Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015


Hello Everyone.

Firstly, I apologize for not promoting last month`s offering of what is below. Life got in my way with more hours at work, and a tired mind. Sometimes I detest parts of my life which block me from doing things for Christ.


This post is to advertise the final offering of the 2014-2015 liturgical (academic) year of one of the most sacred and wonderful, liturgical initiatives going on right now in our Archdiocese of Toronto. One I wish intently you will support and help to grow in this Archdiocese.

The pastor of St James Catholic Church, Rev. Ignacio Pinedo, will be organizing and acting as celebrant for the Novus Ordo Latin Mass, that has routinely occurred on the first (or second) Saturdays of the month at St. James.

Latin Novus Ordo masses in Toronto ended a couple years ago at the Oratory of St. Phillip Neri. Inspired by their efforts, Fr. Pinedo engaged in this pilot project at the parish. Therefore, it would be ABSOLUTELY worth attending and supporting. Should this be successful, it could become a regular occurrence at St. James, and maybe spread to other parts of the archdiocese.

Here is the information to attend the Latin Novus Ordo for next Saturday:

Saturday June 6, 2015 (NOVUS ORDO) - Solemnity of Corpus Christi, in the Novus Ordo Calendar. 

WHERE???? St. James Roman Catholic Church - LATIN NOVUS ORDO, 

  • " Latin Mass Revisited - Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass). Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451."
  • Also: 
    • There are Latin-English booklet aids that are provided for the Liturgy by the parish. You can either borrow them for the Mass, or for a donation of $1.25 you can purchase the booklet, a suggestion I say to do if you are a repeat attendee! 
    • The altar servers as of last month, are NOW wearing the black surplice and cassock, the most traditional garb/attire for serving at the altar. This decision was made purely by the youth and young adult altar servers on their own accord with Fr. Pinedo. 

Unfortunately, there will be no Latin Novus Ordo masses for July and August.

IMPORTANT: Whether they will return to St. James for the fall of 2015 will be up to the decision of the pastor .... and you. The more attendance and support (including $$$), the more likely they will continue in the Fall.

So everyone, please attend!!! This could be a breakthrough for St. James and the Archdiocese of Toronto if this continues to occur. If you do not support this initiative, then it will die. I realize not everyone has the same "heart" for the Church as other people do.

Perhaps, your faith is at a certain level, and your local parish is meeting your needs. I can understand, You are free to go where you want to go in the diocese. It's not like in my grandparents' era where priests enforce their boundaries like policemen (although there are some who dole out stipulations of a sort ....)

But ... if you truly have a heart for Christ, and want to help bring the Church to greater glory for your children and the future of the Church in the Archdiocese of Toronto, I implore and request of you, to come out and help Fr. Pinedo and St. James. The laity of the Church want to "be fed" spiritually, because the majority of its Masses are devoid of many things that emphasize the sacredness and holiness of the Mass. This Mass ACTUALLY DOES THAT!!!!! Please Come .... the Lord is waiting for you, to redeem you ....

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

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