay organizations e.g. F.I.U.V., local EF/TLM societies.)

How better to promote the Holy Mass, in the Extraordinary Form, than with pictures on social/media, the internet. As the expression says, "a picture is worth a 1000 words," and to the majority of people, they would not be repulsed, but actually drawn in by what is going on at the altar. When one sees images such as the solemn Latin Mass with the numerous servers on their knees at the consecration, and 3 sacred ministers at the altar, does not that invoke an image of angels all around our Lord as King? Now, tie that in with the fact that our youth are "glued" to their internet phones and social media, and you can see that pictures, taken in proper parts of the Mass and posted, IS actually a form of evangelization to youth, and even an indirect invitation to say "Come, see what our Faith is about ... come, and experience eternal salvation, and Heaven on Earth ... Come ..." Might I also add that for all of Pope Francis' talk about getting dirty with the sheep, making "Hagan Lio" and going out to the peripheries, those youth and adults struggling with their faith and lives, and/or have departed from the Church but are around social media, ARE PART OF THE PERIPHERIES! 


So, if I must counter the Holy Father, then I counter him on this point by saying in summary: I get it. Yes the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is NOT an entertainment venue and we should not be taking constant pictures and idolizing the Holy Father as a pop star. However, one cannot "throw out the baby with the bathwater" in regards to the promotion of our faith, when many of our lost youth and even adults, who are trapped in the "world of the net," are not going to daily Mass and/or have anyone, even their parents, guiding them remotely, in anyway to the life of the Church. Further, because there is still a need for an increase in the Latin Mass, with the institutional Church including Pope Francis, PURPOSELY NOT promoting the Latin Mass and/or ignoring it in the Life/Culture of the Church (alongside a pure hatred of pre-Vatican II anything by the 65'-late 80's ordained generation of clergy,) it is being left up to the lay body and future/current younger clergy to promote and expand the Latin Mass, and the taking of photography and public promotion of it on the web is a necessary tool for advancing the TLM itself, and evangelizing to those who desire that deeper faith in Christ in the liturgy of the Holy Mass.

And that is my two Canadian dollars on this issue. Unless he makes this audience a part of the Acta of the Church to bind it as Magisterial, I'm sticking to my guns here.

Pax, Julian.

P. S. Love this gem in the audience: "... “But what are you saying, that the Lord is dull?” — “No, no. Not the Mass, the priests” — “Ah, may the priests convert, but it is the Lord who is there!” Do you understand? Do not forget it. Participating in Mass is living again the redemptive passion and death of Our Lord.” Notice that for all the venom that RMTs spew at our Holy Father, he DID NOT in that sentence consider the Mass a "meal," the usual thing that is said by priests and laity thanks to shoddy post-Vatican II catechesis.

He even did it before in 2014 (see the reference earlier in the same paragraph I took this snippet from in the link above.) Please read the full address for other gems including Martyrdom for the sake of the Holy Mass, the definition of "Eucharist" etc.

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Report: Solemn Latin Mass for Feast of Christ the King, Sunday Oct 29, 2017 in the Archdiocese of Toronto


Hello everyone,

This past Sunday, October 29, 2017, was the Feast of Christ the King in the Extraordinary Form (aka, EF, Latin Mass,) liturgical Calendar of the Roman Rite in the Catholic Church. On this feast day, the St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir (herein, SPGC,) once again organized a Solemn Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Toronto, on what was their 11th anniversary of formation. The Latin Mass was held in the area of North York in the Greater Toronto Area, at St Edward the Confessor parish at 75 Churchill Ave, at 3pm EST this past Sunday.

Notes of importance

With this offering of the TLM, some notes of importance that must be mentioned, showing how much the Latin Mass is growing and starting to reach an impact in our parish communities. When the TLM is promoted by those who: express solidarity with our Holy Father and the Catholic Church
expressing the positive Joy of the Gospel, and actually practicing what Pope Francis professes in his homilies (including daily "fervorinos") instead of: jealousy, detraction/slander, and even declarations of heresy in various form of communications (e.g. letters, “Tweets,” emails,) positive fruits such as the following occur:

  • For this solemn Mass, we had a seminarian almost finished his studies, as well as an actual permanent deacon, in the clergy roles of sub-deacon and deacon respectively.
  • The seminarian has assisted at Latin Masses in serving roles, but in this Mass, this was his first time as one of the three clergy roles, as the sub-deacon! Another first for the EF!
  • The permanent deacon, was actually the deacon of the hosting parish! He had assisted for the first time in a Latin Mass, at the June 2017 Sacred Heart TLM organized by St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir. He was happy to assist again with his home parish community!
  • We also had another two men in formation, including a seminarian of St. Augustine`s in Toronto in his pastoral 3rd year @ St. Edward's, and the other has been in past offerings of the TLM/EF organized by SPGC, who were in choir on the altar! Deo Gratias for the interest of those men in formation who are being exposed and/or willingly seeking out the TLM despite no formal courses in seminary!
  • On the serving end of things, our thurifer was another gentleman stationed at the parish who is in formation for the permanent diaconate program at St Augustine’s Seminary! Also we had a new young man to the scene of SPGC offerings, a senior in high school who has started becoming involved in TLM serving! Welcome J!

Pre-Mass Preparations

Once the Mass site was confirmed, preparations were underway. The master of Ceremonies, who usually is responsible for server training and providing direction for the clergy roles* (with assistance from the priest celebrant,) set up practices for both clergy and servers, with an additional practice for the clergy due to the deacon & sub-deacon being new in their clergy roles, or becoming more proficient at their role from their last occasion of doing so in the EF.

The servers, with the clergy, did a combined practice the week before the Mass, where roles were given to the servers based on their experience, and the practice went well between those involved in the liturgy of the Mass on the Altar. Good instruction was given to all parties by the MC and celebrant (a veteran and blessed soul to all parties in the Latin Mass community in Toronto, Fr. Russell Asch,) alongside a guest Master of Ceremonies who has been helping out with other Mass offerings in the archdiocese. The instruction was well received by clergy and servers.

The actual Mass on Sunday Oct 29, 2017

Prior to starting time of 3pm, all clergy and serving members arrived promptly, and the altar was set up in good time.

Side view of the Gospel side of the altar, with credence table in the background, as well as the sediliae arranged, and server's seating with Latin/English translation of readings and propers in pamphlets.

View of the main altar prior to mass, with some laity in the pews in the nave.

Closer picture of the altar setup for the sacred liturgy. 

Final small notes/pointers/assistance were reviewed in the sacristy for those involved in the liturgy, and all members donned their robes prior to the start time. In addition, the pastor of the parish was able to assist some lay members who requested the Sacrament of Confession prior to Mass (Deo Gratias!) Then, at 3PM EST, we who were to be on the altar of the Lord, processed from the back of the nave of the parish, towards the altar to begin the Holy Sacrifice of all time in the Liturgy of the Mass. 

