Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Monday, 15 December 2014

Latin Masses for Christmas 2014 and January 1, 2015 in Ontario

UPDATE Dec 24, 2014

I have decided to expand my listings to the whole of Ontario for the Latin Mass. I was sent information about another listing in another diocese, and the Toronto Traditional Mass Society has released a more detailed list of offerings (credit to them), therefore this list is now expanded.

Pax, and a Blessed and Merry Christmas to you, and a Happy New Year.

Due to the fact that Christmas is one of the most well-attended liturgical days in the calendar, and an important MANDATORY ATTENDANCE/OBLIGATION DAY TO GO TO MASS!!!! I have also included Masses outside the GTA. Normally I focus on the core of the Archdiocese, but including the outskirts will give more available Mass choices for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

Might I also add that January 1, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, IS ALSO MANDATORY ATTENDANCE/OBLIGATION DAY TO GO TO MASS!!!!

The offerings are divided into 1) The ``Core`` offerings which consist of those in the Greater Toronto Area, or are part of Latin Mass churches that do not need a couple hours driving time to get to, and
2) Outskirt offerings, which require more driving time by car to get to, and are NOT part of the municipal boundaries that is the Greater Toronto Area, but are part of the Archdiocese of Toronto`s boundaries that are much different from municipal ones, and 3) Offerings in other parts of Ontario, NOT in the Archdiocese of Toronto.

"Core" of the Archdiocese of Toronto


Holy Fanily Church, 1372 King St. West, Toronto, ON

December 24th:

  • Extra Confessions 7:00-8:00pm EST
  • Solemn EF/Latin Mass for Nativity of Our Lord (First Mass at Midnight)- Midnight Mass
December 25th:
  • Solemn EF/Latin Mass for Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass: During the Daytime) - 11:00am

December 31: 
  • Extra Confessions 4:00 - 5:00 pm
  • Extra Confessions 10:00 - 11:00 pm
January 1, 2015:

  • Solemn EF/Latin Mass for Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

St. Vincent De Paul Parish, 263 Roncesvalle Ave, Toronto, ON

December 25th:

  • EF/Latin Low Mass for Nativity of Our Lord - 9:30am

St. Lawrence the Martyr

2210 Lawrence Avenue East, Scarborough, ON (Near Lawrence Ave. E. & Kennedy Road) 

December 25th:

  • Missa Lecta/Low Mass WITH MUSIC for Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass: During the Day) - 1pm EST
January 1, 2015: 
  • Missa Lecta/Low Mass for Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - 1pm EST

St. Issac Jogues

1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering, ON

  • No Christmas or New Year's offerings in the Extraordinary Form. If interested in any Novus Ordo offerings, please see here: http://www.stisaacjogueschurch.com/ 
  • However, there will be the regularly scheduled 11:00am High or Solemn Latin Mass for January 3, 2015.

Other offerings???

None known at this current time. 

Outskirts of the Archdicoese of Toronto

Convent of Carmel in Zephyr, Ontario

Carmel of the Infant Jesus,  12519 Concession Road 2, Zephyr, Ontario

  • December 25th - 3pm, EF/Latin Low Mass for Nativity of our Lord (Third Mass: During the Day) (Celebrated by Fr. Russell Asch, Assistant priest of St. Joseph's Catholic Church (streetsville) Mississauga). This Mass is likely a Low Mass due to location and chapel size, without external assistance. 
St. Patrick's Schomberg, Ontario
91 Church Street, Schomberg, Ontario

December 25th: 

  • 9am, Low Mass - Nativity of our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime) (Likely celebrated by Fr. Liam Gavigan). 
January 1, 2015:
  • 9am, Low Mass - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Likely celebrated by Fr. Liam Gavigan). 

