Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

PUBLIC Listings for Latin/EF Masses for Christmas/New Years 2015 Toronto and Other Archdioceses

Hello Everyone,

I was either lax or late to the game last year, so I will actually do this for 2015. As before, I make exception for the major Holy periods of the year, to expand coverage to include other dioceses of Ontario for the Latin Mass.

Please note that listed here are only those offerings that are 1) confirmed either in print or from trusted sources, 2) are those that are FORMALLY attached to a parish, as in announced on parish websites or on their print media (incl. PDF scans of bulletins.)

There likely are other offerings available in certain areas, but I am unable to acquire the information, as I am vilified by certain Radical Misrepresenting Traditionalist parties, have been told to never use anything of "theirs" including sharing Latin Mass times, and am blocked from their social media feeds. They have chosen close-mindedness and elitism over a unified goal to promote the Latin Mass and help in reforming the Church's liturgy in the Latin Rite, so I cannot help there. Don't bother asking who the parties are from me.

Regardless if you are in an area that does not have a listing, please inquire/do your own research to find out the times.

Also, should a Latin Mass be a vigil Mass, while liturgically it will use different readings, under current Church laws, it qualifies for the Holy Day Obligation. However for those of you "die-hard" traditionalists, the liturgy of the Nativity of our Lord is at Midnight onward the 25th December, this Friday. If at Midnight is it the "First Mass: At Midnight." If it is during the day hours, it will be "Third Mass: During the Day." Midnight Masses will be listed under the date of December 24th, 2015.

Here's what I can gather from public, available media sources.

Archdiocese of Toronto (Core of the Greater Toronto Area)

1) Oratorians of St. Phillip Neri, Toronto, ON

Holy Family Catholic Church (1372 King Street West, Toronto, ON.) 

Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Thursday December 24th, 2015. 

  • Confessions from 11pm - 12am before the Latin Mass. 
  • Midnight - Solemn level Latin Mass.
Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, Friday December 25th, 2015.
  • 11am - Solemn level Latin Mass. 
  • Confessions, at least 15-20 min before Mass.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Friday January 1, 2016
  • 11am - Solemn Level Latin Mass. 
  • Confessions, at least 15-20 min before Mass.
  • One can also seek confession Thursday, Dec 31 from 4-5 pm, or 10-11 pm. 

St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church (263 Roncesvalle Ave., Toronto, ON)

Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Friday December 25th, 2015. 

  • Confessions at least 15 min prior to Mass
  • 9:30 am - Latin/EF Low level Mass
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Friday January 1, 2016
  • Confessions at least 15 min prior to Mass
  • 9:30 am - Latin/EF Low level Mass

2) St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church (2210 Lawrence Ave. E.)


Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, Friday December 25th, 2015.
  • Ask priests about confessions prior to Mass
  • 1pm - Latin/EF Low level Mass
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Friday January 1, 2016
    • Ask priests about confessions prior to Mass
    • 1pm - Latin/EF Low level Mass
    • 7pm - Latin/EF Low Level Mass, followed by the Stations of the Cross and an all night vigil of Adoration ending with an English Mass on at 4:30am on Sat Jan 2nd, 2016. 

    3) St. Issac Jogues, Pickering, ON (1148 Finch Ave. Pickering, ON)

    • There will be NO LATIN MASSES on any major Holy Day of Obligation. 
    • However, the Latin Mass on each 1st Saturday of the month, will resume on Saturday, January 2nd in the chapel, at 11am. 

    4) St. Joseph's Streetsville/Mississauga, ON (5440 Durie Road, Streetsville, ON)

    • There will be NO LATIN MASSES on any major Holy Day of Obligation. Please check back in the new year for special offerings on Major solemnities/feasts according to the EF calendar.

    Archdiocese of Toronto, Outskirts (Outside the G.T.A. Area)

    1) St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Schomberg, ON (91 Church St. Schomberg, ON)

    Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, Friday December 25th, 2015.
    • 9am - Latin/EF Low level Mass
    Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Friday January 1, 2016
    • 9am - Latin/EF Low level Mass

    2) St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Phelpston, ON (1600 Flos Road Four West, Phelpston, ON)

    • There will be NO Latin Masses on any major Holy Day of Obligation. Please check back in the new year for special offerings on Major solemnities/feasts according to the EF calendar.

    3) Chapel of the Carmelite Nuns, Zephyr, ON. 

    • Unfortunately, due to some decision of the convent, or other reasoning, the convent has ceased to offer the Latin Mass since the Fall of 2015. There will be no more Latin Masses there, PERIOD. 

    Archdiocese of Hamilton, ON (Incl. Kitchener)

    According to PUBLISHED sources and websites of parishes, there is NO LISTED LATIN MASSES being held for the Holy days. Latin Masses at regularly scheduled/weekly times will resume normally in the new year. 

    Should other groups/organizations come forward with information, you will need to seek contact with them on your own initiative. 

    Archdiocese of London, ON (Incl. London proper, Windsor, Guelph, Fergus, Waterloo)

    Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church, Windsor, ON (Allied with the Windsor Latin Mass Community, a.k.a. St. Benedict Tridentine Catholic Community)

    Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, Friday December 25th, 2015.

    • Address: 681 McEwan Avenue, Windsor, ON
    • 2pm Latin/EF High level Mass

    St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Windsor, ON (Allied with the Windsor Latin Mass Community, a.k.a. St. Benedict Tridentine Catholic Community)

    Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Friday January 1, 2016

    • Address: 85 Park Street, Windsor, ON
    • 2pm Latin/EF High Level Mass

    Archdiocese of Peterborough, ON (Incl. Campbellford, Keene, and surrounding townships)

    St. Mary's Church (a.k.a. The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Campbellford, ON 

    Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, Friday December 25th, 2015.
    • 8:00 am - Latin/EF Mass (Missa Lecta (read), Low Mass with minimal music accompaniment according to EF rubrics, or High level)
    Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Friday January 1, 2016

    UPDATED AS OF DEC 28, 2015. Added extra Latin Mass to St. Lawrence the Martyr. 

    Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

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