Entrance Procession picture 1

Entrance Procession picture 2. I, the author, was Acolyte 1, and can be seen on the right side with candle in arms behind the crucifer and next to Acolyte 2.  

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar with the clergy and the Master of Ceremonies (kneeling). Celebrant/Priest Fr. Asch is in center, with Deacon on the right (in Dalmatic, noted by two horizontal bars on his back), and Sub-deacon on the left (in Tunicle, noted by one horizontal bar on his back.) 

Thankfully, on this occasion, I was able to retain a good portion of points of the Homily from our celebrant, and jotted notes down after the Holy Mass that night. While these points may not be verbatim what the good and Holy Father said, much was remembered, giving a taste of the excellent preaching done in the EF liturgy. The homily from Fr. Asch, was quite interesting, inter-weaving the themes of Christ our Lord and King and children, a take this author has not seen nor thought could relate with this Feast, having served Mass on this feast day in the EF for the past 6 years [coincidentally, the 6th anniversary of my foray into altar serving in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite]:

  • Fr. Asch began by re-reading the first lines of the Gradual (Psalm 71: 8, 11) "He shall rule from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth .... And all kings shall adore Him, all nations shall serve Him."
  • The feast of Christ the King should have particular interest to us, particularly as the state of our world appears to be coming more and more dark, for example, in the realm of politics [Editorial note: Fr Asch might have been referring to the USA under Donald Trump as well as Kim Jong Un in Korea, but I didn’t ask him for specifics.]
  • When we think of this feast day, we might conjure up images, of our devotion to the image of the Infant Christ the King adored in crown.
  • Being at the time of year it is, on Halloween weekend, most children take simple delight in this annual activity of trick-or-treating. When they dress up and go around collecting candy, they enjoy themselves, with pure joy in the moment with their treats. They are satisfied in the moment at such an activity. It is this simplicity that one should apply in terms of us approaching our Lord. 
    • On a related side note to Halloween, Fr Asch also rightly commentated on how such a fun thing for our children has become so distorted by secular society in many ways, one being making Halloween grotesque. He recalled taking his younger nephew to a Halloween store where a figure of a zombie or a demon was eating the flesh of a human or its own flesh was present and it unsettled his poor nephew in a queasy way.
  • Moving onward Fr Asch then began to describe briefly the development of this feast day in the liturgical Calendar, being different from the Novus Ordo in that it is the last Sunday in October.
  • Pius XI, in 1925, when he wrote the encyclical QUAS PRIMAS, has likely positioned the feast day in the calendar for the last Sunday in October for two central reasons: 
    • The first was that Pope has such Awe [as in rightful spiritual Fear of the Lord, as per the Gift of the Holy Spirit] for Christ as King of the Universe, he was trembling in instilling such a feast day. 
    • The second would be that there were other important feasts in the calendar and focuses in October, such as October being a month of the Rosary and being associated with Mary. 
  • Mentioning Mary, Fr then discussed the two devotions of the Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart, encouraging such devotions, but also discussing the Hearts and their relation to Christ the King, as well as Mary being full of Grace, the grace needed to carry out God's will (including the birthing of Christ, who would be King.) 
  • In discussing this, Father had a visual reference for those present, in a vintage plaque of the Sacred Hearts side by side with a Latin Inscription around the borders of the ovals of Christ and Mary, placed in front of the Pulpit before Mass began, as seen below in this picture of the Homily at Mass:
Homily at the Mass. While small, notice the picture of the two Hearts below the pulpit on the little table. 

  • Fr. also then tied back the theme of children and their simplicity and innocence back to family hood from describing the Holy Family with the devotions. In terms of the kingship of Christ and how we should relate to it, it is analogous to a son who adores his father with genuine and simple love, no strings attached, and even wants to be part of him via admiration of his profession, being “just like Dad.”
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ is like that father, allowing us to partake in that shared life of His via the Sacraments and in obeying His and the Church's teachings. In that, is where our Lord shows his love, compassion, and mercy for us as adopted children of God.
  • Most of all, we are given a choice freely in life as to whether we choose to live that life or not in his Kingdom forever. To illustrate that choice, Fr described headstones on a grave site. The birth date and the death date are emphasized, but really the most important part should be the "dash", that whole life of the person. 
  • Spiritually speaking, we should be making every moment of our lives count to that effect, particularly they should we separate ourselves from our Lord with sin, it will be even one act of Confession that shall redeem ourselves, graciously given by the Lord, to restore and keep us in his Sanctifying Grace. 
  • We should make every opportunity possible in our lives to adore our King and be willing to be with our Lord in his kingdom, be that prayers, rosaries, sacraments, indulgences ... we should make every effort count! 
  • Because in the end, there are but two kingdoms we can choose to partake in, two standards which we can choose one to bear. The first the standard of a tyrannical and ruthless kingdom akin to Babylon, with a merciless King and war and endless suffering, or the second akin to a Eternal “Jerusalem” where by the merciful and loving King, Our Lord Jesus Christ, rules with love and true mercy. Which standard do you choose to bear?"
  • Fr then ended the Homily by praying a Hail Mary, a "t"radition I have witnessed enough at the Latin Mass, though this is not something that is forced upon priests to perform as part of the liturgy of the Latin Mass. 

As for the rest of the liturgy, despite a few cues here and there for the new clergymen, and this author's usual nerves, the Mass was carried out with beauty and solemnity in my Archdiocese of Toronto that fall day. The rest of the servers carried out their roles proficiently, and all present walked away after the Mass peaceful in our hearts and souls. 

As an added bonus for the souls of the faithful present, prior to the exit procession, Fr. Asch knelt down before the foot of the altar, to recite the beautiful prayer of the Act of Dedication of the Human Race to Jesus Christ King (Iesu dulcissime, Redemptor.) This prayer, when said publicly on the Feast 
of the Christ the King, grants the souls present a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions: Sacrament of confession, communion, and prayers for the Holy Father`s intentions (minimum 1x Our Father and 1x Hail Mary) within 20 days of the indulgenced act (see general conditions, "The Gift of the Indulgenced Act").
Exit procession of the servers and the clergy. 

In attendance was about 100 strong, in a Church containing a pew capacity of maybe 400-500, with what was likely a number of local parishioners of the parish, as well as experienced Latin Mass attendees, based on the number of mantillas I witnessed in the pews from the altar. 

Many thanks is given to all those involved in the planning and partaking of this liturgy, and even to those laymen who graciously assisted with the collection (Thank you, Ramon and Anthony,) but especially to those deacons, the deacon in formation (our thurifer above), and the seminarians who were present in choir. Your presence is a God-send and a ray of hope for the future of the Church, and in the promotion of sacredness in the Liturgy via your interest in the Latin Mass. Thanks is also given to the pastor of St. Edward, "Fr. Pat," who graciously allowed this offering to occur in the parish that afternoon, and for providing confessions to those souls who needed the Sacrament of God's infinite Mercy and Love.  

