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Monday, 18 March 2013

Breaking News! Altar Rails at SLTM coming to Fruition ...

Hello Everyone.

Thanks to the pastoral dream team of Fr. Roy Farrell and Fr. Steven Szakaczki of St. Lawrence the Martyr, bit by bit, the physical parish is rising up with regards to following "Lex orandi, Lex credendi." Although this Church was never devastated internally/externally into the architectural eyesores devoid of sacredness and beauty post mis-application of Vatican II, it did lose a few items in the process. One of them was the altar rails that surrounded the sanctuary.

Here`s a colour Photo of the original Sanctuary with the Altar Rails.

Today, most of those original elements still stay intact. This includes the stone backing with the Crucific, the actual altar, the Pulpit, the left and right alcoves with the statues (in their original paint colours), etc.

However as of this week or the last, as planned and was announced in the bulletin, ......... the building of the new altar rails has COMMENCED!!!!!!! Hat tip to Robin Cheung, veteran server and frequently mentioned here on S.U.D. for the picture. Here`s what he had to say on Facebook (abridged by me for the important parts:

Robin L. M. Cheung
Follow · 6 hours ago
+amgD Call it Grace--Fr. S didn't lie when he said the.Communion Rail would be delayed until next week--... these Workmen-- ... showed up and announced they wee here to begin installation...

And so, without further ado, the first picture for the new altar rails! (Cue music, ``O Fortuna``)

Unfortunately, I do not think they will be ready tomorrow for the St. Patrick`s Gregorian Choir Solemn Latin Mass, for the Feast of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary. Maybe they will be ready for the Triduum?

Pax, Julian.

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