Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Friday, 30 May 2014

Repost for Monsignor Vincent Foy 75th Ordination Mass

Hello Everyone. 

Next Saturday, June 7th, at 10:00 am, the Archdiocese of Toronto will be honouring the 75th Ordination of Monsignor Vincent Foy. 

The Monsignor is one of, if not the current, oldest priest in the Archdiocese of Toronto. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, has there been on official record, or at least publically observed (common knolwedge), of a 75th ordination happening, likely even according to the archives of even the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. I am open in future to being corrected, but until that point, it is likely that Monsignor Foy is possible Canada's longest serving priest in any Archdiocese in Canada. 

Considering this is 75 Years, that, is a magnificent feat in its own right. This is 75 years that the Monsignor has given his life to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as an alter Christus, giving Toronto the sacraments and other needed spiritual guidance, as a Priest of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, he has been highly active over the years in the pro-life/Anti-abortion movement, and many of his prolific writings can now be publicly accessed via his blog, HERE

This mass, is open to the public. I here at Servimus, kindly and graciously implore you to come out and join myself and many other of this archdiocese's faithful, in supporting one of the most true, and finest priests, this archdiocese has ever been graced with, for so many years of service. Even if you have never been to a Latin Mass before, now would be the perfect time to come out and see the beauty and reverence that will be here.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin. 

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