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

* Let me state for the record that this is NOT unusual, in the current state of the return of the Latin Mass, that competent laymen or future clergy who are Masters of Ceremonies, are providing direction to both serving and clergy. Worldwide, the number of competent priests knowledgeable in celebrating the EF, still needs to grow to a large enough number that they will be available to take on the bulk of the training of liturgical roles in the Latin Mass, in addition to their normal parish duties. In addition, it is a primary duty of the MC, to ensure that the liturgy is carried out properly and if necessary, to provide assistance and cues even in the liturgy, to see such a goal is carried out properly. As for the Archdiocese of Toronto, let it be stated that SPGC is NOT the only choir/lay initiative who is allowing for such MC/lay assistance in the training, preparation, and carrying out of the EF liturgy to be occurring in this manner. Let it be the Will of the Lord that one day, that the Church will once again have a plentiful number of competent priests who can be responsible for training in all aspects of the EF liturgy, though it should still be welcome that laymen will continue to take an active interest in the sacred liturgy of the EF, and have such knowledge to be able to assist priests in certain duties.  

Thursday, 12 October 2017

ANNOUNCEMENT: Solemn Latin Mass for Feast of Christ the King on October 29, 2017 3PM in the Archdiocese of Toronto!!!

Hello everyone,

Once again, on the 11th anniversary of their formation, the St Patrick’s Gregorian Choir will be organizing their offering of the Extraordinary Form (EF) of the Roman Rite aka the TLM, Tridentine Mass, 1962 Missal ...) on the Feast of Christ the King, according to the Liturgical Calendar of the EF.

The details pertaining to the Mass, as well as the poster advertising this event are as follows:

Where: St Edward the Confessor Catholic Church, Toronto (North York,) Ontario, in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Address: 75 Churchill Ave, Toronto, ON.
When: Sunday October 29, 2017
Time of Mass: 3pm E.S.T.

Let it also be said that this will be a SOLEMN high Mass in the EF with three clergy present. I also will be serving our Lord on the altar in some capacity, with exception of the position of Master of Ceremonies, which will be done by our usual MC/instructor of serving, Paul.

The Choir has organized the roles for the clergy, but is always open to new young boys and men of any age, having done, at least, their first Communion, who would like to altar serve in the Latin Mass. If interested, please contact the choirmaster, Surinder Mundra @ 416 731 4485, who will arrange for you to be part of the Mass and placed in contact with the Master of Ceremonies.

Please spread word and use your email or social media to inform your family and friends of this glorious liturgy of the Ages.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Report: Solemn Latin Mass for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Friday June 23, 2017 @ St. Paul's Basilica 0730h.

Note: Please read my blog's disclaimer here.

Hello Everyone,

Despite my tardiness in the release of this report, between my full time job, home duties, weekend appointments, and the tiredness of full adulthood, this author once again is pleased to report on a Latin Mass offering that happened in our diocese, that occurred this summer, on the Friday evening of, June 23, 2017 at 730pm E.S.T. Once again, the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir (herein SPGC) started their year of offerings, with another Solemn Latin Mass for their usual offering of the Feast of the Sacred Heart in the Latin Mass calendar.

In spite of some highly jealous and racist individuals doing the works of the Devil, in the form of harassment of the choir or detraction of the offerings held by SPGC, the Lord once again triumphed and through the protection of St. Michael the Archangel, their offering went ahead as planned.

Pre-Mass Preparations

Written confirmation of the site, with instructions for operations the day of, was submitted by either the pastor of the Basilica, or administrative staff, a week and a half before this offering of the Mass.

Due to the extremely busy work lives of professional choirmaster, Surinder S. Mundra, as: professional organist for parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto, the St. Patrick`s 5pm Saturday Vigil in the Novus Ordo with Latin Propers and Responses (and following practices for the SPGC weekly,) , the Mississauga Children`s Choir, and personal assistant, apprentice conductor, and pianist/harpsicordist for the Toronto Concert Orchestra, spearheaded by Maestro Kerry Straton; as well as that of the Master of Ceremonies, Surinder's brother, Paul, for the altar servers, a practice was not be able to be arranged on short notice.

However, on a positive note, all servers involved were veterans, having served at least one or more Latin Masses in other Masses organized by SPGC, or offerings by other lay organizations that do not reflect the goals and aims of this blog, or Latin Mass parishes. We were working with an experienced crowd at the serving end of things. In addition, this author stepped up a bit in leadership for some extra preparation, by sending all servers involved some YouTube videos, including one commonly sent to servers in past, exactly for the Feast of the Sacred heart. 

Let me also state positively, that because of the growth overall of the Latin Mass in our Archdiocese, it is not surprising that every server who aided in this sacred liturgy was experienced enough to have served one or more roles in a Solemn level Latin Mass. Clearly enough offerings have been made available over time in Toronto (or its out-skirts), via the parishes, or other lay initiatives/choirs, or certain priests, that a number of young men now display competency in our diocese. While review and re-training is always a benefit to every acolyte, that enough young men are now of decent competency really speaks for itself in the progress that has been made over these last several years, that there IS A DEMAND FOR IT AMONG YOUNG CATHOLICS, with even more room for growth and for new bodies to join in, with veteran young men for those new servers to have as reference. The SPGC has played a central part in this process with its offerings, in the introduction of a number of young men (including an aspiring applicant to the seminary,) to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, including serving in that Form.

In light of the absence of a pre-Mass practice, all acolytes were to arrive earlier than normal, 1.5 hours prior to the Mass versus the normal 1 hour prior, for a run-through of the roles, and any decisions made by the MC in terms of places, positioning, assigning of specific tasks in the Mass, etc. (... while there are guidelines and the Fortescue Book, certain tasks can be assigned to other servers practically which does not invalidate the Latin Mass.)

However, the men for the clergy roles DID receive training from our M.C. As one of the bright signs that the Latin Mass is growing in this, the 10th year since Benedict XVI released Summorum Pontificum, we had two new men step up to the roles of Deacon and Sub-deacon, who have never done so before. To quote prominent internet priest and Latin Mass/Traditionalist 'encyclopedia,' Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, we rebuild the Church and the Liturgy, "brick by brick."

