Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Thursday, 27 October 2016



Hello everyone, 

As announced previously, the upcoming weekend will have the blessing of a Solemn Latin Mass/Extraordinary Form Mass, taking place in our Archdiocese of Toronto's St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica! It will take place this Sunday, at 2pm, at St. Michael's in Toronto, ON, Canada. 

Preparations have been taking place as the time draws closer to the day. I, your author and blogger, alongside a good number of other laymen, will be joining 7 awesome seminarians on the altar as well as three priests, or two priests and a deacon, in this Sacred Mass organized by St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, in commemoration of their 10th anniversary. 

For the serving end of the Mass, we have been in two major practices, the last being at the Cathedral Basilica this wednesday evening, with all seminarians and laymen present. Hence the photos taken above and below inside this magnificent building, the capital "flagship" of our Archdiocese. 

As for the musical end, practices have gone underway, and our professional choirmaster and organist, Surinder S. Mundra, has been attending to all necessary preparations leading up to that glorious day. 

I hope that many of you will attend and spread the word, despite only being a few days away.

For more coverage concerning the Mass, please see my original posting HERE

There is also a facebook page for the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, with the event page being here: https://www.facebook.com/events/683222405175712/ 

Coverage of the event has also been broad-casted on Traditionalist Blogs/news portals the New Liturgical Movement, Rorate Caeli, and Fr. John Zuhlsdorf's WDTPRS blog. 

Also, for any new comers/1st timers to the Latin Mass, you may want to browse my Question and Answers pages, which you will find under the "Collection of My Latin Mass ..." tab at the top of the blog pages. I just recently added a section about decorum (behaviour) and dress for the Latin Mass, though it should be for all Masses in any rite of the Church. You will find other guides, such as when to do responses and actions, how to use a hand missal or Mass booklet (of which St. Patrick's will be supplying a limited number for the Mass, first come first serve so arrive early!) etc.

May you be there on Sunday.

Deo Gratias, and Pax, Tibi Christ, Julian Barkin.

Basic Q and A for the Latin Mass Part V: Decorum and Dress for the Latin Mass ... Something that Should be for the Whole Church!

Basic Q and A Part V: Decorum and Dress for the Latin Mass ... Something that Should be for the Whole Church!

Hello everyone,

This post is dealing with a bit of a weighty issue regarding the Latin Mass: dress and decorum. I realize that some of you, might become upset at this post, whether you are a "trad" already or a first timer. Some of you will hurl insults st me, either because I will likely say something displeasing, or on the trad side look like I am enforcing stereotypes that hurt the Latin Mass

Know this, and this is a "trigger warning" for you sensitive folks: what I am discussing if for your benefit, so that for first timers, they will not be caught off guard, so that their experience is a spiritual one, and for those already in the know, to give advice to first timers, while at the same time fraternally correcting those who ruin the Latin Mass through giving credence to those stereotypes you deplore so much. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem so butt out and leave if you want to gripe. 

This post is for the benefit of bringing people in to Traditional Catholicism without the hypocrisy and works of the Devil others who truly do not Love Christ have brought onto others. 

And so here it goes. Time to describe the decorum and dress with regards to the Latin Mass, while bearing down some controversy and unruly a behavior all at once. 


If I had to make a summarize statement about the overall attitude of those who attend the Latin Mass, it's this: We take our Lord and His Sacred and Holy Mass seriously

If you have any friends from work or elsewhere, say Evangelical or Baptist Christians for example, and you have been with them for Sunday dinner, or perhaps gone with them to their "services", or seen people as such walking down the street, they are at the very least in more "fancy" casual wear like died jeans and a crisp shirt, but more likely in suit and tie for men, dressed/skirts and stockings for women, with maybe a fancy or large hat. 

The sights I've described, reflects that for those Christians, they have the right approach to Sunday! It is the Lords day, and may He be worshiped and revered and respected for all He has done! In Particular for our Lord, Jesus, our Saviour! 

At one time, most of those Catholics who attended Mass, before the 60's/70's of Vatican II, dressed up to properly respect the Lord in the Sacrifice of the Mass, as in Sundays, this awesome event of the Lord giving us the totality of his love was happening! This was the highlight of our week! The Most Sacred of all banquets! 

Unfortunately, not just solely attributed to Vatican II (a disgusting mistake made by Radicals who Misrepresent Traditonalists,)   cultural and liturgical priorities began to shift, along with an attitude that "Jesus loves me no matter what!" "You don't need to show off in fancy clothes for him, we all die together anyways so screw fancy things for him in Mass!" 

Sadly, that has gone, along with the dispersion of doctrine, decorum, respect, etc. that once surrounded the Catholic Church culture and beliefs of the faithful. 

