Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Report: Solemn Latin Mass for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Friday June 23, 2017 @ St. Paul's Basilica 0730h.

Note: Please read my blog's disclaimer here.

Hello Everyone,

Despite my tardiness in the release of this report, between my full time job, home duties, weekend appointments, and the tiredness of full adulthood, this author once again is pleased to report on a Latin Mass offering that happened in our diocese, that occurred this summer, on the Friday evening of, June 23, 2017 at 730pm E.S.T. Once again, the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir (herein SPGC) started their year of offerings, with another Solemn Latin Mass for their usual offering of the Feast of the Sacred Heart in the Latin Mass calendar.

In spite of some highly jealous and racist individuals doing the works of the Devil, in the form of harassment of the choir or detraction of the offerings held by SPGC, the Lord once again triumphed and through the protection of St. Michael the Archangel, their offering went ahead as planned.

Pre-Mass Preparations

Written confirmation of the site, with instructions for operations the day of, was submitted by either the pastor of the Basilica, or administrative staff, a week and a half before this offering of the Mass.

Due to the extremely busy work lives of professional choirmaster, Surinder S. Mundra, as: professional organist for parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto, the St. Patrick`s 5pm Saturday Vigil in the Novus Ordo with Latin Propers and Responses (and following practices for the SPGC weekly,) , the Mississauga Children`s Choir, and personal assistant, apprentice conductor, and pianist/harpsicordist for the Toronto Concert Orchestra, spearheaded by Maestro Kerry Straton; as well as that of the Master of Ceremonies, Surinder's brother, Paul, for the altar servers, a practice was not be able to be arranged on short notice.

However, on a positive note, all servers involved were veterans, having served at least one or more Latin Masses in other Masses organized by SPGC, or offerings by other lay organizations that do not reflect the goals and aims of this blog, or Latin Mass parishes. We were working with an experienced crowd at the serving end of things. In addition, this author stepped up a bit in leadership for some extra preparation, by sending all servers involved some YouTube videos, including one commonly sent to servers in past, exactly for the Feast of the Sacred heart. 

Let me also state positively, that because of the growth overall of the Latin Mass in our Archdiocese, it is not surprising that every server who aided in this sacred liturgy was experienced enough to have served one or more roles in a Solemn level Latin Mass. Clearly enough offerings have been made available over time in Toronto (or its out-skirts), via the parishes, or other lay initiatives/choirs, or certain priests, that a number of young men now display competency in our diocese. While review and re-training is always a benefit to every acolyte, that enough young men are now of decent competency really speaks for itself in the progress that has been made over these last several years, that there IS A DEMAND FOR IT AMONG YOUNG CATHOLICS, with even more room for growth and for new bodies to join in, with veteran young men for those new servers to have as reference. The SPGC has played a central part in this process with its offerings, in the introduction of a number of young men (including an aspiring applicant to the seminary,) to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, including serving in that Form.

In light of the absence of a pre-Mass practice, all acolytes were to arrive earlier than normal, 1.5 hours prior to the Mass versus the normal 1 hour prior, for a run-through of the roles, and any decisions made by the MC in terms of places, positioning, assigning of specific tasks in the Mass, etc. (... while there are guidelines and the Fortescue Book, certain tasks can be assigned to other servers practically which does not invalidate the Latin Mass.)

However, the men for the clergy roles DID receive training from our M.C. As one of the bright signs that the Latin Mass is growing in this, the 10th year since Benedict XVI released Summorum Pontificum, we had two new men step up to the roles of Deacon and Sub-deacon, who have never done so before. To quote prominent internet priest and Latin Mass/Traditionalist 'encyclopedia,' Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, we rebuild the Church and the Liturgy, "brick by brick."

The deacon role was done by a permament deacon in the Archdiocese of Toronto in a central region parish. As for the sub-deacon role, a layman embarking on the path to seminary (that aspiring applicant,) who was with myself and others in choir at the St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica, Solemn Latin Mass in 2016 for Christ the King, stepped up, and was allowed to do so under the provision for "Straw" sub-deacon (Note "hardcore" Traditionalists: while certain communications have been passed around, there has not been one "silver bullet" declaration from Ecclesia Dei that reconciles the Straw Subdeacon position with modern seminary formation and clerical/sub-clerical position, with post-Vatican II practices, since the removal of the minor orders in the 70's.) Both of these men have never been in a position of the clergy roles for a Latin Mass, and were new to the roles, so it was clearly a sign of the ``New Evangelization`` to have them here. Deo Gratias!

