Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Final Reminder: Today (Sunday) October 25th Solemn Latin Mass 330pm At Loretto Abbey Catholic School Chapel!

This is a reminder that the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir will be organizing a Solemn Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form/1962 Missal) in the Roman Rite at 330 pm At Loretto Abbey Catholic School's chapel. The details are below:

Source: http://www.catholic.org/photos/photo.php?news=53291

In addition, when you attend this Latin Mass:
  • Always and forever, you are partaking in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the foretaste of Heaven in the afterlife, where the Lord is praised and glorified alongside the angels and saints. You are nourished by the Holy Eucharist and many grages are bestowed upon you in the Holy Mass.

  • THIS MASS COUNTS AS YOUR SUNDAY OBLIGATION. You do not need to attend another Mass before or after (though by all means, if you need to do your ministry at another parish for another Mass, do so. You are allowed to consume the Eucharist 2x in a 24 hour period.)

  • Frequent attendees of the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir assisted Masses, will once again be graced with the presence of Fr. Jean-Pierre Pilon, the priest currently in the Diocese of Peterborough at The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who helped to implement a Latin Mass program at his church, and was trained and ordained within the Fraternal Society of St. Peter. He will be one of the three clergy roles, though is usually celebrant and/or homilist when he assist in the SPGC organized Masses. 

  • The contingent of altar servers at this Mass is a complete, full contingent with crucifer, acolytes, thurifer, and even two torch-bearers! Some of our new servers already have experience attending and/or serving the EF!
So please, do attend, tell your friends and family, and come to Loretto Abbey's Chapel, who has graciously in past years been accommodating to the needs of the Latin Mass community. 

Also we ask when you do attend, that you contribute to the collection. The proceeds will be given to the Loretto Abbey community/sisters who look after the chapel, in gratitude for allowing another Latin Mass to take place in their beautiful chapel. 

Many thanks to the community of the Incarnate Word of the Blessed virgin Mary (IBVM) for allowing this to occur, the 2nd time the EF has happened to date in their chapel since the Novus Ordo. Deo Gratias!

Pax, Julian.  

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