As for decorum, that has also been lost from the Church. Generally, most people think that anywhere, including the main worship space of the Church, is a great time to chat with your friends, play with your phone or read that last e-mail before the Mass starts, and even to do running commentary during the Mass. What ever happened to respecting our Lord in the tabernacle, and preparing ourselves in prayer for the ultimate unbloody sacrifice to take present on the altar? What ever happened to thanking our Lord for the greatest gift he can give us on earth from the Mass, His Flesh and Blood, the TOTALITY OF ALL HIS DIVINE LOVE, in the form of the Eucharist confected on the altar? 

And so that brings me to my points about decorum and dress with the Latin Mass, as one will find, it's quite different an atmosphere than one is used to. 


Why Do it? 

First and foremost, it is a sign and show of respect for our Saviour, who gave himself Body and Blood for our eternal salvation. Here at Mass every Sunday, we become re-presented with the most pivotal acts of our Lord, in his Passion, Death, and Resurrection. This is the highest form of prayer that we have in this world, and a taste of the heavenly banquet. 

This is a central part of dressing up for Mass. an analogy might help here, that I have used before. Let's say Prime Minister Trudeau invited you to a private dinner at 24 Sussex Drive, the house of the Prime Minister. His private chefs, trained at the Cordon Bleu in France are making the most exquisite meal for you with the finest ingredients and skill. Would you show up in T-shirt and jeans? NO! This would be disrespectful to everyone involved and insult Mr Trudeau, unless as the poorest of the poor, that is all you have and Mr Trudeau was aware at the time. Drawing the analogy closer to Christ, you would not do the same either to Queen Elizabeth, or Prince Charles in England would you? 

So why should the King of Kings, Christ, be treated any differently from Earthly Kings? Should we, if we were to dress up for earthly kings/queens and dignitaries of countries, deal differently with our Lord? Most would agree by that logic that the answer is no. 

Alright, now that you hopefully understand why better dress is preferred in the Latin Mass, here is where I'm giving you an honest opinion how to respect the environment of the Latin Mass in what you wear. While no Abracious Abners (to use a character from LifeTeen Inc who could be coined a "radical Traditionalist,") or cranky Cordelia's (old batty ladies ... and sadly some young ones too,) have no right to commit sins of pride, slander, and bullying on you, it would be best to understand the decorum/dress so you can truly partake in the Latin Mass more easily. 

What Constitutes Appropriate Dress?

Please be advised that if one is so financially strapped they cannot afford clothing/shoes of a specific kind, then obviously you wear what you have to the Latin Mass. I am cognoscente that the Latin Mass is NOT to be for elite and trendy people and that it's for everyone. I am just giving the best suggestions overall for proper decorum and dress. Basically, its all about minding the respect of each other's minds and souls around you. 


For guys, while revealing "skin" isn't the norm, wearing muscle shirts/tight tees, even a skin hugging couture button down would be somewhat scandalous to women. Mass is not a marketplace whereby one "shops" for ladies in an aggressive manner via the showing of their fit bodies. Also, wearing most casual clothing, those with slogans of a sexual nature or graphics of the sort wouldn't be a good idea. Personally, I include those tight hipster pants/jeans. They come dangerously close to being like women's leggings. Seriously, leave the hipster couture at home. Guys, let the women focus on Christ, not your abs and biceps of Vanity. 

For men, of course the "gold standard" would be a full suit and tie for western dress, and dress shoes that match the suit in modest styles and tones. However for those not willing to dip in so far yet, I would recommend a golf shirt in the summer, a crisp regular button down shirt in the winter for men's top, and chinos/slacks for bottoms, with black socks. 

In a desperate pinch, a young man could rely on their school uniform for clothes. As for shoes ... sneakers and running shoes wouldn't be appreciated, but rather a more dressier shoe. Obviously if you have problems of the feet, and you must wear such shoes, or are a handicapped person, then that is a valid and worthy exception. Dress shoes are always best, but perhaps for the summer, a slip on dress shoe/loafer can do (not the kind for boating and sailing!). Obviously it's best to dress children as best as possible, but if naughty and rambunctious Ronald is having a horrible day, and if it's the difference between Velcro shoes and his fancy booties that gets you on time for Mass, go with the Velcro.


As for women, I'm going on what I have seen worn at these Masses, as well as by women of
excellent modesty, taste and self-esteem. While there is not exactly an obvious "gold standard," those who are super serious or more extreme in the trad movement, tend to wear shin/ankle length dresses with hosiery, dress shoes, full length tops, and the mantilla of which I'll cover separately a little later. 

