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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Happy New Year! Some Goals for This Blog in 2013

Hello Everyone!

I hope that you had a Holy and Blessed New Year, and went to a Latin Mass for your New Year's Obligation in Canada.

So a new year begins in 2013, and hopefully our Lord will bless our year with certain prosperity amidst the chaos and struggles of our lives, generally, and individually. I am hoping for better things career wise  and maybe personally.

As for Servimus Unum Deum, it will march onward in 2013, covering certain things I desire to get to as well as reports of our Latin Masses in our dioceses from the associations/groups I do serving with or others who will provide those reports.

I hope to cover the following in the year 2013:
- From my end: reports from events at St. Lawrence the Martyr and the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir when I serve with them, other parishes if I associate with them, and other solid orthodox Catholic events. Also reports from other serving groups/parishes if people post them or send them to me.

- Post other links and such from Traditional Catholic sites and on other Traditional Catholic issues.

- Altar serving things to be covered:

  • Complete the Q & A Part II for the parts of the Latin Mass
  • Submit the in progress posting for Starter Points II No. 2 about altar things and setting up the altar
  • Work on the Following positions: Torchbearer, Boat-bearer (non-necessary), Thurifer, Acolyte
  • Work on the Following Mass types alone: Low Mass (May take full year to gain enough competence to report on, so I'm not giving just information from books)
- Create a separate "Page" where one can easily Access my posts on the Latin Mass and serving tips so they don't need to scroll down my whole main page for old posts. 

- Continue to give updates for times and dates and locations for Solemn Latin Masses held within our diocese

- ??? if something urgent or necessary comes up ???

Hope to make 2013 a good year, Christ willing. Perhaps we collectively can all make a new year's resolution to attend more VALID AND LICIT, DIOCESAN Latin Masses. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian. 

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