Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God!


Happy Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God!

I, Julian Barkin, wish you all the best in this new year, and pray and hope for liturgical and evangelic renewal within our world and with Holy Mother Church, under the governance of His Holiness, Pope Francis.

May the Extraordinary Rite continue to grow worldwide, and that even in the Novus Ordo it will experience its own renewal and deeper purification.

In addition, let it be a better year for those fellow youth of mine whom are struggling with their occupation and vocation, but also in even obtaining decent work to support themselves and their families.

Let us also pray to St. Michael for his intercession against those moral evils that continue to plague our society, as well as against those that are re-gaining old strength, or new strength, to become a front-line problem with its "buddies." I am thinking of euthanasia in particular, which seems to be gaining new fire and fury. It will soon be joining his brothers, abortion, homosexuality, and genocide in strength and threat to our Catholic Faith everywhere.

May we pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, give alms and fast, and continue to beg for His mercy and blessings, in this dire time of need of His protection and governance. We, and your Church, need you more than ever to ignite the fires in the hearts of us men (and also women).

Pax Tibi Christi, In Anno Domini MMXIV.

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