Personally, and this is my opinion as sole author of this blog and firmly anti-radical Traditionalism, I get put off by this style of dress due to the fact that the SSPX, who are not in union with the Church, make their women dress this way. It conveys a creepy Christian cult vibe, although the main message is modesty. As for you, dear reader who isn't an SSPX adherent ... if you choose to dress this way, go ahead. That's your call and likely you do it honestly. 

What about the opposite extreme? Obviously, most modern fashions are not appropriate. Many are tight fitting, and shirts are low cleavage or reveal the stomach. As youth ministries tend to say, your stomach, like Mary's, is a tabernacle that bears life, as Mary bore our Lord. It is a sacred and vital part of a woman's body that should be treated with respect. Leggings would be a bit of a fine line. Say if a women wore a skirt down or close to the knees with leggings or a dress, and say a good pair of boots, OK. Done right it is quite modest and modern in fashion. Unfortunately many young girls wear them as pants. Following the saying "Leggings are not pants" would go a long way. 

You might think I'm sexist in what I've said, but let's face it ... the midriff shirt for guys died in the 80's and they don't wear leggings ... though some pants come close in the hipster world. In summary, you want your attention, and guys attention on the Lord, and not in a way you wouldn't want. 

However, what would be more appropriate from a modern or vintage type of perspective? I will let this poster that is present in the narthex of a Church I've been at and mentioned a number of times, St. Lawrence the Martyr: 


It's actually a good summary sheet for both sexes. And if you just aren't the type for skirts, modern office pants, an office suit, and modest tops would be an excellent choice. And regardless of what you hear, pants, as long as they are not tight, ARE acceptable. The Cranky Cordelia's and Abracious Abners are wrong to judge you and insult you for doing it. 


If you have ever been to a Latin Mass, or sometimes becoming increasingly more common, you will see fancy/laced kerchifs that cover the back and sides of a women's head on some ladies. This item is called a mantilla.  It looks like this:

There is a scriptural basis for wearing the Mantilla (http://www.catholic.com/blog/matt-fradd/what-happened-to-head-coverings-at-mass ) as in 1 Cor. 11:2-16: 

"2 I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions just as I handed them on to you. 3 But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the husband[a] is the head of his wife,[b] and God is the head of Christ. 4 Any man who prays or prophesies with something on his head disgraces his head, 5 but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head—it is one and the same thing as having her head shaved. 6 For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or to be shaved, she should wear a veil. 7 For a man ought not to have his head veiled, since he is the image and reflection[c] of God; but woman is the reflection[d] of man. 8 Indeed, man was not made from woman, but woman from man. 9 Neither was man created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man. 10 For this reason a woman ought to have a symbol of[e] authority on her head,[f] because of the angels. 11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man or man independent of woman. 12 For just as woman came from man, so man comes through woman; but all things come from God. 13 Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head unveiled? 14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair, it is degrading to him, 15 but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering. 16 But if anyone is disposed to be contentious—we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God. "

In Church history, which is stated well here (http://catholicinsight.com/to-wear-or-not-to-wear-church-veils-and-mantillas/,) a mantilla, or some form of head covering (e.g. Wealthy ladies wearing elegant, large sized hats,) was mandatory by Church/Code in Canon (CIC) Law for females in Mass. After the 1983 CIC edition was released, this law was abolished. 

Now, if you do go to a Latin Mass, most serious Trad ladies will wear this, and some grouchy angry seniors may chastise you for not wearing one as a woman. So is it mandatory?

The short answer is NO. No one has the right to insult you and hurt you for not wearing one to the Latin Mass. Again if you are being harassed, get to the nearest spot away from the person acting in prideful sin, or bring it to the attention of an usher, security guard or priest. If the people in responsibility do nothing, then don't bother supporting that community, and if necessary, report the incident in detail to the bishop. A Latin Mass community and/or priest steeped in the Devil's
machinations in spite of the Holy Mass and tabernacle, deserves to be shut down and/or the priest reprimanded for such cruelty. 

However, women wearing the mantilla is part of the Latin Mass culture and practices that have carried into today's carrying out of the EF Mass. 

So why should one wear a mantilla to the Latin Mass, even outside in the Novus Ordo/everyday vernacular mass?

This website, which was the source of the picture above, is a well thought out dialogue of a vibrant, young Catholic woman's debate as to why or why not to wear the mantilla. She explains the pro's very well, including supporting scripture. 