Other Archdicoeses

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Mary's) (http://www.saintmaryschurch.info/) 
21 Centre St., Campbellford, ON 

December 25th:
  • 8am, Low Mass with Chant - Nativity of our Lord (Likely 2nd Mass - At Dawn)

St. Mary of the Purification - Mount Forest

146 Park St North, Hamilton, ON

December 24th:

  • Midnight - EF/Latin Missa Cantata - Nativity of our Lord (First Mass - At Midnight)
January 1, 2015:
  • 1130 Am - EF/Latin Missa Cantata??? - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 
St. Anne's Catholic Church


December 25th:
  • No Latin Mass. Offering has been deferred to St. Clement's Catholic Church. Please See Waterloo Below.

January 1, 2015
  • 11:30am - EF/Latin (Missa Cantata?) (Assistance from FSSP Thorold???) - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 


St. Clement's Catholic Church

3619 Lobsinger Line, St. Clement's, Ontario (part of Waterloo region)

December 25th:

  • 1:00pm - EF/Latin Missa Cantata - Nativity of our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime)
St. Anne Catholic Church
20 Morrison Drive, St. Thomas (London) ON

December 25th:
  • 11:00 am - EF/Latin Missa Cantata - Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime)

January 1st, 2015:

  • ???????

Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church
681 McEwan Ave., Windsor, ON

December 25th:

  • 2:00pm - EF Latin Missa Cantata - Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime)

St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
January 1st, 2015:

  • 2:00pm - EF Latin Missa Cantata - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
St. Catharines

St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church (Fraternal Society of St. Peter- http://www.staloysius-latinmass.ca/)
317 Morton St., Thorold, ON

December 24th:
  • Midnight - Solemn EF/Latin for Nativity of Our Lord (First Mass at Midnight) 
December 25th:
  • 9am - Low Mass - Nativity of our Lord (Second Mass - At Dawn)
January 1st, 2015
  • ???? To be determined.

St. Clement Catholic Church (At St. Anne's) (Fraternal Society of St. Peter - http://stclement-ottawa.org/en/home/)
528 Old St. Patrick`s Street, Ottawa, ON

December 24th:
  • Midnight - Solemn EF/Latin for Nativity of Our Lord (First Mass at Midnight) 
December 25th:
  • 8:30am - Low Mass - Nativity of our Lord (Second Mass - At Dawn)
  • 10:30am - Nativity of Our Lord (Third Mass - During the Daytime)
January 1st, 2015 - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
  • 8:30am - Low Mass/Missa Lecta 
  • 10:30am - High Mass/Missa Cantata

One more note. just because these parishes are not offering Christmas Day or New Years Day masses in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, or Masses not at the level you want them to, or in large quantities, that does not mean you skip them entirely on such days. I highly encourage you to go to these parishes that host the Latin Masses on Christmas or New Years and drop a big fat wad of cash in the collection plates. Why? Because while it won't be for the specific purposes, remember:

The Latin Mass does not just run on prayers and attendance. Your money goes toward keeping those parishes in the black, weekly upkeep including supplies (e.g. candle oil, hosts, INCENSE AND CHARCOAL FOR THE THURIBLE, etc.,) and possibly even buying new liturgical items for the Latin Masses. 

When those parishes are financially struggling, they will not continue with a Latin Mass in the future, or drop it, cause they can receive more support financially, verbally, physically, and spiritually from the remainder of the parishioners. . You have to keep them open! In addition, if you so choose, you could write on the envelope "For Latin Mass purposes only". It's not a guarantee but it will send a message to the priest/money counters that there is a demand and it cannot be ignored. Photo your envelope if you want before Mass as proof in case you must provide it when protests of lies are being made by angry Lie-berals, selfish complainers, or Latin Mass-hating clergy who are drowning in liberal theology.   

Bottom line, support these Latin Mass hosting parishes, or ones that hold Latin Novus Ordo Masses, why even REVERENT Novus Ordo Masses. Or they won't remain open to support your spiritual needs. Quid Pro Quo, people. Also, don't forget to support the parishes in other ways, such as when they need volunteers to setup/takedown events, charity drives, youth ministry, etc. Be the shining forces and light in their programs. Don't just be a 1-hour clock in, clock out person!

Pax, Julian. 

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