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Sunday, 27 October 2013

REPORT: LITURGICAL HISTORY MADE!!! Solemn Latin Mass at Newman Center in the Archdiocese of Toronto October 27, 2013

Hello Everyone.

The liturgical wheels are grinding once again for the Latin Mass choirs in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The first Solemn Latin Mass to start the season was organized by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society back on October 7, 2013, with a Solemn TLM commemorating the Battle of Lepanto at St. Cecilia's Catholic Church.

Today, another Solemn Latin Mass was held in our Archdiocese of Toronto, in a location of important note. This afternoon at 315pm , a Solemn TLM was held in the Newman Center at the University of Toronto, via its St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel.

Newman Center at University of Toronto
For those of you who are not familiar with the center, or stick to the Extraordinary Form only, the Newman Center (and its chapel) is an Archdiocesan property in the heart of the University of Toronto, St. George (downtown) campus. The Newman Center house was built in 1809/1891 and the adjacent chapel was built in 1926/1927. Both properties have together ministered to the Catholic students of the University of Toronto for decades, and have also seen their fair share of architectural development (more the chapel) and liturgical change alongside the Catholic Church. The St. Thomas Aquinas chapel became an official parish of the Archdiocese of Toronto in 1995.

Newman Center provides solid, orthodox Catholic ministry to students and working young professionals. The center, through the chapel, provides daily 12:15pm, and Sunday Novus Ordo Masses at 11am and 7pm, for the students, with confessions before Mass. While I haven't been to a Sunday Mass yet, I have attended their Novus Ordo weekday Masses. I will say that you will find a similar tranquility and sacredness to the Low Mass of the EF in those Masses, celebrated by the pastor of the Newman Center, Fr. Chris Cauchi. The Center also provides a great range of programming such as opportunities for catechesis/spiritual nourishment, intramural teams, and even social events. In its multi-faceted approach, the Newman Center has become a home and vibrant community for myself and other young adults in the archdiocese. I am proud to say, these other fellow youth are my best group of Catholic friends that I frequently associate with. They are not Judases or hypocrites in their practice of the Faith. Rather, They are role models for fellow Catholic youth to aspire to in their obligation and devotion to Mass, their passion for the True Catholic Faith, and their warmth and openness in being a Catholic community.  For more information please check out http://www.newmantoronto.com/ for their main site, and http://chaplaincy.newmantoronto.com/ for the student specific portion. They can also be found on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/newmanchaplaincy.

Today, liturgical history in the Archdiocese of Toronto was made at the Newman Center St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel. While a Missa Cantata/high Mass was held back in 2009 when the Fraternal Society of St. Peter did a mission here in the (failed) hopes of a possible apostolate, in all likelihood, never, since the establishment of the Novus Ordo and the liturgical changes after Vatican II, has a Solemn Latin Mass been held at the center (again? anyone can clarify this from decades past???) ..... UNTIL NOW.

The Mass at Newman Center Chapel ... Not like the others ....

The St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, under the direction of Surinder S. Mundra, organized a Solemn Latin Mass for the Feast of Christ the King in the EF calendar. This was quite an exciting change of pace for the choir, as this would be a Mass in the Heart of the downtown Toronto, which also would be even more accessible to the young adults, a group in dire need of ministry in the Church today.

However, there was some logistical issues that needed to be contended with. The chapel had undergone a number of renovations since Vatican II, with such things as it's tabernacle and EF style altar moved to the right side of the chapel like so:

Also, the choir area was behind the main, Vatican II style, Novus Ordo altar. Unfortunately, the direction is ad orientem ("East", towards the Crucifix/Tabernacle) for the Latin Mass, and therefore the choir could NOT be behind the altar. In addition, a number of liturgical items necessary for the celebration of the EF were not present in the Novus Ordo only chapel.

 See those benches behind the altar? Those are where the Choir sits in Novus Ordo Masses here. And the Sanctuary? The front part is about as big as your kitchen. Meanwhile there's a big gap space behind it in front of the choir ....

Also, the chapel's 15th Century Gothic style + its rectangular odd shape, plus a "bathtub-like" baptismal font in the middle of the central aisle, and the SMALLEST EVER sanctuary that St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir had to work with, meant a need for creative navigation and planning.

Great. An obstacle course for the processions.

What to do? What to do ..... The choir was able to work out the following solutions:
  • Near the tabernacle, some of the benches were moved to create a "choir" area, that could also hold a stand-up Baroque organ, as the Newman Center did not have a working small organ for us to use. This arrangement also created a space whereby the Gospel could be read, with servers in tow:

For your information, notice the Ipad on the stand. That's the choirmaster's. More proof that the Ordinary Form and the Extraordinary Form COMPLEMENT and ``mutually enrich`` one another (Ha Ha Ha! ok that was my lame attempt at a liturgical joke)

  • Due to the space constraints, the altar servers HAD to be in the "choir" area for the Novus Ordo masses. This also mean timing adjustments (with help from our MC cue-ing us) to be able to cross the "Gap" from the choir area to the altar/credence table.

  • Many of the liturgical items had to be brought in to the Newman Center, such as the altar linens, candles, altar cards, paten, clergy robes, etc. Thankfully, a parish or two allowed for the borrowing of their items (possibly St. Pius X archdiocesan, one of the Servimus practice sites??? seeking confirmation please), and one of the choir members had a couple of liturgical items, plus a set of altar cards framed for usage in the Mass.
Quite a bit had to be brought in ....
  • To the center's credit, thurible items were provided, including a traditional boat like in my serving post, cruets, and ciboria, and maybe two of the altar candles.

Lo and behold, with the best we could do, the Newman Chapel was fit as could be for the Solemn Latin Mass.

One converted EF altar .....
 ..... a set of sediliae with the chairs provided 

.... and one credence table with a lot more room than we are used to, and Voila! One EF converted St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center Chapel Complete!

Before the mass occurred, our MC went over all our parts with the program booklet that was provided. In addition, we had to do some alterations for our processions and our roles in the Mass with the odd sanctuary setup.

And then ... we got a number of blessings in surprise. Originally, we were going into the Mass with a bare minimum setup for altar serving of MC, two acolytes and a thurifer. Unconfirmed and unknown to us, two of the St. Lawrence the Martyr Scarborough servers appeared and offered their serving skills for our Mass, and we were able to do a full complement with boat bearer and a crucifer! I couldn't believe it!

Further, while I do not have exact numbers, I would estimate that the chapel's pews could fit about 200-250 people, give or take some, and the chapel was at least 1/2 full by the time Mass was underway!

There were also quite a few young adults and youth within the congregation. As a couple of examples, one gentleman came from Mississauga by transit with his two sons to this Mass. Also, I was able to meet another student who was attending university and aligned with ```Trinity College`` in the U of T college system. Some Newman parishioners from the 11am Mass even purposely stayed to attend the Latin Mass at 315pm!