The deacon role was done by a permament deacon in the Archdiocese of Toronto in a central region parish. As for the sub-deacon role, a layman embarking on the path to seminary (that aspiring applicant,) who was with myself and others in choir at the St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica, Solemn Latin Mass in 2016 for Christ the King, stepped up, and was allowed to do so under the provision for "Straw" sub-deacon (Note "hardcore" Traditionalists: while certain communications have been passed around, there has not been one "silver bullet" declaration from Ecclesia Dei that reconciles the Straw Subdeacon position with modern seminary formation and clerical/sub-clerical position, with post-Vatican II practices, since the removal of the minor orders in the 70's.) Both of these men have never been in a position of the clergy roles for a Latin Mass, and were new to the roles, so it was clearly a sign of the ``New Evangelization`` to have them here. Deo Gratias!

Day of The Mass 

The setup of the Mass went up without a problem as the SPGC came fully prepared with all the necessary altar ware and linens, needed for the Latin Mass. They prepared the altar properly, efficiently, and with the speed of the 5th inning clean-up in a Major League Baseball game.

All clergy and servers arrived promptly before the Mass, went over necessary points with a little fine tuning for our clergy members chanting via the M.C. and the Choirmaster, and with excellent sacristan help from the Basilica`s lead sacristan, a gentle and radiant soul by the name of Catherine, we were off and away to do the Latin Mass.

Despite the new-ness of our non-Celebrant clergy, and some nerves sadly on my part as Acolyte 1, we nonetheless bought the Latin Mass of Ages once again to the Basilica of St. Paul. Our men in the new clergy roles, did their absolute best, and actually did a decent job when chanting their necessary parts. Thankfully, our celebrant, Fr. Russell Ashe, veteran to the Latin Mass circuit and holy and reverent priest, who does all offerings in the Archdiocese of Toronto without political slant or a preference for only those who are ``professional,`` led the way as our Celebrant and was, with our MC, a great leader to our novice clergy members.

As per the usual structure of these reports, allow this author to share pre-Mass photos of the setup of the altar for the TLM:

A zoomed out view of the main Sanctuary, to highlight the incredible artwork and mural of the Last Supper in the main space. Some more setup of a couple of items for the altar were to come.

The credence table with the (makeshift) Book of Epistles for the non-Gospel reading, Chalice in veil and with humeral veil, cruets with water and whine, and lavabo bowl and manutergium. 

The altar set up with the Missaile Romanum 1962, and in a much better light. 

As for homily notes, as usual in my reports, Fr. Ashe`s Homily, was, between my nerves much was missed [edited: 5/11/17,] for the most part by this author. It was a little hard to piece together. All I can say is this:

  • Fr. did open his homily, speaking about the current state of the world, and while it is NOT the absolute end of the world, he did mention that there is a general feeling of woe and despair, one that ever more speaks to the necessity of devotion to the Sacred Heart today. [Editorial Note: I would go even as far as to say that despair exists within our Church, with laypeople disparaging priests and bishops, and even against the Holy Father himself, such as the recent Filial "Correctio" by some 60+ odd Catholic lay scholars, clergy, and the head of the non-Canonical and Francis-hating SSPX ``Bishop`` Fellay. This is reminiscent of the Devil's ``non-serviam`` to God, and a complete dismissal of the Mark of the Church that is Holy. Matthew 16:18 anyone?] 
  • Fr. Did do a brief history lesson on the development of the Sacred Heart, starting back from the 13th century with St., leading up to the establishment of the current practice of the 9 First Fridays thanks to St. Mary Margaret Alacoque, and the publishing of the Papal pre-Vatican II encyclical, Haurietas Aquas, by Pius XII
  • Fr did end on a note of entrusting ourselves to the Sacred Heart via this practice, which incorporates the Sacraments of Pennance and Holy Eucharist in the Mass, but stating that it is by practicing these Sacraments (even outside of First Fridays) that will unite us to the Sacred Heart. 

Regardless, despite all the roadblocks that the Devil loves to throw at those who do the Lord`s work, especially in doing the Latin Mass, with many temptations of the evils, prejudices, and dark hearts of men, our Lord allowed His Sacred Heart to shower the Love of the Holy Mass in the hearts of at least 120 attendees, give or take 20, to quote a choir member.

As for those attending, I saw a number of our frequent attendees, some friends of old, a couple of fellow brothers/sisters of Christ (including a fellow brother of the Knights of Columbus,) and even recently new acquaintances. Of note, a handful of young men alone, or with a friend/family were in attendance! Perhaps even, maybe a few were members from the new Juventutem Toronto Chapter that opened up last year? It's these poignant notes, not: surging numbers, fancy titles, logos, prominence/"Professionalism," etc. that the radicals value ever so much, that count when it comes to the Holy Mass. That those who attend the Latin Mass, do so out of Love for our Lord, and that His Sacred heart, the love it exemplifies, be given to others, including fellow Catholics within the Latin Mass, and the "Novus Ordo" church, to the fallen on the peripheries, to paraphrase our current Pontiff, Pope Francis. 

May you have enjoyed another report from Servimus Unum Deum, of the offerings of the SPGC. The next offering of the SPGC, will be the following: Feast of Christ the King (in the Extraoirdinary Form Calendar), on Sunday, October 29th, 2017. This mass will likely have a start time of 3pm, location To Be Determined in the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

Saturday, 19 August 2017

REPORT: High Mass/Missa Cantata on Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 7:00pm EST

REPORT: High Mass/Missa Cantata on Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 7:00pm EST


Hello Everyone,

Allow me the privilege to release another report of an offering of a Missa Cantata/High Mass in the Extraordinary Form that occurred during the summer season. On June 10, 2017, 7:00 pm EST the Augustinian brothers of the Marylake Shrine of Gratitude, in King City, ON, graciously allowed for their annual offering of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite/Latin Mass, to take place. This offering has now been offered annually, either for its 3rd or 4th year at the Shrine.

For this offering, Fr. Steven Szakaczki, head of the Latin Mass contingent of the parish of St. Lawrence the Martyr, Scarborough, and veteran priest to the Latin Mass offerings in the Archdiocese of Toronto, was main celebrant for this Mass. Servers were requested independently, via contact by the Master of Ceremonies, including I, the author of this posting, for service at the altar. For this EF liturgy, I was acolyte 2 alongside my longest friend in the Faith, who served as Acolyte 1.

Prior to the Mass Fr. Steven, and all servers in their positions, met at the Shrine for a rehearsal, and to iron out liturgical particulars between our knowledgeable Master of Ceremonies, Giovanni, Fr. Paul, who was the current head prior/brother of the Shrine (and organizer for the choir portion of the Mass,) Fr. Steven, and the servers. Ironing out these particulars was essential, as mentioned before in my prior announcement post here, this Mass fell on an interesting time of year in the EF calendar, the Saturday of an Ember week in the Octave of Pentecost, and thus some changes to the order of the Mass (readings, etc.) needed to be known to all parties involved.

