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Monday, 25 March 2013

Any Easter Extraordinary Form Masses in the Latin Rite???

Hello Everyone.

When it comes to the Extraordinary Form in the Roman Rite, the Archdiocese of Toronto, unfortunately does not have options for attending the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite for the Holy Triduum in the areas of densest population.

The only "church" in the core that does this for the Triduum, is one NOT IN COMMUNION with the Catholic Church, under the SSPX. I will NOT recommend you attend their "services" as that can lead you to becoming schismatic and therefore endangering your soul and separating you from the Holy Mother Church. I covered this here in this posting after their leader came to Canada for the "Hamburg speech" this past  Octave of Christmas.

Being as I do my best to cover the EF Masses that are occurring in the core of the archdiocese, I tried to see if anyone was doing anything, either Latin Novus Ordo, or EF, for the Triduum.  Because of the scarcity of Latin Novus Ordo OR EF Masses that are licit AND VALID in the archdiocese for the Triduum, I will be doing my best super-sleuthing and going outside of the GTA (which I call "core" in my postings) to see what Masses are available in Latin.

Greater Toronto Area (Formerly the Six Municipalities)

In the core of the diocese, the Oratorians at Holy Family and St. Vincent De Paul, St. Lawrence the Martyr, and the lay-organized choirs, are NOT holding any Latin Triduum services. Regular EF Masses will resume for Easter Sunday at those locations.

Suffragan/Outskirts of the Archdiocese (e.g. Kinkora, Schomberg ...)
I was able via the Internet and some phone calling to find the following:

St. Patrick's, Schomberg, Ontario  
WEBSITE: http://www.spmchurch.ca/spmchurch.html

  • Good Friday: 10:00 AM Latin Mass. EF. Level of Mass is Unknown.
  • Easter Sunday: Usual 9:00 AM Missa Lecta

Carmel of the Infant Jesus, Zephyr (Covent of Dislaced Carmelite Nuns)
WEBSITE: On the nuns themsleves: http://www.myvocationislove.ca/fr01_welcome.htm
Their assocation that covers 20 convents including Zephyr: http://www.mary-queen-of-carmel-assoc.org/index.php
Pictures of the Convent and a mailing address: http://www.mary-queen-of-carmel-assoc.org/zephyr/index.php

In past this convent has had a priest and some servers go up to the convent to conduct the EF Mass. It is unknown if the Masses are made public to the community. Please contact the convent using the number at the links listed to inquire.

DIOCESE OF LONDON *Note: While I do not cover the diocese of London normally, I make an exception due to the scarcity of EF masses at this time in the liturgical calendar . Also, some EF participants in Toronto do have connections/ties/go out, to the Latin Mass community of London. 

St. Patrick's, Kinkora
WEBSITE: http://wp.dol.ca/webportal/parish/web/view_parish/St._Patrick_Parish_Kinkora/1/26

  • Holy Thursday - 7:30pm EF at St. Vincent De Paul, Mitchell (29 Park Lane Mitchell, phone 1-519-354-2972)
  • Good Friday - 3:00pm EF at St. Vincent De Paul, Mitchell
  • Easter Sunday - Usual 12pm Solemn Latin Mass at St. Patrick`s Kinkora.

Toronto Traditional Mass Society has updated listings here: http://unavocetoronto.blogspot.ca/2013/03/paschal-triduum-southern-ontario-ef.html


  1. The Tridentine Mass or Extraordinary Form is never available in the Easter, you HAVE to go to the SSPX Mass for attending Easter Tridentine Mass. This is because Summorum Pontificum specifically stated that the Mass of the Ages could not be celebreated in Easter, probably because of the Improperia that could offend the Jews.

    So, the only choice for Easter is either attending Latin Novus Ordo Mass or Tridentine Mass in SSPX.

    1. Carlos,

      Thanks for coming to the blog. I do have to discuss some of your points. I am taking your comment in the best light here and not thinking of anything malicious behind it, rather "this is what you have left for options." At least I hope you are doing so. I, However, I must mention a couple of things.

      I think you have misunderstood the following: "This is because Summorum Pontificum specifically stated that the Mass of the Ages could not be celebreated in Easter, probably because of the Improperia that could offend the Jews."

      You say that specifically S.P. mentions this. That is not so. I did not find that specifically anywhere in the document. This is what I found regarding the Triduum: "Art. 2. In Masses celebrated without the people, each Catholic priest of the Latin rite, whether secular or regular, may use the Roman Missal published by Bl. Pope John XXIII in 1962, or the Roman Missal promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1970, and may do so on any day with the exception of the Easter Triduum. For such celebrations, with either one Missal or the other, the priest has no need for permission from the Apostolic See or from his Ordinary."

      In other words, they cannot do the Triduum Masses in the EF privately. It must be public Masses.

      Furthermore, I spotted that you have the word "Have" in capital letters saying you must go to SSPX Masses for Easter. I can only hope that this was a habit and not an insistence with implications.

      I don't think you caught onto my Blog Rules. It was my first posting and you have to go to the Archives to get to it, but there is a rule I have had since its inception, and it was under "yellow flag" rules:
      - Any promotion of Latin Masses NOT said by a diocesan, valid and licit priest, or valid and licit effort. E.g. SSPX. I will not promote that on my site. I will be kind enough to warn you though not to do it again. I WILL ALLOW however tips from their serving as they might know things that start-ups in the Dioceses do not, with the TLM being something new to the diocese."

      So Carlos, you now know. Since I am sensing more of a "here's the situation" kind of thing, I'll say you do NOT have a warning infraction on you right now, rather you now are aware and are free to post again in future. Just keep that in mind before you either reply or comment again here on S.U.D. and please look for, and read, my blog rules. However, should you break this rule again, or any other ones, depending on their status, you will either be warned or "banned" from S.U.D.

      I hope you do have a good Easter otherwise.
