Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Highlight: More Breaking News in May! Truth About the FFI Situation From Its Own Friar

Hello Everyone!

Well, I was planning on not doing anything for the rest of the month with exception to that thurifer posting, but it seems things have changed once more. My blogger feed produced something so crucial to Latin Mass culture and Traditional Catholicism!

For those of you who might not remember or haven't read my posts every day, a particularly heated issue for Traditionalist Catholics attuned to the web is the "persecution" of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in Italy, a new order with sisters attached too, who embraced aspects of Traditional Catholicism, including the Latin Mass in Italy.

Well, according to the Trad Behaving Badly accounts, the Big Bad Vatican sent a meanie elected by someone elected by Pope Francis to investigate the FFI and now the Commissar has torn the order to shreds, with many people wanting to reject their vow of obedience to the Pope, poor "innocent" sisters being harassed by the commissar ..... it's being used as a horror story from Hell to summon the war drums and keep the TBBs fighting against the "novus ordo/post-conciliar Church," and validating their actions online and in person in Latin Mass communities around the world.

I covered this issue somewhat last year, by showing a clarification issued by a blogging friar (fully professed and ordained) from the order, Fr. Angelo Geiger, which was highlighted by Traditionalist Hero, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf. My first "highlight" post on this ongoing issue was here.

Well, today, Fr. Geiger on his blog, Mary Victrix, once again strikes back at the heart of this issue, because some unnamed, bitter member of his order (who could be priest, deposed seminarian, a sister, or a novitiate), released a scathing document on the internet. Anonymous of course, as is the true style of the Tradtionalist Behaving Badly.

Fr. Geiger replies to the accusations, detractions, and calumnies of this document in full, complicit, fraternal charity, because this issue has mistakenly been dragged out into the open in Machivellian fashion, where it should have remained internal. For the sake of Holy Mother Church, the FFI, and all those within it, Fr. Geiger reveals some startling information.

I could summarize it or reprint the whole text, but I think that it's best that you read the whole post with your own eyes. This was an eye opener to me. I wish I had known this sooner, because in my "Au Revoir" post, I said that not all was well worldwide with the general status of Traditional Catholicism in the Church, with the FFI situation being an example. With this new information having come to light, I will need to update the posting, though I am NOT going to delete what I said at the time [in true, NON-Trad Behaving Badly fashion!]

[update 2 min after releasing this post: It was not the FFI situation I used in Au Revoir. It was Una Voce Costa Rica. That one's still out to the jury, so to speak.]

So here it is. The counter reply by Fr. Geiger to the document. Read it fully. It will definitely change your opinions and views on the matter .... and please!!! Post this link to the posting and spread word! Counter the radical traditionalists.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian.

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