In summary as to why to wear it:
- It's part of the Latin Mass cultural practices at the time, allowed under Summorum Pontificum, alongside only males on the altar.
- Wearing the mantilla will aid in keeping us males' attention on our Lord and the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass on the altar. 
- Scripture supports it above in 1 Corinthians 11: 2-16. 
- It is one of the many beautiful and holy traditions that passes along our Catholic Faith. Our traditions are not pointless and are often based in conveying virtue, teachings of our Faith, and gives us a Catholic "identity" different from the rest of the world. 
- It's quite "Marian." Mary is depicted as being veiled. You imitate the Blessed Virgin Mother of Christ! You also reflect the "bride" of Christ in the Church.
- They are quite beautiful to behold to the eyes ... aren't they?
But what about NOT wearing he mantilla?

Apologist Michelle Arnold, who attend the Latin Mass, works for North America's largest Catholic apostolate devoted to apologetics (education about, and defense of the Catholic Faith,) Catholic Answers, provides interesting arguments and what turns people off to such a practice here: 

Besides it not being enforced by Church law, there are some other reasons for not wearing it, from
my perspective. 

First as a new person to the Latin Mass, it might be best to just concentrate on getting familiar with the flow of the Mass, using the Missal, etc. without getting flustered over one's appearance or other details, like you must get all the "boxes checked off on a list" to experience the solemnity of the Latin Mass. This is the wrong approach, one sadly adhered to in word and deed by Radical Traditionalists, clergy or laity.  

The Mass itself is the source of God's saving grace and the foretaste of Heaven in the Eucharist and the Sacred Blood, not in being the perfect physical specimen. Not wearing a mantilla will in no way make you unable to receive the Eucharist (rather, that is due to mortal sin and not refraining from food 1hr before communion does.) If you become easily nervous in that way, or are a more compulsive type, adding an extra like the mantilla may not be wholesome to you and personally distract you from being fully attending to the Mass. 

Another reason is vanity. A mantilla itself does not make one vain, nor does it automatically make you holier than others. In that same stroke, just wearing one, but wearing immodest clothes, doesn't make you better than one without it ... you are still immodest. If you are prone to the sins of vanity and imprudent judgement of others, a mantilla may then become a source of sin. You should add this element then, once you address your spiritual weakness. 

A final reason, may be simply that you do not feel drawn to wearing one, and are comfortable as you are in worshiping the Lord in the Latin Mass. At that I say, good! You are fine not to wear the mantilla and are not bound under Church law or sin to wear one for the Latin Mass. 

In short, there are many good reasons to wear a mantilla, but one should not feel ashamed to show up at a Latin Mass if its not their calling. Rightfully so other frequent attendees should respect those not wearing the mantilla, and perhaps in Christian friendship, or during the post-mass social, if one is interested, explain why they wear the mantilla. 


Along the same lines of dress, the decorum of the Latin Mass, one which should also be administered to the everyday Mass/Novus Ordo, is also to reflect the seriousness of the Holy Mass. 

Another sad facet of today's attendance at Catholic Mass, is the lack of seriousness before and after, even during the Mass. Generally speaking, Mass is treated as a giant social gathering where anytime is acceptable to fraternize with one's neighbours. 

Mass, however, despite the banquet analogy used earlier, is not a party. In light of knowing this is the ultimate sacrifice of our Lord to happen, we should be drawing our attention to Him in his Holy Sacrifice. When you arrive before a Latin Mass, the moment you enter the body of the Church, vs the narthex which is the Church's "back lobby" so to speak, you will find people kneeling or sitting in prayerful reflection before the Lord at which is to come. 

To put it on perspective, think of an athlete, a performer, or someone about to give a talk. They mentally prepare themselves before the actual performance or sport by a number of means .... of which in fact, prayer is common. They stand in front of their dressing mirror room in silence, going about their parts or lines or how they will execute whatever they are doing. Some commentators call this, the "pre-game" ritual in sports. Those who are Christian/Catholic athletes, even consider this their prayer before their "prayer" in the glorification of God via their athletic performance, of which is how they express to themselves and the world His presence in this plane of existence. 

Do you see now why such a "serious" tone is taken before Mass? Because what is happening here, is the highest form of prayer on earth, and those who do this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, know this and want to give it their mental and spiritual "best" as it were for Him who sacrificed himself on the Cross. They want to put the all into this for Him! 

As for during the Mass, IT is happening on the altar. It is not the time for socialization unless absolutely necessary (e.g. A child who is fussy or needs to go to the bathroom.) You will also notice this among the ministers and acolytes/servers up on the altar. They are not bored, fidgeting, or spacing out (we hope,) they are firm in posture with eyes drawn toward the Holy Sacrifice happening on the Altar. When not holding objects their hands are in prayer position or on their knees to indicate full cooperation. This is not only for themselves .... this is part of their duty, to assist you, the faithful in paying full attention and prayer to the action on the altar. It's as if they are saying "hey something BIG is happening here!Pray and be alert"

As for when Mass is said and done, most people stay for a time in silence and prayer, to thank the Lord, Son of God, for the Mass and for his Sacrifice on the Cross and receiving his Holy Gift of the Eucharist, the foretaste of Heavenly Bliss in Heaven. Sadly, most of us don't do this, and just walk out like "the play is over," or rush over to our friends/family on other pews to talk. 

