Fall 2014 Latin Mass Special Offerings, SEE HERE!

Monday 26 August 2013

A Sunday Funny for Us "Trads"

I like youth ministry, yes I do.

However, I might have to inform the liturgical police about this one .... seems that some bad liturgical music "instruction" is about to cause some "treble" amongst our youth ministries this coming month ...

Have a laugh on me. Pax, Julian. 

Brief MIA: Brief Vacation away from Servimus

Hello Everyone.

If you don't see any more highlights, articles, etc. for a while, save the odd one or two over the next week, it is because I am on a vacation from work. I might do some post-work on the thurifer post, but other than that, I'll just be reading my blogger feed.

Part of it will be hunkering down with the family and friends, taking a bit of rest, and my Labour Day weekend having something exciting I am preparing for:

Canada's Annual Marie Reine Du Cap Pilgrimage with the FSSP.

Briefly, every year the St. Clement's (at St. Anne's parish) FSSP community in Ottawa, organize a 3-day (+ travel time) long walking pilgrimage through the Trois-Rivieres region of Quebec along the St. Lawrence River. Latin Masses every day, virtually 24-7 access to confession from FSSP priests, and more.

The main website for the pilgrimage is here:


Also, for you Traditional Catholic who surf the blogosphere, it might peak your interest to know that this pilgrimage has been featured on popular Trad websites such as New Liturgical Movement and the more right-wing Rorate Caeli, as well as right-wing Catholic forum, Fisheaters:



http://catholicforum.fisheaters.com/index.php?topic=3453443.0;wap2 (This is a cached blog entry. I don't think you can sign up for their forums currently).

So, if any one isn't doing anything productive this coming weekend in Canada, you still have time to prepare and sign up!!! Just contact the person listed on the website for your division: English or French.

Pax Tibi Christi, and have a good week. Julian Barkin.

DOUBLE HIGHLIGHT: Oil and Water Mix for a Change: Mark Shea and Latin Mass Society UK Joseph Shaw on Liturgy

Hello Everyone.

Out of interest, two entries appeared on my blog feed, one linking to the other. Some of you who venture into the online Catholic blogosphere, would know of the high quality devotion and defense of the faith provided by Catholic Answers, at www.catholic.com/. One of their frequent authors in their publications, and in numerous collaborations, is Mark Shea, a Catholic apologist, who also writes a weekly column for the more conservative National Catholic Register (NOT the NCreporter!).

Of course, for this week, he decided to cover the Liturgy. On the whole, Mark gets it absolutely right in his column, here:

" .... Quarrels about liturgy have, for me, this same maddening and distracting qualityI don’t want a liturgy I can look at.  I want a liturgy I can look along—to see God .... I want to enter into the Paschal mystery, not keep being dragged back out by the thought “What is he doing now?”  [as in stupid liturgical abuses or things the priest likes.] I want music that makes me think of God, not ... a riff from Dave Brubeck’s “Take 5” ... I want vestments that clothe the priest in Christ, not in gimmickryI want them to just stick to the script. Say the black, do the red, as the saying goes. [Father Zuhlsdorf !!!!]

I’m not at Mass to be entertained, charmed, fascinated by a dazzling personality, or amused.  I’m not there to worship myself or hear about ... which lay martinets dominate a few “ministries” in the parish ... and are now ... tiny tyrannical fiefdoms [over the whole of the parish community].  I don’t want to hear a homily in which a priest is now so remote from the most elementary truths of the Tradition ... I don’t want to improve the Our Father to the Our Mother nor pray in the name of the Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier.  I don’t want to live with the impression that the last words of Christ to Peter were “Try experiments on my rats” and not “Feed my sheep.” 

Why am I at Mass?  I want God.  That’s why ...."

Wow! This, Mark, is exactly what those of us of the Generation X and Millenial generation, want of our Catholic liturgy and faith. WE ARE TIRED of the stupid things that priests and misguided lay teachers think we want. We want the whole kit and caboodle, without lies about the true teachings, doctrine, and dogmas of our faith. Screw the "Jesus loves everyone" garbage and "tolerate one another" stuff.

Now, Mark continues on because he's about to, like Christ always has, turn the tables and challenge the other extreme when it comes to the faith: The liturgical Pharisees and/or the "Trads behaving badly."

" .... But for exactly the same reason, I’m also not interested in the reaction to all this sort of twaddle from laity who have made it their life’s mission to be perpetually angry or obsessed with the minutiae of liturgy and hyper-critical of the Paul VI rite.  Just as I don’t want a priest to take me out of the Mass and into the cult of “Aren’t I Fabulous?” so I likewise don’t want angry Reactionaries endlessly critiquing and carping about how intrinsically inferior even a well-celebrated Paul VI rite is[a sadly typical behaviour of Trads Behaving Badly (TBBs), and their organizational counterparts e.g. the Society of St. Pius X.] I don’t want to listen to paranoid rants about the Jewish conspiracy tunneling under the sanctuary, or how the vestments aren’t quite the right color, or how we must all panic because Pope Francis’ priorities are not particularly on gorgeous liturgy. I find his simple offering of a beach ball to God in gratitude for 3 million hearts touched by Christ at World Youth Day to be an occasion of deeply moving joy, not a reason to scream "Sacrilege!" I also don't think the Little Drummer Boy insulted God by not playing Palestrina. I’m not super-inspired by singing “City of God”, and I can't stand "Anthem", but on the whole, I think that if that's the worst suffering I have to endure, I’m getting off way better than the Hiroshima martyrs and I am not going to let it destroy my peace ...."

While I do appreciate the gesture to Pope Francis about the beach ball thing, and I get his point not to act like a `trad behaving badly` to such a thing, personally, beach balls don`t belong on the altar. If you HAVE to absolutely bring something up like that in the Novus Ordo, then put it below the actual altar in front with those ``liturgical displays`` done by ``liturgical committees``. I`ve seen it before though usually with things the "Children's Mass/Liturgy/schools" do. I respect the sacredness, especially even higher, of the Sanctuary, and we should not willingly be doing things to violate that. Though I get we can't take out our mace and batons and do citizen's arrests on priests and people for that. So I`ll take my lumps with Mark on that.

HOWEVER, His overall sentiment rings true. This is the sickness that KILLS any hope of people coming to the Latin Mass, or even the Church in general. It`s not the form of the Mass itself that drives away people. It`s the bitter, angry, TBBs that do it, in person and their social media. This anal-retentiveness about all things liturgical and keeping the purity of "t/T-radition" just angers people off except their own allies/adherents. The Church and the Latin Mass is for everyone, and if you TRULY care about spreading the EF, you don't be like how Mark is describing above. Seriously, youth these days hate over-burdening authority of ANY sort. You have to break down our sensitivity barriers people.
SO, of course someone else decided to chime in, the Latin Mass Society UK head no less on his blog! At first glance of the title, I feared another TBB reaction was coming, and usually, these "Neo-Con" bloggers and Trads don't mix, like oil and water. Interestingly, there is some agreement from the author, Joseph Shaw. I still think there is a tad bit of reactionary "self-defense" mode going on, as I've seen his tone and writing in other posts, especially concerning a Lie-Beral Monsignor Basil Loftus, but he actually had some support for Mark Shea. Let me show you:

".... To liberals, comparing Mass to a piece of theatre is like showing a red rag to a bull. They want it to be natural and spontaneous. Nevertheless, Shea has a point: you need to lose yourself in the liturgy. The trouble is that doesn't make the point he wants it to make, which is that thinking about the liturgy is a Bad Thing.
There may sometimes be an element of 'I murder to dissect': if you are thinking too much about how the poet is producing his effect, it won't have its effect on you. But it equally won't have its effect if you can't understand the words or images or references (like me reading Mark Shea's blog), or if it is being read badly or printed in the wrong order. So learning about poetry or drama and getting a good text or a good performance will ultimately enhance your experience. Learning about the liturgy, and attending its worthy celebration, will enhance your liturgical experience.
If liturgy is important, as Shea presumably thinks it is, if he thinks it allows you to 'look along - to see God', then we need to argue about it a lot, we need to make it better, we need to adorn it with the best music we can and art set it in the best architecture. There's no easy escape for those 'conservatives' who don't want to takes sides on liturgical issues, I'm afraid ....
.... Shea may be feeling weary of the battle, but bad arguments and poor scholarship must be replaced by better, and a banal liturgy with something which speaks to us more clearly of heavenly things."

So while Joseph is about maybe 89.27546% in agreement with Shea (as he still defends most argumentation about the liturgy in general here, which, I agree somewhat, of the sentiment that we should not be blind sheep obeying our parish overlords and Lie-beral types of clergy and lay authroities), It is great to see some agreement between the Trad and Neo-con side here with this critical analysis blog post from Joseph.

The main message is clear between the both of them:
--> Liberals, stop thinking the liturgy is all about YOU. Stop trying to screw with the means God gives us as the highest form of worship, set about by Christ in his Passion, Death, and Resurrection that Passover Seder 2000+ years ago. Stop trying to violate the Church's doctrines and dogma. It ain't going to Happen as Christ said in Matthew 16:18.  Priests, say the black text in your Missal and do the Red indicated. Nothing else NOT in the liturgy or outside of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. Give the laity what they deserve: A liturgy fit for Christ the King!

--> Conservatives: Stop being TBBs, over dissecting the liturgy and pitting one form of the Mass against the other, Pope Benedict Emeritus and his preference of the EF over Pope Francis and his preference of the OF against one another, and stop being a bunch of liturgical police that enforces every rubric known to man, 1860 or 2013. You are sickening the liturgy and the people who come to the Church with your overzealous, and often anger-laced behaviour.

Good job to both of them. Pax Tibi Christi, Julian.

Saturday 24 August 2013

HIGHLIGHT: New Update Aug 25 2013 on Update on the Fraciscan Friars of the Immaculate Situation Thanks to Fr. Z

Hello Everyone.

You might have remember the fury and fire that blazed across the blogosphere a couple of weeks ago when "Big Bad" Pope Francis though the head of the order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, restricted the Latin Mass/EF. There were cries amongst the townspeople to carry their torches and pitchforks and put these men's heads on a platter, There were people writhing in agony, there was ..... none of that, I am just being an exaggerating young man. But you get the drift, there were upset people, especially amongst the "Trads."

I did blog about this, but I took the positive and caution side, even titling my post, "No Francis Does Not Hate the FFI's Virginia``. I did however post much on warnings from Fr. Z, to take a ``Chill Pill`` and not be a ``trad behaving badly``, otherwise we`d lose the EF for good or they will not progress in our (arch)dioceses.

Well .... The Pope STILL DOES NOT HATE THE FFI`s Virginia.

Fr. Z has done some follow up on the situation here: http://wdtprs.com/blog/2013/08/update-franciscan-friars-of-the-immaculate-and-restrictions-on-the-tlm/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wdtprs%2FDhFa+%28Fr.+Z%27s+Blog+-+What+Does+The+Prayer+Really+Say%3F%29

In a nutshell, Our Holy Father doesn`t want the extreme, radical form of traditionalism to prevail, and he wants to make sure those doing it, aren`t doing it for the wrong reasons, but also to ensure the faithful attached to the EF/Latin Mass are not insulted. He isn't stupid and detests the Trads Behaving Badly and what they do to the TLM, but at the same time, he will not let the Lie-Berals crush that form of the Mass and what his living predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, did with Summorum Pontificum.

More proof, if you read the post in full ..... permissions are being granted to the FFI community to celebrate the EF and continue what they were doing before. It's not being as decimated as you think. Go have a read, and start to put your fears aside.

Pax, Julian.


