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Monday, 26 August 2013

Brief MIA: Brief Vacation away from Servimus

Hello Everyone.

If you don't see any more highlights, articles, etc. for a while, save the odd one or two over the next week, it is because I am on a vacation from work. I might do some post-work on the thurifer post, but other than that, I'll just be reading my blogger feed.

Part of it will be hunkering down with the family and friends, taking a bit of rest, and my Labour Day weekend having something exciting I am preparing for:

Canada's Annual Marie Reine Du Cap Pilgrimage with the FSSP.

Briefly, every year the St. Clement's (at St. Anne's parish) FSSP community in Ottawa, organize a 3-day (+ travel time) long walking pilgrimage through the Trois-Rivieres region of Quebec along the St. Lawrence River. Latin Masses every day, virtually 24-7 access to confession from FSSP priests, and more.

The main website for the pilgrimage is here:


Also, for you Traditional Catholic who surf the blogosphere, it might peak your interest to know that this pilgrimage has been featured on popular Trad websites such as New Liturgical Movement and the more right-wing Rorate Caeli, as well as right-wing Catholic forum, Fisheaters:



http://catholicforum.fisheaters.com/index.php?topic=3453443.0;wap2 (This is a cached blog entry. I don't think you can sign up for their forums currently).

So, if any one isn't doing anything productive this coming weekend in Canada, you still have time to prepare and sign up!!! Just contact the person listed on the website for your division: English or French.

Pax Tibi Christi, and have a good week. Julian Barkin.

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