We were also fortunate to have our clergy with us in carrying out the Latin Mass, of which all three members had, or continue to assist, the St. Pat`s Choir in their Masses. Once again, Fr. Steven Szakaczki, Latin Mass chaplain of St. Lawrence the Martyr, graciously took on the celebrant role of our Latin Mass, with (also once again, a recent 2010 ordinandi) Fr. Russell Asch from St. Patrick`s Markham as deacon, and a seminarian, Eric Mason, returning after a long absence (from SPGC masses) as our sub-deacon from the diocese of Peterborough.

Now ... the Mass itself

Despite all the logistical issues we had to face as a choir, both on the choir end and the serving ends, leading up to this Mass and while carrying it out in the St. Thomas Aquinas chapel, we were able to effectively carry out the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Solemn Latin Mass (in our respective roles, of course.).

Our servers were attentive to the cues from the Master of ceremonies, carried out their respective roles proficiently, and navigated the odd-structured sanctuary and chapel with ease. It was clear that their reverence and their dedication to their service was present, and we were in collective agreement that we were mostly together for this Mass, with no major hiccups.

As for the choir, they sang like sweet angels from above, and demonstrated the fruits of their hard work, the results of weekly 2 hour practices every after the 5pm Mass at St. Patrick's Toronto's 5pm Saturday Vigil.

Due credit though, must also be attributed to the choirmaster, Surinder S. Mundra. Not only did he do an incredible job in conducting the choir, but his vocals were outstanding in his lead parts. The laity truly were able to witness the sacredness and strength of properly conducted Gregorian Chant in his leadership and when he sang. This was particularly present in his baritone (or alto) register portions, which demonstrated the full, sacred power of Gregorian Chant in the voice of a human being, to be able to elevate the soul and mind to Heaven.

Homily in the Mass (What I could remember, and paraphrasing much here .....)

As for the Homily in the Mass, the homilist was Fr. Szakaczki, the celebrant. Interestingly enough, Father discussed the Latin Mass prior to his homily and some of the noted differences between the two forms before getting into his main homily. During the ``introduction`` as it were, besides the mention of receiving communion, Father discussed the actions/"t"raditions in an interesting way. Instead of the pitting of the forms against each other, as mistakenly and commonly portrayed by clergy in their homilies, he mentioned how the traditions are important to the Novus Ordo, and what they are meant to demonstrate with regards to it, or how they tie into it. This put a smile on my face, and was vitally important. Since the Newman Center is a Novus Ordo parish, I was pleased at the direction Fr. Szakaczki took, since certain members of the laity might have never been to a Latin Mass until now. This is exactly the kind of direction the Latin Mass/Priests/those who are voices for the Latin Mass need to take, to connect the two forms, that is, that they are "mutually enriching" and complementary to one another, as Benedict XVI hoped would be expressed in his promotion of the EF. Also this approach respected the parish and its pastor, who administers to the faithful with the Novus Ordo.

Then, Fr. Szakaczki began his homily. From what I did remember, he began by talking about systems of government, because a kingdom is a system of government, tied to a monarchy/patriarchy. It was to tie into the Kingship of Christ, but also he questioned all listening about what kind of system of government would we desire: One where we are to be ruled over by a ruler, with strict force and order, or do we prefer one where we have the freedom to elect our representatives and be able to speak out minds on topics and freedom of religion? There are places in the world where the former exists, and where we are not free to live or speak out against the ruler, lest our families be subject to torture, and ourselves imprisoned or killed. We might perceive the old style kingdoms as such, but this is NOT the kind of "Kingship" that Christ has over us.

Fr. might have said other things after this, but he then proceeded to discuss the kingship of Christ vs. the false "kingship" of Satan, that our world has over us. His kingship is an empty one, where we are perceived to be our own kings, and we can do whatever we want. However, when we succumb to such a selfish kingship, we are truly empty and impoverished with our sins (actions), and we are not happy. It is a kingdom of one, a lonely kingdom, without love or happiness, where we are false masters of ourselves. (It's really the Evil One who is truly our master with those choices). This is especially true when we commit Mortal Sins. We separate ourselves from the Lord, and it makes it that much more easier for us to co-operate with the Evil One, a.k.a. sinning more and more (easily?). However, the Kingship of Christ is one where it is Love that reigns supreme. It is the opposite of the kingship of the Devil. Yes, His kingdom is in heaven, but his reign of ultimate Love extends to that on earth. This is the kingship we should be seeking out. And if there are those things or people in our lives that are causing us to turn to the false kingship of the Devil, we are to remove ourself from those things or people who are of that kingship (editorial note: I am sure Fr. did not imply we cast those people out of our lives off the bat. If we can administer to them and bring them to the Lord, then we give it our best evangelization.)

Finally, after the homily, Father prayed in public the ``Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer`` prayer for the intention of gaining a plenary indulgence on this Feast Day. For more information on the indulgence, see this informative post from traditionalist priest, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf.

Final Notes

I will say one additional note of editorial commentary here. The servers had to be "versus populum" as it were due to the sanctuary's odd configuration and lack of space to be properly seated behind the sediliae of the sacred ministers. Therefore, during the Mass of the Canons (2nd part), we got to see Father do the consecrations as if we were in a Novus Ordo Mass. When I witnessed Father Szakaczki elevate the host, with his hands in EF configuration, it was if there was something different in the event. While I mean no division in the two forms of the rite, I must say, there was something different in seeing him elevate the Sacred Species. Even with the same silence, the same type of bell ringing (four bell cross type), it was ... different. There was something there going on in those elevations that was awesome .... It simply was. It gives me personal food for thought, to try and apply this the next time I attend Novus Ordo Masses at the consecrations.

All in all, the whole choir performed admirably. A beautiful Solemn Latin Mass was brought to the university of Toronto's Newman community in the downtown of Toronto since Vatican II arrived. We (both servers and choir members), were grateful for this opportunity, and thank sincerely the Newman Center staff, including the pastor Fr. Chris Cauchi, who allowed the Mass to take place in the Chapel, and worked well with us to make it happen.

Between Fr. Cauchi's pastor-ship, the Newman community's openness to such beautiful and sacred liturgy in the Latin Mass (that includes a number of my friends), and all the other parts of the center, is it no wonder I keep coming back there? There clearly is something happening here with the young adults in the Archdiocese of Toronto. What will be part of the future of the Church is clearly here at Newman Center.

Most of the choir and servers, with some of the Clergy. Liturgical history was made!

Pax Tibi Christ, Julian Barkin.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Objects and Evil Part 2: A Commentary on the Issue of Using Things and Social Media, or Why I Choose Not To Abhor Facebook

Hello Everyone.

In this second part, I am going to be telling you why I choose to still use Facebook, and perhaps give you more reasoning to consider why just pulling apart from it is NOT the best solution in reaction to its filth.

1) Trads Behaving Badly Behaviour: The SSPX and the Banishment of the TV from the Home
First reason why I will not be signing off Facebook and continue to use it: This kind of radical reaction to cease such an item is one that is similar, or exactly like those of the radical traditionalists, giving a negative impression of those of Traditional Catholicism.