This is NOT from Fr. Z's site, but that right-leaning (not as much in a good way) Trad site, Rorate Caeli, was able somehow to acquire a copy of the questionnaire given to FFI members by the Intervention Commissioner from the Vatican.


 Of course, some of the commenters and the title make it look once again like another attack on the EF and takes a "Trad behaving badly" tone.

What I can say looking at this, is, that they did not waste time getting to the heart of the matter that requires analysis in terms of the conflict in the community: The Latin Mass. To me, I will be taking this survey in the best light. The survey clearly looks like it wanted to get to the topic of disagreement in the community. It was also trying to examine the attitudes of the community and verify if there was any improper presence of (a.k.a. Trad Behaving Badly) attitudes not conductive towards the Latin Mass, the order, and the Church.

Clearly, if there was elements of TBB within the community, IT WAS IN EVERY RIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF THE FAITHFUL THAT POPE FRANCIS, BE IT HIMSELF OR THROUGH HIS DELEGATED SUPERIOR, RESTRICT THE LATIN MASS WITH THIS COMMUNITY. Trads behaving badly are the biggest roadblock to the success and growth of the Latin Mass in the Church and do nothing but destroy the New Evangelization. Their actions can even go so far as committing the works of the Devil (e.g. calumny, slander, detraction ... ).

I will say however, that while the survey does get to the thick of it, I would not be surprized if some Lie-berals in the community used it as a sticking point to attack their EF preferring brethren, or to slam the Latin Mass. Unfortunately, like many things in this world, the physical objects are neutral, and in the wrong hands or one whose free will is not choosing God above all things, the tool becomes a weapon. So if there was a group, no matter how big or small, of theological dissenters or EF-haters, then of course they would use the questionnaire as a weapon.

However, despite the website Rorate Caeli, it's spin, and the questionnaire, I do not think we can look at this in the most negative light, unlike some of their commentators. Believe me, if Pope Francis' papacy was in the wrong spiritual direction or totally against the EF, he would or will have quashed Summorum Pontificum with his own Motu Proprio, or a total neglect of the EF, whether Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was living or not.


Brief Report: Servimus Unum Deum August 23 2013 Serving Practice at St. Pius X (NOT SSPX), Toronto

Hello Everyone,

An altar serving practice took place at St. Pius X Catholic Church on Friday, August 23, 2013 at 7pm. This practice focused on the purpose of the altar server, basic principles for altar serving, and basic tools that all servers would need regardless of the level of Mass or position.

The poster for this practice is here:

Despite it being the end of the Summer, there was a decent amount of attendees. We also thank Fr. Park, pastor of St. Pius X, for the allowance of the practice as well as necessary items in the sacristy for demonstration.
For those of you who were not able to/did not attend, An introductory serving guide was given to those in attendance for the practice, as well as to take-home, with written info and diagrams of the content covered in practice. Please e-mail me at torontotlmservers@gmail.com to receive this package by e-mail.

Pax Tibi Christi, Julian Barkin.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

HIGHLIGHT: A Young Person's First Exprience with the Latin Mass in Florida

Hello Everyone. Before I begin .....

DON'T FORGET, LATIN MASS SERVING PRACTICE: http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2013/08/annoucnement-latin-mass-serving.html

Okay, back to the main program ......

My Blogger feed produced a great article this morning, courtesy of the New Liturgical Movement. It features an article on a blog, written by one of its young adult authors. This author had heard about the Latin Mass and decided finally to check it out.

Although her mind has not been made up yet, whether she'll remain Novus Ordo, be a hybrid like myself (which we should be, to evangelize the Latin Mass and Traditional Catholicism to others), or pure Latin Mass, she nonetheless gives great praise and acclaim to the experience she had with the "Hidden Treasure" of the Mass. Please have a read below. I've bolded points for emphasis or note.

Of the ones that I've highlighted, I've snatched a few here that are the most important:

"Being a part of what many call “the JP2 generation,” my only association with Mass has been in the post-Vatican II “ordinary” (normal) form, which introduces a lot of youth-friendly modernisms such as contemporary praise music."

"Great was my surprise when a great majority of attendees were people of my own generation." (with this being the young people around early-late 20's to 40yrs old, so people raised during Pope John Paul II's pontificate)

"As I listened to prayers chanted in Latin, saw trails of incense floating in the air, and observed the priest offer up the Mass, I realized, this is exactly how centuries of Catholics celebrated Mass. Suddenly, I felt transported outside the constraints of time and space." (The Mass is supposed to transcend us, and Benedict XVI has commented many a time on this aspect of the Mass.)

" ... Now, more than ever, I felt united with the communion of saints: I was praying in the same language they prayed in. They no longer seemed so distant ..."
" ... I had only been taught to receive Communion by hand. And here, there was no option for reception of Communion. I couldn’t have things “my way” as if Mass were a fast-food joint .... I was receiving the Bridegroom in a way I had not experienced .... “Let go and let God,” was on my mind and I did the only thing I could do: submit."

"... attending Latin Mass is a bit like finding a hidden treasure box and discovering all the beauty that lies within. It is in every way extraordinary. "

Pax, Julian.

SOURCE: The Archdiocese of Miami, Florida, USA - http://www.miamiarch.org/ip.asp?op=Blog_1382104648280

Praying in the language of the saints

Blanca Morales
Monday, August 19, 2013

Sheer curiosity is what led me to first attend Mass in the Extraordinary Form. I had heard of the terms Missa Cantata, High Mass, Tridentine Rite or Traditional Latin Mass, but didn’t know they all referred to the same thing: Mass as celebrated in the time-honored tradition of centuries past.

I knew very little about the Traditional Latin Mass, which had fallen into disuse after the Second Vatican Council. I also didn’t know that in 2007, Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI made it easier for priests to celebrate the Latin Mass in his motu propio Summorum Pontificum. In this apostolic letter, Pope Benedict XVI noted that the form of Mass which had nourished the faith of so many generations should be made more widely available, though the newer form of the Mass, as celebrated in most of our parishes today, must continue to be recognized for its value and holiness. It would be inconsistent, he said, to exclude the new rite as illegitimate.

Being a part of what many call “the JP2 generation,” my only association with Mass has been in the post-Vatican II “ordinary” (normal) form, which introduces a lot of youth-friendly modernisms such as contemporary praise music.
Looking to explore something new and different, I entered the quaint Spanish-revival church, the Mission of Sts. Francis and Clare, with preconceived notions of Latin Mass that had been given to me by the media.
Great was my surprise when a great majority of attendees were people of my own generation. Indeed, Pope Benedict noted the demand for greater use of the 1962 missal was not just made by those who grew up with it, but by younger generations who felt an attraction to it and found in it a “a form of encounter with the mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist which suited them particularly well.”

The moment Mass began, I was swept into this very mystery in more ways than one.

Being completely unacquainted with this form of the Mass, I stumbled through the Missal, trying to follow in Latin and translating in English. I began to grow a bit frustrated. I knew the new rite like the back of my hand, and now I felt like many a convert must feel when attending their first Mass: confused.

In a time and age when we like to have control of our surroundings, I didn’t like the feeling of not knowing what to do. I was unused to surrendering, but that was exactly what I needed to do.

I closed the Missal and put it aside. I decided to just experience the Mass. That’s when it all changed.

As I listened to prayers chanted in Latin, saw trails of incense floating in the air, and observed the priest offer up the Mass, I realized, this is exactly how centuries of Catholics celebrated Mass. Suddenly, I felt transported outside the constraints of time and space.

I always knew we Catholics are united in the Eucharist, but now, at Latin Mass, the term “universal church” carried a fuller, deeper meaning.

At a Mass like this one, St. Therese of Lisieux or Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati recited the same Credo, prayed the same Pater Noster, responded with the same “et cum spiritu tuo.” Now, more than ever, I felt united with the communion of saints: I was praying in the same language they prayed in. They no longer seemed so distant.
As I continued to enjoy the mystery of it all, no greater sense of surrender came than at the time of Communion. In Latin Mass, it is tradition to kneel for Communion and receive the host on the tongue.

I was in a bit of a panic. I had only been taught to receive Communion by hand. And here, there was no option for reception of Communion. I couldn’t have things “my way” as if Mass were a fast-food joint.

As I made my way down the center aisle toward the altar, I felt as jittery as a bride on her wedding night, receiving her groom for the first time. And that’s exactly what was happening: I was receiving the Bridegroom in a way I had not experienced.
At that moment, I stopped thinking and let my focus be on Him alone. I refused to worry about my surroundings, or whether I knew what I was doing. “Let go and let God,” was on my mind and I did the only thing I could do: submit.

And I did. It was not the awkward situation I thought it would be, and the feeling of surrender from that first experience was so liberating that I find that this is how I now prefer to receive communion.

I returned to Latin Mass in the weeks that followed, being attracted to the indescribable beauty of tradition, sacred music, and reverence.

Slowly but surely I am learning the prayers and responses, my Latin vocabulary increasing with each new visit. I am learning deeper truths about the celebration of the Lamb’s Supper. I also now know why the priest in my Children’s Missal was “facing the wrong way,” as I had observed as a child.

I cannot say whether or not I will become a traditionalist Catholic; I am in no way foregoing the novus ordo which has brought Mass to the nations in the language they know. I can say, however, that attending Latin Mass is a bit like finding a hidden treasure box and discovering all the beauty that lies within. It is in every way extraordinary. 

Monday 19 August 2013

Basic Q and A for the Latin Mass Part III: How to Use the Basic Latin-English Missal With/Without Propers

Basic Q and A for the Latin Mass Part III: How to Use the Basic Latin-English Missal With/Without Propers

Hello Everyone.

Something I have been told by a friend or two visiting the Latin Mass, is that while they loved it, they wished they had known HOW to use the Latin-English Missal and propers provided at the Mass. Without instruction, they experienced confusion. I do realize that you do need a few Latin Masses to get the basic total experience, but knowing HOW to follow along with the prayers would likely improve one's desire to pursue the Mass on their own time.

Therefore, for the sake of my friends, and in the instances where a full booklet for that day's Masses (with propers) are not made, but rather the common little missalette with an additional page of proper is made, this Q and A will show you how to use the two aids to participate more fully in the Mass. This Q and A will not focus on how to use a full size hand Missal (e.g. Baronius Press 1962 Missal), as I am only focusing on basic inquiry for those who do not frequent the Latin Mass, or are just starting out.


So, you have decided to come to a Low/High/Solemn Latin Mass. Great! Welcome! This may be your first or second or third time, and you have decided to pick up some visual/text aids that are provided by the Latin Mass parish/group providing the Mass. But, you don't know what exactly to do with these aids and you do not know a soul, or are a little shy to ask, or stay with your friend during this time. Well allow me to explain how to use these aids.
There are two types of aids/combinations that you will usually have at these Masses to assist you in understanding and praying with the Mass. They are:
1) A combination of the Red Latin-English Booklet Missal and a separate handout of the daily changing prayers called the "Propers", and the readings of Scripture for that Mass
This combination is likely the most frequent aids you will encounter at Latin Mass parishes, and if you are an occasional attendee of the Latin Mass, you will likely want/have purchased a red missalette of your own.

2) A full booklet which will have the Order of the Mass, the readings of Scripture, and the Propers all in one.