The liturgical differences, due to being an Ember Saturday were:

  • On an ember day liturgy, up to 5 additional Old Testament "lessons" of Scripture are added in addition to the standard Epistle. This is followed by a collect after each lesson. As was custom before in the EF, there is the granting to the celebrant of the option of a shorter amount of only one lesson in addition to the main collect, followed by the Epistle, a tract (instead of an Alleluia), a "sequence," and then the Gospel reading. It was decided for the sake of time and unnecessary burden on all present, the shorter option was in effect.
  • A sequence was sung (being in the Octave of Pentecost) called the Veni Sancte Spiritus, before the Gospel was proclaimed. This is NOT the same as the "Come Holy Spirit ..." prayer, though ``Come Holy Spirit`` is the literal translation of the title of the sequence, based on its first three Latin words. 

Since I was not serving as thurifer, this year, and got to remain in sanctuary the whole time, I had the privilege of listening to Fr. Steven's homily in full. Here is from my recollection the main points of this homily:

  • Where we are today in the calendar of the Novus Ordo, is that we are not celebrating Pentecost anymore, but have moved back into Ordinary time during the weekdays. Unfortunately, in the liturgical changes, the Octave of Pentecost was removed from the calendar. 
  • In the Extraordinary Form Calendar, we are on the Saturday of the Octave of Pentecost, specifically the Ember Saturday. While people in both forms may have partaken in the Novenas (for Pentecost or more likely to,) the Holy Spirit, it is unfortunate that this was taken from the Novus Ordo Calendar. 
  • We should be truly fortunate in the EF Calendar to have the Octave, to be celebrating the Joy of the Feast of Pentecost, as without this truly remarkable event, there would not be the Catholic Church.
  • Before we discuss Pentecost, just what is the Holy Spirit? The Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity, as revealed to us in the Scriptures, with intention of God and our Lord to exist, sharing the same divine nature as the other Persons. What the Holy Spirit is, is the LOVE of our Lord and his Only Son. 
    • When there is a relationship that involves love, there are three persons: the person giving love, the one receiving it, and the Love itself. 
    • God the Father, so loved all of us that He gave His Only Son to us, Jesus. God Loved his Son, and the Son loved His Father in Return, that between the two exists the Love that "spirates" from both of them, and that is the Holy Spirit. 
  • When we examine the events surrounding Pentecost, we come to the Apostles, who were vital to spreading the Gospel and hence, establishing the Church after Christ's Death, Resurrection, and even Ascension to Heaven. Even after His Ascension into Heaven, the Apostles did not go about an just make the Church happen. They were still fearful of persecution by the Roman authorities, having been so close to our Lord. Further, they likely discussed many things about their Lord, and likely still had much doubt about Him and what He said.
  • So here they were, all hiding in the upper room alongside our Virgin Mother, Mary, and some others, waiting out their days in hiding. Then, comes the very paraclete that Our Lord said would be sent to help them carry out His mission. The tongues of fire came down upon them and they were filled with those Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the courage to go out and establish the Church, doing the Lord's work. 
  • When they went about doing the Lord's work, filled with the Holy Spirit, they did many amazing works and converted scores of people to our Lord and the Faith, even performing miracles and amazing works! 
  • So then, why do we not see many, or any, of these supposed works that happened with the Apostles after being filled with the Holy Spirit, despite many Catholics being baptized and confirmed, and receiving the Holy Spirit with the Sacraments? There are two key reasons
    • 1. TRUST - Sadly today, many people, even Catholics, do not place their full trust in the Lord, and in the Holy Spirit. They place their trust in the things of this world, or things of man, many a time being led to sin and unhappiness. The Apostles were able to place their trust in our Lord with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 
    • 2. LOVE - When we go about doing our spiritual works, or our lives, we often do not do many things with the Love of the Holy Spirit. [Editor's note: As the Holy Spirit IS LOVE itself, then we must, as Children of God. go about with the LOVE of the Lord in our whole being in what we do, and that LOVE IS the Holy Spirit.] 
  • So, on this Feast of Pentecost, may we pray for the opening our hearts to trusting in the Lord, and the TRUST and LOVE that our Apostles exhibited when filled with the Holy Spirit, to be able to serve our Lord fully. 
All in all, the liturgy and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, was carried out in a solemn, reverent, and even joyful capacity, and the chapel was clearly filled with the presence of something "awesome" happening in that holy space, meeting (though not literally replicating) that very same experience the Apostles had in the upper room, being so close to our Lord and His Holy Spirit, in the Latin Mass. 

As for attendance, while not as full as last year, the chapel, which I estimate visually to be capable of holding about 200 bodies in its pews, was almost completely full, with only the odd spare seat in the back couple of pews. That is still a remarkable attendance for an offering in a Chapel, held not in the immediate core of the Archdiocese, AND had only parish posters and some internet promotion, which seems limited to this blog and my requests on some Facebook groups. When you factor all that, there is CLEARLY demand for the Latin Mass, and even some spreading, will bring out a good sizable number of the Faithful, including young people, who thanks to social media are discovering this treasure of liturgy that they rightfully deserve from the Church at large. 

This young acolyte (and assuredly, all present in the pews and involved in carrying out the sacred liturgy) are truly thankful for the generosity of the Augustinian Fathers for offering, even yearly, the opportunity for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite to be offered in their shrine, in the Archdiocese of Toronto. Likewise, Fr. Paul was truly impressed and thankful for the hard work and dedication we all showed, including true reverence for our Lord in the Liturgy, our organization and efficiency in carrying out the Liturgy, and the humility we brought to the Latin Mass. 

We hope that by efforts such as the Augustinian Fathers, more offerings will become established via influence in King City, and surrounding areas of Vaughan, Woodbridge, Aurora, Newmarket, and Brampton. 

Also, it is hoped that this annual tradition will continue in future, as it has been found out that as of this summer, the prior head brother, Brother Paul, who was appreciative of the Latin Mass, will be leaving the Shrine and Br. John Paul Szura, is now the new superior/head brother of Mary Lake. It is with good hope that the new head, Br. John Paul, will continue on allowing the tradition to continue, one which will maintain good report with those who favour Catholic Tradition/the Latin Mass of the faithful in the surrounding municipalities of the Shrine and those in the Archdiocese of Toronto, and further meet the spiritual needs of those faithful and the youth, who truly want a deep and personal connection to Christ in the Liturgy. May the love of St. Augustine and the fraternal order founded on this great saint for our times, continue to thrive in our Archdiocese of Toronto. 

Thank you, Augustinian Brothers, and those in the E.F./Latin Mass for making this sacred event happen. 

Pax Tibi Christi. Julian Barkin. 

Monday, 7 August 2017

Late But Warranted: Happy 10th Anniversary for Summorum Pontificum! My Reflections on This Anniversary, Globally and Locally.

Hello Everyone,

Almost one month ago, a special day in my faith life involving the Latin Mass occured. In my 6th year of involvement as a Latin Mass server in organized masses within theArchdiocese of Toronto, two special 10 year anniversaries have come to pass.