Day of The Mass 

The setup of the Mass went up without a problem as the SPGC came fully prepared with all the necessary altar ware and linens, needed for the Latin Mass. They prepared the altar properly, efficiently, and with the speed of the 5th inning clean-up in a Major League Baseball game.

All clergy and servers arrived promptly before the Mass, went over necessary points with a little fine tuning for our clergy members chanting via the M.C. and the Choirmaster, and with excellent sacristan help from the Basilica`s lead sacristan, a gentle and radiant soul by the name of Catherine, we were off and away to do the Latin Mass.

Despite the new-ness of our non-Celebrant clergy, and some nerves sadly on my part as Acolyte 1, we nonetheless bought the Latin Mass of Ages once again to the Basilica of St. Paul. Our men in the new clergy roles, did their absolute best, and actually did a decent job when chanting their necessary parts. Thankfully, our celebrant, Fr. Russell Ashe, veteran to the Latin Mass circuit and holy and reverent priest, who does all offerings in the Archdiocese of Toronto without political slant or a preference for only those who are ``professional,`` led the way as our Celebrant and was, with our MC, a great leader to our novice clergy members.

As per the usual structure of these reports, allow this author to share pre-Mass photos of the setup of the altar for the TLM:

A zoomed out view of the main Sanctuary, to highlight the incredible artwork and mural of the Last Supper in the main space. Some more setup of a couple of items for the altar were to come.

The credence table with the (makeshift) Book of Epistles for the non-Gospel reading, Chalice in veil and with humeral veil, cruets with water and whine, and lavabo bowl and manutergium. 

The altar set up with the Missaile Romanum 1962, and in a much better light. 

As for homily notes, as usual in my reports, Fr. Ashe`s Homily, was, between my nerves much was missed [edited: 5/11/17,] for the most part by this author. It was a little hard to piece together. All I can say is this:

  • Fr. did open his homily, speaking about the current state of the world, and while it is NOT the absolute end of the world, he did mention that there is a general feeling of woe and despair, one that ever more speaks to the necessity of devotion to the Sacred Heart today. [Editorial Note: I would go even as far as to say that despair exists within our Church, with laypeople disparaging priests and bishops, and even against the Holy Father himself, such as the recent Filial "Correctio" by some 60+ odd Catholic lay scholars, clergy, and the head of the non-Canonical and Francis-hating SSPX ``Bishop`` Fellay. This is reminiscent of the Devil's ``non-serviam`` to God, and a complete dismissal of the Mark of the Church that is Holy. Matthew 16:18 anyone?] 
  • Fr. Did do a brief history lesson on the development of the Sacred Heart, starting back from the 13th century with St., leading up to the establishment of the current practice of the 9 First Fridays thanks to St. Mary Margaret Alacoque, and the publishing of the Papal pre-Vatican II encyclical, Haurietas Aquas, by Pius XII
  • Fr did end on a note of entrusting ourselves to the Sacred Heart via this practice, which incorporates the Sacraments of Pennance and Holy Eucharist in the Mass, but stating that it is by practicing these Sacraments (even outside of First Fridays) that will unite us to the Sacred Heart. 

Regardless, despite all the roadblocks that the Devil loves to throw at those who do the Lord`s work, especially in doing the Latin Mass, with many temptations of the evils, prejudices, and dark hearts of men, our Lord allowed His Sacred Heart to shower the Love of the Holy Mass in the hearts of at least 120 attendees, give or take 20, to quote a choir member.

As for those attending, I saw a number of our frequent attendees, some friends of old, a couple of fellow brothers/sisters of Christ (including a fellow brother of the Knights of Columbus,) and even recently new acquaintances. Of note, a handful of young men alone, or with a friend/family were in attendance! Perhaps even, maybe a few were members from the new Juventutem Toronto Chapter that opened up last year? It's these poignant notes, not: surging numbers, fancy titles, logos, prominence/"Professionalism," etc. that the radicals value ever so much, that count when it comes to the Holy Mass. That those who attend the Latin Mass, do so out of Love for our Lord, and that His Sacred heart, the love it exemplifies, be given to others, including fellow Catholics within the Latin Mass, and the "Novus Ordo" church, to the fallen on the peripheries, to paraphrase our current Pontiff, Pope Francis. 

May you have enjoyed another report from Servimus Unum Deum, of the offerings of the SPGC. The next offering of the SPGC, will be the following: Feast of Christ the King (in the Extraoirdinary Form Calendar), on Sunday, October 29th, 2017. This mass will likely have a start time of 3pm, location To Be Determined in the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

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