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Friday, 5 October 2012

Cardinal Collins at Newman Center for Lectio Divina and Eucharistic Adoration on Thurs Oct 4, 2012

Hello All,

This isn't totally Latin Mass related, as this was more of a "Novus Ordo" type event. However, I will post this, because Collins is actually is pro-Latin Mass and has been from the beginning. Were it not for him, there would be no Latin Mass Chaplain at St. Lawrence the Martyr in Scarborough and no Latin Masses there, nor likely the other efforts in the diocese.

Further, this highly intelligent, intellectual, who values the YOUTH of our diocese greatly (wanting us all to be Evangelical Catholics as was said at OCY Summer weekend 2011), is under high scrutiny from Liberals under his charge (including clergy) and other elements of society that seek to demean him, evidenced in the events leading up to, and the responses post Bill 13. Please pray for Collins, for he is vital to the efforts of the EF/Latin Masses in the diocese and needs our support and defence in any matter possible.

So mentioning that, I will bring attention to an event I could not attend due to an interview, that our Cardinal conducted via the University of Toronto's Newman Centre. Newman Centres are Catholic outreach centres on a number of college and university campuses in North America, and it is highly often one will find vibrant, practising Catholics abound in these centres. These centres provides resources such as pastoral counselling  have their own attached parishes and priests or join up with a neighbouring diocesan parish, and hold other Catholic catechesis and social events (e.g. Bible study, Catechism classes, discussion groups, young adult groups ...)

+ Collins came last night to the Newman Centre to hold a Lectio Divina, or a "Divine Lesson" in Latin. L.D's are sessions led by a (hopefully skilled and learned) layperson or a clergy member, who takes the receptive attendees through prayer and meditation on a specific passage of Scripture. When each verse of the passage is broken down, anything could come from it, such as a reflection, a relation to a teaching from the Catechism, even a possible "enrichment" one can add to their prayer life or lesson to learn to enhance their practice of the Catholic faith. Having attended one of these sessions at the Cathedral in Toronto, I can endorse Collins' L.D's. In fact I must say this is an awesome strength the Cardinal possesses. In fact the first year that he brought this publicly to the diocese, with some instruction and enlightenment on the subject, can be found in his book, Pathway to Our Hearts: A Simple Approach to Lectio Divina With the Sermon on the Mount. Here's the link to one online store to buy the book, though there are other avenues to purchase it.

I wish I could report to you what happened there, but I have not spoken to my best friend in faith yet. However, I can provide you with a very poignant image, one that exemplifies the Cardinal and his mandate, and how he's being an example to us Latin Mass goers:
Picture taken from the Facebook page of the Newman Centre of the University of Toronto, Archdiocese of Toronto.

There is currently no reflection on the Newman Centre sites about this event. What I can say though is this is a powerful example of the reverence and care +Collins has for our Catholic faith. If Collins was acting, (as others criticize him in some dark corners of the traditional Catholic blogosphere or circles,) not in the best interest of the faith or all 'Spirit of Vatican II', do you think he'd show up to do a Lectio Divina, never mind Eucharistic Adoration which is 'gasp' a traditional Catholic practice??? He is clearly leading by example here. Yes we would all collectively like a bigger interest and more aid from our Cardinal for the Latin Mass, but at least it's safe to say he isn't afraid to walk the walk in expressing the Catholic faith, even with traditional practices deemed 'pre-Vatican II.'

On that note I hope the picture leaves you with enough to take from it. However, hear's the deal: First read my blog rules in my first post. Then, if you have to comment, do it constructively and in a Cardinal virtue kind of spirit. If you come out being all angry about the "Resurrefix" (personal note: I'm not in agreement with this) or criticize the Cardinal without a valid reason (e.g. liturgical abuse) or myself, the rules will be enacted depending on the gravity of the post.

Enjoy the picture.

Pax Tibi Christi. Julian.

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