Alright, so for those of you tuning in, the SSPX is a "fraternal organization" of traditionalists who are around the world, with seminaries and chapels/missions in a number of countries. They were formed by a Vatican II Council Father, Archbishop Marcel Lefevbre, in retaliation to the egregious liturgical and spiritual abuses made "in the name of Vatican II/Spirit of Vatican II" that were happening post-council. However, he consecrated four bishops without permission of the Holy See in 1988 (of which the Holy See under the Pope is supposed to consecrate the bishops), and put the society in a weird "no man's land". It's priests are valid but illicit in their ordinations, and while they can confect the sacrament of the Eucharist and can administer a valid baptism (under the Trinitarian formula,) and do everything according to the liturgy and the books of 1962, they are not in communion canonically with the Catholic Church. Further more, the laity attending their "Masses", can be brought into schism with the Church. You should not also consume their Eucharist, because it would be supporting schism with the Church. While they do give "lip service" to the Pope by not committing the heresy of sedevacantism (Yes, you are a valid pope, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis), they call the Novus Ordo "Evil" thus denying it's sacramental validity and licitness, and are pretty much anti-"Novus Ordo" Church. Most importantly, They have no canonical/sacramental ministry within the Church, as restated by Benedict XVI when he released the excommunications of the 4 bishops illegally consecrated by Lefebvre.

Okay, do you get the picture? Basically their way of "living" is all pre-Vatican II, from their schools to their liturgy, to what they believe, etc. They may profess to all doctrine of the Church and the Magisterium, but their anti-"Novus Ordo" Church attitude (which also includes accusing the Pope of heresy in being a modernist in their 25th anniversary statement), as well as actions they have, as a society committed over the years (e.g. having an anti-Semitic bishop in the expelled Williamson, making an anti-Semitic statement last Xmas after a visit held in MY diocese and Illegally and INVALIDLY administering confirmations ...) is totally against our Holy Mother Church, and will only lead one off the narrow path. It is also important to say a number of traditionalists do support them, despite staying in the "Novus Ordo" church through licit Masses and means due to their status and the individual NOT wanting to be eternally damned by schism, in a Canon Law sense.

Summary picture: They give all Traditional Catholics a bad impression as being rigid, shaming people. WE ARE NOT ALL LIKE THAT!!!

Back to the Facebook issue. While I have not seen anything with regard to specifically Facebook from the SSPX (and in fact, their adherents are on Facebook and use it to push the SSPX propaganda/TBB views), there is a similar vein in their arguments with regards to the television. It was only recently with regards to a movie that puts their founder in a positive light that the SSPX relaxed their views on television and movies. However, at their core, and for the past 25 years, they held rigorist views on the matter. Let's look at their "literature", shall we?

Angelus: Online and Paper publication/Magazine
From an interview with then SSPX bishop Williamson:

"So then would you say that the Internet is a mix of both good and bad, while the television is almost all bad or at least useless?
Even on TV, there can still be some good things. Satan is not stupid. He's going to bait the hook with a nice, juicy worm.
Families, however, should undoubtedly keep the television set outside of the home. Period. Especially if there are young children. The television set must go.

From another Angelus Article:
"Objection: “I always think that Archbishop Lefebvre comes across great on TV!"    Response: “if you can't be present at the Bishop's Mass, then it is God's will.  But if you want to be there, then you will get your priorities straight and make some room in your activities so as to be able to go and see him.  TV is not a channel of God's grace.  It stultifies the sacred and belittles good, while enhancing evil.  You cannot televise Christ's Mystical Body.”

However, despite the SSPX's change in its stance on video this year (which I think, as a measure to try and shake off the "Bad press" they receive and look less oppressive to outsiders, in a bid for their adherency), I restate that it is still TBB in behaviour at its core,  and the criticism of its own members, or other TBBs of the SSPX, still demonstrate the TBB viewpoint with regard to the TV/Internet. Here's an example of one on line, showing that radical response (Chuck out the TV/Internet) as he/she is criticising the notoriously well known SSPX school, St. May's Kansas, for the junior girls promoting a showing of "For Greater Glory" about the 1920's Cristeros war in Mexico:

"One of our readers from St. Marys, KS just told us that the priests there are having their own junior high school girl class promote, as a fundraiser, the recent movie "For Greater Glory" to the adults and children of that parish.  She forwarded us their January 20th, 2012 parish bulletin on the right (yellow emphasis is ours). Besides the problem of tv/movie watching in general, the movie "For the Greater Glory" has problems.   First, it includes a scene with women in their underwear.  It is true, the underwear is 1920's style (and therefore mild compared to modern style); yet our innocent children have (hopefully) never seen any such thing, and therefore watching such a scene would be harmful to their innocence.  Second, the movie leaves the viewer ignorant as to the real nature of the Mexican conflict: Catholicism vs. Masonry.  The movie never mentions or even implies Masonry." http://www.truetrad.com/index.php/the-truth/problems-in-the-sspx/slow-subtle-poison-from-the-sspx/all-poison-newest-first/232-1-15-2013-sspx-weakens-its-stand-against-television-and-movies

While perhaps For Greater Glory should not be seen by younger children, I will say that the comment clearly upholds the TBB standard of `The TV/Internet is wholly evil" as well as NOT explaining the context of the scene (The women aiding the soldiers/husbands/men, by stashing ammunition in the folds of their underwear, in order to give it to the resistance fighters because government surveillance would have made vehicle transportation and housing ammunition highly unsuccessful). Not to mention a nice side note of obsession with Masonry to boot. Might I also add the site that I got this quote from is "True Trad.com - No compromise with Modernist Rome?" With a title like that, can I seriously  as a practicing Roman Catholic, spiritually and logically, give credence to someone like that?

Summary: The reaction of chucking out the TV/Computer/Internet entirely is associated with TBB behaviour, and makes a mockery of Traditional Catholics. I will therefore not subscribe to such a radical reaction.

2) Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis: Social Media and Evangelization.
The second reason I will not subscribe to such a measure to ditch Facebook (and other programs like YouTube and Twitter) and call it a plague of evil: Our Holy Father, Francis, is encouraging us to go out and Evangelize others and even uses social media himself to proclaim the Gospel and preach. Also, our Holy Father Emeritus, Benedict XVI, focused on the Internet as a new Frontier for Evangelization in his recent papacy.

We can start with our Holy Father Emeritus, Benedict XVI, in his recent speech May 17, 2013. This speech was prepared ahead of time, before the conclave this spring, when Francis was elected Supreme Pontiff, and hence is attributed to Benedict XVI.