For the following, please refer to the figure below:

First, when the Mass begins, ensure that you are at the start of the Ordo of the Mass.
If it is a Sunday, and it is a High level Mass or higher (Solemn), then start at "The Asperges." If it is any other Mass (e.g. Low), and/or not a Sunday, then start at the "Mass of the Catechumens." (As seen in (1) )
Once you have gotten to the appropriate start of the Mass, ensure that you are in the correct posture. This could be standing, sitting, or kneeling. These missalettes have "cues" on the right hand Margin on the side with the English. This is indicated here, in (2). For a Low Mass, you would be kneeling.
In addition, as you follow along with the Latin/English text, you might do other actions, such as making the Sign of the Cross with the priest, as indicated by the Cross OR cross-dagger in books. This is seen in (3), after "In the name of the Father".
You then follow along with the Missal until you get to the appropriate point, requiring you to look at the handout with the propers and Scripture for the Mass. The first point in the Mass you will need it, is the Introit, after the prayers at the Foot of the Altar:

Once you get to this point, go to your Propers/Scripture handout. Now pray/read the Introit as highlighted here:

Once you've read the introit, then you will go back to the Missalette, and continue from the Kyrie onward, until the next part where you will need to refer back to the Propers/Scripture Handout. You will need to repeat this cycle of events for the Following:
  • Any special prayers said before the duration of the Mass (e.g. the Candlemas Blessing on February 2 annually)
  • The Collect
  • The Epistle (Scripture Reading)
  • The Gradual/Alleluia
  • The Gospel (Main Scripture Reading)  
  • The Offertory Prayer
  • The "Secret" Prayer
  • The Preface (after "dignum et justum est.")
  • The Communion antiphon
  • The Post-Communion prayer
Two more notes to mention:
1. Usually at most Latin Masses, the Priest will read at minimum the Gospel in English after the Latin and before the homily or sermon. He may also read the Epistle in English as well.
2. Certain responses are for the Laity at certain times, all other responses are for the servers/other clergy, unless your parish or organization putting on the Mass allows you to make them. It would be wise to follow along with the rest of the laity (most of whom know when to do so), as to when you respond in the pews.


This does not need much explaining, as everything is in order and included. This will usually be provided by the organization or the Parish, and might look like this, for example, the Sacred Heart Mass of 2012 for the St. Patrick's Gregorian Choir, Toronto, ON:

When the book is opened, you follow it page to page, left to right, and the Latin is on the left pages or columns, while the English is on the right pages or columns, as seen below. The cues are also provided in the margins:

In addition, the propers (e.g. as above, the Introit ...), are included in the missalette, therefore there is no need to refer to a separate Propers and Scripture sheet. You simply follow along with the book.
I hope that this will help you navigate the missalettes, whether you are the occasional visitor to my site, your first time ever on Servimus, and/or an occasional or first time visitor to the Latin Mass, not be as lost when these aids are presented to you. I hope to also abridge this guide in future for my upcoming Masses I serve with, regardless of what the set-up of aids are.  
Pax Tibi Christi, Julian

HIGHLIGHT: MSGR Charles Pope on the Church is Sinking(?) and Tradtioinal Catholicism

Hello Everyone

Monsignor Charles Pope is an excellent, Traditionally-minded, yet Novus Ordo Priest who has been cited on a few occasions on Fr. Z's blog, as well as writes a number of interesting posts (one or two on incense that I will incorporate somehow in my upcoming Thurifer role post ...), on many facets of the Church, including Roman Rite liturgy. He does so through his blog for the Archdiocese of Washington in the U.S.A.

This came through my blogger feed, and it is highly worth a read: http://blog.adw.org/2013/08/the-church-is-a-bride-not-a-widow-a-word-of-reminder-and-encouragement-to-the-faint-hearted-and-negative-ones/. I say so, because one of the problems that deter people from Traditional Catholicism, and therefore the Latin Mass, is that certain trads perpetuate a stereotype, that the whole church, which is mostly "Novus Ordo," has been corrupted to the point of non-revival. That or, alternatively, bashing various aspects of our Modern Church (e.g. the Novus Ordo Mass, Bishops, etc.) is the activity "du jour" of Trads behaving badly (TBBs). Needless to say, on something posted by the monsignor last week, the TBBs acted once again in a manner of mockery and insult which has brought embarrassment on traditional Catholics.

This is something that will NEVER win Traditional Catholics brownie points, especially the youth. You want to deter people from going to Latin Masses? Keep saying the Church is going to pot and the only salvation is in the Latin Mass, that your society, canonical or not, offers. Young people get enough negativity from their parents, peers, teachers, and other authority figures and have been given that perception from religion as being "restrictive" (which is a big fat lie!).

We Traditional Catholics, and also young leaders, must counter the example of our fellow TBB's, and show that while there are errors that should be corrected to restore our worship to optimal levels with the greatest fraternal charity, as well as present the Full Truth of the Gospel, our Lord gave us the Church for all time in existence, and will never let his Bride DIE.

Therefore, please read the article, and start spreading the hope. And if you must, use words like Saint and Pope Francis and let those you know, traditional Catholic or not, that the final countdown is not yet upon the Church.

Pax, Julian.

P.S. This paragraph shows the awesomeness of this blogging monsignor: "It was even more discouraging since I have never shied away from talking about the need for reform and what does trouble the Church today. We have covered quite a lot of the “what ails the Church” territory here at the ADW Blog. I am no cheerleader for the Church of Wonderful. There are problems, and we discuss them."

Wow. I think somebody took a page out of Michael Voris` expression the ``Church of nice``. And I know some of you watch him daily (despite my disapproval, but MV does have some good notes now and then). Point it, I`d keep a watch on this blogger.

P.P.S.!!!!! YOUNG MEN AND ADULT MEN! CHECK THIS OUT: http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2013/08/annoucnement-latin-mass-serving.html 

Friday 16 August 2013


Hello Everyone.

I would like to announce the next Latin Mass Practice for what is now, the Servimus Unum Deum - Latin Mass practice group.

The Servimus Unum Deum group is summarized as having the following goals:

``This monthly Latin Mass serving group is open to males in grade 6 and up, and adults, who are practicing Catholics in the Archdiocese of Toronto. All are welcome to participate regardless of serving experience and/or familiarity with the Latin Mass. The group aims to foster a positive, Catholic environment to provide altar server training, applicable to all levels of the Latin Mass. This group practices at two major parishes in the archdiocese, alternating to be fair and accommodate the transportation needs of our members``

The next practice will be Friday, August 23, 2013, at St. Pius X Catholic Church, 2305 Bloor Street West (between Runnymede and Jane on the TTC). The practice is at 7pm.

I, Julian Barkin, will be the instructor for this coming practice, as our primary instructor, Paul Mundra, has a family event that must be attended to. In Paul's absence, the focus of this practice will be on serving basics, such as the basic idea of altar serving, genuflections, decorum, reverence, etc.

Should time permit, I might also start to go through the responses at the Latin Mass, specifically the Confiteor and the Domine Non Sum Dignus, as regardless what Mass level the server wishes to begin at, you MUST know these responses by heart and will not have the aid of the server's response card with you at said times.

In addition, I will try to work on a brief summary handout of what I will try to teach at this session. Should my schedule not permit this, all servers in attendance will be sent this handout to their emails.

Here is the poster for the practice:
Please pass on the information to interested young men, family members, etc. who might desire to venture into Latin Mass serving, despite their inexperience, or full experience.
Pax, Julian. 

Thursday 15 August 2013

Happy Feast of the Assumption!

Hello Everyone.

Just a quick reminder, and happy wishes of the Feast of the Assumption of Mary!

If there are any American readers, here, YOU ARE OBLIGATED to go to Mass today, be it morning or eve. Hopefully your local parishes are smart enough to offer an evening Mass.

Canadians, well .... I don't think the CCCB quite gets what days are important or has read the Catechism so they erred and did not make today a day of obligation. Still if you can go to Mass, do it!Try to make to one in the Extraordinary Form if there's a Mass available near you or you have a car.

Pax, Julian.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Some Small Postings Today

Hello Everyone.

Today, I just have a bunch of small posts for your viewing pleasure. The last one is pretty good .... turns out in North America EF Sacraments are increasing in frequency (at least of being reported online ...)

Post 1: David Beresford from Catholic Insight, reminisces about his time as an altar server. Of note, he was a server at the exact time of the changes from the Latin Mass to the current Novus Ordo.

Post 2: Translation of some of the last words spoken to the Cardinal Electors at this year's 2013 Conclave here: http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2013/08/an-interesting-reveal-last-words-spoken.html

Post 3: EF SACRAMENTS!!!!! Two Wedding Masses and an EF Baptism in the United States. THe Baptism is by a Bishop! See .... there is an increased demand by the laity for these sacraments in the EF. Times are a' changing. http://torontotlmserving.blogspot.ca/2013/08/prosperity-in-extraordinary-form-more.html

Pax, Julian.

Prosperity in the Extraordinary Form: More Reported Wedding Masses and a Baptism in the EF in North America

Hello Everyone,

While cruising my blogger feed, I have come across some interesting reports of other Sacraments being done in the extraordinary form, with pictures! It is great to see an increase in the carrying out the Sacraments in the EF in North America, showing that the demand for the EF is increasing, and people are wanting their weddings done, or their babes baptized, in the EF.

Nuptial Latin Mass:
1) New Liturgical Movement reports a Latin Mass wedding from Des Moines, Iowa, USA here: http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2013/08/ef-nuptial-mass.html#.UgrkaHVzZ9A

2) Dr. Jay Boyd (Ph.D) at Philothea on Phire, reports a Nuptial Latin Mass of one of her virtual fans from Milwaukee, U.S.A. here: http://philotheaonphire.blogspot.ca/2013/08/a-traditional-wedding.html

Baptism in the EF:
New Liturgical Movement reports a baptism from the Archdiocese of Detroit ..... DONE BY A BISHOP!!!!! http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/index.html#4169563088114983010. The bishop is Bishop Francis Reiss.

So there you have it. It's happening people. Pax, Julian.

An Interesting Reveal ... Last Words Spoken to the 2013 Conclave Before Entering into the Voting Process

Hello Everyone.

I found this through my Blogger Feed .... It's numerous translated excerpts of the last words spoken to the Conclave 2013 attendants, from the Latin Text in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis (The Church's Official Bulletin of recordings of major decrees, proceedings, etc.). I am reproducing it in full from Sandro Magister's Chiesa Espresso site from here: http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1350575?eng=y

The content that was translated within is very important. My emphasis in bold and my comments are in the square brackets. Pax, Julian.

Groundbreaking: The Last Warning to the Pope's Electors

The official bulletin of the Holy See has lifted the secrecy from the meditation dictated to the cardinals at the beginning of the last conclave, with the doors already closed. Here are the essential passages

by Sandro Magister

ROME, August 13, 2013 – The Holy See has an official bulletin entitled “Acta Apostolicae Sedis." It is written in Latin, while the documents reproduced there are in the original languages. Its issues can be read on the Vatican website beginning with that of 1909:

> Acta Apostolicae Sedis

Since 2003 it has been issued in monthly booklets with the pages numbered starting in January. The latest booklet taken to press is also the first of Francis's pontificate:

> Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 5 aprilis - 3 Maii 2013

It contains among other things the proceedings of the conclave that on March 13, 2013 elected pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio. With one innovation with respect to what was already known.

The innovation - previously covered by secrecy - is the complete text of the meditation dictated to the grand electors on March 12, behind closed doors, immediately before the start of the voting.

The cardinal charged with the meditation was the Maltese Prosper Grech, an Augustinian, 87 years old and therefore without the right to vote. After his meditation, in fact, he left the Sistine Chapel.

The complete text of the meditation is on pages 352-357 of the cited issue of the "Acta Apostolicae Sedis."

Ten passages from this are reproduced below. Corresponding to as many points concerning “that which Christ wants from his Church,” in the judgment of Cardinal Grech.

Rereading them today spontaneously brings up an exercise: to identify on which of these points Pope Francis has exerted himself more, at the beginning of his pontificate, and on which less, and how.