October 30, 2016, marked the first, that of my allies and friends of St Patrick's Gregorian Choir, who with His Eminence ' permission, got to hold a Solemn Latin Mass at our Cathedral Basilica of St Michael's, to commemorate their 10th anniversary. Cardinal Collins was present on the altar and was homilist for that great Mass of Church history.

The second 10 year anniversary is Church wide, that of the Promulgation of the Motu Proprio  (immediately acting law) Summorum Pontificum, bestowing much freedom and a resurgence of the Latin Mass in the Church, by Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus, on July 7, 2017.

Because of that one act, I have been blessed to have served in multiple Latin Masses, since Oct 2011, organized by parishes or lay choirs/organization who operate in the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Toronto, although I carefully select what offerings I assist, out of rejection of that which causes division within the Church and is the new Jansenism/Pelagianism that is infecting from within, to even our youngest minds: Radicals Misrepresenting Traditionalism (herein RMT. ) Also see my fourth blog goal, here.

In honour of the 10th anniversary of SP, allow me to "pontificate" on how far things have seemed to have come, globally and locally. While there has been much overall progress, unfortunately, there are still plagues that are harming the Latin Mass from progressing even more than its current rate to helping restore Catholic identity, liturgical beauty and sacredness, and saving souls.


Overall, since Summorum Pontificum has happened, the number of Latin Masses being offered in the world, even just weekly or monthly, have skyrocketed from only a handful of 1988 "Indult" offerings. To quote the most recent statistics of general growth, the best I could find was an article from an online theological magazine I subscribe to, Homiletic and Pastoral Review here. The numbers they list, as of a 2014 article, for North America, are as follows, giving an overall picture:
  • 191 Dioceses with a Latin Mass or parish focused on the EF
  • 485 individual parishes offering the TLM with some frequency (at least monthly)
  • 335 parish locations with a WEEKLY TLM offering (not necessarily Sunday Obligation)
  • 75 Parish locations with DAILY TLM offerings, of which more than 1/2 are in the hands of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest 
Now obviously, there have been more priests and parishes offering it in the last three years, and the FSSP and/or ICKSP have obtained in North America the odd, new additional parish here and there. Further, in individual (arch)dioceses, more and more newly ordained priests are choosing to offer this form at the Mass, and even do it as their first Mass of Ordination. Some cardinals and bishops, including my own, Thomas Cardinal Collins, have either presided/celebrated the Latin Mass at the Pontifical Level, or contributed their presence on the altar during Solemn Level or Masses with "Presence" as part of the rubrics (e.g. they sit on a "throne" with the Archdiocesan crest behind them, on the Gospel side of the altar.) 

However, we are not out of the woods yet. Under the pontificate of Pope Francis, there has been clear scolding and finger pointing on numerous occasions, especially in his daily homilies of the Casa Santa Marta, where he's taken to task the Traditionalists, and as of recent months, one homily even attacked young "traditionalists," calling them, "Rigid" and implying deep seated sins and/or problems if they are this way.

Personally, I agree with him ... to a point. There are truly examples of such youth who have become spiritually sick with the wrong spirit of the Latin Mass, akin to the Non-Canonical Society of St. Pius X who are NOT in communion with the Church, and attack with contempt and spiritual hatred the "Novus Ordo" Church in numerous ways, including the regular/Novus Ordo Mass. I will even highlight a particular example later of one of these youth, in this post when I speak about local matters to illustrate. 

Now, where I draw the line is the inordinate amount of homilies devoted to such finger pointing. Clearly His Holiness should think about the number of times he does this, and perhaps, think about WHY he scolds the Traditionalists so much. Unfortunately, the Trads, even young trads, continue to slander/calumniate against the Holy Father and the rest of the Novus Ordo, even going so far as to agree with the horrible sentiment of it being a "bastard rite" and encouraging the SSPX to stay outside of the Church.

Regardless, their example only seeks to create a continually hostile environment in the Church, with recent finger-pointing, in example, launched by Fr Antonio Spadaro against the radical Church Militant Internet channel, and rightfully so against the poisonous Internet "apostolate" who has been told by its regional archbishop ++Vigneron it is not aloud to call itself Catholic.

Even the more "balanced" trad bloggers who celebrate/partake in the Latin Mass, aren't afraid to continue embarrassing good trads or priests in orthodoxy who should be their allies in what they view as a theological-political war.


In my Archdiocese of Toronto, things are progressing in a sense for the Latin Mass, but certain avenues are stalling, and the ever lingering smell of Satan, Radical Traditionalism, is infecting the minds and souls now of even younger participants, who have none of the history or spiritual trauma of their older "friends" and are taking to online slander/detracting like their idols or "friends" in the EF.

First, there has been an increase in general, overall Masses of the TLM in Toronto, though the new offerings are not Sunday offerings. We need much more of thoese. Still, the more offerings, even occasional ones, the better. Further, some of these newly known offerings are small masses not in parishes, but word is spreading via technology (particularly Google calendar.). Should one have car, offerings even in the farthest reaches of Toronto ' s boundaries are even accessible (eg Schomberg.)

While I do not cover (with noted exception) the daily/weekly activities of offerings outside of the Archdiocese of Toronto, I can say that in other dioceses (e.g. Pembroke, London, Hamilton,) more offerings of the Latin Mass, even one or two spearheaded by recent ordinandi, have come to fruition. Also of note to mention is that some more younger priests are picking up/studying the TLM in their private time, and even doing their first TLMs, albeit wit a few people or privately, in taking their first few baby steps in proficiency in the TLM.

Let us also not forget the incredible hard work of lay organisations or choirs in our diocese, such as St Patrick's Gregorian Choir, who work diligently and have faced much adversity in past, and even present, to organize high or Solemn Level Latin Masses, providing opportunities for laymen and clergy to partake in the Latin Mass, even just to attend the "Mass of Ages" and formation of countless saints. There is even a Latin Mass Triduum that happens every year now, though my allies and I (and this blog) have no affiliation or personal/professional relationship with those who organize the Triduum. I have never aided this Triduum in the past, though I might attend in the pews in the future, should a Holy Week give me an opportunity.

The biggest, new development in our archdiocese is the creation of not one but TWO Juventutem chapters. Juventutem, is in short, a young adults organization with chapters in multiple cities, which provide social interaction and spiritual formation via traditional Catholicism and the Latin Mass. Last year in 2016, a Toronto Chapter and a University of Toronto chapter were formed. I would link to the Facebook group here in this post, but they want to avoid politics as of recent, and therefore, you must do the search on Facebook yourself for the group.