Benedict XVI opens his speech on the 47th World Communications Day with this quote:
``Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As the 2013 World Communications Day draws near, I would like to offer you some reflections on an increasingly important reality regarding the way in which people today communicate among themselves. I wish to consider the development of digital social networks which are helping to create a new “agora”, an open public square in which people share ideas, information and opinions, and in which new relationships and forms of community can come into being. ``
I couldn`t have said it better myself. And my very blog means I am guilty as charged, Your Holiness Emeritus. Continuing on:
``.... These spaces, when engaged in a wise and balanced way, help to foster forms of dialogue and debate which, if conducted respectfully and with concern for privacy, responsibility and truthfulness, can reinforce the bonds of unity between individuals and effectively promote the harmony of the human family. The exchange of information can become true communication, links ripen into friendships, and connections facilitate communion. If the networks are called to realize this great potential, the people involved in them must make an effort to be authentic since, in these spaces, it is not only ideas and information that are shared, but ultimately our very selves ....``
Whoa! I think Benedict XVI just parroted my thoughts and what I said in the first post. See, even he, implies, that an object such as the Internet can be a good that can be used in one of two ways: for good, or evil. Further, such a tool, especially for the youth, is where relationships are being formed, maintained, etc. online. But most importantly in what I underlined, we are sharing our VERY SELVES. I reflect that we are not just sharing our physical selves, but also our spiritual selves, and shaping our ``selves`` while on there. What self are we sharing, one that respects our self-dignity and reflection as a Creation of God, or a false self, an incorrect self, one which affects other selves? Moving on ....
``.... The development of social networks calls for commitment: people are engaged in building relationships and making friends, in looking for answers to their questions and being entertained, but also in finding intellectual stimulation and sharing knowledge and know-how. The networks are increasingly becoming part of the very fabric of society, inasmuch as they bring people together on the basis of these fundamental needs. Social networks are thus nourished by aspirations rooted in the human heart .... ``
So even Benedict XVI, the Traditionalist favourite of our post-Vatican II popes, realizes that the internet and these social works (and their associated programs, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), are a daily means of living, especially in the modern, technologically driven world. To tune yourself out, to me, is willful ignorance of the reality which our Holy Father Emeritus Benedict XVI is calling much attention to.
And now, a big one:
".... The challenge facing social networks is how to be truly inclusive: thus they will benefit from the full participation of believers who desire to share the message of Jesus and the values of human dignity which his teaching promotes. Believers are increasingly aware that, unless the Good News is made known also in the digital world, it may be absent in the experience of many people for whom this existential space is important. The digital environment is not a parallel or purely virtual world, but is part of the daily experience of many people, especially the young. Social networks are the result of human interaction, but for their part they also reshape the dynamics of communication which builds relationships: a considered understanding of this environment is therefore the prerequisite for a significant presence there .... "
Finally, what is Benedict XVI telling us Catholics to do with the Internet? He certainly isn't saying to dispel it as a cesspool of evil, rather:
".... In social networks, believers show their authenticity by sharing the profound source of their hope and joy: faith in the merciful and loving God revealed in Christ Jesus. This sharing consists not only in the explicit expression of their faith, but also in their witness, in the way in which they communicate “choices, preferences and judgements that are fully consistent with the Gospel, even when it is not spoken of specifically” (Message for the 2011 World Communications Day). A particularly significant way of offering such witness will be through a willingness to give oneself to others by patiently and respectfully engaging their questions and their doubts as they advance in their search for the truth and the meaning of human existence. The growing dialogue in social networks about faith and belief confirms the importance and relevance of religion in public debate and in the life of society ...."
This speaks for itself. Now what about the other guy? That 'modernist' Pope who just can't get a good day without some TBB site smearing him, Francis? Well, he himself is encouraging others to be concerned with applying the Gospel to other areas of society, including social Media. In his first ever speech which was given in FULL English, at the First Phillipine Conference of the New Evangelization, he said this:
"... Don’t get tired of bringing the mercy of the Father to the poor, the sick, the abandoned, the young people and families. Let Jesus be known in the world of politics, business, arts, science, technology and social media. Let the Holy Spirit renew the creation and bring forth justice and peace in the Philippines and in the great continent of Asia that is close to my heart ...." (Oct 18, 2013)
Further, look at all the social media the Pope/Vatican has engaged in to reach our "wired" generation:
News Media site - www.news.va/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pontifex for the English, and for the Latin, https://twitter.com/Pontifex_ln !!!
Facebook: N/A? There are multiple groups and pages, though which one is "official" is uncertain.
Websites: (1) Vatican's official page: www.vatican.va/  (2) Pontifical Council of Social Communications for Youth - http://www.pope2you.net/
Now, what did he tell other young people to do? Make a mess/Noise/Lio's! It comes from this speech he gave at WYD RIO:
".... Let me tell you what I hope will be the outcome of World Youth Day: I hope there will be noise. Here there will be noise, I’m quite sure. Here in Rio there will be plenty of noise, no doubt about that. But I want you to make yourselves heard in your dioceses, I want the noise to go out, I want the Church to go out onto the streets, I want us to resist everything worldly, everything static, everything comfortable, everything to do with clericalism, everything that might make us closed in on ourselves. The parishes, the schools, the institutions are made for going out ... if they don’t, they become an NGO, and the Church cannot be an NGO. May the bishops and priests forgive me if some of you create a bit of confusion afterwards. That’s my advice. Thanks for whatever you can do ...."
Now, some of you might say, "Uh, Francis told you to resist the TV in resisting things closed in upon yourself." Yes he wants us to resist worldly things, but does he say to ban them from our homes and societies if they are neutral goods or instruments? NO! He is telling us to resist worldly temptations, but to PREACH THE GOSPEL and make ourselves heard! In today's world, the equivalent of the megaphone is: The Internet and mobile, Internet capable phones!!!
Personal Evangelization: Summing it up with my personal example: Youth Ministry
My third reason, which is personal, for not ditching the Facebook: By not using Facebook, we lose a critical means to evangelize to others, and more importantly, to help our fellow youth live a Life in Christ, when the secular world (also on the Internet) is with them. This includes it as originally intended: A means to connect and to communicate with another living being.  
How can I put this succinctly? Well I'll use a personal example in my life. I am now involved in youth ministry, in an active capacity. I currently at one of my parishes are part of a teen youth ministry, whereby our main means of communication with the youth, outside of Mass IF they come to church, or in school if you are a priest/teacher/volunteer/student teacher, is the internet, via a Facebook Group (as well as our online profiles for direct messages).