"The action you are about to carry out within this Sistine Chapel..."

by Prosper Grech

[…] I have no intention of making the identikit of the new pope, and much less of presenting a plan of action for the future pontiff. This very delicate task belongs to the Holy Spirit, who in recent decades has gifted us with a series of excellent holy pontiffs. My intention is that of drawing from Scripture some reflections to help us understand what Christ wants from his Church. […]


After his resurrection Jesus sent the apostles into the whole world to make disciples of all peoples and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Mt 29:19). The Church does this by presenting the Gospel without compromise, without diluting the word. […]
[Editor's note. The BRIDE OF CHRIST as THE CHURCH does this, Your Eminence, but numerous members of the clergy and the educated laity and their educators either offer a watered down version, or NOT the Gospel ....] When one descends to compromises with the Gospel one empties it of its “dynamis,” as if one were to remove the explosive from a hand grenade. [YESSSS!!!!!!! Exactly!!!! and you wonder why the majority of the laity aren't moved by the "Gospel" presented to them. It's not the one you are talking about above.] Nor must one give in to temptation thinking that, since Vatican Council II is believed [the key word here] to have leveled out salvation for those who are outside of the Church as well, the need for baptism has been relativized. Today is added the abuse of many indifferent Catholics who neglect or refuse to baptize their children [as well as another malady he mentions, only bringing their kids for sacraments like baptism and NEVER setting foot in the Church again until marriage, if at all].


The proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is made concrete in the proclamation of “Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2). […] It is precisely this scandal of the cross that humbles the “hybris" of the human mind and elevates it to accept a wisdom that comes from above. In this case as well, to relativize the person of Christ by placing him alongside other “saviors” means emptying Christianity itself of its substance. It is precisely the preaching of the absurdity of the cross that in less than three hundred years reduced to the minimum the religions of the Roman empire and opened the minds of men to a new view of hope and resurrection. It is for the same hope that the modern world is thirsting, suffering from an existential depression.


Christ crucified is intimately connected to the Church crucified. It is the Church of the martyrs, from those of the first centuries to the many faithful who, in certain countries, are exposing themselves to death simply by going to Sunday Mass. […] Jesus predicts: “if they have persecuted me, they will persecute you" (Jn 15:20). Therefore, persecution is a "quid constitutivum" of the Church, […] it is a cross that it must embrace. But persecution is not always physical, there is also the persecution of falsehood: “Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake" (Mt 5:11). You have recently experienced this through some media outlets that do not love the Church. [here, as will be said below, the Cardinal is referring to the sex scandals that recently came up AGAIN in the Church. While it is truly a minority of ALL priests in the Church who have committed these heinous actions, the mainstream anti-Catholic media loves to pounce on it like wolves to game meat.] When the accusations are false one must not pay attention to them, even if they cause immense pain.


It is another thing when what is said about us is the truth, as has happened in many of the accusations of pedophilia. Then we must humble ourselves before God and men, and seek to uproot the evil at all costs, as did, to his great regret, Benedict XVI. And only in this way can we regain credibility before the world and give an example of sincerity. Today many people do not arrive at believing in Christ because his face is obscured or hidden behind an institution that lacks transparency. [One can now see a likely factor that influenced the decision of who to vote for amongst the Cardinals to be Pope. Basically, to restore the tarnished public image of the Catholic Church and Catholicism.] But if recently we have wept over many unpleasant events that have befallen clergy and laity, even in the pontifical household, we must consider that these evils, as great as they may be, if compared with certain evils in the history of the Church are nothing but a cold. [I disagree with his eminence. Sexual scandal at the hands of these men are NOT common colds, they are "vile diseases" of grave sin, mental, and physical illness.] And just as these have been overcome with God's help, so also the present crisis will be overcome. Even a cold needs to be taken care of well to keep it from turning into pneumonia.


The evil spirit of the world, the “mysterium iniquitatis" (2 Thes 2:7), constantly strives to infiltrate the Church. [unfortunately, this cardinal could have and should have said it has to a degree, with that evil spirit taking the form of secuarlism/relativism/selfish and prideful ideaologies and wanton desires of the flesh. This tense implies it is TRYING to penetrate its walls. Things in the world seem to show it has gone farther than that at a societal and cultural level. Spiritually, the Church as Bride of Christ will NEVER fall to Satan. See Matthew 16:18] Moreover, let us not forget the warning of the prophets of ancient Israel not to seek alliances with Babylon or with Egypt, but to follow a pure policy "ex fide" trusting solely in God (cf. Is 30:1; 31:1-3; Hos 12:2) and in his covenant. Courage! Christ relieves our minds when he exclaims: "Have trust, I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33). […]


No less easy for the future pontiff will be the task of keeping unity in the Catholic Church itself. Between ultratraditionalist extremists and ultraprogressive extremists, between priests who rebel against obedience and those who do not recognize the signs of the times, there will always be the danger of minor schisms that not only damage the Church but also go against the will of God: unity at all costs. [While other Traditionalist blogs are upset with this statement, I agree here with the Cardinal. Both sides have fallen off the "narrow path", though the ultratraditionalist sides have shown their ugly heads more prominently, thanks to the combination of Summorum Pontificum and the Internet blogosphere. Further, the SSPX were featured again in the last few years due to the talks with Benedict, that failed at their hands when they did not sign the doctrinal preamble. They chose division and a rejection of Holy Mother Church.] But unity does not mean uniformity. It is evident that this does not close the doors to the intra-ecclesial discussion present in the whole history of the Church. All are free to express their thoughts on the task of the Church, but they should be proposals in line with that "depositum fidei" which the pontiff together with all of the bishops has the task of guarding. […] [in other words, criticize validly and in Catholic fraternal charity what is problematic, but if you don't like what you see, don't go all "Luther/Henry VIII/Lefebvre, etc." and start you own "church" away from Holy Mother Church. That's what gets you not in communion with Her. You gotta stick to the major stuff]


Unfortunately today theology suffers from the feeble thought that dominates the philosophical environment, and we need a good philosophical foundation in order to be able to develop dogma with a valid hermeneutic that speaks a language intelligible to the contemporary world. [I have to disagree here. This sounds like liberal garbage, using high level words to say something. NO. We do not need a hermeneutic with an intelligible language for the world. The world, while created good by God, is not of Christ and if anything is contrary to the Church should one give into it. If anything, we need a clearer faith, one that does not appeal to novelties or the modern world. We need a clear, traditional, loving (Caritas) message that unites both faith and works, one that is obedient to Christ and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. We don't need some philosophical gobbledegook from some theologian or left/right wing priest.] It often happens, however, that the proposals of many faithful for the progress of the Church are based on the level of freedom that is granted in the area of sexuality. Certainly laws and traditions that are purely ecclesiastical can be changed, but not every change means progress, it must be discerned whether such changes act to increase the holiness of the Church or to obscure it. […]


In the West, at least in Europe, Christianity itself is in crisis. […] There reigns an ignorance and disregard not only of Catholic doctrine, but even of the ABC's of Christianity. The urgency is thus felt of a new evangelization that begins from pure kerygma and plain proclamation to nonbelievers, followed by a continual catechesis nourished by prayer. [Yes!!! We must proclaim the Gospel's basic message to people, and even get the most faithful Catholics to know WHAT the kerygma is, to further solidify the faith, have a personal encounter with Christ, say YES to him, and THEN when all that happens to have those solid people evangelize to others.] But the Lord is never defeated by human negligence and it seems that, while they are closing the doors to him in Europe, he is opening them elsewhere, especially in Asia. And even in the West God will not fail to keep for himself a remnant of Israel that does not bend the knee before Baal, a remnant that we find mainly in the many lay movements endowed with different charisms [I hope this is not a blatant love for Charismatic Catholicism. Certain parts are ok, probably along the lines of George Weigel's Evangelical Catholicism book] that are making a strong contribution to the new evangelization. […] Care must be taken, however, that particular movements should not believe that the Church is exhausted in them. [This is both for lay movements, orders, etc. and the "trads" alike!] In short, God cannot be defeated by our indifference. The Church is his, the gates of hell can wound its heel but can never suffocate it. […] [MATT 16:18!]


There is another factor of hope in the Church that we must not overlook, the “sensus fidelium.” Augustine calls it "the inner teacher" in each believer. […] This creates in the depths of the heart that criterion of discernment of true and false, it makes us distinguish instinctively that which is "secundum Deum" [meaning second in importance to God] from that which comes from the world and from the evil one (1 Jn 4:1-6). […] The coals of devout faith are kept alive by millions of simple faithful who are far from being called theologians but who in the intimacy of their prayers, reflections, and devotions can give profound advice to their pastors. It is these who "will destroy the wisdom of the wise and nullify the intelligence of the intelligent" (1 Cor 1:19). This means that when the world, with all of its knowledge and intelligence, abandons the logos of human reason, the Logos of God shines in simple hearts, which form the marrow from which the backbone of the Church is nourished. […]


While professing that the Holy Spirit is the soul of the Church, we do not always take him into consideration in our plans for the Church. He transcends all sociological analysis and historical prediction. He surpasses the scandals, the internal politics, the ambition, and the social problems, which in their complexity obscure the face of Christ that must shine even through dense clouds. Let's listen to Augustine: "The apostles saw Christ and believed in the Church that they did not see; we see the Church and must believe in Christ whom we do not see. By holding fast to what we see, we will arrive at seeing the one whom now we do not see" (Sermo 328, 3). […] In 1961 John XXIII received in audience in this Sistine Chapel the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See. He indicated the dominant figure of Christ the judge in the fresco of Michelangelo, and told them that Christ will also judge the actions of the individual nations in history. You find yourselves in this same Chapel, beneath the figure of that Christ with his hand raised not to crush but to illuminate your voting, that it may be "secundum Spiritum," not "secundum carnem." […] [he means that it is influenced by the Holy spirit, and not by subjective or material motives]. It is in this way that the elected will be not yours, but essentially His. […] [++Collins, our Archbishop and Cardinal, often remarks on this very fact when he went for the Conclave. The judgement part of our lives for our eternity based on our actions is what he often emphasizes of this painting.]


English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A.

Highlight: Catholic Insight Article from David Beresford on Reflecting on Altar Serving

Hey Everyone.

I just found this on Catholic Insight's website, the correlating website to the well-written journalistic publication for High-quality discussion of Catholic issues. No Liberal crock here! In fact, Blog writer from 8 kids and a Business, Terry McDermott, RN, contributes weekly online, and also to the journal itself. Please support the publication with a subscription to the print journal!

Anyways, for your reading, the article from David B. Pax Julian.


Published: Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 7:57 pm |   Author: David Beresford

Altar Boys

I found an old picture of my father in an attic drawer. It was taken on the occasion of the St. Peter’s Altar Boy picnic on the steps of the Cathedral.  There are about thirty altar boys in the picture with Fr. Morocco. I was pleased to find this picture, and it brought to my mind many of my own experiences as an altar boy in the late 60s, also at St Peter’s. As in my father’s time, there were thirty of us. Fr. O’Dette trained us, our duties being to ring the bell, carry the incense and sensor, and light the candles.

I recall the excitement that I felt when it was my turn to ring the bells or walk with the priest carrying the bucket as he sprinkled holy water on the congregation. But the greatest thrill of all was the incense. Being an altar boy gave me a chance to do things that we were not allowed to do at home. As young as eight years old I could light wooden matches and carry candles. One of the hardest jobs was to pour water from a huge pitcher onto a flat brass plate. This took real skill as the water would swirl around the polished brass and spill over the sides. It was a matter of pride to be able to do this with a steady hand under the critical eyes of my more experienced peers. On Sundays, the older boys took charge of the incense, water bowl, or bell, leaving us young lads to serve as Acolytes. It was only during the weekday Masses that we new altar boys could perform these duties.

