Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Brief reflection on Blog Stats: Purpose Accomplished

Hello Everyone.

I just wanted to show you some of the stats I obtained through my blogger analysis. Over a week's worth of stats, ending today, here's the top ten search terms that have led to my blog:

latin mass locations in gta
latin mass toronto
epiphany blessing
steven szakaczki
what mass srvers must known
+"latin mass" hypocrisy
catholic church altar items
clerical vestments
deep bow
extraordinary form • altar set-up to gospel

This is great. Save that weird hypocrisy hit, This means people are wanting to attend the Latin Mass, learn about Catholic traditions or specific objects, and parts or people pertaining to the Extraordinary Form. There is a need for such online coverage and people are wanting this information out there.

Here's the specific post viewings for this week:


As you can see, 3 of the top 5 viewings are for my altar serving information postings on how to serve the Latin Mass. The biggest, is my most popular serving post of all time, the General Altar Knowledge/Starter Points II part 2/3 posting. Second was my listings of the additional Latin Masses by organizations/parishes for the Feast of the Ascension this past Thursday in the EF liturgical Calendar.

This blog clearly is serving its purpose, and I am glad for that. It's filling that niche that people want in the Church, or your sheer curiosity. I just hope you are acting on that knowledge and contributing to the Extraordinary Form in your Sunday/daily worship or entering into altar serving. Thank you for stopping by.

Happy Ascension Sunday (Ordinary Form) or Sunday after the Ascension (Extraordinary Form).

Pax, Julian Barkin

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