Hello Eveyrone,
I`d like to divert your attention to something I`ve found through my Facebook feed. Some of you may recall I`ve been promoting a young Catholic musician on Servimus, Maggie Wang A.K.A, MAGS, because unlike the Radicals Misrepresenting Traditionalists, who haven`t found her ``Catholic`` enough for the Church, I find her as a great role model for young women, as part of a large Catholic family striving to do their best to follow the Lord.
This weekend, she was invited to be a participatory speaker for the ``Calling all Girls`` conference, a smaller youth conference for mothers and their daughters. held as part of the bigger Dynamic Women of Faith Catholic Women`s conference annually in Toronto. Her topic for her segment was ``The Joy of Pure Dating.`` Considering how many parents today in the Church are not even bothering to fulfill their duty as the child`s primary teacher, including the realm of dating and social skills, it is a blessing that Maggie is educating young Catholic women (and parents!) about these topics and putting herself out there as a Catholic role model.
Attached is the weblink to a recording from the female youth conference on YouTube. Listen and enjoy as MAGS talks about dating to young Catholic women. Enjoy, and pax. Julian.
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