My favourite Mass to serve was the 7:15 on weekday mornings. The other two daily mass times were 8:10 AM and 5:20 PM. The 5:20 was for people coming home from work, with most of these either on foot or riding bicycles. The 8:10 was the bishop’s Mass and was well attended. But the 7:15 was for people going to work. In the winter I used to walk to St. Peter’s in the dark before dawn and then, once inside, slowly bring the church to life by lighting the candles around the altar. There would be two of us assigned to serve, and for a ten-year-old it was an exciting adventure to meet up with a friend before breakfast. Sometimes, especially during Lent or Advent, there would be three or four altar boys; we used to challenge each other to go to Mass in the cold winter mornings.

During Mass itself, the sunlight would slowly start shining in through the stained glass windows, causing all the colours to dance in splendour all over the north and west walls, the altar, and the priest’s vestments. These coloured shadows would start high, near the ceiling, and then slowly drop down the walls as the sun rose. After Mass was finished, it was wonderful to emerge from the warm bath of soft lights into the bright sunny morning. I would run home for a porridge breakfast before school or, in the summer, before spending my day catching crayfish in Jackson’s Creek.

As altar boys, we got to skip class for training sessions, and on weekends we sometimes went ice fishing with Fr. Moran. These outings were highly prized perks of the job and, indeed, often the things that attracted us to be altar boys in the first place. Fr. Leahy came to our school and asked if any of the boys wanted to serve on the altar. Almost our entire cub pack and scout troop showed up at the first meeting. And, what seems remarkable in retrospect, everyone stayed!

Things began to change as I aged: I had missed the training in Latin that my older friends received, something I regret. I also recall the first day the bell was removed from the credence table, taken by a zealot priest to modernize the liturgy. After that, as each duty disappeared, so did the need for altar boys, and gradually our number diminished to nil.

All of these memories have come back to me, since I now have two boys serving on the altar at our parish in Lakefield. There, the bell, incense, and holy water are back. And, delightfully, so are the altar boys. Last Sunday, for instance, there were eight lads, a usual occurrence. These always divide up the duties so that everyone always has something to do, with the older boys looking after the young ones. And what makes me feel both proud and curiously wistful at the same time, my two boys can sing many of the old Latin prayers: the Sanctus, Agnus Dei, and even the Pater Noster—something I never learned how to do. It demonstrates a great truth of the Catholic revival: wherever the renewal succeeds, it is always a renewal of a timeless liturgy that appeals to the young.

Saturday 10 August 2013


Hello Everyone.

I wanted to leave up the last post promoting my colleague's sons' charity so I haven't been writing about anything in the last few days. And then .....

This just came in though, first on my blogger feed thanks to the almighty Fr. Z! This popped up in my Blogger Feed:


No this isn't a prank! I check the link myself for the English .... AND IT WORKS!!!! People are checking out the translations and of course with Latin there's things here and there, but ... so far no really big warped manipulations!!!

That's right folks .... That .. is the first screen of SP translated to English. 

I can't believe this. This is big for us Latin Mass going Catholics, and even the rest of the Church! The Vatican has listened to your cries and concerns!!! This should be celebrated around the world!!!

Please, spread this like a mega-virus across the Catholic blogosphere!!!! Tell your friends, family, that guy on the street you pass by every morning!!!!! THIS IS TOTALLY UBER AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

AD MAJORIEM GLORIA DEI!!! and pax tibi Christi. Julian Barkin.

Wednesday 7 August 2013


Hello Everyone.

I would like to promote another charitable cause I`ve helped a bit in past. I am hoping you might be able to help out a charity run by the sons of a work colleague of mine, and maybe spread the word. You will also be making those messes Pope Francis so eagerly talked about.

One More Wear Foundation is a charitable organization who's site is  http://www.onemorewear.org/. They run a second-hand clothing charity which aims to equip under-privileged youth with reasonable clothing for their schooling and their professional/work needs, as well as training them in professional job building skills. The youth can then be able to give a decent appearance for job interviews/on the job and using the skills they've learnt, be able to secure work of varying kinds. It's a step out of a cycle of poverty in my opinion.

The Foundation is running an event in Scarborough, Ontario this coming Sunday, August 11th at Ellesmere Community Center (with a rain date of August 24, 2013). The center is near the corner of Warden and Ellesmere, at 20 Canadian Road. It is a car and bike show, with classic and exotic vehicles, with a number of supporting activities and a barbeque. They are also looking for items beyond clothing as well such as backpacks, flash drives, stationery for school, planners/organizers, dictionaries, calculators, and even gift cards to places for cheap school supplies and office supplies (e.g. Walmart, Staples, Office Depot).

What I am asking, is that despite the short time frame, is it possible that you could attend and/or promote this event in any way possible amongst those you know? My colleague would highly appreciate any help for her sons' charity. In addition there might be a need for volunteers at this event still, so perhaps you can see the "Contact" page on the website and call if interested? Thank you so much.

The poster for the event is here. Spread the word and attend!

Pax, Julian.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

First Solo Latin Low Mass at SLTM Scarborough

Hello Everyone.

Just wanted to let you know that for the first time in my altar serving experience, I served a Latin Low Mass alone at St. Lawrence the Martyr, Scarborough, ON. today. It was for their Tuesday 11am Mass.

I was nervous throughout and did make a few mistakes (shaky hands at the ablutions with the wine, nonetheless ugh!), but was alright. I'll have to ask my friend in the pews for some advice.

Anyways, I can't believe it, but I did it. phew. I'll just need to keep serving.

Deo Gratias. Julian.

Saturday 3 August 2013

New Latin Mass Serving Post! Two Server Low Mass

Hello Everyone.

So that sweet treat I mentioned before ..... TA DA!!!!

A Brand New Serving Post! This one is for the Latin Low Mass using two servers.


Enjoy! Pax, Julian.

Latin Mass Serving: The Low Mass for Two Servers

Latin Mass Serving: The Low Mass for Two Servers

UPDATE 18/01/2015: One paragraph about candles and two figures added to setup before Mass parts. These additions were added while creating Low Mass for one server posting. 

Editor's Disclaimer: As always, what is stated here is not the be all and end all for Latin Mass Serving. In addition, priests or parishes may have some slight variations on what they do for the minutia of the actual Mass. This may include a slightly different vestment setup, what is laid out on the altar, order of `building the Chalice, etc. Always consult the priest/parish instructor for that.
I also realize that there are altar serving books/guides out there that do say how to do the 2-server Low Mass, in fact I will reference some of them here in this post. However, some servers may not be able to afford the books for a personal library, would be unfairly chastised or teased by their families for ordering such materials, OR like myself, are part of the "Wired" generation and are searching the Internet for resources like those books. Also, my personal experience allows me to add particular things, variations, etc. that the books do not list (as they only give the traditional/usual way of doing things).
What will be covered in this post is the following:
- Go over setting up for the Low Mass
- Go over in depth actions of the servers for a Two-server Low Mass
- Cover briefly the differences of the Two server vs. the Solo/one server Latin Low Mass

As a note, In my posts for the Low Mass, despite having created a separate post for the responses said by servers in the Latin Mass, I WILL post them, as the servers say everything. It also puts everything together here in one location. 


What are the reasons that two servers would be part of the Low Mass, when the usual or known case/standard is one server?
  • In a parish where the Low Mass takes the place of the High Mass, [or is the parish's main type of Mass that can be actually carried out,] two servers can be used even on week days. (12, A Handbook for Altar Servers.)
  • On great feasts there may be two servers at Masses which are public (104, The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described).

  • When paired with an experienced server, the Low Mass itself can be used as a means to train the inexperienced server for a solo Low Mass or higher level Masses as the acolytes.
    • The inexperienced server can take the experienced server`s cues as to when to get up, genuflect, etc. and learn to commit them to memory
    • The experienced server can also assist the inexperienced server when they are struggling before, during, and after Mass, and provide feedback.
    • Were one to think of the High/Solemn level Latin Masses, acolyte 1 and 2 duties are done during the 2-server Mass. This is great preparation for doing the acolyte roles during the Solemn Mass. (e.g. offertory and ablutions, transferring the missal ...) 

Prior to Mass

Setting up for the Low Mass
I have covered what to do to set up for Mass in my Starter Points Post No. 2. However, for your convenience here, I will list what to do anyways.
You, personally ...
  • Should wash your hands before touching anything, or at least use alcoholic sanitizer. Just something you do in any place today.
  • Should spend some time in prayer in front of the tabernacle in the church. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED,
  • Vest in Cassock before doing ANYTHING to set up for Mass. Don`t forget to say your cassock vesting prayer.
  • GO TO CONFESSION IF YOU HAVE COMMITTED A MORTAL SIN. SERVERS RECEIVE COMMUNION USUALLY AT MASS, AND TO RECEIVE IN MORTAL SIN IS FURTHER SACRILEDGE TO OUR LORD!!!! Else sit this Mass out, or if needed, beg the priest for an emergency confession in the Sacristy (or to go to the confessional).
  • Vest in surplice just 5 minutes before Mass begins, and say the surplice vesting prayer to do so.
The sanctuary and the altar are to have the following put out:
  • On the altar:
    • At least 2 main candles, nearest the corners of the altar. You can place the normal 6 if your parish allows this
      • about 5-10 minutes before Mass begins, light the corner Epistle candle and then Gospel side corner candle.

      • NOTE: Some priests may prefer that the two closest candles to the Tabernacle/Crucifix are lit in the center. as long as two are lit, this is acceptable. Just be mindful that the traditional/most-recommended method is the lighting of the corner candles.

      • With some parishes/priests, you might also light the candles closest to the Crucifix plus the corner ones. In this case do the Epistle side first, going from the center to the corner-most candle. Repeat this process with the Gospel side.
    • If part of your altar setup, the altar Crucifix, with the corpus of Christ facing the people, is to be placed in the center of the altar at the edge closest to the tabernacle. If the Crucifix is blessed you should handle it with cotton gloves OR a finger towel, NOT BARE HANDED.
    • The prayer cards, with the largest in the center, the Last Gospel on the ``Gospel`` or left side, and the Lavabo card on the ``Epistle`` or right side of the altar, face up.
    • The 1962 Missal on an altar stand, horizontal, on the Epistle side of the altar.
    • If your priest desires, possibly the chalice already placed on the altar, as well as the Burse with some extra ciboria. AGAIN, Use a finger towel or gloves, and do NOT TOUCH THE SACRED VESSELS WITH YOUR BARE HANDS. Some priests may do this, but most will not.

  •  On the Credence Table
    • The actual credence table, is placed on the Epistle side of the altar, away from the main altar
    • On it
      • the cruets filled with Water and wine
      • The lavabo (manutergium) cloth/finger towel
      • The lavabo dish/bowl/etc.
      • The communion paten (in its protector case)
      • If it is a special feast day or solemnity, whatever other items are necessary to be placed on the table.
Picture 1: In the end, your credence table should look somewhat like this. 

As for the sacristy:
  • You must set up the vestments for the priest in the following order: chausable (with strings in a certain pattern, an M or W), the maniple, the stole, the cincture, the alb, and the amice. There might be variations in the layout of each individual piece, but most priests will know/use the traditional IHS layout, as seen here (see the bottom YouTube video).
  • You might NEED to build the chalice, should the priest request this of you, or he is running really late and all items are in the sacristy for you to build the chalice. PLEASE HANDLE THE CHALICE AND ITEMS EITHER WITH COTTON GLOVES OR FINGER TOWELS. You are not allowed to touch the consecrated vessels with your bare hands.
  • You might be asked, as AC1, to assist the priest with his vesting for Mass.
Picture 2: In the end, your setup vestments for the priest should look like this. 