Thing is, the Lord didn't just go away after Mass was done. You know that golden or wooden box the priests put the remaining Hosts in? He's there in the Tabernacle, Truly And Really present! So when people go and chat IN THE NAVE, unfortunately it is ignoring the most important important person in the room: the King and Host of the Holy Banquet.

Hence, when you do come to a Latin Mass, don't be offended by the quiet before and during Mass. it is people showing their love and respect in prayer, and reflecting before and after on His Ultimate Sacrifice and Love He gave us in the Act and in His Holy Eucharist, the totality of his Love. Now, of course once you arrive and are in the narthex or the basement, before and after Mass, feel free to fraternize and develop that showing of community! Don't be a stranger and leave after the Mass (save necessary, lengthy travel,) stay a while and prove those naysayers wrong that we Catholics aren't warm and social! 

I said enough above earlier that you get the general idea how Latin Mass attendees act, but you should be applying both a respectable sense of dress and decorum to all Masses in the Church. 

Decorum, Rules of thumb:

•Save socialization for before/after Mass, and socials

•If necessary to talk in the body, it should be something in a low tone/whisper, say an usher helping a lay person for pews, giving out Mass booklets, etc. 

•Mass commentary should be dropped as well as snark and crude comments about other Mass attendees or the priest during the Mass. This is the most sacred event in life and to abuse it for sin is crucifying Christ again on the Cross. 

•Are you a fan already of the Latin Mass? Unless the priest is giving gross negligence to the Mass, it's not your authority or experience to criticize how Father says the Mass. Not every priest did the Latin Mass the same pre-Vatican II and you shouldn't expect it even more now that it's being regenerated. 

•The same goes for laity who don't do everything you do for the Latin Mass (e.g dress, gestures.) If you don't have a badge that shows you have a job as an archdiocesan policeman or an attorney with the power to sue, keep your comments to yourself, do an examination of conscience and ask why you are hateful of those "lesser" than you. Newsflash: it isn't the other person. If you truly give a care about spreading this tool of the New Evangelization, one evil word or deed may turn a person off forever to Catholic Tradition. 

•Be as respectful as possible during Mass. If you need help, ask more experienced people at the right time, and look to regulars (who aren't acting crazy or over doing actions) for proper cues. Don't forget to make use of the red Missalettes and printed Mass books of the whole Mass for guidance. 

•If anyone starts barking on about hating the Pope or Vatican II or Church politics in a bad way, leave them politely to their own corner. It's no sense to engage with those who have fallen to darkness. If they continue to make you uncomfortable, they are harassing you. Get an usher or a priest immediately to remedy the situation. If the priest is not helping you but aiding the harasser, then that is a community to avoid in future and a priest worth reporting to the diocesan office. 

•Finally, be positive cheerful, and happy. Show that in the Latin Mass the Joy of the Gospel is found, and that most people who do this aren't "pickled-face peppers" who go about acting as if it were "Lent without Easter" as pope Francis has said. 


I hope that in this post, I've covered the bases as to how and what is best for attending the Latin Mass in terms of decorum (behavior) and dress. 

Realize that my intentions were in no way to anger you as some sort of Mass or Church police. If you truly think so, then perhaps you should look elsewhere or simply stay at the Novus Ordo Mass if this all is an occasion of the sin of anger. 

If anything, it is mainly twofold why I made this weighty post:

1.To aid you in honouring and glorifying the Lord in the Mass, not just the Latin Mass, but also in any rite's Mass in the Church. Does the Lord love us as we are, broken, weak, and needy? Yes. But conserving the ultimate Sacrifice He made Freely on the Cross for our salvation, under vile and inhuman treatment at the hands of the Roman Empire, and THE most glorious food there is in this world in the Eucharist, the totality of his love, can we not just do a small part, even to our discomfort, to adore him and say, "thank you?" Yes we can! And we do that in dress and behavior at the Mass, which is a part of the whole in living a full Life in Christ, and having a deep and personal relationship with Him. 

2.To address many of these issues, including the "hot topic" ones of the Latin Mass, but also in a way that calls out those extremists who are judgemental elitists that ruin the whole Mass and movement by being policemen. At the least I've covered more "why" to do this and where this goes wrong. That way, you as a lay member understand properly why these actions are part of the Latin Mass culture, and where things go wrong. 