While at first I declined to be connected in any way as some of the leadership of the group was RMT, and one member even engaged in unfraternal actions akin to a notorious other RMT in the Archdiocese before the St Mikes Cathedral Basilica Mass of 2016, I am glad to say that the person and I have reconciled to an acquaintanceship, and the leadership of Juventutem Toronto is now in a charitable and Church - respecting position (despite possible opinions of individual participants,) I've even joined the Facebook group. Some members even came to the offerings for masses organised by SPGC. And gradually more youth are connecting with the chapters, showing that young adults with even occasional love for Traditionalism are becoming more of a force in the Church. Bishops better listen if the Church and parishes are to have a future in their respective (arch)dioceses.

Deep, darker concerns, both from RMT and the Church side. The vile poison still within ...

What I have listed above is a good share of promise for the Latin Mass in Toronto. However, this progress is not as good as it should be, due to two factors: the hatred and bigotry of priests and established/employed laypeople in general (read: older pastors) against the TLM, and the Satanic poison of quasi - schismatic, Radical Traditionalism from the key players/leaders, which is now infecting the young adults in the movement to the point even a few are being imprudent and even calumious/slanderous against the Pope and the Church/it's Communal Body of Christ (read: Non Latin Mass people).

Let's turn our attention to the Church side first. Sadly, there are STILL priests and bishops, and jealous lay bodies in the Church who are sick with pride or racism, who don't want ANYONE to either step on their territory, or worse, they only want certain people to conduct it, mainly themselves. Between my last two Masses with SPGC, sadly, I've become aware that there were MANY, SATANIC obstacles to holding the masses, some emanating from certain clergy themselves. Some offences were: territorialism, bullying/bossing certain choir members around, laying down conditions to hold Masses including (initially) including a stupid restriction of NOT using the required 6 candles for the Solemn Latin Mass, and diabolically Satanic racism exhibited by a clergy member. Thankfully, no specific offences have been inflicted upon the altar servers who assist in these Masses, but I will not be surprised in future if even WE are targeted unnecessarily. Me, at least it will be because of this blog of WITNESS, a blog trying to FIGHT the idiocies of the RMTs, but also to defend those who are doing the good works in the Latin Mass, and against those people who give to Satan's temptations in doing so.

Further, Pope Francis is a double-edged sword for the movement. On the one hand, he IS rightfully calling out sick and evil examples of those doing the Devil`s work of gossip/slander in the Church, and rightfully points the finger at radicals and hypocrites, both Latin Mass side AND in the general Church, including wayward clergy. Unfortunately, Pope Francis is NOT pro-Latin Mass, though he will not expel it or kill Summorum Pontificum as long as Benedict Emeritus XVI is alive. Also, the Pope continues to anger the Latin Mass community, and even regular "orthodox" practicing Catholics with his comments, like the time he insulted large Catholic families with his Argentinian, poorly worded into English, sentiments about "breeding like rabbits." As long as he continues to make these sentiments into poorly translated words in English with his off-the-cuff interviews and fervorinos/daily homilies, he only serves to embolden clergy in the Church to throw away Tradition and to spite the Latin Mass crowd. Thankfully, we soldier on in spite of those "soundbites" from a biased Liberal media, and the majority of the Church also does, their own thing (whether it may be living an ordinary Catholic life, or a lack there of.)

Now, what about the Latin Mass side of the Church in the Archdiocese? Unfortunately, the Archdiocese of Toronto continues to not have a direct hand in governance If they did, say, having a specific office that would monitor the actions and behaviours of leaders in the community including certain clergy members, as well as establishing standards in catechesis and training of leaders, much of the darkness still present would erode. But sadly, they do not. As a result, those leaders and groups of people STILL hold sway over the mindset of the group, now ever encroaching into the next generation of youth. That`s right, it`s not not old cranky men, some with blogs to fear ... it`s the next generation that will stall growth and acceptance by the Archdiocese of the Latin Mass.

To illustrate generally, a couple of my serving acquaintances, whom are more heavily invested in the Latin Mass than I am (and in a way, I am thankful I am not,) now do not regard the regular Novus Ordo highly. One, who is one of my closest friend in the Faith, simply ``tolerates`` the Latin Mass Novus Ordo (my words,) and won`t sit close to the front in the Body of the Church unless out of necessity of the situation. He'll go to the TLM every Sunday when he can do it. Another of my acquaintances in the movement, recently, on Instagram, made a comment akin to Vatican II, having nothing good come of it, with a picture of either the layman`s hand Missal or Breviary of the TLM. I politely, and to prevent him from making further errors that could be used against him by Church officers to excommunicate him via written evidence, fraternally corrected him to temper his language. No sooner than I did that, than an RMT friend of his interrupted using the classic ``I demand evidence`` argument (a.k.a. You are wrong I am right, so be quiet, and I will not listen to you anyways) to shut me up. I simply declined to respond to such an individual on the Instagram post, an individual whom I will now describe as a more specific example of the spiritual corruption of young people in the movement, which will stop the spread of the TLM in the Archdiocese and the Church.

On one of the RMT blogs I monitor, to stay aware of other Latin Mass leaders/groups/activities in the Catholic "Blogosphere," locally and globally, it seems a young man of 23 years old has become spiritually corrupted to the point he is now acting in the hateful mindset and behaviours of the older friends/role models he admires and affiliates with in the Latin Mass. I know who this young man is by name and picture, and was once in his physical presence at a recent event of personal note, but for the sake of things and to illustrate my recent concern for stunted growth in the Latin Mass, let's use his pseudoname, "Irenaeus," after a saint of the Church who fought against heresy.

On June 21st, on the blog of one of his "friends," Irenaeus attacked Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Communal Body of Christ in the Novus Ordo, in a guest post. His post was a reply to the recent survey by the Vatican office for the Synod 2018 for Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment. Irenaeus' sentiment about not patronizing or coddling the youth as "special snowflakes" as a whole, I can agree with ... though not in the angry and spiteful way the author means it. And what was this now non-Novus Ordo, Latin Mass attending "yute" (his term) suggesting as a solution to the youth crisis in the Church? Removing virtually EVERYTHING of the following that is being offered and replacing it with the Latin Mass and Gregorian Chant, plus rigid catechesis [he likely implied the type of the old Baltimore Catechism series.] He mentioned to remove specifically: all youth ministry including Lifeteen and EDGE(TM) youth ministries, the ALPHA program, youth bands, all modernist music. Basically, replace all major church ministry/programming with the Latin Mass and its chant only. While I may not agree with elements of the Novus Ordo church/ministry, I would NEVER write this hate screed against all the people who work hard, as Catholics in this modern 2017 secular world and broken Church, with a smug elitist attitude.