Prior to Leaving the Sacristy
Once the priest is vested and it is the time for Mass, both servers will kneel before the sacristy crucifix, and the priest. The priest will say an opening prayer, e.g. the Ave Maria (Hail Mary) in Latin. You will reply back to the Priest, after he says the first half at ``.... Sancta Maria ...`` (Holy Mary), like when you usually do reply and answer with the Hail Mary prayer with priests.
After the priest will say: ``Procedamus in Pace.`` You will reply, ``In Nomine Christ, Amen.``
One altar server will ring the sanctuary bells to signal to the faithful it is time for Mass. The servers will process in front of the priest.
If the entrance to the Sanctuary is from the Gospel side, then the first Acolyte (AC1) should be the lead server, the second acolyte (AC2) in front of the priest, behind AC1. If the sanctuary is approached from the Epistle side, this order should be reversed.
Regardless who is in front of the priest, that person will take holy water from the water font next to the entryway into the body of the Church/sanctuary, in their right hand, and extend their hand (without turning around fully,) behind them to put the water in the priest's right hand.

Don't forget: The Mass is now beginning. Until the closing prayers in the sacristy, you must now be in `serving mode` where your hands are in Orans prayer position if not holding objects, and the other basic rules are in force.  

The Holy Mass: The Mass of the Catechumens (Intro to Just Before Offertory)

The Entry Procession and Prayers at the Foot of the Altar
The altar servers in front of Father will process to the main altar. Acolyte 2/Book (AC2) will line up to the right of the entryway before the sanctuary in the body of the Church, while Acolyte 1/Bell (AC1) lines up on the right side of the entryway into the sanctuary space from the body of the Church.
I will be using the Gospel side entrance to show the movements portion on here. If AC1 leads the train and AC2 is in front of Father, a smooth transition takes place and looks like this:
Figure 1. Smooth Transition for Entrance Procession

However, should the order be reversed and AC2 is leading the pack, then they must let AC1 AND the priest (P) pass in front of him before he walks up to his position with the priest, as shown here:

Figure 2 `not-so-smooth Transition for Entrance Procession.

The same rules apply if approaching from the Epsitle side, just the reverse order, with AC1 being the person waiting for AC2 and the priest to pass, if AC1 is leading the train. Your train and order will depend on where your sacristy is located, or where you enter from.
Upon reaching the center of the Altar (outside/inside the sanctuary), Ac1 takes P's biretta with their right hand, by first kissing P's hand, then taking it by the left -facing prong of the three prongs on the biretta (there being a left, a center, and a right facing prong). Ac1 then kisses the biretta. Then everyone does a single genuflection in front of the center of the altar with P. P will get up. The servers lift up P's chausable slightly while still genuflecting when P gets up, if this is your regular protocol.

Ac1 and AC2 then get up. Ac2 remains in his place, while Ac1 goes over to the sedilia and places the biretta on it (or another suitable location). Then Ac2 returns to his spot he was before standing. P will have finished doing what he does on the altar, and will come down for the prayers at the foot of the Altar. Once P comes down, the servers will kneel on both knees while father stands. You will now begin the responses as follows, with your responses in bold, and actions the servers do in Marian blue:

(MAKE the sign of the Cross with the Priest)

P. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. 
S. Amen.

P. Introibo ad altare Dei
S Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam

Judica Me - Psalm 42
              P. Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo
               et doloso erue me.
               S. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitudo mea: quare me repulisti, et quare tristis incedo,
               dum affligit me inimicus?
              P. Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam: ipsa me deduxerunt et adduxerunt in
              montem sanctum tuum, et in tabernacula tua.
              S. Et introibo ad altare Dei: ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam. 
              P. Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus quare tristis es anima mea, et quare conturbas
              S. Spera in Deo, quoniam adhuc confitebor illi: salutare vultus mei, et Deus meus.
              P. Gloria Patri (slight bow by server with priest), et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto
              S. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula
              saeculorum, Amen.
              P. Introibo ad altare Dei. 
              S. Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam. P. Adjutorium (make the sign of the cross with the priest) nostrum in nomine Domini. 
S. Qui fecit coelum et terram.
(The priest now says the confiteor. You do NOT say the priest`s first confiteor with him.)

P. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et vobis fratres: quia peccavi nimis cogitatione verbo, et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et vos fratres, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum Nostrum.

S. (Slightly bow and stay that way. Turn toward the Priest and say:) Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis tuis, perducat te ad vitam aeternam.
P. Amen.

(Moderately bow) S. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, (turn towards the celebrant and say) et tibi Pater. (Turn away and look straight at altar again with head still bowed) quia peccavi nimis cogitatione verbo, et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. (beat breast with right hand at each Mea ... culpa) Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, (turn towards the celebrant and say:) et te Pater(Turn away and look straight at altar again with head still bowed) orare pro me ad Dominum Deum Nostrum.

P. Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam aeternam.
S. Amen.
(the server then lifts their head up from the bowed position)
P. Indulgentiam + (cross with the priest) absolutionem, et remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, tribuat nobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus. 
S. Amen.
P. Deus, tu conversus vivificabis nos..
Et plebs tua laetabitur in te.

P. Ostende nobis Domine, misericordiam tuam.
S. Et salutare tuum da nobis
P. Domine, exaudi orationem meam.
S. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

P. Dominus vobiscum.
S. Et cum spiritu tuo.
P. Oremus

P now will get up and approach the altar. If desired by P, the servers slightly lift his chausable as he goes up. The servers get up together, turn 90 degrees left or right to go to the center of the altar. They then stand next to each other and do a single genuflection. They turn towards their side of the altar, and proceed a couple of paces past their position from the foot of the altar. When they reach their spots, they kneel on both knees. See diagram here for movements: 

Figure 3. Post Prayers at the Foot of the Altar to Before the Kyrie

The Introit to the Gradual
P then does the introit prayer. Next the priest does the Kyrie with server responses:

P. Kyrie eleison. 
S. Kyrie eleison.
P. Kyrie eleison.
S. Christe eleison.
P. Christe eleison.
S. Christe eleison.
P. Kyrie eleison.
S. Kyrie eleison.
P. Kyrie eleison.

___  _   ___  __     ___   ____     ____  ___    ____  ___    ____  ___    ___   ___  

The Gloria
This portion of the Mass occurs on all Sundays except those in the penetential seasons (Lent and Advent) and REQUIEM MASSES. The priest will not say this if he is donned in black or violet. If at a High/Solemn Mass, the priest will intone "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" and then say the rest of the prayer while the choir sings it. The priest(s)/clergy will likely return to the sedilia and chairs  during the singing while waiting for completion.
In addition, depending on the feast day of the particular saint(s), or the Solemnity, you might hear the Gloria regardless of Mass level. Check the EF ORDO calendar to know if you will be doing a Gloria, and therefore the corresponding serving actions.
You will stay kneeling at your spots for this.

(The priest stands at the middle of the Altar, extends and then joins his hands, makes a slight bow and says:)

P. Gloria in excelsis Deo (slight bow). Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Laudamus te. Benedicimus te. Adoramus (slight bow) te. Glorificamus te. Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam. Domine Deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens. Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe (slight bow). Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris, Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram (slight bow). Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus. Tu solus Dominus. To solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe (slight bow). Cum Sancto Spiritu (+ sign of the cross with priests) in gloria Dei Patris. Amen.

____   ____   ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____   
P, Turning towards the people, says:

P. Dominus Vobiscum.
S. Et cum spiritu tuo. (said by everyone)
P. Oremus.

The Collect for the day is read. If there is more than one collect, then at the end of the FIRST and the LAST collect, the server(s) reply after each commemoration: 

P. Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
S. Amen

In a Low Mass, the servers remain at their places, kneeling. Upon seeing the priest look the way of the servers (to the left), OR more traditionally, the priest puts their left hand on the altar, the server(s) reply:
S. Deo Gratias

If one is serving during the Ember days, where multiple collects and epistles can be present, then the process of the collect and epistle/lessons repeats. The server will respond with Amen after the saecula saeculorum of the collect, and Deo Gratias after each epistle/Lesson

The Gradual to the Offertory
P now reads the gradual/alleluia prayer. When this happens, both servers get up. Ac1 stays standing in place with hands in orans position. Ac2, will get up, and proceed right. On reaching the center of the altar, Ac2 does a single genuflection. Ac2 then goes in front of Ac1 to the epistle side of the altar, standing just below the steps of the predella. He goes around the "long way." He waits here until P moves to the center of the altar.

Ac1 then takes the missal on its stand, and transfers the missal in a "V" pattern or "the short way. He goes diagonally down the epistle side to the center of the altar below the steps of the predella, does a single genuflection, and then proceeds up the steps of the predella diagonally to the Gospel side of the altar. He then places the missal on its stand, on the altar, slightly diagonally but open to face the priest. The server then turns to the left to get off the predells steps, and will stand at the foot of the predella, next to the missal, facing P. See this diagram for the steps involved

Figure 4. Ac2 Transferring the Missal at the Gospel. Note in Each of my Figures, the Cross at the center, means the server(s) genuflect(s).

P will then go to the Missal. Upon reaching it, the P and servers do the responses at the Gospel:
P. Dominus vobiscum.
S. Et cum spiritu tuo.
P. Sequentia (or Initium) sancti Evangelii secundum N. (everyone crosses their head, lips, and heart, while the left hand is flat and open upon one`s chest)
S. Gloria tibi, Domine.

The Gospel is read. Ac2, will then wait for P to say the name of Jesus in the Gospel. Most gospels have "In illo tempore Iesu dixit" (At the time, Jesus says). At the name of Christ, Ac2 bows and then goes back to his spot the long way. If the name of Jesus is not said, Ac2 then bows slightly and leaves immediately as the Gospel starts being read in Latin, and returns to his spot the long way.

After the gospel, the reply is said by the servers, as the priest lifts the Missal:
S. Laus Tibi Christe

Both servers then come together at the center of the altar (like the first steps in Pic ), do a single genuflection, and will either process to the choir pews to stand and sit for the vernacular (English) Scripture readings and homily, OR in some parishes, the servers might remain kneeling for the Gospel and homily.

After the homily, the servers process back to their kneeling spots, but not before the do a single genuflection at the altar together.

Should the Credo be said on that day (check the EF Ordo if it is a weekday or Saturday day Mass), then the servers do the following actions:

The servers slightly bow at "Deum", slightly bow during the "Dominum Jesum Christum," and Everyone kneels at "Et incarnatus est ... Homo factus est." When this is said, the servers at the foot of the Altar will moderately bow as they are kneeling. After this the servers slightly bow at `Simul adoratur.`` All people in the Mass will cross themselves with the priest at ``Et vitam``The responses for the servers after this are:

P. Dominus vobiscum.
S. Et cum spiritu tuo.
P. Oremus. (Servers slightly bow their head)

The Holy Mass: The Mass of the Canons (Offertory To Post-Communion Ablutions)

The Offertory
At this point P will begin the preparations for the offertory. He will say the offertory verse. In some parishes/groups, a bell might be rung once (as indicated in the popular "red missalette" from the Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei.)

Regardless of the bell or not, both acolytes get up. Ac1 will go straight up from his spot to the right side of the main altar to help P fold the chalice veil:

Figure 5: Ac1 goes to Altar to Fold Chalice Veil While Ac2 Genuflects and Goes to Credence Table

The chalice veil is folded up into a "Zig Zag" pattern as shown here:
Figure 6. Folding the Chalice Veil on the Altar as Ac1

The veil will be left slightly over the right side of the altar, in the upper right corner, near the "Lavabo" altar card. Meanwhile, Ac2 will do a single genuflection at the center, then proceed to the credence table. Ac1 will also approach the credence table after folding the chalice veil.