Regardless I hope you found this post informative, and will allow to prepare not only how to arrive at the Latin Mass and act, but as a whole how to approach our Lord and Saviour in the great Banquet, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, at any Catholic Church in any form of a rite, or another rite. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Hello Everyone!!!

The countdown is on!!!

It is just a day less than three weeks away from the awesome event to occur in liturgical and Church history, happening in my Archdiocese of Toronto: A Solemn Latin Mass to take place with His Eminence present and as the homilist/preacher for the Sermon! I must also say that there is now a poster for this event, produced by St. Patrick`s Gregorian Choir for dismissal. Feel free to distribute, email, etc:

There is also a facebook page for the event, by the way, found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/683222405175712/

I do hope that you will attend this glorious event that will reach the heavens! Deo Gratias!!!

In the meantime, as I continue to post reminders here on the blog, I've decided I'll try to release some helpful hints and advice for the Latin Mass. I realize that with an event of such note, due to the presence of the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto, some of you will be attending the Latin Mass for the first time.

You may not be familiar with what to do or say in the Latin Mass, what the "culture/atmosphere" will be like, and it will vary somewhat from your regular Mass in the Ordinary Form/Novus Ordo, and you'd perhaps, like to not look as nervous and out of place, looking for others for cues.

For the Latin Mass when I first started this blog, I did a series of Q and A postings, originally to help people navigate the Mass. The collection can be found above at the top of the blog in the "COLLECTION OF MY LATIN MASS QUESTION AND ANSWER POSTS AND ALTAR SERVING POSTS" tab. However I've also included the hyperlink anyways.

This week, I decided to create a new post, that lists the responses you may/will make during the Latin Mass, and some of the actions and postures you will need to make. While the level of this mass is "Solemn," the most common, large scale level Mass type for Sundays and Major Feast days, I also included the Low Mass, as this is often the daily Mass that is done in the Extraordinary Form, should you venture to a Latin Mass holding parish outside of Sundays/Feast Days.

The post is here: http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2016/10/basic-q-and-for-latin-mass-part-iv-how.html, and is now added to the collection page.

Enjoy the aids. May they be of use to you as you prepare for this major event.

Pax tibi Christ, Julian Barkin.

Basic Q and A for the Latin Mass Part IV: How to Stand, Sit, etc. During the Latin Mass

Hello Everyone.

You might be wondering, being the Latin Mass, just how, as a layperson in the pews, when to properly sit, stand, etc. when the Latin Mass is going on. You might know of, or noticed some differences between the Mass you go to (the "Novus Ordo" or the everyday Mass in your language,) and the Latin Mass.

This post is to tell you when and what you do at the points in the Latin Mass, so that you do not feel as awkward in attending a Latin Mass, or being entirely dependent on your veteran friend for cues, so you can experience the Mass more, with less stress and confusion.

Basically, there are two versions of the postures and stances of the Latin Mass: 1) Low Mass, and 2) High Masses, Solemn Masses, and Pontifical Masses.

I will describe to you, what you do, which is based on a guide given with my Baronius Press 2010 reprint of the 1962 "The Roman [Hand] Missal" for laity. If the community or priest allows for it (encouraged by Summorum Pontificum, and efforts such as the St. Edmund Campion Missal for more dialogue/singing in the EF) Responses will be in Navy Blue, P for priest, and V for voices of the Laity. Everything else is in black text.

These responses are only for the NORMAL variant of the Latin Mass, and not those with processions, requiems, or other variants.

The Beginning of Mass to Before the Scriptures

ENTRANCE (Procession) and the Asperges (blessing with Holy Water)
  • Low Mass: You stand or kneel according to the local custom. There is no Asperges for the Low Mass on Sundays.
  • Higher Level Masses: You stand for both the entrance procession and during the Asperges ritual.
  • Vesting of the Priest: You sit until the priest rises from the sedilia (chair), fully vested
  • When priest returns from Vesting: You then stand at attention until the priest goes to the foot of the altar for the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar. 
- The priest will go to the center of the sanctuary, below the steps leading up to the altar (the predellae) and say prayers of repentance/contrition. 
  • All Types of Masses: When the priest reaches the altar, regardless of the Mass level, you will kneel. If in a Low Mass you are not kneeling, you start to kneel here. Otherwise you remain kneeling. In the Higher Masses, you kneel at this point. 
  • Responses ??? Usually, the Confiteor (Penitential Rite) is NOT said aloud by the laity during Masses but rather the altar server(s) in the Low Mass, or is sung by the Choir in Higher Masses. In communities/parishes where such strictness is not the norm, you may say/sing the response as follows, at the 2nd confiteor (that of the server, usually):
    • V: Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi Pater. Quia peccavi nimis cogitatione verbo, et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. (beat breast with right hand at each Mea ... culpa) Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et te Pater, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum Nostrum.
  • Low Mass: Remain Kneeling
  • Higher Level Masses: Remain kneeling.
  • Responses ??? If permitted to do so, you respond each time after the priest. Watch out for the middle part though, as you will start and end the second triplet, the "Christe elesion:"
    • P. Kyrie eleison. V. Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison.
    • V. Christe eleison. P. Christe eleison. V. Christe eleison.
    • P. Kyrie eleison. V. Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison.