More so, this author, a couple of weeks ago, decided to use a public Catholic facebook group, "Toronto Catholic Youth," to further the ideas of the RMTs he hangs around with. by posting something from the twitter feed of Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, CEO of Salt and Light media based out of Toronto. Fr. Rosica made a possibly not well thought out joke about Laudato Si and Mary on Jun 8/17 on his Twitter feed. Irenaeus uses the twitter to create a posting on a group that is made of many Catholics of all ``stripes`` (e.g. Novus Ordo and EF attending Catholics,) whereby he accuses Fr. Rosica of ``... willful manipulation of Scripture ... endorsement of a controversial document ... sheer anacronism ...`` and to instill fear that Fr. Rosica will be our future bishop (as in to hate the priest and that he will bring ruin to the Archdiocese of Toronto.) Rosica is hated by the majority of Toronto Traditionalists because he attacked one of the Latin Mass movement's "heroes" in 2015 with threat of lawsuit, though via aggressive social media strategy, the suit was called of.

That said "hero" is the primary author of the blog that Irenaeus wrote his guest post on, and let's face it, almost every 23 year old remaining a practicing Catholic would not care two pieces about Fr. Rosica or to take the time to make a hate and/or warning post against him. To have such disparaging attitude against the priest, it is clear that this 23 year old has been influenced by those senior friends around him. Worse, this misguided young man is a symptom of the poison of RMT-ism in the movement that is seeping into those who have no viable grudge or injury to then by members of the "institutional" Church (a.k.a. people, teachers, parents, priests) inflicted upon them in the name of the False spirit of Vatican II. To people like Irenaeus and his influencing friends/seniors, it's not enough to establish the Latin Mass in the archdiocese, or in the Church. Through smear campaigns in social media, they must wage war against the establishment of the "Novus Ordo" Church up to, and against, the Pope Himself, and every soul must be converted to the only "One True CHURCH" of the Latin Mass, regardless if they don't want to partake in the matter.

Am I insane to suggest such, and am just drinking the kool-aid of 70's theology Pope Francis? No. It is not just Spadaro and Francis that are sounding the alarm on spiritually poisoned youth in the Church. Fr. Raymond de Sousa, a well known Canadian priest from the Archdiocese of Kingston, ON, who co-chairs the conservative (theologically/politically/culturally) journal called "Convivium," and is frequently consulted by the National Post newspaper and the Catholic "CRUX" news website funded by the Knights of Columbus, also vocalizes this concern regarding youth who are liturgical purists (read: RMT type Latin Mass youth,) set to have the Church their way, or no way. He did so in this recent article for a British publication in print and online, the Catholic Herald, while discussing the validity of Cardinal Sarah`s recent proposition to fuse the EF and OF in some way, but also the rejection of most Latin Mass attendees/traditionally leaning Catholics of the proposal:

``.... It is unlikely that apologies are going to be forthcoming. Yet Fr. Zuhlsdorf’s point about wounds requiring time to heal is valid; he may be right that the EF community is too wounded just now for reconciliation. A challenge though is to ensure that wounds are not passed down to younger devotees of the EF who were not around to have their hearts riven."

Clearly, with examples like Irenaeus, who are adopting the hurt, pains, hatred, and even dare I say it, ever approaching to self-schismatic thoughts, of those whom they associate with in the Latin Mass, we have ever the more to be careful of, and even fearful of, with regards to the progress of the Latin Mass. As the expression goes, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" While the generation of bigoted and racist, EF-hating priests and laypeople, will die off eventually creating a larger window of potential growth, that growth will be stifled by the thorns and weeds of the garden, weeds mutated ``genetically speaking`` from the once hopeful seeds of youth in the Latin Mass, weeds created by those older friends/mentors who have said grudges against the institutional Church for (possibly) valid reasons.


In short, YES, the Latin Mass is a slowly growing snowball that virtually, cannot be stopped as numerous (but not all) lay parents, teachers in Catholic schools, and clergy in the Church, FAIL to give their children the spiritual nourishment they require and to properly catechist them in the Faith. Merging and closing parishes in dioceses worldwide are proof of this failure. The Latin Mass WILL become a vital facet to the New Evangelization, and will become the spiritual solace for more and more people in the Church, as the desire for clarity, truth, and objective FAITH and MORALITY in an ever chaotic and crumbling world continues. I say this as both one who serves in the Latin Mass (at selective offerings not tainted fully by RMT-ism) but also as a soon-to-be 34 year old Catholic male aware of societal and Church politics.

However, there is STILL much to be accomplished on a grand and local scale, with the biggest, NEW hurdle, being the very "rigid" youth that Pope Francis and Fr. de Souza are warning us about. It is now the NEWER generation of Trads who just might end up ruining it, as this will form two generations of an army that mistakenly, will serve the Devil via their so-called, puritan, crusade of liturgical and theological purity at the expense of the whole body of the Church and "Trads" like myself who won't drink their foul, spiritual poison.

Now I realize many of you will hate me, dismiss me, and even abuse the power of prayer to ask God to smite me (like how Protestants or non-Catholics say "I'll pray for you" which really means I'll pray you see things my way as you are wrong,) but if we do NOT fraternally correct one another, sharpen each other like iron against those practicing RMT-ism, and expel such examples of anti-Catholic leadership, the face of the Latin Mass movement will NOT improve in the Church, it will be the face of the "angry youth" movement, and guaranteed, it will NOT be taken seriously, and even sanctioned against by the hierarchy. More and more, public/Catholic media is ALSO noticing in the WRONG way these leaders, including the Pope. If this continues to happen, we will return to a full banning of the Latin Mass. Don't think this can't happen to at the local level. There are ways to get around SP, or to just ignore the Church law anyways.

Finally ... don't forget all those people in our lives, family, friends, co-workers ... if we want to invite them in, just what will we be inviting them to? A church that hates it's highest leaders and bashes its neighbours, that demonstrates a superiority complex disguised as "pure" religion? One that shuts itself off from the rest, with only one difference between its non-Catholic brothers in Protestant "churches," valid sacraments? Most will NOT be called to that, and it will be a counter example to that order of Christ for us, sharing in his three-fold ministry of priest-prophet-king, to be "fishers of men."

I will continue to work at my end in doing what I can to ensure that the future I described does not happen. I will continue to do that in spite of my youthful Latin Mass brothers and sisters who have drank the poison of RMT-ism, and I encourage ALL of you to do the same, in prayer, in time, in energy, in finances, and even in fraternal correction guided by TRUE CHARITY, HOPE, AND LOVE.

If we do all this, I am positive that despite institutional collapses in the Church, and other types of collapses in the world, we will triumph, and the Latin Mass will become, at least more highly accessible, and able to evangelize the Church at large, as we move onward from the 10th year anniversary from Summorum Pontificum. I'll be doing my part in the Archdiocese of Toronto as an independent layman via altar serving .... what will you do? Will you become spiritually sour like a lemon? Or will you add sugar to the mix and create lemonade? The choice is yours. Sin ... or Salvation?

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.