Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Saturday, 24 September 2016


[UPDATE 27/9/16: I have been informed by the organizers, St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, that the Mass time is now changed to 2pm.]

Hello everyone.

I come bearing great news for the Archdiocese of Toronto, news of the most paramount, historical and liturgical importance.

We are blessed to have His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, as our spiritual shepherd and archbishop for the Archdiocese of Toronto. Pastorally, he frequently participates in events around the diocese, especially those involving the future of our Catholic Church in numerous youth and young adult events/ministries. Further, our Eminence has been a tried and true defender of "T"radition including Church doctrine and moral issues. His Eminence, once again, will be demonstrating to his flock, his formidable leadership and reverence for Christ, in regards to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

I am pleased to announce the upcoming Solemn High Mass in Thanksgiving and Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the founding of St. Patrick’s Gregorian Choir, Toronto, in 2006, on the Feast of Christ the King (EF), by Surinder S. Mundra, Music Director and organist.  In the past 10 years Surinder has organized several such Masses throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto and outside the Archdiocese of Toronto, in churches such as St Peter's, downtown, St Paul's Basilica, and St Patrick's Toronto, to name a few.

This Solemn High Mass on the Feast of Christ The King, according to the liturgical calendar for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, will be in the presence of His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Metropolitan Toronto, at the newly renovated, St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto (65 Bond Street), On Sunday, October 30th. 2016 at 2:00 pm.

This Mass, is highly significant! Never before in the history of the Archdiocese of Toronto since Vatican II, has there been a Latin Mass, even a Low Mass, in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, offered at the Cathedral, the seat of the Archbishop of Toronto.

Assistance will be provided by the seminarians of our Archdiocese, studying at St Augustine's Seminary, for numerous serving roles. The master of ceremonies, has asked me to be a part of this Solemn High Mass as I have been involved with St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir's organized Masses since October 2011.  At this time there is no need for additional altar serving assistance, unless a request is made by the organizers for more help. If such a request is needed, I will be happy to broadcast such here on S.U.D.

At this, their 10th Anniversary Solemn High Mass, St. Patrick’s Gregorian Choir will provide beautiful and sacred liturgical music under the direction of  their choir master, Surinder S. Mundra

If you are interested in helping to defray the printing costs for Mass Booklets, and any other necessary expenses, you may contact the choirmaster of St. Patrick`s, Surinder Mundra, at 416 731 4485, who is organizing this Solemn High Mass and compiling material for, and overseeing, the printing of the booklets and other liturgical requirements.

Finally, let it be noted that this liturgical event stands for more than just a big "showing" of the Latin Mass. The fact that the presence of His Eminence at this Solemn High Mass in his cathedral seat, will be a pivotal part of this liturgy. Also, that he asked for the organizers, St Patrick's Gregorian Choir and its director, to reach out to the seminarians, and others of particular note for this special occasion, speaks great volumes.

In this holy offering of the Latin Mass, his extension of participation to the seminarians, and choice of participants involved in other avenues of the Mass (including myself,) His Eminence has sent a direct and clear message in the Church and to the world: 

What is happening here, in this upcoming Solemn Latin Mass at St. Michael's Cathedral, is vital to the liturgical and spiritual leadership of the Church. The Latin Mass/EF itself is a vital part of not only our Church's past history, but also in today's culture of the Church. Further, it is a part of the future of the Church as well, for both clergy and laity, as is being shown in the inclusion of the seminarians (and myself.) Regardless of whether the seminarians do both forms of the Roman Rite or not after their ordination, this Mass is an example to them, the Archdiocese of Toronto, and to the whole Church that the Holy Mass should be sacred and reverent, and strike at the heart and soul of every human being, uplifting them to greater things in this world and especially, the next in the afterlife. 

In addition, with regards to the Holy Mass of either form of the Roman Rite, laity and clergy, especially those in positions of leadership surrounding the sacred liturgy, from altar server to celebrant, must show in action: The Joy of the Gospel; fraternal charity for their fellow Catholics and non-Catholics; an absence of hypocrisy, jealousy, elitism, rubrical obsession-ism, and contempt for others; and MUST bring the New Evangelization to our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to those who have never concretely experienced that Gospel, as a result of the Mass. 

In summary, participating himself in this Mass, holding it in the Cathedral he presides over, as our spiritual shepherd for Toronto, and in the carefully planned organization of this Mass including all its participants, His Eminence has clearly made those statements above and is carrying out the wishes of the Church and its Holy Fathers. In doing so, THIS IS THE TRUE FACE OF TRADITIONAL CATHOLICISM!

I end this announcement by asking of you, everyone ... Catholics of all stripes and devotion ... those musically inclined, ... non-Christian and curious onlookers ... I encourage you to come and see what is to be one of the most historical events ever in our modern Church history in this Archdiocese of Toronto, under one of the most prominent leaders of our Church, his Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins. Besides the specticality of such an event, it will be such a sacred, holy, reverent and powerful experience for all of our senses. It will truly leave you breathless, and for those of you of the Catholic faith, it will inspire you to embrace the Love and Mercy of the Lord, from this Jubilee of Mercy onward.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin, sole author of Servimus, and veteran server for higher level Masses in the Extraordinary Form since October 2011.

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