GLORIA ("... In Excelsis Deo")
  • Low Mass: You continue to kneel.
  • Higher Level Masses: You take your cues from the priest(s), mainly the celebrant. If he stands, you will stand as well. If the priest sits, so will you. There will also be points in the Gloria as sung by the choir, where the priests will take off their birettas or bow their heads. These are say, for example, at the name of Jesus ("Iesus" pronounced e-yea-zeus), and some other points in the prayer. 
  • Responses ???: Should you be permitted to say/sing the Gloria along with the Priest/choir, the prayer in Latin is as follows. Regardless if your community/priest allows or does not allow for responses from the laity, you may do the actions in the navy blue:
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (slight bow). Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Laudamus te. Benedicimus te. Adoramus (slight bow) te. Glorificamus te. Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam. Domine Deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens. Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe (slight bow). Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris, Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram (slight bow). Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus. Tu solus Dominus. To solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe (slight bow). Cum Sancto Spiritu (+ sign of the cross with priests) in gloria Dei Patris. Amen.
COLLECT - Whatever position you were in at the Gloria's end, you remain as such.

The Scriptures until the Offertory

THE EPISTLE (Non-Gospel Scripture Reading), THE GRADUAL/TRACT (Chanting after the Epistle)
  • Low Mass: You remain kneeling. 
  • Higher Level Masses: You will sit in the pews. 

  • ALL Masses: You will stand for this portion until the Gospel is finished, the same as the Novus Ordo Mass. You will know this part has been reached in higher Masses when the servers start gathering in various places, and the thurifer (and boat bearer if present) are helping to get the thurible prepared with the priest on the altar. You will be seated after the Gospel has been read for the Homily/Sermon. 
CREDO/The Creed
  • Low Mass: Stand at the Low Mass. However, when the passage, "Et Incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: Et homo factus est" is said, you kneel until it is completed. 
  • Higher Level Masses: Like the Gloria, the priest dictates your posture. When he stands, you stand. When he sits, you sit. Like the Low Mass, when the passage, "Et Incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: Et homo factus est" is said, you kneel until it is completed. If the priests are sitting when the Incarnatus is said, they will take off their birettas and bow their heads. 
  • All Masses, Responses ???: The priest will kiss the altar, and turn to the people to say: 
    • P: `Dominus Vobiscum.``
    • If permitted, you can say with the servers/choir: V: Et cum spiritu tuo.
    • There may be a bell after the priest says "Oremus" in the Mass. You will then get up and sit in your pews
  • During the actual part of the offertory, the same as the Novus Ordo until you process further into the second part of the Mass (Mass of the Faithful/Liturgy of the Eucharist,) you remain seated.

The Offertory Until Communion

  • Higher Masses Only: At a Missa Cantata/Sung Mass and higher, the thurifer will come down from the sanctuary, and approach the body of the Church in the center of the main aisle. 
    • You will stand up. 
    • You will bow your head when he does. He will then incense the laity with three single swings. 
    • After, you bow again with the thurifer before he returns to the sanctuary. Once  he begins to return, you will sit again. 
  • All Masses: You will remain seated. Should you be allowed to say the Our Father, you will say with the servers:
    • V: Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui, ad utilitatem quoque nostram, totiusque Ecclesiae suae sanctae.
    • The Servers respond, or you may sing with the choir if permitted: V: "Sed libera nos a malo."
    • The priest will say after, P: "Amen"
- There are no changes in posture at this point. 
- After the priest has said the "secret" prayer, he will say or sing, "Per omnia saecula saeculorum"
- If permitted to respond with the server, you will say, V: Amen.