In fact, as a regular old lay guy, employed in a hospital, I am reduced in being able to reach out to the youth because I am not in a position to be in a school, without good reason (e.g. parent, sibling, attending a play open to the community). You can't just show up at a school by any means to say hello. Between enforcement of visitor policies, cameras, the sexual scandals that have rocked the church, an overall increase in legal enforcement against crimes committed by children, etc. basically, someone like me can't really do what we used to do to maintain relationships with young people. Schools, are also funny business, and might not want "outside interests" coming into "their territory" to promote things, unless it fits with their ideals, or isn't truly 100% Catholic/will get the Ministry of Education on their backs. Worse, the young people themselves are "wired" constantly to mobile phones that text and are hooked to internet and download with great speeds that weren't present in a little device even a few years ago, not to mention video games for both sexes (yes, there are girl gamers out there, and they all aren't stereotypical "geeks." They are normal teenagers, and it's possible they are doing it with their male and female friends, and even are playing games typically oriented towards males). So they are "plugged in" a lot, and between their homework and such, it's not like the past where everyone's out and about in the neighbourhood.
Therefore, Facebook serves as a means of communication and a lifeline to these young people, and a way to, like our Holy Fathers have said, be a part of the lives of youth in our world, and to evangelize and preach the Gospel.
For my ministry, we have a main Facebook page moderated by the Head Youth Minister of the parish. While I am a member of the page, I can post content, but everything is observed by the head minister and approved or not. Also, we both have online profiles specifically for this ministry, with myself taking the additional step of a second profile that is ONLY for the youth, and will only have content appropriate for youth ministry. I even tell them, "I won't accept friend requests under my first profile." They MUST friend the youth ministry profile. Not that I don't want them to see the real me and know me, but I did that because: other youth ministers in the parish were doing it; I saw it as a safeguard for the youth; it keeps everything in one spot instead of going between two profiles (for reference); it provides a written, online record of messages, and so there is no question as to what our communication is for.  
But more importantly, why I keep Facebook, is that the 2nd profile serves as a means to spread the Gospel of Christ, AND as a lifeline for them as a Brother of Christ. Say an emergency happens whereby a young person in my charge doesn't feel they can talk to a priest, a teacher, their parents, etc. and they need someone to talk to. Let's use the extreme example of a whole bunch of garbage happens in their life, and they want to commit suicide. They don't want to tell their parents what's happening out of guilt or chastisement, and well Father is not around or is going bring fire and brimstone on them with their problems (which may or may not be their fault). It's 7pm and school isn't open, so no teachers. They don't know what a crisis center is or Kids Help Phone. They are approaching a bridge/overpass where they can jump off. They are depressed and they are not thinking straight, coupled with their biology (specifically, their pre-adolescent brains that need to be further matured). Say I choose to buck Facebook cause it's evil, regardless of my ministry. Thinking there is no hope left and no one to talk to, one of my charges kill themselves. We now have another Amanda Todd, another teen suicide, another soul whose salvation we don't know where they will be ... and a whole lot of people left behind on Earth, wishing they had heard his/her cries for help or given them a means to do so. AND THAT INCLUDES ME. I will be forever wondering and blaming myself for not helping them. I could have been there!
Now same scenario, but they have me on Facebook with messaging capability. At the last second, they contact me because of all this and online chat happens. It's easy for them to whip off a message on their phones, and chat online (with an attitude of ``privacy`` a.k.a. "mom and dad aren't here so I can be comfortable to speak freely"). I drop what I'm doing, and despite the time spent, I am able to help the young person realize they are valuable, they are loved by Christ, and all of us here in their lives, and help them with the slew of stuff that is causing them to consider ending their life. THEY DESERVE THAT MESSAGE. They might even request police/ambulance, even myself to get them wherever they ended up. LIFE SAVED. SOUL SAVED. And this could open them in future to the Gospel of the Lord .... just from one message. ONE MESSAGE AT A NEEDED TIME. CHRIST WAS THERE FOR THEM. I WAS THERE FOR THEM.
Kay maybe my scenario is extreme, and perhaps in future it will be just a minor problem, or just listening to their lives that will need a message to me, but that`s part of youth ministry, and part of my role as a Catholic and my witness to my Lord`s Gospel. Yes it might not be the heavy stuff, but Facebook is one of those means to minister to the youth, those very youth that are at the heart and forefront of the Church`s concerns. And should that emergency happen .... I may be the last hand outstretched of Christ's to that young person, the one that saves them from forever turning away from Him. May it never come to that though.
So let me repeat my three central points why ditching Facebook, all social media, is not a choice I will make, nor I`d encourage:
1) This kind of radical reaction to cease such an item is one that is similar, or exactly like those of the radical traditionalists, giving a negative impression of those of Traditional Catholicism, and even could be extended to Catholics in general.
2)  Our Holy Father, Francis, is encouraging us to go out and Evangelize others and even uses social media himself to proclaim the Gospel and preach. Also, our Holy Father Emeritus, Benedict XVI, focused on the Internet as a new Frontier for Evangelization in his recent papacy.
3) By not using Facebook, we lose a critical means to evangelize to others, and more importantly, to help our fellow youth live a Life in Christ, when the secular world (also on the Internet) is with them. This includes it as originally intended: A means to connect and to communicate with another living being.  
Now, by no means am I validating Facebook as inherently good. It`s a tool that can be used for good, or for evil. It would be better if Zuckerberg and company, did not lace it with the heavy financial involvement it does now in its advertisments and stocks. It would be better if heavier monitoring of the tool for malicious/inflammatory statements against Catholics and immoral acts happened, but we are not Zuckerberg and company.
Further, I have not denied that each and every one of us using the tool, must conduct ourselves accordingly online. That includes US. Yes, us Catholic youth, and what we reveal, even to only our friends and family, in our messages and pictures.
However, to deny total usage of the tool altogether, will severely cut and restrict your means of evangelization of the Catholic faith to the youth and secular friends (Unless of course, you don't care to evangelize, and like to restrict your interactions to your circle of 100 people you relate to Mon-Sunday.). I can guarantee that just limiting that evangelization to our already youth-deprived Catholic parishes, and the schools, or the few young people in your families, will result in a miserable failure, and a Church closed in on itself.
Latin Mass Side note: I will also say, that this will have a blowback on your ability to evangelize and help others Come to Christ, especially if you are involved in the Latin Mass like me. Summorum Pontificum was a big help, but in total, we conservatives, and especially us Latin Massers, have been able to successfully make the Catholic public aware of the Latin Mass, as we have been using online social media, including Facebook and YouTube. That also includes getting people to come out to the Masses when they are held, instead of restricting it to the "already converted" or your Latin Mass/Traditional friends. Considering one Latin Mass can make an impact, or a few over a string of occasions, why are you NOT using Facebook to do that? In addition, the "liberals" did not pick up early on, as to another form of media to spread their "lukewarm Jesus" ways, so we got the upper hand early, and now look at what's happening? A recovery in the church of Tradition and "t"raditions. Plus don't you want traffic to your Catholic/Traditional blogs? Your Facebook page connected to your blog directs traffic to the blogs.
So while it's up to everyone of us to spiritually discern if Facebook is helping or hurting our spiritual progress and our ability to do the Work of the Lord, taking a violent reaction of rejection, does not seem reasonable. There is too much at stake with the younger generations today, to merit losing a vital tool to the New Evangelization.
And that's my take on this issue.
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin,
Young person making messes on Facebook and the Internet in his ministries, and with Servimus Unum Deum.

