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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Requiescat in Pace, Robert Ford, Fomer Mayor of the City of Toronto, City of Toronto Counsellor

Hello Everyone,

I would like to call to your attention to prayer, to pray for the repose of the soul of our former mayor of the City of Toronto, Robert Ford, and especially his family.

Mr. Ford died quite young, as he succumbed to a highly rare form of cancer that he had been battling for the past 18 months. leaving behind a wife and children in this plane of existence. He had been seeking treatment for his rare cancer through Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, and sadly succumbed to his cancer in pallative care. For him and his family to choose pallative care, is a great testament to the dignity of all human life, in the face of the cowardice being expressed by our court system, and eventually to be forced upon doctors, to kill patients under the false guise of ``mercy`` and ``medical treatment.

His work in politics, was unfortunately tied in with personal struggles with drug addiction, which the selfish and liberal (read: evil and anti-Catholic) media and a good portion of his "colleagues" (I use that loosely) were all to happy to exploit and bring harm not only to himself, but even his charitable efforts.

Because he was ``Conservative`` and wanted to stop corruption and abuse of our taxpayer dollars in public, he was lambasted and humiliated, and the media and other councilors were all too happy to attack Mr. Ford and to throw him under a bus. The sickest thing the media did, was to humiliate Mr. Ford and end his volunteer gig coaching young men on the football team at Don Bosco Catholic school, situated in a rougher and lesser wealthy area of Etobicoke. To get that letter that was revealed on the news, likely someone in city hall leaked that to the press. Someone is responsible for detracting Rob in that instance. Any yet how many of them have abused other financial accounts to fund their personal or charitable exploits while being Councillors of city hall? Hypocrites.

Regardless, Mr. Ford, even when ill with cancer, from his family's early history, was all about "fighting" for the little guy, and particularly his constituents of Etobicoke. Many people, both within and without Etobicoke, are testifying though many forms of media, even in news interviews, as to how he would go out of his way to aid constituents when they were having domestic or bureaucratic issues that fell under the municipal level, such as garbage pickup, issues with neighbors, property issues, etc. This at times even extended to other councilors who were not of his ward and he would reason with them to help their constituents. Speaking of garbage, he ended one of the worst disputes in the city of Toronto by privatizing garbage collection in Etobicoke, saving thousands of dollars or more in costs, because before it was unionized city workers.

His fight for the little people didn`t just end when he got sick. Whether in his healthier moments, or through his brother Doug Ford, he still did every attempt with whatever life he had left, to look after the citizens of Toronto, whether in his ward or not.

Personally, I wish I had experience with Mr. Ford, tete-a-tete, save a special guest appearance at a family member`s wedding. However, I will add another piece of the puzzle which should make us ever more concerned about the state of his soul, and also we should care about his family.

While it is NOT likely that Robert Ford himself is a Catholic, Mr. Ford`s family, are Catholics. I know of this as they have attended some Sunday Masses, at a local Novus Ordo parish in the Archdiocese of Toronto, near where I live currently.

Therefore, I ask that you pray for his wife, Renata, and his two children, for their personal and spiritual safety in this time of trial, that they may be able to carry on in future in the Catholic Faith, without their husband and father, and that we pray for the repose of the soul of Robert Ford. May he, despite his human struggles he endured in his short 46 years on earth, with the greatest of hopes, be allowed to join the Heavenly Lord he may have never known, our Lord Jesus Christ, in eternal glory and salvation in the afterlife.

Requiescat in Pace, frater Robert Ford. Thank you for fighting for us all in Toronto. Pax.

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