Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Saturday, 1 June 2013


Hello everyone. 

A Solemn Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be occuring this Friday, June 7, 2013, at 7pm, in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The details of the Mass are As follows:

    • 7:00 pm start time
    • Location: St. Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Church, Scarborough, ON
    • Address: 2210 Lawrence Avenue East. (Kennedy Rd. and Lawrence Ave. E.)
    • Parish Website: http://stlawrencemartyr.org/
    • Parish Contact: (416) 759-9359
    • Parish EmailStLawrence_Martyr@Rogers.Com
    • Level of Mass: Missa Solemnis
    • Clergy:
      • Celebrant: Fr. Pilon (Jean-Pierre from Peterborough???)
      • Deacon: Fr. Steven Szakaczki, Latin Mass Chaplain of St. Lawrence Martyr
      • Sub-Deacon:  Fr. Russell Asch
    • Organizer: St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir under Surinder S. Mundra
    • SPGC Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RestoreTheLatinMassAndGregorianChant
    • EVENT FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/events/505141059521382/
    • Contact for SPGC: 416 731 4485 
    • Poster

All efforts of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite are worth supporting in our archdiocese, and are deserving of coverage, especially as this is the Year of Faith, and a vital part of the New Evangelization!

All are welcome to worship the Lord, in the midst of beautiful reverence and solemnity that is contained within the Latin Mass. PLEASE pass this posting onto friends and family and positively spread the word of this Solemn Latin Mass.

Pax, Julian. 


  1. Every Catholic church should have at least one Latin Mass on Sundays. Also piano, guitar,drum and other non-ecclesiastic music instruments should be avoided in church. "Kids like it" is not a sufficient reason. Many new songs, musically hopeless, boring should be forgotten. Our Church is rich with beautiful music! Also Gregorian singing lifts up your heart. What about the long ignored songs to the Virgin Mary in the months of May and October?
    Let us revive the glorious past of our religion, return to solemnity and beauty.
    Laudetur Jesus Christus --- Ave Maria.
    Walter Reimann, Toronto

  2. Hello Walter!

    Thank you for visiting SUD and sharing your thoughts. By the way, did you attend this Solemn Mass that I altar served at? If not you should consider the next one organized by the Choir. I do update my blog regularly with special offerings of the TLM and announcements.

    As per your desire for a Latin mass in all parishes, I agree in theory! How wonderful it would be for parishes to offer this, even if it is in the dreaded 8am timeslot! Practically speaking, this would not be feasible, as still the majority of post-Vatican II educated clergy are in charge (late 60's to late 80's generation), and won't do it/allow it even from other associate or visiting priests, or priest under their charge if they are a bishop. That is changing bit by bit as some clergy are realizing that the means of worship is the means of belief/faith, and they are noticing the younger generations wanting more orthodoxy and traditional Catholicism vs. their liberal parents and grandparents. Why even some seminarians are learning the EF in their spare time or through external means, and I have seen on the web some newly ordained priests making the EF their first Mass!

    Practically speaking, I'd aim for a goal of a Latin Mass within a 45 minute drive/1 hr's proximity by public transit for the faithful in a major metropolitan center, or driving out from a city/center.

    Music? I don't have time to delve into the Church's documents and teaching on that, but I do agree that bongos and drums and electric guitars should be trashed from Catholic Church music. Other Christian sects can keep that, but not our Holy Mother Church. Acoustic guitar? Personally I do not prefer it from the liturgy and it irks me, but I don't think you'll be able to convince the majority to hate it either. Outside the liturgy (e.g. Adoration for teens and youth?) Fine. At least it's not the Mass, and some of them can contribute their God-given talents to the Lord in the form of music. I think a sizeable portion of Catholics might agree with us, should we be able to discuss things rationally and be in a spirit of positivity, but not the whole Church. But I do agree .... many of those songs are garbage! They might have been cute when I was in my elementary school Gr. 4-6 choir for kids Masses. But as an adult, the Gather Hymnal and other songs I sung as a child do NOT elevate me to heaven and insult my intelligence as an adult. And generally, young people who do care about their faith would agree, even other Christians not in the Catholic Church! However I will not abandon my home parish just because of those songs, because I see many other fruits within the parish, and I am quite involved where I know that I can be a witness to the Faith and hopefully make a difference to the youth there, and show them what being a Glad Trad Catholic is all about.

    Thanks again, and God Bless.