Objects and Evil Part 1: A Commentary on the Issue of Using Things and Social Media, or Why I Choose Not To Abhor Facebook

Hello Everyone,

I am deciding to comment on an issue and a relevant sub-issue that is popping up a little bit on my blogger feeds: Using objects for moral goods/evangelization and social media. I want to start general about usage of goods and what got me writing, and then to say why I remain on Facebook (albeit not promoting Servimus, or maybe I should ..... hmmmm), despite what I have witnessed online.

Introduction: Where am I going, and What got me Writing
The starting point for me is that I observed a posting on a blog that I do not want to give anymore web hits to, nor name, as I've found the content to be critical to the point of overstepping proper, Catholic fraternal charity, particularly in a number of instances, some with regards to the Office of the Archdiocese of Toronto. While lately postings have supported our Holy Father, Pope Francis, if one has been reading it as long as I have, the "bigger picture" is one that I cannot endorse, one that unfortunately also supports other elements in our diocese, that I will not be promoting on this blog. See my "about page" to see what my blog stands for and my intentions with Servimus for more info on what guides my decisions to link blogs and not to.

On this blog, one of the group of men who write for the blog, has decided to take down the corresponding Facebook Page for their website, after finding Facebook a cesspool of near-pornography and Catholics living double lives.

If one is a traditional, older, moral man, I can see the shock for someone just venturing into what Facebook has now developed too. It may be no piddle-sticks to one like myself who has been "wired" from day one, or as a child. But, I have been part of Facebook since 2003, so I have seen where it's gone from, from a simple social media networking site, to one with ads, online free (with pay option) gaming, and worse, including the advertising content. In addition, it has mostly, or always allowed for posting of electronic pictures from digital cameras, scanned print pictures, or cellphone cameras. Needless to say, people in this "ME" age, or tell-all, hide nothing age, think that it's fun to let the world know about the raucous parties you go to, or to flash some skin needlessly. I've even defriended a person or two as I couldn't stand the stuff they were promoting in their newsfeeds online. I can understand the shock part of it, and the reaction is valid, but as for the decision to kill all participation in Facebook, I disagree for reasons I will explain in my second post on these matters.

So the summary argument of this "trad" blogger is: Facebook is a cesspool of evil, porn, immorality, and two-faced Catholics that show the sickness of the youth and our world, and I will not be a participant in the demon machine attached to Hell known as Facebook.

Scalia's Points: General Usage of Goods for Good or Evil
What finally got me to write these posts today, is that I caught a blog post by the Anchoress, Elizabeth Scalia, with regards to money and power, and referencing a Billy Joel song: Everybody Loves you Now, about his fame. Scalia is a Benedictine Oblate (tertiary layperson's order) who writes at The Anchoress. However, Scalia's content in this post does intersect the issue above about Facebook from a use of goods standpoint.

In her post, she comments on the fame aspect of the song, but then proceeds to talk about money and its usage for good and for evil, with reference also to Pope Francis' "Pope of the Poor" modus operandi as our current Holy Father. The underlined content pertains to the subject matter at hand in my postings:

".... But while the pope is, justifiably, dressing down the “bishop of bling”, I wouldn’t make the argument that wealth is, in and of itself, an evil thing. Saint Paul says the love of money is the root of all evil, not the money itself. Just as guns are simply objects, only made evil in how they are used, money is just money, and how you attach to it, and what you choose to do with it, is what corrupts the soul.
Prosperity is not evil in and of itself. A wealthy nation is one that can respond quickly and effectively to help another nation in crisis. A wealthy philanthropist can do a great deal of good for others. It was the wealthy Joseph of Arimathea who had the coin, the connections, and the clout to have Jesus’s tortured body removed from the cross, shrouded in fine linen, and entombed before the Sabbath. All of this was essential to the Resurrection. But prosperity can be a fast and powerful vehicle for driving us away from what Christ has told us is essential which does not include getting rich.
In the end, everything always comes down to our intention, and with how we use the gifts we are given. You could do a great deal of good with money, if your heart is open to it."

It makes perfect sense. Whether it's a physical tool, like a knife, a talent like computer programming, or a computer program, like Facebook, we can all use it the way we choose. A knife can cut our food, free someone stranded by rope, or you can thrust it into someone's torso to pierce a vital organ, causing a person to be murdered with the cause of death being exsanguination (bleeding to death). The computer programmer can create useful programs, such as ones which organize our life and keep track of things, like say a spreadsheet that keeps' a parish's budget on track, or you can make malicious programs such as viruses that can take your vital imformation for someone's evil purposes, or even destroy your computers themselves. I am sure you can see that the same could be said for Facebook, which is, at its core, a computer program created by a user (which we know, one of was a principal founder, Mark Zuckerberg).

Before I get specific with Facebook though, what can we delve from Scripture, and our church theology and teachings on using Goods?

Scripture and Theology
New Testament
Let's begin with a passage that comes to mind: The usage of talents. Jesus tells of the parable of a land or business owner who gives lots of money for his servants to go out and make more profit, in
Matthew 25: 14-30 (NRSV, B/C we use this translation in Canada):
"14 For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them; 15 to one he gave five talents,f to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 The one who had received the five talents went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. 17 In the same way, the one who had the two talents made two more talents. 18 But the one who had received the one talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. 19 After a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. 20 Then the one who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five more talents, saying, ‘Master, you handed over to me five talents; see, I have made five more talents.’ 21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’ 22 And the one with the two talents also came forward, saying, ‘Master, you handed over to me two talents; see, I have made two more talents.’ 23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’ 24 Then the one who had received the one talent also came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew that you were a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed; 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master replied, ‘You wicked and lazy slave! You knew, did you, that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter? 27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have received what was my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to the one with the ten talents. 29 For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. 30 As for this worthless slave, throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

The obvious here is that the foolish servant who wasted his money, or just let it not be used to profit, despite the least amount, wasn't looked above highly. It is also highly evident, without me having to consult someone with more theological training than I, that verse 29 - 30 is referring to our spiritual salvation. You do the work of the Lord and remain steadfast, you will be rewarded with Him, but the other guy ... well let's not be him shall we? And part of that is using the gifts and talents God gave us for His glory on Earth.

Catechism of the Catholic Church
Our current Catechism, lists the following under explanation of the Seventh Commandment:


 You shall not steal.186  

2401 The seventh commandment forbids unjustly taking or keeping the goods of one's neighbor and wronging him in any way with respect to his goods. It commands justice and charity in the care of earthly goods and the fruits of men's labor. For the sake of the common good, it requires respect for the universal destination of goods and respect for the right to private property. Christian life strives to order this world's goods to God and to fraternal charity.   


2402 In the beginning God entrusted the earth and its resources to the common stewardship of mankind to take care of them, master them by labor, and enjoy their fruits.187 The goods of creation are destined for the whole human race ....

