Hello Everyone,
I found this after going down a rabbit hole. This comes from Fr. Ray Blake's blog here:
The article is the majority of the text from a lay-woman, a professor from Australia who discusses problems with spreading the Latin Mass and what we must to do increase positive spreading of it, as well as some of the theo-political factors as to why we had the Novus Ordo replace it (or at least the thinking behind it that lie-berals used to make radical change post Vatican II).
I am copying and pasting the full text here, because there are important things to be highlighted by yours truly. The boldfaced text should be considered highly important, and a wake-up call as to how to help the Latin Mass grow, and my commentary in the squared brackets.
“I want to argue that the usus antiquior is an antidote to the ruthless attacks on memory and tradition and high culture, typical of the culture of modernity, and that it satisfies the desire of the post-modern generations to be embedded within a coherent, non-fragmented tradition that is open to the transcendent.”
“The project of the 1960s generation was one of transposing a high sacral language into the vernacular of a low mundane culture, with the result that something sacred became more mundane, and when the sacred becomes mundane, it becomes boring.”
“In wrapping the faith in the forms of the contemporary culture and generally correlating the liturgy to the norms of the mass culture, the 1960s generation of pastoral strategists unwittingly fostered a crisis in liturgical theory and practice.”
“[The 1960s generation] dismantled a high Catholic culture by removing its cornerstone and they left subsequent generations of Catholics in a state of cultural poverty, confusion and boredom.”
“A Catholic who is ignorant of [the usus antiquior] is like a student who majors in English literature but is unfamiliar with Shakespeare.”
“It may be argued that [the] usus antiquior was the one thing that could bring the warring European tribes [of the 20th century] together.”
“[Benedict XVI] compared the pastoral strategy of bringing God down to the level of the people with the Hebrew’s worship of the golden calf and he described this practice as nothing less than a form of apostasy.”
“It would be a major advance if those responsible for liturgical decisions could at least get the message that modernity has not been fashionable since the 1960s.”
“Elements of Catholic culture which were suppressed by the 1960s generation of pastoral leaders are being rediscovered by younger Catholics who treat them like treasures found in their grandmother’s attic.” [That's so right! More and more, step by step, young people of my generation and the one below, are seeking out and wanting to go to the Latin Mass. Where there is a positive and supportive community with clergy and lay leaders who respect the Tradition, practices and teachings of the Catholic Faith, without spiritually damaging negativity and liturgical/theological politics, these communities are growing steady, even so much as to require larger worship spaces for their communities!!!]
“Catholics of the post-modern generations want to know how the Church looked, how the faith was practiced, when there was a coherent Catholic culture.”
“The whole structure of the usus antiquior engenders a deeper sense that there is a sacrifice, not a mere meal… There is really no greater antidote to secularism and what Pope Francis calls a ‘self-referential Christianity’ than a reflection on martyrdom and the sacrifice of Calvary and the Roman Canon sustains a person’s reflection on this reality.”
"In an era when globalisation is regarded as a good thing and governments spend millions of dollars of tax-payers’ money to keep alive the memory of minority languages and pre-modern social practices like Morris dancing, the Church should not be ashamed of her own cultural treasures.”
“The usus antiquior should be a standard element of the cultural capital of all Latin Rite Catholics since is so effectively resists secularism and satisfies the post-modern hunger for coherent order, beauty and an experience of self-transcendence.”
“I believe that the proponents of the usus antiquior are often their own worst enemies and foster practices and attitudes which deter many Catholics from attending Masses according to this Form.” [She is definitely hitting on something here. e.g. SSPX and other known proponents online for the Latin Mass ...]
“The obsession with dissecting every minute detail of the event is a symptom of what Joseph Ratzinger called the problem of aestheticism.”
“If pastoral pragmatism and its inherent philistinism is a problem at one end of the spectrum, aestheticism seems to be the problem at the other end of the spectrum.”
“Ordinary Catholics do not want to feel as though in attending the usus antiquior they are making a political stand against the Second Vatican Council.”
“The more [ordinary] people feel as though a whole raft of theo-political baggage comes with attendance at the usus antiquior Masses, the less likely they are to avail themselves of the opportunity to attend them.” [These stereotypes of Latin Mass communities and attendees must be broken by people on both sides! On the attendee side, those who partake in these communities must go in a spirit of joy and not in protest, and be cognoscente of those who are beginning to discover this Treasure of our Catholic Faith. On the other hand, the people who are coming over from outside the Church or from the Novus Ordo, must be willing to forsake the lies told to them by family, friends, and clergy, and enter with a clean slate while not being deterred from the few poor examples that do not represent the majority of Latin Mass goers.]
“To evangelise post-modern people [the Christian narrative] has to appear to be something starkly different from the secular culture they imbibe which is a culture parasitic upon the Christian tradition but completely decadent.” [Exactly! It must not be the same feel-good, self-centered goop that society has, just in a different venue (e.g. your "regular" Catholic parish), but also not be giving the same dark consequences of the culture (e.g. self-depreciation, horrible sins ...) It must be different and provide the joy, love, and hope that our Holy Fathers have been proclaiming about the Gospel, and tried their best to be examples of in their Papacies. It doesn't matter whether your parish is Novus Ordo or Latin Mass. This must be key in the hearts and minds of every lay member and clergy member of that parish.]
Pax, Julian.
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