At the credence table, traditionally, Ac1 will take the wine cruet from the table, while Ac2 takes the water cruet. This is what should happen. (However, should a server be in the wrong spot, or take the wrong cruet by accident, then both servers should proceed with whatever cruet they have in hand, as long as the wine is presented first to the priest.) Both servers wait patiently for the priest to approach the right side of the altar. Before they approach, they bow slightly with their heads, then come forth.
Ideally, this is what should happen pictorially:

Figure 7: Offertory Approach to Altar with Water and Wine.

Because the servers are giving the cruets to the priests, they then act with the usual solita oscula (the usual kisses). That is before they give the cruet to the priest, they kiss them before the hand over. Also, they are to be GIVEN ONLY with your RIGHT hand. Ac1 first kisses his cruet and gives it, handle facing the priest, to P. After the priest pours the wine into the Chalice, P gives it back to Ac1. Ac1 RECEIVES the wine cruet with his LEFT hand, and kisses the cruet. Ac2 is to kiss the cruet and present it to P with his right hand. P will bless the water with the sign of the cross and a prayer, and then takes it from Ac2. Ac2 also kisses the water cruet upon receiving it back from P, in Ac2's left hand. Both servers then do a head bow, and proceed back tot the credence table.

Next will be the first ablution. Ac2, being the water bearer, will then take the lavabo bowl or dish in his left hand, and keep his water cruet in his right. Ac1 might need to help Ac2 with this. Meanwhile, Ac1 takes the finger towel, unfolds it, but keeps it between his hands in the orans prayer position. (alternatively, the priest might be okay with the towel being draped over one's left arm like a butler like after the lavabo.) Both servers wait for P to return to the epistle side of the altar after raising his eyes and hands to say the Veni, Sancificator prayer. They do a head bow, and then approach the epistle side of the altar. Ac2 with the water, pours it over the fingers of the priest in a dignified manner. Ensure that the water bowl is at waist height of the priest, or slightly lower when pouring.
Ac1 then unfolds the finger towel and hands it to the priest. When finished, Ac1 presents his left arm straight across his lower chest to above the abdomen, for the priest to lay the finger towel over. Both servers then bow slightly with the head, and place their items back on the credence table.

The servers will now return to their kneeling spots prior to the offertory. If the bell is NOT placed prior to Mass at Ac1's position, then Ac1 should get the bell from the credence table and bring it to his spot. The servers are to stand side by side when they reach the center of the altar, do a single genuflection, and then turn and take a couple of steps to get back to their kneeling spots on either side of the altar. They kneel.

Post-1st Ablution to Before the Consecration
As soon as the servers get to their spots and kneel, Father will get to, or have begun to say the "Orate Frates" prayer. The servers must pay careful attention to this prayer, as after P says "Deum Patrem omnipotentem" in a lower voice, they will respond as such:

S. Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui, ad utilitatem quoque nostram, totiusque Ecclesiae suae sanctae.
P. Amen.

The priest will then say the secret prayer. Afterwords, there will be another round of reply and answer with P:

P: Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
S. Amen. 
P Dominus Vobiscum
S. Et cum spiritu tuo.
P. Sursum corda.
S. Habemus ad Dominum. 
P. Gratias agamus Domino Deo (slight bow by servers) nostro.
S. Dignum et justum est. 

It would be highly advised at this point, that Ac1 should pick up the bells to prepare for the ringing of them at the Sanctus.

P then says the "Vere Dignum ..." prayer. After the last sentence, where he says "... quotidie, una voce dicentes", Ac1 is then to ring the bell each time (3x in total) when the priest says "Sanctus." When the priest says "Hosanna in excelsis" you will cross yourself with the Priest.

Note: For Ac1, something that they might choose to do is to hold the bells from this point forward until after they are needed at their last point in the Mass, the Domine Non Sum Dignus. They would have to keep their left hand on their breast while doing so. While this allows for a possible reduction in noise (from picking it up and putting it down multiple times), it does not allow for one to make some of the gestures in Mass, like the Sign of the Cross, and doing things not like Ac2 might look ridiculous. Please ask your priest/group what they prefer Ac1 does before Mass.

The Consecration
Now is the most critical part of the Mass, where the substances of Bread and Wine undergo transubstantiation to become the Body and Blood of Christ.

The priest will go through the prayers of the Canon before consecration. Ac1 must pay attention
once he gets to his place. He will need to ring the bells at the Hanc Igitur. That prayer will be said as soon as P spreads his hands over the chalice, palm down and flat. Ac1 rings the bell once at this point.

After the Hanc Igitur, Ac1 with bell in hand, and Ac2, get up, come together and do a single genuflection at the center of the altar. They then proceed to kneel on the altar step, before P, at his left and right. The acolytes will be right next to P. This diagram will show the movements:

Figure 8: Acolytes Movements to be at P's side for Consecrations.

Both servers should now be next to the sides of the priest, on the step below the main altar. P will then begin the words of the consecration. The servers should pay attention, as they will be shortly needed after he whispers the words of consecration of the bread: ``Hoc Est enim corpus meum.`` After, the priest will genuflect. Ac1 rings the bell once at P`s genuflection. Both servers will do a head bow. P will then lift the Eucharist above his head. As he is lifting up the chalice, both servers are to grab the corners of his chausable hem, and lift it up. Ac1 does a single ringing of the bells, graciously (not violently!), three times. As P lowers the Eucharist, the servers will lower the hem of P`s chausable. P will then genuflect again. Ac1 does a single bell ring again. The servers are to bow their heads slightly again.

The same process repeats for the wine that is consecrated to the Sacred Blood of Christ, except that the words the servers must pay attention to are `` .... Haec quotiescumque feceritis, in mei memoriam facietis.`` The servers are then to repeat what they did above, for the consecration of the Blood: the head bowing at each genuflection, the lifting of the chausable hem on each side, and Ac1 To do the three single rings of the bells when the Chalice is elevated, plus a bell ring for each genuflection P does.

The servers now do the reverse of what they did in Figure 7: The get up, they come down sideways from the steps of the predella (no turning your back to the tabernacle!), genuflect facing the center of the altar (or tabernacle if centered), then turn left or right and go back to their initial kneeling spots at the first step of the predella.

Post Consecration to Communion
P now makes a number of prayers after the consecration. One prayer will be the "Nobis Quoque Peccatoribus" prayer, of which those three initial words will be said aloud to the laity. The servers should pay attention at this point, as they will be needed for more responses.

OPTIONAL: Depending on your parish/group/MC/priest, you might ring the bell at the "minor elevation". This comes after the Nobis ... prayer. P will uncover the Chalice and genuflect. He will then elevate the chalice with the host above it, just a bit above the altar. Ac1 rings the bell once.

After P crosses the Chalice 5 times, and then replaces the Sacred Host and covers the Chalice, he'll genuflect and say:

P. Per omnia saecula saeculorum.            
S. Amen

From this point forward, I am calling the two lines above the ``POSS-Amen`` response. P will then say Oremus (slight head bow by servers), say one prayer, and then P will say the Pater Noster (Our Father) in Latin. At the sentence ``Et ne nos inducas in tentationem``, the servers reply:

S. Sed libera nos a malo.
P. Amen

P will say the Libera Nos, and a couple of other prayers, breaking off a particle from the divided Host. At the breaking of this particle and a prayer, the servers will do another POSS-Amen response. Now P will make the Sign of the Cross with a Eucharistic particle over the Chalice saying a prayer, to which the servers make a reply:

P: Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
S. Et cum spiritu tuo.

I mention that the reply is Et Cum Spiritu tuo, but P DOES NOT say ``Dominus vobiscum``. This might throw you off as this is not the usual dictum of the priest for your reply. So be cautious of this anomaly, as it is the only time in the Mass the response does not come after the usual Dominus Vobiscum.

Continuing on, P will then say another prayer, then cover the Chalice and genuflect. P then bows down and strikes his breast, saying the Agnus Dei. The servers will do a head bow the whole time he says this. Some more prayers will be said, then P will take the host and says another prayer, but will then say the Domine Non Sum Dignus prayer three times. Each time the priest says D.N.S.D in the prayer, Ac1 rings the bell once.

After a couple more prayers, P will consume the Eucharist. Two possible options happen here at this point, for the acolytes to come up to the altar for communion:

1) Ac1 and Ac2 do as they did in Fig 7 with one key exception: Ac1 will need to either leave the bells or bring them to the credence table, and get the paten. Ac1 will get the Paten and stand beside Ac2 at the center of the Altar below the predella, genuflect, and then both proceed as in figure 7 to their places next to P before P`s step.

2) Ac1 gets the paten early. He returns to his kneeling spot until P has consumed the Precious Blood. Then the servers do exactly as they did in Figure 7. See this Figure:

Figure 9: Proceeding to the Altar for Servers' Communion. 1) Ac1 goes and gets paten from the credence table and goes back to his kneeling spot. 2) Both servers get up, go to the center of the Sanctuary and genuflect. 3) The servers go to the step before the Altar platform and kneel to receive Communion.
Not always, but in most parishes/groups, both Ac1 and Ac2 now do a Confiteor a second time. They will do a moderate bow when they say it a second time. P then turns toward the people with the "Ecce Agnus Dei" prayer. The priest again says the D.N.S.D. prayer (or possibly the altar servers too). After, each server takes communion on the tongue, holding the paten in their right hand under their chin with left hand on their chest. They do not say AMEN like the Novus Ordo after receiving. Ac1 will pass the paten to Ac2 after receiving. Ac1 will then retreat back to his kneeling spot before coming up.

Ac2 though, will then follow P for giving communion to the laity. P starts at the Epistle side altar rail/pew.etc. where the laity line up for communion. Ac2 with paten stands to the priest's right and puts the paten under the chin of each communicant (but not touching the chin). When P and Ac2 are finished with the epistle side, Ac2 walks forwards to the end of the Gospel side receiving area, closest to the wall of the Church. Ac2 will then turn around, and P and Ac2 will proceed back towards the center of the Altar while P gives communion to the faithful.

Post Communion to the Ablutions
After the last person has received communion, the priest might at this point take the paten from you. Let the priest take it, do not do anything with the paten, as you might drop particles of Jesus in the Eucharist on the paten! That's a big no no! Once this happens, Ac2 then returns to his kneeling spot at the first step of the predella. The paten will be returned to the servers on the altar upon coming up with the cruets.

If the priest does not take the paten immediately from Ac2, then he will walk up with P to the altar, place it on the altar table (Epistle side), and then return to the lowest step of the Epistle side. If P returns the paten to Ac2, he will place it on the credence table when he goes for the wine and water cruets with Ac1. If P does not return the Communion paten to Ac2, one of the acolytes will pick it up from the altar table after bringing the cruets and place the paten on the table (40, How to Serve Low Mass and Benediction)

More likely, the first scenario will happen. After handing over the paten, in this case, Ac2 returns to his kneeling spot at the Gospel side of the altar. Once the priest returns the unused hosts to the tabernacle and close it, both servers come together at the center of the altar, genuflect, and then proceed to the credence table. Usually, Ac1 will take the wine, while Ac2 takes the water. P stays at the center of the altar, and extends the Chalice out to your direction with his right hand. This is your cue to bow slightly, then proceed forward to the epistle side of the altar. Ac1 is to pour a small quantity of wine into the Chalice, but not touch the cruet to the rim of the chalice. You are to stop when P raises the chalice a bit. Also, no kisses are made as you are not giving an item to the priest. Ac1 bows, and steps back a bit, waiting next to Ac2.