2404 "In his use of things man should regard the external goods he legitimately owns not merely as exclusive to himself but common to others also, in the sense that they can benefit others as well as himself."188 .... 

2405 Goods of production - material or immaterial - .... oblige their possessors to employ them in ways that will benefit the greatest number. Those who hold goods for use and consumption should use them with moderation, reserving the better part for guests, for the sick and the poor ....   

2414 The seventh commandment forbids acts or enterprises that for any reason - selfish or ideological, commercial, or totalitarian - lead to the enslavement of human beings, to their being bought, sold and exchanged like merchandise, in disregard for their personal dignity. It is a sin against the dignity of persons and their fundamental rights to reduce them by violence to their productive value or to a source of profit. St. Paul directed a Christian master to treat his Christian slave "no longer as a slave but more than a slave, as a beloved brother, . . . both in the flesh and in the Lord."194

So what can we glean from these paragraphs, or at least how can I relate this to the Facebook situation? Generally, we are to use the goods we have, for the sake of respecting our God who created us and our world in the first place, and that we should be stewards of these gifts, using them for good reason. These goods are to the benefit of all members of our world, including ourselves and our friends.

CCC 2404 says it best though, because the good of production, both material and immaterial, requires us to use them to their maximal goodness. Facebook is a computer program, and runs on a program, and hence is "material" in that sense, but its content could be possibly "Immaterial" in the sense you cannot touch it, hold it in your hand, etc. It is "data". Have you ever been able to hold "Data" in your hands? Or an electric signal? The pictures you post, and your text, etc. are physical in the empirical sense that you can see them with your eyes, however it's not "material" in that you can't hold it in your hand, your ideas are not physical in themselves, but are made physical in the text, and what is conveyed in your pictures (the idea again in your pose or your more-revealing photos) is not malleable.

In addition, Facebook has sadly morphed less and less from its original function and context, as other deadly sins of pride, and especially greed, have creeped its way into Facebook, from online games of questionable morals, and even advertisments promoting dating with escorts, and games that feature scantily-clad heroines enticing young men to, em, fantasize online while killing fictional beasts. So yes, Facebook is actually participating indirectly in CCC 2414 with that regard, or directly if these advertisments are being OK'd by Zuckerberg and his staff in the appropriate division of his company running Facebook.

And what about the young people online who like to show themselves provocatively, or pictures of their latest drunken bouts, or ventures into electronic music festivals where there was likely drugs and liquor involved? Well yes, whether they know it or not, if you read the paragraphs above, we too, have a role to play, in using Facebook properly. It's not just those with businesses or profits, it's also those of us who use Facebook profiles. 2405 and 2414 strike again: When you are putting up pictures of yourself in those awkward poses, or a whole bunch of yourself (like, wayyyyy many pictures),

(1) Are you using Facebook in a way that you can assist your fellow man, your family, your friends, or are you engaging in self-gratification, saying "look at me! I'm a bad-@#3, / A hottie".
(2) Those who gaze at your pictures or posts, are you encouraging them to carry out the Gospel of the Lord and assist their fellow man, or are you just entertaining yourself and them? Think about it, what will encourage someone to feed the homeless, a picture of your shirtless self or a chest shot, or a picture of you working at a homeless shelter feeding those who are less fortunate?
(3) CCC 2414: Believe it or not, by putting up those pictures of yourself, are you really giving yourself the human dignity and respect you deserve or think you do, and telling others that you deserve that respect? What is the message about your human dignity and respect you are sending to your friends, family, and any onlookers to your Facebook profile?

So here we have a bit of Catechism and Scripture to tell us about what responsibility we have with our goods, materially and spiritually speaking. It's not just the bigwigs, it's also you and me, with what we can grip in our hand, and what we do online.

But now, you might be saying "Well Julian, you just proved that blogger's point. Facebook is the work of a Devil's minion and we should abhor it like the plague!!!!"

Really? Well, perhaps that's what you choose, but I am not making that decision for a number of reasons, ones I will be expanding upon in my next post.

Pax, Julian.


Hello everyone,

Here is a reminder for an upcoming Solemn Latin Mass in our diocese:

The St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir is holding a Solemn Latin Mass at the Newman Center's St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, this coming Sunday, Oct 27th, at 3:15pm.

More details and information are provided here:

CRITICAL NOTE: This Mass occurs on the Sunday and WILL fulfill your Sunday obligation to attend a valid and licit Catholic Mass (Liturgy). You do NOT NEED to attend another Catholic Mass that day if you attend the Latin Mass. 
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish at the Newman Centre at University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

There are also other offerings for special Solemn Masses after the St. Patrick's ones listed here: http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2013/09/2013-latin-masses-for-solemnities-and.html

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian.

Friday, 11 October 2013

More Follow up to Stupid Trad Behaving Badly Criticism of Francis "Young unemployed and Lonely Old People" Comment

Hello Everyone,

The four greatest sins that one can make against the Heavens, that cries out for vengeance are:
(1) Willful murder (2) The Sin of Sodom (= homosexuality, despite what others say ...) (3) Oppression of the poor, and (4) Defrauding labourers of their wages.

The above relates to the content of this post.

This post will be covering # 3 and #4 in a sense, tying into the Francis interview in La Repubblica with an Italian Atheist, but also to show how foolish the TBB insults against the Pope's comment on the young and unemployed + lonely old people are, where are Holy Father should be placing any one of X moral issues, liturgical devastation, the Latin Mass etc. on the top of the list.

When I first heard the criticism of this, I was upset, and rightly so at those bloggers of the TBB atmosphere online, personally, and also at more "Pope bashing", a common activity of these TBBs.

Personally, I am upset at these bloggers, because, I am young, but I am underemployed, which to me, for my future, is just as bad as being unemployed. When I do marry and want to start a family, I know unless my wife chooses to work, or comes from unbridled wealth, I will not be able to afford living where I currently am in my area, near my family. Also, when I have children, besides my living expenses, I want their faith intact! This means first of all, a parish with orthodoxy in the Catholic Church, which is a rarity to find with Novus Ordo parishes, unless I have an EF parish nearby.

This will also mean an education that will not corrupt their minds and souls with government interference or "Jesus loves everyone" garbage, which is another increasingly rare occurrence. This limits me to two options: Homeschool, or Private Catholic schools/academies. Both options will be expensive, and to homeschool, that will mean one of us, the wife, or the husband, will have to give up a "normal" job to do so. I will also want them to not be a state of schism, and this will mean my children will NOT be going to an SSPX or other type of TBB school, not in communion with the Church. I heavily desire to AVOID the separate system in Ontario, unless it is our LAST, viable option, in which case both of us in our exhausted and stressful states will have to continually re-educate our kids every night after their daily dose of separate system "religious education."