- The priest, after doing the Secret prayer and responses, will hold both hands over the altar. 
  • Responses: 
    • The Priest says, or sings in higher Masses, P: "Per omnia saecula saeculorum." 
    • The servers say, or everyone says, or sings in higher Masses, V: "Amen"
- The priest will hold both hands over the altar. 
  • Posture:
    • Low Masses: The laity will remain sitting.
    • Higher Level Masses: The laity will stand. 
  • Responses:
    • P says/sings in higher Masses: "Dominus Vobiscum." The servers respond, or all responds/sing in higher Masses, V: "Et cum spiritu tuo.
    • P says/sings in higher Masses: "Sursum Corda." The servers respond, or all responds/sing in higher Masses, V: "Habemus ad Dominum."
    • P says/sings in higher Masses: "Gratias agamus Domino Deo Nostro." The servers respond, or all responds/sing in higher Masses, V: "Dignum et justum est."
THE SANCTUS (Holy, Holy, Holy ...)
- Here servers will kneel around the altar. One server will ring a bell three times, one for each Sanctus. The priest in the Low Mass normally says the Sanctus, while in higher Masses, the choir normally sings the Sanctus.

  • Posture:
    • All Masses: The laity kneels with the clergy and servers.  
  • Responses ???
    • If you are allowed to sing with the choir, or do to dialogue with the priest, you may say the Sanctus: "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli, et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis."
- This is said/sung by the priest or main celebrant normally. 
  • Posture: 
    • All Masses: The laity stays kneeling.
  • Responses
    • When the priest says, "... Et ne nos inducas in tentationem," The servers in Low Mass (all if allowed to "dialogue,") or everyone in higher level masses replies: V: "Sed libera nos a malo." 
FRACTION OF THE HOST (after Libera Nos)
- The priest will hold a particle of the Host in his right hand over the Chalice, held in his left hand. 

  • Posture: 
    • All Masses: The laity stays kneeling.

  • Responses
    • When the priest says or sings, ``Per omnia saecula saeculorum,`` you reply V: ``Amen``
- After your last reply, the priest will make the Sign of the Cross 3x with the Particle over the chalice. 

  • Posture: 
    • All Masses: The laity stays kneeling.

  • Responses
    • When the priest says or sings, ``Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum``, the servers reply (all if allowed to ``dialogue,``) or all reply by saying, singing V: ``Et cum spiritu tuo.``
- This is usually sang or said by the choir. While some people would strike their breasts at this point with the priest, this is actually not done by the laity. It is only done by the priest. 
  • Posture: 
    • All Masses: The laity stays kneeling.
  • Responses ???
    • If you are allowed to sing with the choir, or do to dialogue with the priest, you may say the Agnus Dei:
      • ``Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: miserere nobis.`` Repeat this a second time. . Then ``Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: dona nobis pacem.``

  • Posture:
    • All Masses: The laity stays kneeling.
  • Responses ???
    • If you are allowed to do dialogue with the priest or in the Mass, you may say the prayer along with the servers, three times, where you pat your chest once each time:
      • ``Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea.``


In receiving communion at the Latin Mass, you are to approach the designated ``altar rail`` on your knees and you receive on the tongue. 

The priest will say a longer prayer than ``The Body of Christ`` one is used to at the Novus Ordo. You do not reply, ``Amen`` after he is finished, and you receive the Blessed Sacrament on your tongue. 

Once finished, return to your seat in the pew, kneel, and say prayer in this time of deep reflection, and the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament within you. 


Low Mass
- The people remain kneeling. If allowed to dialogue, alongside the altar servers, the words of the priest and the replies are as follows:
  • P. Dominus vobiscum. S. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Ite, Missa est. S. Deo gratias.
High Mass
- The people will stand at this part of the Mass. The responses are the same as with the low Mass.

Solemn Mass
- Because there is a deacon present among the three clergy, there is some variance to how the ending is pronounced. The deacon will sing the ``Ite, Missa Est,`` and the reply ``Deo Gratias`` is sung back by all in attendance. As for posture, the laity stand for the dismissal.

In the High/Solemn Masses, after the dismissal blessing, you kneel once again. The priest/celebrant will then bow down before the altar once more for prayer, then turns to the people and says/sings: "Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus" while making the sign of the cross with his hands. you reply, V: "Amen"

- During this part, the priest/celebrant will return to the Gospel side of the altar (the left if you are looking at it,) and read from the "Last Gospel" altar card. 
  • Posture:
    • ALL MASSES: The laity stands when the Priest reads the Last Gospel. Upon reaching the part, "Et verbum caro factum est," all will kneel with the Priest. When the priest gets up, everyone stands.
- When the priest is about to exit with the entourage of servers and other clergy if present, 
  • Posture:
    • Low Masses: The laity will either stand or kneel according to local custom.
    • Higher Level Masses: The laity will remain standing.


I hope that you have found this postures and responses guide useful, so that you at least have the basic idea about what to do and say at the Latin Mass. 

May you begin to take part in this spiritual treasure of the New Evangelization. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.