P will then swish the liquid into the chalice to wash whatever leftover Blood and Body of Christ remains. P drinks it and says the Quod ore sumpsimus prayer. Then he will turn to you, with his fingers pinched over the center of the Chalice (or a smaller ciborium/sacred vessel). Ac1 is to pour a small quantity of wine over P's fingers, straight down over the tips of his fingers, without sloshing it all over. Ac2 then pours water over P's fingers. You can move the water flow a bit over some of P's fingers, but do not go crazy. P will rub his fingers together with the water, then will raise the vessel a bit turn back to the middle of the altar. Both servers will then slightly bow, and return to the credence table. Also, the communion paten will return to you at this point, and one of the servers should take it from the main altar back to the credence table too. Both acolytes then proceed back to the center of the altar below the lowest step of the predella, and do a single genuflection.

Now comes a part requiring some practice and skill in the 2-server Mass. Figure 10 below will show the movements here. Once the servers have genuflected, Ac2 will go in front of Ac1, and go around the predella the long way to the Gospel side of the altar, where the Missal is. Ac1 will do the same but on the Epistle side of the altar, in order to get to the folded Chalice veil. Ac1 takes this veil from the Altar, while Ac2 takes the missal on the bookstand. They come down the short way in a ``V`` pattern from their sides, like when Ac2 transferred the missal at the Gospel.  They meet at the center of the altar below the predella, and genuflect.

Then Ac2 will go up to the right side of the altar, and place the missal back where it was pre-Gospel. It is to be laid horizontally, or straight, for P to read. After doing so, Ac2 will descend down the epistle side steps of the predella, be at the spot on the same plane as the altar below the last step of the predella, and then turn back and face the priest with his hands still in the orans position.

Ac1 will go behind Ac2, but go up the short way with the chalice veil in hand. Now, things will depend on your priest. Some priests will take the veil first from you, and then the burse, and re-assemble the Chalice. Others, will require the burse first, (you might open it for the priest to put the corporal in, or just hand it over,) which will necessitate Ac1 to lower the veil onto the altar, then give P the burse, and then the chalice veil folded/unfolded. Please ask your parish/P/instructor what to do.
Figure 10A: First Steps of Post-Ablution Server Duties: 1) Both servers meet at the center of the Sanctuary to genuflect. 2) Ac1 goes to the Epistle side of the Altar the "long Way" in a "L" pattern to where the Chalice Veil is, and takes it. Ac2 does the same at the Gospel side of the Altar to take the Missal.
Regardless, Ac1 afterwards, descends the predella steps too, and will turn to face P on the same plane as the altar with hands in orans position. Once the chalice is finished and built, Ac1 and Ac2 will then slightly bow, then go down back to the front of the altar the "long way" in a "L" pattern. If P desires to say the "Prayers after Low Mass" after everything, but does not have his own prayer card on the main altar, or you have been instructed to leave one on the credence table, Ac1 then gets the card and brings it with him as he comes down. The acolytes come together at the center of the altar, genuflect, then Ac1 goes behind Ac2, to return to his kneeling spot at the epistle side. Ac2 goes in front of Ac1 to get to his spot at the Gospel side. Ac1 will lay the Low Mass prayers card at his side if he has to bring it with him. See the figure below:

Figure 10B: Remaining Duties Post-Ablution: 3) The servers go down the predella steps the ``Short Way`` in a ``V`` pattern to the center of the Sanctuary and genuflect. 4) With both servers doing the V pattern, Ac2 goes ahead of Ac1, up the Epistle side of the altar to deposit the Missal on the altar. He then goes down the Epistle side of the altar, and waits for Ac1 to finish his duties, facing the priest with hands in orans position. Ac1 goes behind Ac2, and goes up the predella steps and assists the priest in ``building the chalice`` in the order P sees fit. Once done, he descends the predella steps on the left side of the altar, turns and face P, and Ac1 and Ac2 do a slight bow. 5) The servers process back to the center of the Sanctuary the ``Long Way``, and genuflect, then go back to their kneeling positions During the First half of the Mass. Ac2 goes in front of Ac1 when getting back to his spot. Ac1 goes behind Ac2.
Post Communion to Exit from the Sanctuary
P now reads the communion antiphon. He will return to the middle of the altar and another POSS-Amen response between P and servers happens again, as well as P saying Oremus (servers do slight head bow). P will then return to the missal for the post communions. The ending to all postcommunion prayers, end in Latin with the POSS-Amen response between P and servers.

P goes to the middle of the altar, kisses it, and then turns to the people and says aloud,

P. Dominus vobiscum.
S. Et cum spiritu tuo.

After this,

1) What P says and your reply in a Normal Low Mass are:

P. Ite, Missa est.
S. Deo gratias.
_____   ________   _______   ________    ________   ________   _______  _____    ______  ___
2) If the Gloria is omitted, the priest faces the Altar and says aloud, 
P: Benedicamus Domino 
S: Deo Gratias.
_____    ________    ______    ________     ________      ________     _______    ____     ______
P: Requiescant in pace.
S: Amen. 
_____    ________    ______     _______    _______     _______    _______     _________    _____
*** I will cover the Requiem Low Mass in another post in full. This is just here to show that there are more than one option for the Low Mass response.

P will then say silently the Placeat Tibi ... prayer, kiss the altar, and then give the Final blessing. During ... pater et Filius, et spiritus sanctus, make the sign of the cross with the priest. You also respond, amen.

Now P will go to the Gospel side of the altar to read the Last Gospel. The servers will stand. Ac2 will face directly ahead at P. Ac1 either looks directly ahead, or will slightly turn towards P/the Gospel card. P and the acolyte then give the same responses as before with the Mass's primary Gospel:

P. Dominus vobiscum.
S. Et cum spiritu tuo.
P. Sequentia (or Initium) sancti (everyone crosses their head, lips, and heart, while the left hand is flat and open upon one`s chest) Evangelii secundum N. (E.G. Ioannem - John)
S. Gloria tibi, Domine.

The servers will then stand straight with hands in orans position. At the mention of this line: Et Verbum Caro Factum Est, all people including the servers will genuflect. At the end of the Gospel, of which the last line is: "... plenum gratiae et veritatis", the servers reply "Deo Gratias". both servers will then proceed to the center of the altar, just giving enough space for P to come down beside them.

Should the Leonine prayer NOT be said, Ac1 is then at the moment he gets up, allowed to get the biretta from the sedilia or Gospel side area. He will return to his spot with it. Do not forget your carrying rules: biretta in the right hand with the left prong of the triad between your fingers, left hand flat across your chest. More likely, though, the following below will happen ....

Should these prayers be desired, and Ac1 had to bring the Low Mass prayers card with him, he will pick it up and have it between his "orans hands", ready for P. P will then come down beside the two servers, and all will kneel together for the Leonine (Leo XIII) Prayers OR "Prayers after Low Mass." Ac1 will then hand over his card to P for reading in either English or Latin.

The Leonine prayers are as follows:
_____    ________    ______    ________     ________      ________     _______    ____     ______
The Prayers after the Low Mass
Ave Maria
P: Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
R: Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. (three times)

Salve Regina
Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae. Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. Ad te Suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eja ergo, Advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria.
P: Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix.
R: Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

P: Oremus. Deus refugium nostrum et virtus, populum ad te clamantem propitius respice; et intercedente gloriosa et immaculata Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria, cum beato Josepho ejus Sponso, ac beatis Apostolis tuis Petro et Paulo, et omnibus Sanctis, quas pro conversione peccatorum, pro libertate et exaltatione sanctae Matris Ecclesiae, preces effundimus, misericors et benignus exaudi. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. 
R: Amen.

Sancte Michael 
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.

P: Cor Jesu sacratissimum, 

R: Miserere nobis. (three times)

Hail Mary
P: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
R: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. three times)

Hail Holy Queen
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary.
P: Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R: That we be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

P: Let us pray. O God, our refuge and our strength, look down with favor upon Thy people who cry to Thee; and through the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of her spouse, blessed Joseph, of Thy holy apostles, Peter and Paul, and all the saints, mercifully and graciously hear the prayers which we pour forth to Thee for the conversion of sinners and for the liberty and exaltation of holy mother Church. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to St. Michael
St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. We humbly beseech God to command him. And do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the divine power thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Invocation after Mass
P: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
R: Have mercy on us! (three times)
_____    ________    ______    ________     ________      ________     _______    ____     ______

Now that the Leonine prayers have been said, P will get up and go get the Chalice. Ac1 then will use this opportunity to fetch the biretta, and return with it to his standing spot. Look above for how to handle the biretta, before the Leonine prayers.
______       ________         ________           _____________   ________     __________    _____

P will come down with the chalice, between the two servers, and turn around to face the altar. If you remain in the sanctuary (as the sacristy door is in the sanctuary), the last couple of actions will be done in the sanctuary. If your exit is outside the sanctuary (past the altar rails), P and servers will walk down past the altar rails and turn around to face the center altar. I will diagram this last example, as well as the last couple of steps below in figure 11.
P will then extend his right hand to Ac1 for the biretta. Ac1 kisses the flat side of the biretta, then P's hand, and gives the item to him. After P dons the biretta, all will turn in the direction of the Sacristy. Should the direction be at the Gospel side, Ac1 will pass P and Ac2, and process ahead to the front of the exit procession line. This will be shown in figure 10. If the door is at the Epistle side, then Ac2 is the one bypassing the others to the front of the line. It all depends on your parish's sanctuary and body. Here`s an example in figure 11:

Figure 11: Exit Processions if Door to Sacristy is on the Gospel Side. (This is the setup for the Exit Procession at St. Lawrence the Martyr in Scarborough, ON, CAN)

The Mass is ended. Once the servers and P are in the sacristy, the servers kneel down in front of the crucifix and P gives the final prayer to them. Once done, they then proceed to take down the altar.

Brief Differences Between the One server and the Two server Mass (Adapted From How to Serve Low Mass and Benediction Back page)

Part of the Latin Mass
Single Server
Ac1/Epistle Side Acolyte
Ac2/Gospel Side Acolyte
At the Beginning of Mass
Receives biretta
Receives biretta
At the Epistle
Transfers the Missal
Transfers the Missal
At the Offertory
Presents the Wine AND water
Presents the wine
Presents the water
At the Lavabo
Washes priest’s hands and presents towel
Presents the towel
Washes priest’s hands
At the Sanctus
Rings bell for each sanctus
Rings bell for each sanctus
At the Hanc Igitur
Rings the bell
Rings the bell
At the Major Elevation
Rings the bell 3x and lifts center of P`s chausable
Rings the bell 3x and Lifts P`s chausable by right corner
Lift`s P`s chausable by left corner
At the minor elevation
Rings the bell
Rings the bell
At P`s the Domine Non Sum Dignus
Rings bell for each D.N.S.D.
Rings bell for each D.N.S.D.
After the Priest’s Communion
Pours the wine
Pours the wine
Pours the water
At the Changing of the Missal
Transfers the Missal
Transfers the veil
Transfers the Missal
If Missal is to be Transferred for Last Gospel
Transfers the Missal
Transfers the Missal
At/After the Last Gospel
Brings biretta
Brings biretta
Works Cited
Mary Immaculate Queen Center. Handbook for Altar Servers. Mary Immaculate Queen: Spokane, Washington, USA. 2007.
Fortescue, A.; O'Connell, J.B.; and Reid, A. The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described. Fifteenth Edition Revised and updated in the light of Pope Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum. Burns and Oates: London, UK. 2009.
O`Brien, William. How to Serve Low Mass and Benediction. Angelus Press: Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A. 2011.