So, how does what I say tie into the Pope's statement? Well, currently, my job does pays significantly better than minimal wage in our country. However, I know that I am not in the field I was trained for, one that pays a minimum of $30 starting CDN, and can go up to $38-39/hr with experience. This job is in short supply due to our selfish government and the recession back in 2010. Unless I can get a job of this quality, I will NOT be able to afford the salvation of my future children, and barely be able to support myself, and likely, not a marriage. To marry, it might require both of us have jobs, and this significantly will decrease the likelihood of your child maintaining the Catholic Faith after (or even before) high school, without HEAVY supplementation.

In addition, should we WANT that beautiful, orthodox worship with the reverent Novus Ordo or the Extraordinary Form, it WILL cost money. Those booklets, the choirmaster, stipends for the clergy(and maybe servers), choir materials, the altar cards, candles .... it all costs money! And many of the items fit for worship were destroyed in the great wreck-o-vation after Vatican II concluded by misguided or intentionally destructive liberal priests and laity in the "Spirit of Vatican II". So to restore it, IT COSTS MONEY. I covered this important fact in my two cents on the Pope's comment here. It was followed up by apologetics from a Traditionalist blogger, Kevin Tierney, here.

A couple of days ago, something popped up, courtesy of the almighty Father Z:

He passed on a link from another site, of an account of a young woman in the United States of America, currently suffering under the ultra-liberal reign of Anti-Catholic tyrant, President Obama.
Because of his "Obamacare" act he passed in the last couple of years, the sad effects are starting to unravel, including the impoverishment of the young, who DID get a solid education. Please read this young woman's account here, which I have re-pasted below. It`s that important to see what happens when the youth are under/un-employed with suitable paying work:

From Liberty News:

Obamacare Has “Raped My Future!” Says Underemployed College Grad in Viral Letter

Ashley Dionne is a 26 year-old college graduate who says her future has been “raped” by Obamacare, reports Campus Reform.

This University of Michigan alum shared her story of Obamacare sticker shock and outrage with radio host, Dennis Prager.  Here’s a copy of her open letter:

“My name is Ashley Dionne and I’m a 26-year-old recent graduate from Michigan.
The phony Obamacare signup poster boy made me want to send a message about how Obamacare is really affecting people.

I graduated from The University of Michigan in 2009. In my state, this used to mean something, but even with a bachelor’s I was told I was too educated and wouldn’t stay. I watched as kids with GEDs and high school diploma’s took the low-paying jobs for which I applied.

I went back to school and got a second degree and finally found work at a gym. I work nights and only get 32 hours a week for eight dollars an hour. I’m unable to find a second job at this time.

I have asthma, ulcers, and mild cerebral palsy. Obamacare takes my monthly rate from $75 a month for full coverage on my “Young Adult Plan,” to $319 a month. After $6,000 in deductibles, of course.

Liberals claimed this law would help the poor. I am the poor, the working poor, and I can’t afford to support myself, let alone older generations and people not willing to work at all.

This law has raped my future. It will keep me and kids my age from having a future at all.This is the real face of Obamacare and it isn’t pretty.” 

This isn’t the first time an American citizen has discovered the truth about Obamacare.  It will not be the last.

Hear that? Two degrees, only able to get part time work (Full time is 37.5 or 40 hrs a week depending on workplaces or countries/states/provinces) on unsociable shifts that decrease life expectancy, on top of her current health issues, and a high cost on a "young adult plan" to cover her health care needs. She might as well have not done degrees and been uneducated. She would have been better able to score those low-paying jobs. Cleary her higher education does not = good job.

Now that you've read the account, it's clear more and more, that the Pope is right in making the young and unemployed a vital concern of the Papacy or morally speaking. It clearly makes the heavens enraged under sins #3 and #4, and worse, by damming the prospects of the next generation, they will:

1) Not be able to support your generation or their parents when they need health care,
2) Aid in the push of another grave sin, euthanasia, as a morally depraved, but quick solution to rid the taxed economy and impoverished of the ``burden`` of those lonely old people,
3) Because my generation and the one below it will be struggling to provide even the most basic needs for our families, or ourselves, we might even forsake marrying and having a family, and increase the duration of mortal sins, like abortion, co-habitation, homosexuality, contraception, etc. and finally
4) Because you are so addicted to your EF liturgy, No money from the young people = NO LITURGY!

I think I and others have spoken enough on this matter. TBBs, curb your tongue at this one, as the fate of the EF is in the hands of the youth. If you slam the Pope on this one, you are slamming the younger generation. You are slamming the future of the EF, for when you and the older generations die off, it's either we pick up the financial tab, or no one does. Will you destroy one of the New Evangelization's greatest means of evangelization, in the EF, by making the financial future of my generation and under, less of a priority?

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Updates to Solemn Latin Masses in Archdiocese: Feast of Christ the King 2013 Sun Oct 27th 315pm @ Toronto Newman Centre


Don't Forget! The first accounted Solemn Latin Mass in the Archdiocese (outside of the normal Latin Mass parishes, and in my Fall 2013 listings link below,) will be taking place tomorrow evening at St. Cecilia's Church, Toronto, 7pm (with rosary and confessions at 630pm.) The Solemn Latin Mass will be sponsored by the Toronto Traditional Mass Society with the Knights of Columbus Blessed John XXIII Council #4976.

More information and the event poster can be found here, at the TTMS's president's personal blog, Vox Cantoris: http://voxcantor.blogspot.ca/2013/10/toronto-solemn-latin-mass-for-our-lady.html

Pax, Julian.
Hello Everyone,

I have updated the page for the "2013 Fall Latin Masses for Solemnities and Feast Days in the Archdiocese of Toronto" with new information on another upcoming Solemn Latin Mass in the Archdiocese of Toronto.

The new entry is being organized by the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir at a new Mass site .... The Newman Centre at the University of Toronto! I am quite pleased at this, as I have a number of good Catholic friends who are part of the Centre's vibrant ministry towards young adults! Believe me, this is exactly the right place to expose such a treasure as the Latin Mass. I have attended a number of their retreats and events over the last few years, and I've covered a couple of their events in the past, attended by my fellow "Newmanites" here:

http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2012/10/cardinal-collins-at-newman-center-for.html - Adoration and Benediction with His Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins

http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2013/03/reflection-march-8-10-retreat-with.html - A weekend retreat I went on with the talks covering John Paul II's work, the Theology of the Body

There are a number of great social, spiritual, and other events going on in this place, and it really is making a difference, as it is reaching out to Catholic youth on the U of T Campus ... and these youth are the ones going to Sunday Mass, helping out in their parishes, being solid and orthodox in the faith .... and even a number of my acquaintances have expressed interest in the Latin Mass, with a few actually going to some!

Here are the details, though you can also find them in the 2013 link:

CRITICAL NOTE: This Mass occurs on the Sunday and WILL fulfill your Sunday obligation to attend a valid and licit Catholic Mass (Liturgy). You do NOT NEED to attend another Catholic Mass that day if you attend the Latin Mass. 
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish at the Newman Centre at University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

So please "save the date" in your calendars for this Mass and if you are in the Archdiocese of Toronto, do attend!. 

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.