Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Upcoming Latin Rite (Both OF and EF) Events in the Archdiocese of Toronto This Weekend AND Dec 8. Serving Help Still Desired!!!

Hello Everyone,

This post is going to highlight a few "LATIN" events that are happening in the Archdiocese of Toronto, this coming weekend of the 2nd Sunday in Advent in both forms of the Rite, and for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

1. Latin Novus Ordo Mass at St. James Catholic Church, Saturday Vigil Mass. 

Normally my promotion of Latin Masses is geared towards the Extraordinary Form/Tridentine Mass/1962. However, one should also consider equally beautiful opportunities in the Novus Ordo or Ordinary Form, or other rites that actually nourish the lay faithful properly.

While checking up on an offering for St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, Immaculate Conception Solemn Latin Mass, I found this interesting gem on our Archdiocese of Toronto News and Events page of the website, which is being hosted by St. James Catholic Church in Toronto, ON:

December 6, (2014)– 5 p.m.
St. James Church
728 Annette St., Toronto

Latin Mass Revisited
Rediscover the beauty of the solemn Latin Mass in this modern Eucharistic celebration. We will be celebrating the Mass using the original Latin text of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal (note: this is not the Tridentine form of the Mass).
Side-by-side Latin and English Missals will be provided for those attending. A truly uplifting experience that is both ancient and new, bridging past and present. For more information, contact St. James Church at st.james@sympatico.ca or call 416-767-6451.

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This is incredible! I do not think this has happened since the Oratorians reconfigured their Mass schedule to add in a Missa Lecta, at the loss of their Sunday Latin Novus Ordo Mass.

Needless to say, I am in full support of the reform of the reform, as touted famously when Benedict XVI was Pope. This is clearly an example of the liturgy being molded to the original tenets of Vatican II.

I ask and implore you readers, to please attend for your weekly obligation (yes the vigil COUNTS in the Novus Ordo/post Vatican II), this Latin Novus Ordo taking place at St. James Catholic Church. If they garner great support, who knows, this might become a regular occurrence at the parish. They might even influence their brother priests and parishes to do something new to attract the youth of our Faith, and bring them (and others) closer to our Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

In addition, I will be adding this to my listing of "Special Offerings" where my EF masses usually go.

Please attend! Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

2. Other Latin Masses for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Monday December 8, 2014

Well! This is a pleasant surprise in the Archdiocese of Toronto. When the faithful in other (arch)dioceses worldwide are begging and praying for Latin Masses, we are truly blessed to have FIVE offerings in the Extraordinary Form this Monday for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. One can view this poster, created by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society, for the listings of the 5 Masses.

Notes on the Masses:
  • St. Lawrence the Martyr, and the Oratory`s 1130am Mass are part of their regular daily offerings on Monday. These masses are also, Low Masses (Missa Lecta). 
  • The 6:00pm  Oratory offering is a special, Solemn (Missa Solemnis) level offering, done for this solemnity. This is NOT a normal/daily/weekly offering. 
  • The St. Francis of Assisi offering, is being held for the 100th anniversary of S.F.O.A. 
    • Assistance is being provided by the St. Patrick Gregorian Choir for the musical parts of the liturgy. 
    • The serving is being provided by a team of servers consisting of representatives from St. Francis of Assisi Parish, St. Lawrence the Martyr Scarborough, and other non-EF parish affiliated Latin Mass servers to the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir (e.g. me). 
    • This offering is located closer to the central part of the city of Toronto/Archdiocese of Toronto, in the "Little Italy" neighbourhood, near College St.  
    • Booklets of Latin to English, AND Latin to Italian translations of the order of the Mass and Propers, are being provided by the parish. 
  • The St. Joseph's offering is in the West end of the city of/Archdiocese of Toronto. 
    • While there is no written confirmation via the parish bulletin or on the Internet, it is possible that assistance is being provided for this liturgy by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society, both in the avenues of music for the liturgy and serving, as they annually (or more frequently in a given year), use St. Joseph's for their Latin Masses. 
    • Might it also be said that they were first to promote this offering, therefore also providing additional evidence that they might be assisting with this Mass. It would be appreciated if this could be confirmed (in a charitable manner). 


May I remind you of this upcoming Solemn Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form, I will be assisting in in the role of first Acolyte. The details are as follows below and will be updated in my Fall 2014 listings post:

Monday, December 8, 2014 - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir 

When: Monday December 8, 2014
Location? St, Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Address?  72 Mansfield Ave. Toronto, ON
Start time? 7:00 pm
Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
Primary Contact/Inquiries for Choir: 416 731 4485.
Parish Website: http://www.stfrancistoronto.org/sfoa_2/?lang=en
Parish Contact/Information: 416 536 8195.
Facebook event page:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1531558473750707/



Bulletin insert: http://www.stfrancistoronto.org/sfoa_2/?page_id=48 [please see Nov 16, 23, OR 30 Bulletin for insert online.]
Front Page Nov 30, 2014

 Nov 30, 2014. Advertisement is in upper right corner. 

Also see the Archdiocese of Toronto website News and Events page under December 8, here: http://www.archtoronto.org/events_news/events.html

While we have been able to fill all the major serving roles required for the Solemn Latin Mass (Master of Ceremonies, acolytes, thurifer), we desire if possible to fill the minor roles of crucifer, boat bearer (optional), and torch bearers. You would be trained for these roles prior to the start of the Mass, by our veteran serving instructor/MC. These roles are NOT difficult to carry out.  

Should you be a Catholic adult male who practices their Catholic faith (a.k.a. attending Mass on Sunday/Saturday Vigil in a Rite of the Church,) or have young male children who would be interested, please message me IMMEDIATELY at torontotlmservers@gmail.com, or call the organizer of St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, Surinder S. Mundra @ 416-731-4485. Please be advised that you would be responsible for transportation to and from the Church, and SHOULD be living in, or surrounding the Archdiocese of Toronto. 

Finally, allow me to give you little liturgical .... snipits, or previews as it were, of some of the physical elements of this beautiful architectural treasure of a church (St. Francis of Assisi,) you will get to experience for this liturgy .... hope you mouth will be watering ....

This is an ornate thurible and boat, one of the many liturgical items that thankfully the prior pastorship of St. Francis of Assisi chose not to remove or give away (or purchased at a lower price back then.) This likely will be what is used for the Liturgy next week. The thurible alone, H-76 in the DiCarlo catalogue, is $895 USD before tax were you to buy one new! The closest boat to the one here in the same catalogue, H-69, is $ 265! Thanks be to God they were retained at St. Francis.

These are a complete set of Solemn Latin Mass vestments (Celebrant, Deacon, and Subdeacon) in this drawer, with the Sub-deacon's tunicle shown here, easily identified by the one horizontal stripe on the back.  These vestments were sown in the 1930's by nuns, and have remained at the parish since! Such vestment work is hard to find in today's modern Church. 

A view of the parish from the front of the body. The choir loft above contains a massive organ. St. Patrick's choir members will be singing from there, and the organ will be used for Mass. 

Yes, that's right, lovely wooden confessional stalls that don't look lie living rooms. Traditional style, with the priest's area being the center partition, and pentinents enter and kneel down in the left and right sides. 

PAX TIBI CHRISTI! Julian Barkin.

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