Update to the posting for the Mass at St. Joseph's "Streetsville" in Mississauga
Due to the available information that was at my disposal on the internet for the Masses at the time of THIS posting for the Solemn Latin Mass, it seemed as if this would have been the first Toronto Archdiocesan Latin Mass without the co-operation of the established Latin Mass parish programs (E.g. Oratorians of St. Phillip Neri, St. Lawrence the Martyr), or an Extraordinary Form choir (e.g. St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, Toronto Traditional Mass Society).
In addition, the pictures of the poster on the internet did not have additional information I have obtained today, and I have not seen any posters at my respective Parishes for Sunday Mass, nor bulletin inserts promoting this Mass. This event is also NOT on the Archdiocesan News and event webpage.
I found the following text today on the blog called WITNESS at http://torontocatholicwitness.blogspot.ca/, of whom I extend a "Hat tip" to for the update:
"This coming Saturday, June 29th, the Toronto Traditiona Mass Society-Una Voce Toronto is pleased to host a Solemn Latin Mass at 11 A.M. at St. Joseph's Catholic Church (5440, Durie Road, Mississauga)."
Therefore, this mass will NOT be a Toronto Archdiocesan "solo" effort for the Latin Mass. It is a Solemn Latin Mass organized by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society. As of Today, June 25, 2013, there is still, no ordinary, diocesan parish in the core of the Archdiocese of Toronto that has chosen to hold a Latin Mass without the assistance of a current EF parish or a Latin Mass choir, outside of their normal Novus Ordo Masses.
THEREFORE, I STAND CORRECTED, though I will NOT change the content of my original posting. The same jubilations and accolades will be given to whatever parish does this in the future. If there has been misleading of anyone, I did not tend to mislead you, and I myself thought similar before this new information was brought to light. Please notify your friends and family if they were misinformed it was not an EF choir organized or primary EF base parish Mass.
Regardless, please view my now UPDATED Solemn Latin Mass Summer 2013 posting here for the details if you are interested in going. Please continue to support the Tridentine Latin Mass/Extraordinary Form in the Archdiocese of Toronto, one of the most VITAL tools to the New Evangelization.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.
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